İzzettin Temiz | Mersin University (original) (raw)
Papers by İzzettin Temiz
Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE), which plays a key role in measuring the success of lean pr... more Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE), which plays a key role in measuring the success of lean production and TPM applications, is a very important parameter that determines the effectiveness of machines and facilities. In this study, calculation, evaluation, and maximization of OEE values are explained. TPM concept in Lean Production System is taken into account and the OEE values of moulding lines in a foundry factory are calculated. Furthermore, an OEE information system is developed to calculate the OEE values as well as generating the reports required. With this information system at hand, the reports can be presented to operators and managers, enabling them to make the correct decisions on time.
... arttıkça bu yaklasım pratik olmaktan çıkar. ... 2 153 [12] SG Ponnambalam, H. Jagannathan, M.... more ... arttıkça bu yaklasım pratik olmaktan çıkar. ... 2 153 [12] SG Ponnambalam, H. Jagannathan, M.Kataria, and A. Gadicherla, A TSP-GA multi-objective algorithm for flowshop scheduling, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 23 (2004), 909915. ...
Journal of Polytechnic, 2020
❖ Ekip eşleme probleminin farklı senaryolarla ele alınması / Handling the problem with different ... more ❖ Ekip eşleme probleminin farklı senaryolarla ele alınması / Handling the problem with different scenarios ❖ Yayılan uçuş gecikmelerinin modellenmesi / Modeling of propagated flight delays ❖ Gerçek gecikme verileri kullanılarak yapılan uygulama / Performing an application using real delay data ❖ İki amaçlı optimizasyon tabanlı yaklaşım / Bi-criteria optimization based approach
In the scope of the research, determination of preference criteria of yacht owners, applicability... more In the scope of the research, determination of preference criteria of yacht owners, applicability of the most suitable marina and selected methods to the marina selection problem were evaluated and findings obtained by different methods were compared and to what extent these methods contributed to the decision-making process and how consistent they were. In this study, the criteria of yacht owners to prefer marinas of our country are tried to be determined by using Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) which is one of the multi criteria decision making methods. Weight input values obtained by AHP were used in TOPSIS (Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution) and PROMETHEE methods, which are multi-criteria decision-making methods, to evaluate yacht owners to determine the most suitable marina alternative for themselves. As a result of the study, consistent and real-life results were obtained, it was concluded that AHP, TOPSIS and PROMETHEE methods could be used for d...
Deniz ticaretinin gelisimi uluslararasi deniz tasimaciligi, liman ve lojistik sektorundeki yenili... more Deniz ticaretinin gelisimi uluslararasi deniz tasimaciligi, liman ve lojistik sektorundeki yenilikler ve gelismelere uyum saglamak ile mumkundur. Limanlarin yeterli ulastirma altyapisinin uluslararasi ulasim aglari ile entegre edilmesi sektorun gelisimine onemli bir katki saglayacaktir. Transkafkasya Ulasim Kanali Koridoru da; genis hinterland alanlarina sahip, pazarlari birbirine baglayan, bolgesel alanda deniz ticaretinin gelismesine olumlu katkilar saglayabilecek bir koridor olarak gosterilmektedir. Samsun Limani, deniz ticaretine katki saglayan ve pazarlari birbirine baglayan genis bir hinterlanda sahip Transkafkasya Koridoru hatti uzerinde yer almaktadir. Samsun Limaninin orta ve uzun vadeli stratejik planlamasina yonelik, Transkafkasya koridoru icerisinde lojistik us pozisyonuna gelebilmesi ve uluslararasi piyasada surdurulebilir rekabet kosullarini yakalayabilmesi icin bilimsel calismalari iceren uzun donemli plan ve duzenlemelere ihtiyac vardir. Bu noktadan yola cikilarak ca...
The improvement of sea borne trade depends on adaptation of innovations and developments in marit... more The improvement of sea borne trade depends on adaptation of innovations and developments in maritime transport, port and logistic sectors. The integration of the ports with adequate transport infrastructure to international transport network will contribute the improvement the sector. The Samsun Port is located on Transcaucasia Transport Corridor which has wide hinterland interconnects the markets and contributes seaborne trade. It is required that long term plan and arrangements including scientific studies to reach a logistic center position in Transcaucasia. Transport Corridor and to provide sustainable competitiveness in international markets for medium term and long term strategic planning of Samsun Port. In this study, the productivity analysis of Samsun Port are conducted and required comments are put forward to increase the efficiency of the port services. The factors which effect performance of the ports are gathered and interrelated and level of importance of factors are ...
