TruNews - Bias and Credibility (original) (raw)
Sources in the Conspiracy-Pseudoscience category may publish unverifiable information that is not always supported by evidence. These sources may be untrustworthy for credible/verifiable information; therefore, fact-checking and further investigation is recommended on a per-article basis when obtaining information from these sources. See all Conspiracy-Pseudoscience sources.
- Overall, we rate TruNews an extreme right website that promotes hate, tinfoil hat conspiracies, and pseudoscience.
Detailed Report
Country: USA
Press Freedom Rating: MOSTLY FREE
Media Type: Website
Traffic/Popularity: Minimal Traffic
MBFC Credibility Rating: LOW CREDIBILITY
Founded in 1999, The TruNews radio program is hosted by Rick Wiles, a far-right Christian Fundamentalist. The associated website is Rick Wiles is a non-denominational senior pastor at Flowing Streams Church in Vero Beach, Florida, and a conspiracy theorist, radio host, and pundit. Rick Wiles claims to be the father of “citizen reporting.” According to their about page, “TruNews into an internationally recognized source of credible news and information in a world where nothing seems to make sense anymore.”
The website frequently promotes antisemitic and racist conspiracy theories and was granted press credentials by the former Trump administration. Finally, in 2020, Wiles urged President Trump to use “billions of hollow-point bullets” against Black Lives Matter protestors in Portland, Oregon, to put down the “insurrection.” He claimed the bullets were hoarded by President Obama “to round up Christians and constitutionalists under a potential President Hillary Clinton.”
Read our profile on the United States government and media.
Funded by / Ownership
TruNews is owned by Rick Wiles and is funded through donations and selling Rick Wiles books.
Analysis / Bias
In review, TruNews publishes far-right conservative news and opinions that use strongly loaded emotional language such as this COUNTDOWN TO CHAOS? NATIONAL GUARD TROOPS DEPLOYED TO U.S. CITIES FOR ELECTION VIOLENCE. This story is unsourced. A review of numerous stories indicates that all favor the right and frequently denigrate the left, such as this TRUNEWS PREDICTION: EXPECT PRESIDENT TRUMP VICTORY AND DEMOCRAT VIOLENCE.
The website and radio program frequently promote conspiracy theories aimed at Jews, Minorities, LGBTQ, and Immigrants. According to the Anti-Defamation League, “TruNews is a fundamentalist Christian streaming news and opinion platform that has increasingly featured anti-Semitic and anti-Zionist content, and also has a long record of disseminating radical Islamophobic and anti-LGBTQ messages.” Further, Rick Wiles has called Trump’s Impeachment a “Jew Coup.” In general, they are best classified as a hate group.
Regarding science, they minimize the impact of human-influenced climate change Unhinged Child Climate Champion Blasts World Leaders at UN General Assembly and promote creationism TRUNEWS’ RICK WILES REBUKES PAT ROBERTSON’S CRITICISM OF ALABAMA’S ABORTION LAW. Finally, they routinely published misinformation related to covid-19 and false 2020 election fraud disinformation. This is not a credible source on any level.
Failed Fact Checks
- Were hundreds of new Hillary Clinton emails published on the U.S. State Department’s website in recent days? – False
- See above
Overall, we rate TruNews an extreme right website that promotes hate, tinfoil hat conspiracies, and pseudoscience. (D. Van Zandt 11/27/2016) Updated (12/25/2022)