Holidays 2018 (original) (raw)

It’s that time of year again! If you’re thinking “the holidays,” you’re almost right . . . .

Throw in “deadlines” and you get 100%!

I’m busy finishing up the manuscripts for books I have coming out next year (more on those below) but ALSO finishing (okay, starting) my holiday shopping. How about you? Have you, like me, not even started your holiday shopping yet?

If so, allow me to help. Here’s a super easy and practically FREE gift idea for the book lovers in your life:

Send a self-addressed stamped envelope (SASE) to my PO Box (address below), and I’ll return it to you filled with the autographed bookplates (indicate how many you’d like, and if you’d like them personalized), bookmarks and postcards pictured here (jewelry not included)!

(PS If you feel like you’ve seen this before, that’s because I posted it last year…and the year before…and the year before that. HEY IF SOMETHING WORKS DO NOT CHANGE IT AM I RIGHT???)

Send the SASE to:
Meg Cabot
P.O. Box 4904
Key West, FL 33041-4904

Send your SASE now (RIGHT NOW) so it can be sent back to you in time for the holidays, and so that you can then give the enclosed items to your friends/loved ones!

If you want to be super fancy, I have also worked with Books and Books of Key West bookstore and Key West Island Books in the past to personalize actual books and get them to people, so I’m sure if you gave either of them a call, they would be okay with that, too.

For a guide on which of my books are appropriate for which age range, click here.

If you’re like me, you’re so late on your gift-giving that whatever you order now might have to be a New Year’s Gift. THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH THIS! Since most of us can agree that 2018 has been kind of on the crappy side, honoring the birth of 2019 with gifts seems TOTALLY appropriate to me.

(Some of you may have noticed that I truly am literally copy/pasting this from 2017’s blog. That’s because LITERALLY NOTHING HAS CHANGED).

Except for one thing that has changed:

Look for an announcement in early 2019 about

brand new ADULT books written by me

and published by HarperCollins-

Coming in Summer 2019!

Yes! It is true! I’ve written some adult women’s contemporary fiction! Because in order for things to change, we have to BE the change!

Speaking of fun things, don’t forget to come see me, Danielle Paige, and many other authors including MARGARET ATWOOD at the Key West Literary Seminar this coming January 10-13. Although the actual seminar is sold out, there will be many fun programs (and signings) that are open and free to the public, including one that Danielle and I are doing called From Princesses to Supergirls!

As soon as that schedule is available, it will be posted here. So if you’re in SoFlo, COME SEE US!

Okay, well, here’s to hoping that you all have an amazing holiday season, a VERY happy New Year, and that the deadline elves come in the middle of the night and finish your manuscript for you PERFECTLY while you sleep! But if not, that you turn in your manuscript on time (or at least MOSTLY on time). PEACE AND JOY TO THE WORLD XOXOX

More later.

Much love,