Dis ticarette atilan bircok adim etkisini cogu zaman orta ve uzun vadede gosterir. Bu nedenle ile... more Dis ticarette atilan bircok adim etkisini cogu zaman orta ve uzun vadede gosterir. Bu nedenle ileriye donuk planlar icin atilacak her adim simdiden dikkatle belirlenmelidir. Belirsizliklerle dolu bu surecin merkezinde ise gelecegi dogru bir bicimde tahmin etmek yatar. Bir girisimcinin iflasi veya bir isletmenin kapanmasi, toplumda yalniz bir bireyin zarari degil, ayni zamanda milli ekonominin de bir kaybidir. Bu nedenle guvenilir bir tahmin planlama surecinin dogrulugu icin zorunludur. Bu kapsamda, calismada, dis ticaret hacminin ulkelerin gelecegine yon veren ekonomik bir gosterge olmasi nedeniyle Turkiye Istatistik Kurumu’ndan edinilen ihracat verisi ile ileriye donuk Turkiye ihracat hacmi Holt-Winters ve Box-Jenkins teknikleri kullanilarak tahmin edilmis ve teknikler sunduklari sonuclar acisindan bircok degerlendirme kriteri altinda karsilastirilmistir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Uluslararasi Ticaret, Box-Jenkins, Holt-Winters Jel Kodlari: C22, O11 ABSTRACT Several steps taken in foreign...
Supply chain management philosophy has been adopted by enterprises due to the requirement of cust... more Supply chain management philosophy has been adopted by enterprises due to the requirement of customer demand satisfaction in reasonable times under market competition. In case of rapid increase in product demands and/or occurrence of supply problems in materials, enterprises choose holding some amount of safety stock of several materials and products. In this study, a multi-period, multi-product supply chain with different suppliers, material storages, production plants, distribution centers and customers is modeled. To determine the optimal production, supply and storage plans at minimum cost, a mixed-integer programming model is proposed. Capacity, bill-of-materials structure of products and placement of safety stocks are taken into account within the proposed model. Solutions of a set of examples are also presented in order to test the model.
The Strait of Canakkale, is connecting the Black Sea with the Aegean Sea and Mediterranean by the... more The Strait of Canakkale, is connecting the Black Sea with the Aegean Sea and Mediterranean by the Sea of Marmara is one the most important and risky straits in the world. Nearly 45.000 ships passed through Canakkale in 2017. Canakkale Strait contains high risks for marine accidents such as grounding and collision due to intense marine traffic. In the study, the marine accidents that occurred in the Strait of Canakkale for 2001- 2015 have been analysed by using frequency distribution and Chi Square Test. The main findings of the study are as follows: The most accidents occurred between September and November; the most accidents occurred in the hours between 24:00–04:00; grounding/stranding was the most common accident type, respectively collision to occur in the Strait of Canakkale;dry bulk ships were involved in the most accident, respectively cargo ships; the ships with a gross tonnage of less than 3,000 gross tonage and Turkish Flag vessels were those most involved in accident, hu...
Uretim planlama problemlerinin cogu karar vericinin herhangi bir karari vermeden once birden fazl... more Uretim planlama problemlerinin cogu karar vericinin herhangi bir karari vermeden once birden fazla kriteridusunmesini gerektirirken, cizelgeleme alaninda yapilan calismalarin pek cogunda sadece bir kriter elealinmistir. Bu makalede gunumuz imalat sistemlerinde buyuk oneme sahip m-makineli akis tipi cizelgelemeprobleminde islem zamanlari ve teslim tarihleri gibi zaman parametrelerinin belirsiz oldugu durum ele alinarakuretim tamamlanma zamani, maksimum gecikme ve toplam akis zamani amaclarini es zamanli eniyileyengenetik algoritma temelli cok amacli bir yaklasim gelistirilmistir. Gelistirilen bulanik is ve teslim zamanli cokamacli genetik algoritma sonucunda amac degerlerinin uyelik fonksiyonlariyla ifade edildigi etkin cozumler eldeedilmektedir. Gelistirilen algoritmanin etkinligi kucuk boyutlu problemler kullanilarak gosterilmistir. Genetikalgoritmanin en iyi parametre degerleri faktoriyel deney tasarimi ile belirlenmistir. Algoritmanin orta ve buyukboyutlardaki problemler icin mak...
