Meditation Dojo (original) (raw)

I started out writing this essay with the intention of describing what I have realized over the past few weeks. I find that things relating to the spiritual has always been about realizing it by one's own self. Without self-realization, one would only be spoon fed with the Truth and be like Malaysian Graduates who can't tell you much more than what they have studied.

I always thought that the Truth is likened with water, it is flows and fits in to the different containers at different time frames (the thing we call religion) and it takes a few Enlightened Beings (prophets) to point out to us and show us the liquid. Then again, man as always are beings who prefer to be ignorant or hide with whatever they have been spoon fed, thus they do not see the essence or the water but rather the container that is used to store the water. Once the Enlightened Being passes away, people took it to their own selfish means of contaminating the pure and adorning the container with jewels, diamonds and rare metals to glorify the gods that they think is real when the Truth has always been staring at them straight in the eye. Others took it on themselves to make a spiritual buffet and take whatever they like and ignore whatever they did not like or what they thought would not fit into the "mainstream community", still others preserved the bodies of these Enlightened Beings hoping that body, a mere speck of dust would offer them enlightenment without them working for it. Still others, stuck with their own old ways and accused the Enlightened Being of being blasphemous.

So what is this water anyway? The Exlir of Divine Life...The Holy Grail...Many references are made to the Essence but none would understand unless they look away from the vain outer expressions and take a closer look at the essence. For example, a church is but a building but what's inside the buiding that makes it the church. What's within each and every one of us is the divine. It has never been talismans and crytals and other modalities as those are merely tools of reaching the Divine. Sacred Scriptures does little but to describe the divine to the common man and to impart to them light but experiences are a different matter alltogather.
Describing something is very much different from experiencing it, for example describing how an apple tastes. The experience of eating the apple itself is different in every bite, much less with different people. The diversity in describing the same escatic feeling is in itself a miracle as it is like a mosaic of life that one being cannot experience it the same way as another.

From the begining, the "passion of God" has never been about deriving material benefits, nor about prophecies, nor about miracles, nor repaying a debt we owe to a certain person who has died for our sins and certainly not about gaining superpowers and special abilities. It has also never been the competition of prophets to see whose prophet is better or whose teachings are more sacred. In truth, they all speak one and the same Truth, just described in different ways. People have swayed far away from this and instead fancied themselves with dogmatic and systematic traditions and outward displays of faith and devotion to God.
God has never placed a name/title to anyone who believe in Him, we are all equal to Him...irrespective of religion, age, creed, belief system.

But what is the purest form of devotion?
How often do we actually pray?
How often do we truly think of God with no intention of our own benefits (like health, material needs, etc.)
How many of us would still love a God that is naked...a God without form...a God that would just offer salvation and the final piece of the missing puzzle in our lives?

Rather, the "passion of God" is returning to where we belong after experiencing all that there is to experience, retrograding back to the Source. Where we truly belong. Where there is an answer to everything. Where we feel complete. The essence that makes us all one. The common denomenator that resides in us all. Where we feel the sense of calm. Where motion is just disjointed moments of peace placed togather in perfect harmony. Returning to where we feel comfortable without worrying about the material and social environments. Where we can all live with just the shirts on our back.

Some religions hold close to their history and their culture. But they do not see that the main purpose of all this is just spreading of influence, rather than anything divine. Thing is, people use this as an excuse to segragate themselves without realizing that its all part of the same cake just a different slice. People pick on the small diferences but fail to see the larger masterpiece in what they believe in. The Essence of it all. The All in One and the One in All.