TrialSite News - Bias and Credibility (original) (raw)

TrialSite News - Pseudoscience - Right Bias - Anit-Vaxx - Not credible or Reliable

Factual Reporting: Mixed - Not always Credible or Reliable

Sources in the Conspiracy-Pseudoscience category may publish unverifiable information that is not always supported by evidence. These sources may be untrustworthy for credible/verifiable information; therefore, fact-checking and further investigation is recommended on a per article basis when obtaining information from these sources. See all Conspiracy-Pseudoscience sources.

Detailed Report

Bias Rating: PSEUDOSCIENCE Factual Reporting: MIXED Country: USA Press Freedom Rating: MOSTLY FREE Media Type: Website Traffic/Popularity: Medium Traffic
MBFC Credibility Rating: LOW CREDIBILITY


Launched in 2018 by Daniel O’Connor, TrialSite News is a news and opinion website that reports on biomedical research and vaccines. According to their about page, “TrialSite’s mission is to drive awareness, introduce transparency, and facilitate engagement among people all over the world, from pharmaceutical professionals and academic researchers to regulators and healthcare professionals along with a wide array of the consuming public.”

Read our profile on the United States government and media.

Funded by / Ownership

TrialSite News claims that the owner and founder Daniel O’Connor funds the website with the aim “to create a new disruptive force in the world of biomedical research.” At this time, there does not appear to be a source of revenue.

Analysis / Bias

TrialSite News reports news and op-eds on Covid-19 treatments and vaccines. Some articles do not align with the consensus of science, such as this Old Lady Justice and the COVID-19 Pandemic. However, most articles published are both pro-science and properly sourced to research, such as this The Cancer Research Institute Awards over $28.5 Million to Support Immunotherapy Research.

While most content is credible, they have also published misinformation regarding Covid-19 and vaccines. For example, they claimed that “the ovaries get the highest concentration of [lipid nanoparticles from RNA vaccines]. This turns the ovaries into a very large manufacturing plant to turn out toxic spike protein.” Medical fact-checker Health Feedback determined that this was inaccurate, stating, “The biodistribution study found that the injection site retained the highest concentration of lipid nanoparticles, not the ovaries.”

Many articles use VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System) as a credible source. According to the VEARS website, “VAERS collects data on any adverse event following vaccination, be it coincidental or truly caused by a vaccine. The report of an adverse event to VAERS is not documentation that a vaccine caused the event.” In other words, VAERS cannot be used as a reliable source for documenting cause and effect from the Covid-19 vaccine. Finally, one of the doctors who serves as an advisor for the website Dr. Robert Malone, claims he is the inventor of the mRNA vaccines. This is not true. Furthermore, Dr. Malone has made misleading and false claims regarding Covid-19.

In general, TrialSite News reports a combination of credible pro-science information and pseudoscience when reporting on Covid-19 vaccines. Essentially, they are promoting anti-vaccine propaganda.

Failed Fact Checks

Overall, we rate TrialSite News a strong Pseudoscience source based on promoting misleading and false claims regarding Covid-19 vaccines. (D. Van Zandt 7/24/2021) Updated (01/23/2022)


Last Updated on July 1, 2023 by

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