Mersin University Journal of Maritime Faculty, 2020
In recent years, Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) technique has been used quite frequently in dete... more In recent years, Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) technique has been used quite frequently in determining container terminal efficiency. When the studies reviewed, conducted on the subject in the recent past, it is seen that the details such as the parameter on which the activity model focuses, sample selection, sample size and input-output selection have not yet been clarified enough, additionally, problems and confusion are encountered in practice. In this study, a critical analysis was carried out regarding the determinations in the use of the DEA technique, which is frequently used in the measurement of container terminal efficiency, and on which issues should be considered in order to establish the model better. In the consequences of the study, it was seen that data accessibility was an obstacle to reaching more robust results in efficiency analysis. It is very important to make evaluations between ports that are close to each other in terms of regional or infrastructure, demand and technological development in order to obtain more reliable and consistent results. Moreover, future studies should consider reliable inputs such as the number of equipment in the terminal that divided by two group, the terminal area, maximum depth, pier length.
Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, 2015
ABSTRACT Evaluation of service quality of public hospitals has been largely ignored by health car... more ABSTRACT Evaluation of service quality of public hospitals has been largely ignored by health care providers although it is vital for human life. For this, some regulations are being done by Turkish Ministry of Health to improve service quality. One of them is to construct quality teams for hospitals. The other is classification of hospitals into five groups based on their service quality and government provides promotion to hospitals based on this classifications. However, the current classification procedure is not based on an analytical method. Therefore, in the scope of this paper, service quality index has been developed in order to present a scientific basis for classification of hospitals by using multiple criteria decision making tools with respect to existing parameters in the literature. In the scope of this study, service quality parameters are determined and importance degrees of them are obtained by using analytic hierarchy process in terms of service providers and patients. Then, a formulation has been provided to obtain service quality index (SQI) for hospitals. A case study for public hospitals is presented to test applicability of the proposed method.
Highlights • Goal programming model for productiondistribution planning • Optimization of product... more Highlights • Goal programming model for productiondistribution planning • Optimization of production and distribution decisions by considering profit and emission. • Integration of lead times into supply planning. • Bill-of-materials information included to the mathematical model. • Test of the proposed model by randomly generated test problems.
Buildings are responsible for 40% of the primary energy consumption in the world. Recent studies ... more Buildings are responsible for 40% of the primary energy consumption in the world. Recent studies have revealed that the energy efficiency and environmental impact of buildings are two very important criteria to consider during the process of building design for the future of our world. By considering the initial investment cost and its importance for investors, a problem with three objective functions has emerged with 16 building energy systems and 24 construction material alternatives. The aim of this work is to develop a methodology and software to solve multiobjective building optimization problems. Thus, two different software tools have been developed using MATLAB. The first tool, the Building Energy Consumption Calculation Program, is used to calculate the building's annual energy consumption according to the Turkish standard for thermal insulation requirements for buildings, initial investment costs, and CO 2 emissions. The second tool, the Building Energy Optimization Program, is a multiobjective optimization program that uses the NSGA-II genetic algorithm to minimize objectives. With the help of the programs in question, multiobjective optimization of a sample building has been conducted. The results demonstrate that the developed model and software tools are generic, feasible solutions that can be implemented in a reasonable timeframe; thus, they can be adapted to a large range of building optimization problems and will be useful for decision makers.
Alphanumeric Journal, 2017
Today, industrial activities are undoubtedly one of the most important parameters when it comes t... more Today, industrial activities are undoubtedly one of the most important parameters when it comes to the development of countries. In all areas of the industry, a large part of the mechanical work is carried out by electric motors. Because it is so widely used, there is a large market, a large customer base, and therefore a large number of electric motor manufacturers. Due to the high number of producers, customers should make a purchase decision when choosing an electric motor. In this study, a systematic approach to selection of asynchronous electric motor was tried to be made by using multi criteria decision making techniques. In this frame, the data were collected for one of the most commonly used asynchronous motor in the industry. This motor was selected randomly as 90 kW, 1500 rpm, B3 body type electric motor. The data are collected from three different companies' electric motors, which constitute a certain weight in the sector. The criteria for these different asynchronous motors were solved by TOPSIS, MOORA, VIKOR methods. With basic descriptions about these methods, the results of methods on asynchronous motor selection were compared. The opinions of the decision makers currently working in the sector together with the motor data were taken and the criterial weights were realized in this direction. As a result of comparison, TOPSIS and MOORA methods indicated that M3 electric motor is the best choice. The VIKOR method, in combination with the M3, also determined the M2 engine as the best choice. This is the result of VIKOR's involvement of the decision maker's intuitive weights in the process. TOPSIS and MOORA methods have yielded reliable results such as similar studies.
