it is what it is (original) (raw)

Top Four Two-Parters (in order of favorites)
01. Empty Child/Doctor Dances
02. Under the Lake/Before the Flood
03. Impossible Astronaut/Day of the Moon
04. Human Nature/Family of Blood

Top Ten Single Episodes (in order of air-date)
01. Father's Day
02. Girl in the Fireplace
03. Blink
04. Midnight
05. Eleventh Hour
06. A Christmas Carol
07. Good Man Goes to War
08. God Complex
09. Asylum of the Daleks
10. Time Heist

Honorable Mentions (in order of air-date)
01. New Earth
02. Planet of the Dead
03. & 04. End of Time (Parts 1 and 2)
05. Amy's Choice
06. Vincent and the Doctor
07. & 08. Pandorica Opens/Big Bang
09. Closing Time
10. Rings of Akhatan

11:15-12:05 || English 201 :: British Literature I
12:20-1:10 || English 354 :: Creative Writing I

11:15-12:30 || English 300 :: Junior-Year Writing :: Caribbean Women Writers
2:30-3:20 || English 221 :: Shakespeare I

11:15-12:05 || English 201 :: British Literature I
12:20-1:10 || English 354 :: Creative Writing I

11:15-12:30 || English 300 :: Junior-Year Writing :: Caribbean Women Writers
2:30-3:20 || English 221 :: Shakespeare I
4:00-5:15 || English 491 :: Career Workshop

10:10-11:00 || English 221 :: Shakespeare I :: Discussion Section
11:15-12:05 || English 201 :: British Literature I
12:20-1:10 || English 354 :: Creative Writing I

Hoping to add a work schedule to that within the next couple of weeks. 'Cause that's a lot of free time. (I'm on campus from 8:30-5:15 every day.)

Only my Junior-Year Writing has posted a syllabus online, but if it's any indication of all my other classes I'm gonna be a busy bee. Off to start reading ahead, 'cause I'm a dangerously slow reader.

Birth Trust New Year's
Argument Love Apologies
Hurt/comfort Artists's Choice Laughter
No Hate Yes
Dark Light Death

Picspam Entries here (New Year's, Argument, Apologies, Yes)
Icon Entries here (Artist's Choice, Light, Dark)
Wallpaper Entries here (Birth, Trust, Love, Hurt/Comfort, Laughter, No, Hate, Death)

If you can't see this post, then you've been cut from my friends list. Please don't take it personally; it just means we haven't really talked in a while. If you want to be added again, feel free to comment here.