Mediator Madness - Meg Cabot (original) (raw)

Exciting news for all you Mediator lovers (and even those of you not familiar with the series):

There’s a book trailer for Remembrance . . . the first ever book trailer in the Mediator series!

And it’s AMAZING (even if I do say so myself):


Okay, okay, I know it’s not quite as long as some of you might have wanted . . . but I think it’s perfect! Thanks so much to Janey (whose idea it was), the team at Harper, and my awesome friend Brady! He makes the best book trailers – he’s made all of mine! His little peek into Suze’s messy hectic life is just hilarious!

We’ve got less than a month until Remembrance is available everywhere (well, OK, US and Canada) but it’s already arrived at my house!

I FLIPPED OUT when SIX HUGE BOXES ended up on my porch and I opened them to find these inside:


That’s because Schuler’s Books is making the same offer this year for Remembrance that they did last year for Royal Wedding! If you’d like an autographed copy of Remembrance, you can click here to buy one!

Orders placed by Jan 25 ship the week of Feb 2, 2016 (day of the book release in stores and online). International shipping is available too!

So I’ll be spending the next week or so signing hundreds of these books – which is cool, since I actually joined a gym a few months ago, and have been lifting weights WITH A TRAINER in preparation for this. MY BODY IS READY!!! (I can lift twice the weight of the cat. Not that she’s too impressed – or happy – about this). In fact she wishes to be left alone.


Cat, pretending not to see me.

But that isn’t all that’s been going on. “Proposal” will be out NEXT WEEK!

Available January 16, 2016

Available January 19, 2016

For those of you who don’t know, “Proposal” is a 100 page e-novella I wrote that takes place about two years before the action in Remembrance. I wrote it because after I handed in “Remembrance,” my editor said:

“Love it! But I wish you’d shown the part where he proposes to her.”

I was like, “Ha ha! Yes, but the proposal took place years earlier between books 6 and 7 so showing it would have made the book a hundred pages longer and also the whole point is that Suze and Jesse are already engaged and planning their wedding and and and. . . .”

Which is writer speak for “D’oh! That’s genius! Why didn’t I think of that? Oh, no I’m going to have to go write another book now aren’t I? Why did you give me that idea that won’t leave me alone until I write it down???”

So I did.

“Proposal” is a little bonus book for readers who want to know how Suze and Jesse’s engagement came about (author’s note: it obviously involves all the elements that make a Mediator book what it is: ghosts, a murder, humor, horror, and romance. . . quite a bit of romance, since it takes place on Valentine’s Day).

You can find out more about it here (excerpt coming soon).

To find out more about Remembrance (and read an excerpt), click here:

I’m SUPER excited about the release of these books, and even more excited about about my Remembrance book tour which will be taking me all over the US this spring. Click here to find out if I’ll be visiting a library or bookstore near you!

In meantime, I know I promised a blog post about my favorite Books and Movies of 2015 – that will be coming soon!

Right after I watch this week’s Downton Abbey. I have to do SOMETHING while I sign all these books!


More later.

Much love,