e-Journal of New World Sciences Academy, 2017
BĠNA TASARIM SÜRECĠNDE ENERJĠ VERĠMLĠLĠĞĠ OPTĠMĠZASYONU ĠÇĠN BĠR MODEL VE YAZILIM GELĠġTĠRĠLMESĠ:... more BĠNA TASARIM SÜRECĠNDE ENERJĠ VERĠMLĠLĠĞĠ OPTĠMĠZASYONU ĠÇĠN BĠR MODEL VE YAZILIM GELĠġTĠRĠLMESĠ: ANKARA'DA BĠR UYGULAMA ÖZ Binalar dünyada ve Ülkemizde tüketilen enerjinin yaklaşık %40'ından sorumludur. Enerjisinin büyük kısmını ithal eden bir ülke olarak binaların enerji tüketimi ve çevresel etkilerinin azaltılmasının çok önemli iki hedef olduğu açıktır. Bunlara ek olarak serbest piyasada büyük önem arz eden ilk yatırım maliyetinin göz önüne alınmasıyla, üç amaçlı ve standart bir binada kullanılan sistemleri kapsayan çok amaçlı bir bina optimizasyon problemi ortaya çıkmıştır. Çözümü oldukça zor olan söz konusu problem için, inşaat sürecinin başında, karar verici için yol gösterici olacak bir model ve iki yazılım geliştirilmiştir. Bina Enerji Tüketimi Hesaplama Programı (BETH) kullanıcı tarafından tanımlanan parametre ve değişkenlere göre binanın yıllık enerji tüketimi, ilk yatırım maliyeti ve yıllık CO 2 emisyonu değerini hesaplamaktadır. Bina Enerji Optimizasyon Programı (BEOP) ise çok amaçlı optimizasyon problemlerinin çözümünde kullanılan genetik algoritma temelli bir yazılımdır. Geliştirilen model ve yazılımlar örnek bir bina için uygulanmıştır. Sonuçlar model ve yazılımların kapsamlı ve değişik bina optimizasyon problemi için uygulanabilir olduğunu göstermiştir.
Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 2004
Scheduling is the allocation of resources over time to perform a collection of task. It is an imp... more Scheduling is the allocation of resources over time to perform a collection of task. It is an important subject of production and operations management area. For most of scheduling problems made so far, the processing times of each job on each machine and due dates have been assigned as a real number. However in the real world, information is often ambiguous or imprecise. In this paper fuzzy concept are applied to the¯ow shop scheduling problems. The branch-and-bound algorithm of Ignall and Schrage was modi®ed and rewritten for three-machine¯ow shop problems with fuzzy processing time. Fuzzy arithmetic on fuzzy numbers is used to determine the minimum completion time C max. Proposed algorithm gets a scheduling result with a membership function for the ®nal completion time. With this membership function determined, a wider point of view is provided for the manager about the optimal schedule.
Gazi University Journal of …, 2011
The purpose of this study is to avoid unnecessary stocking of Class I supply materials via proper... more The purpose of this study is to avoid unnecessary stocking of Class I supply materials via proper lot-sizing methods; to determine the level of stocks in food accountancy warehouses and to make appropriate stocking policies. The data that was used in this ...
Alphanumeric Journal, 2015
Despite the existing public and government measures for monitoring and controlling of air quality... more Despite the existing public and government measures for monitoring and controlling of air quality in Ankara, in many regions, air quality is not satisfactory. In this paper, PM10 data obtained from Monitoring and controlling of air quality station of Environment and Urban Ministry in Ankara-Sıhhiye. PM10 is a mixture of solid particles and liquid droplets suspended in the atmosphere, which is an abbreviation of particulate matter. This representation contains many pollutants, such as fossil fuels, waste and secondary aerosols, dust and smoke. PM10 leads to many health problems including asthma and premature death. Time series analysis was implemented to the PM10 data by using Box-Jenkins Methodology and the potential future value of PM10 was forecasted consequently in the future PM10 values will be as high as the past values in Sıhhiye, Ankara.
Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE), which plays a key role in measuring the success of lean pr... more Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE), which plays a key role in measuring the success of lean production and TPM applications, is a very important parameter that determines the effectiveness of machines and facilities. In this study, calculation, evaluation, and maximization of OEE values are explained. TPM concept in Lean Production System is taken into account and the OEE values of moulding lines in a foundry factory are calculated. Furthermore, an OEE information system is developed to calculate the OEE values as well as generating the reports required. With this information system at hand, the reports can be presented to operators and managers, enabling them to make the correct decisions on time.
