Thyroid Diseases (original) (raw)
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Your thyroid is a small, butterfly-shaped gland in the front of your neck. It makes hormones that control the way the body uses energy. These hormones affect nearly every organ in your body and control many of your body's most important functions. For example, they affect your breathing, heart rate, weight, digestion, and moods.
Thyroid diseases cause your thyroid to make either too much or too little of the hormones. Some of the different thyroid diseases include:
- Goiter, an enlargement of the thyroid gland
- Hyperthyroidism, which happens when your thyroid gland makes more thyroid hormones than your body needs
- Hypothyroidism, which happens when your thyroid gland does not make enough thyroid hormones
- Thyroid cancer
- Thyroid nodules, lumps in the thyroid gland
- Thyroiditis, swelling of the thyroid
To diagnose thyroid diseases, your health care provider may use a medical history, physical exam, and thyroid tests. In some cases, your provider may also do a biopsy.
Treatment depends on the problem, how severe it is, and what your symptoms are. Possible treatments may include medicines, radioiodine therapy, or thyroid surgery.
Dept. of Health and Human Services Office on Women's Health
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Thyroid and Parathyroid Hormones (Endocrine Society)
Thyroid Disease (Department of Health and Human Services, Office on Women's Health) Also in Spanish
Thyroid Disease (for Parents) (Nemours Foundation)
Complementary and Alternative Medicine in Thyroid Disease (CAM) (American Thyroid Association)
Older Therapies Aren't Necessarily Better for Thyroid Hormone Replacement (Food and Drug Administration) Also in Spanish
Thyroid Hormone Treatment (American Thyroid Association) Also in Spanish
Thyroid Surgery (American Thyroid Association) Also in Spanish
Thyroidectomy (Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research) Also in Spanish
Celiac Disease and Thyroid Conditions (Gluten Intolerance Group)
Pendred Syndrome
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Potassium Iodide (KI) (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)
Thyroid Nodules (Endocrine Society)
Thyroiditis (American Thyroid Association)
Thyroidectomy - series (Medical Encyclopedia) Also in Spanish
Postpartum Thyroiditis (American Thyroid Association) - PDF
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Older Patients and Thyroid Disease (American Thyroid Association)
Thyroid Problems (AGS Health in Aging Foundation)
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Fine needle aspiration of the thyroid (Medical Encyclopedia) Also in Spanish
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Subacute thyroiditis (Medical Encyclopedia) Also in Spanish
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Thyroid nodule (Medical Encyclopedia) Also in Spanish
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Thyroid Tests
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