The Boy Is Back - Meg Cabot (original) (raw)

Can you believe summer is over? I can’t.

But I guess I’m glad if it means 2016 is going away.

Not that parts of it weren’t great. Remember how much fun we (okay, I) had when Remembrance came out? And Royal Wedding Disaster? And the Rio Olympics? And the Rizzoli and Isles finale?

I WILL MISS YOU RIZZOLI AND ISLES. At least we’ll still have the books.

But there is a lot of 2016 I am not going to miss. Such as, the election.

And now the cat has had a “neurological incident” from which she is still recovering (requiring her to use a litter box instead of the great outdoors—a skill which, like driving for me, she has yet to fully master).


Did you know cats could have strokes? I did not.

But, like humans, they can also recover from them, given time, patience, and lots of help (which she does not appreciate in the least, much like Sylvester Stallone in Creed).

So let’s hope for best.

In the meantime, here are still a few things we’re looking forward to (besides a Rizzoli and Isles reunion special):

One is the release of my newest book for adult readers, The Boy is Back, which will be out in the US on October 18, and available in the UK/NZ/AU November 17. (Check your local publisher for more publication dates!)


This is a brand new stand alone adult novel told ENTIRELY in texts, emails, journal entries, and even Amazon reviews (one character loves cats so much that she not only feeds all the strays in her neighborhood, she buys and sells ceramic cat figurines on Amazon. She would not find it ALL odd that we’ve currently spread blankets and towels all over our floors so the cat can walk more easily: hardwoods are slippery when you’re a cat that has had a stroke).

A scandal brings professional golfer Reed back home to the small town, challenging family, and first love he once left behind. Now Becky and Reed–and possibly the entire town of Bloomville–will never be the same, all because: The Boy is Back!

(Here is where I tried to find the photo I took of all the ARCs I received of this book, but I can’t find it. So just imagine it, and click here to enter a contest to win one.)

This book is as much about the enduring bond of families as it is about second chances at love. (<– Says my editor!)


Enduring bond of families

Check out what some readers have already said about The Boy is Back on Goodreads!

If you want an autographed copy of The Boy Is Back you can get one by ordering it from Schuler Books! (You should really do this because it took me FOUR DAYS to sign these! Don’t make me have done it for nothing!)

Orders received by 10/9 will ship on 10/18!

OR you can visit me on one of the stops I’ll be making during my Boy is Back book tour in October. I’ll be making stops in Indiana, Florida, Michigan, and Oklahoma. Check out my tour page for exact dates and locations!

What else is going on? A LOT.

There are new re-issues of The Princess Diaries in France, leading up to the release of Royal Wedding (and a secret surprise) in December!9782011713506fs

And From the Notebooks of a Middle School Princess has just come out in Brazil!


And don’t even get me started about how amazing the Brazilian cover of Remembrance (Mediator 7) is:


There are a LOT of other things going on, but I want to keep them hush-hush for now. We’re trying to take things one step at a time. Otherwise we might get ahead of ourselves and fall into the water bowl.

It is enough to know that we can still find our comfy cat bed at the end of the day . . . even if our mom does accidentally keep leaving it next to the oven.


Hoping your fall is filled with delicious discoveries and plenty of naps.

More later.

Much love,
