Strange Sounds - Bias and Credibility (original) (raw)
- Overall, we rate Strange Sounds as a right-biased conspiracy and pseudoscience source because it emphasizes speculative and alarmist content. We also rate it Very Low in factual reporting because it relies on unverified sources and lacks scientifically credible information, which can mislead readers seeking reliable news.
Detailed Report
Bias Rating: **RIGHT CONSPIRACY-PSEUDOSCIENCE (7.5)**Factual Reporting: VERY LOW (10.0)
Country: USA
Press Freedom Rank: MOSTLY FREE
Media Type: Website
Traffic/Popularity: Mimial Traffic
MBFC Credibility Rating: LOW CREDIBILITY
Strange Sounds is a website focusing on unusual phenomena, alternative news, and conspiracy theories. It covers a range of topics, including natural disasters, unexplained occurrences, environmental issues, and apocalyptic predictions. According to its about page “We are free but censored by Big Tech corporations. We have to follow the agenda and propaganda of corrupted governments. All alternative media are being squashed and hammered by this dictatorship. I hope I will survive this bleeding.”
Read our profile on the United States media and government.
Funded by / Ownership
Manuel Petitat independently owns Strange Sounds. Donations generate revenue.
Analysis / Bias
Strange Sounds exhibits a strong right-leaning and conspiratorial bias in its content. Articles often frame global events as signs of impending crises or conspiracies, appealing to survivalist and skeptical audiences. For instance, in Those lightnings actually look like missile strikes on a radar…, they claim that this is “Geoengineered WEATHER WARFARE at its best…”
Editorially, they strongly favor the right and Donald Trump with baseless claims of election fraud like this: Now this is a GREAT political conspiracy… and this 15 million Democrats this morning… which claims that Trump won the election in 2020 even though not all the votes were counted at the time of this writing in the 2024 election.
The site relies primarily on alternative news sources, personal interpretations, and minimal verification, often lacking mainstream or scientifically supported sources. Many articles amplify speculative claims and unverified reports, which may lack factual grounding. In general, this source primarily only publishes conspiracy theories or pseudoscience.
Failed Fact Checks
- They routinely promote conspiracy theories and pseudoscience.
Overall, we rate Strange Sounds as a right-biased conspiracy and pseudoscience source because it emphasizes speculative and alarmist content. We also rate it Very Low in factual reporting because it relies on unverified sources and lacks scientifically credible information, which can mislead readers seeking reliable news. (D. Van Zandt 11/18/2024)
Last Updated on November 18, 2024 by
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