... arttıkça bu yaklasım pratik olmaktan çıkar. ... 2 153 [12] SG Ponnambalam, H. Jagannathan, M.... more ... arttıkça bu yaklasım pratik olmaktan çıkar. ... 2 153 [12] SG Ponnambalam, H. Jagannathan, M.Kataria, and A. Gadicherla, A TSP-GA multi-objective algorithm for flowshop scheduling, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 23 (2004), 909915. ...
Journal of Polytechnic, 2020
❖ Ekip eşleme probleminin farklı senaryolarla ele alınması / Handling the problem with different ... more ❖ Ekip eşleme probleminin farklı senaryolarla ele alınması / Handling the problem with different scenarios ❖ Yayılan uçuş gecikmelerinin modellenmesi / Modeling of propagated flight delays ❖ Gerçek gecikme verileri kullanılarak yapılan uygulama / Performing an application using real delay data ❖ İki amaçlı optimizasyon tabanlı yaklaşım / Bi-criteria optimization based approach
In the scope of the research, determination of preference criteria of yacht owners, applicability... more In the scope of the research, determination of preference criteria of yacht owners, applicability of the most suitable marina and selected methods to the marina selection problem were evaluated and findings obtained by different methods were compared and to what extent these methods contributed to the decision-making process and how consistent they were. In this study, the criteria of yacht owners to prefer marinas of our country are tried to be determined by using Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) which is one of the multi criteria decision making methods. Weight input values obtained by AHP were used in TOPSIS (Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution) and PROMETHEE methods, which are multi-criteria decision-making methods, to evaluate yacht owners to determine the most suitable marina alternative for themselves. As a result of the study, consistent and real-life results were obtained, it was concluded that AHP, TOPSIS and PROMETHEE methods could be used for d...
Deniz ticaretinin gelisimi uluslararasi deniz tasimaciligi, liman ve lojistik sektorundeki yenili... more Deniz ticaretinin gelisimi uluslararasi deniz tasimaciligi, liman ve lojistik sektorundeki yenilikler ve gelismelere uyum saglamak ile mumkundur. Limanlarin yeterli ulastirma altyapisinin uluslararasi ulasim aglari ile entegre edilmesi sektorun gelisimine onemli bir katki saglayacaktir. Transkafkasya Ulasim Kanali Koridoru da; genis hinterland alanlarina sahip, pazarlari birbirine baglayan, bolgesel alanda deniz ticaretinin gelismesine olumlu katkilar saglayabilecek bir koridor olarak gosterilmektedir. Samsun Limani, deniz ticaretine katki saglayan ve pazarlari birbirine baglayan genis bir hinterlanda sahip Transkafkasya Koridoru hatti uzerinde yer almaktadir. Samsun Limaninin orta ve uzun vadeli stratejik planlamasina yonelik, Transkafkasya koridoru icerisinde lojistik us pozisyonuna gelebilmesi ve uluslararasi piyasada surdurulebilir rekabet kosullarini yakalayabilmesi icin bilimsel calismalari iceren uzun donemli plan ve duzenlemelere ihtiyac vardir. Bu noktadan yola cikilarak ca...
The improvement of sea borne trade depends on adaptation of innovations and developments in marit... more The improvement of sea borne trade depends on adaptation of innovations and developments in maritime transport, port and logistic sectors. The integration of the ports with adequate transport infrastructure to international transport network will contribute the improvement the sector. The Samsun Port is located on Transcaucasia Transport Corridor which has wide hinterland interconnects the markets and contributes seaborne trade. It is required that long term plan and arrangements including scientific studies to reach a logistic center position in Transcaucasia. Transport Corridor and to provide sustainable competitiveness in international markets for medium term and long term strategic planning of Samsun Port. In this study, the productivity analysis of Samsun Port are conducted and required comments are put forward to increase the efficiency of the port services. The factors which effect performance of the ports are gathered and interrelated and level of importance of factors are ...
Dis ticarette atilan bircok adim etkisini cogu zaman orta ve uzun vadede gosterir. Bu nedenle ile... more Dis ticarette atilan bircok adim etkisini cogu zaman orta ve uzun vadede gosterir. Bu nedenle ileriye donuk planlar icin atilacak her adim simdiden dikkatle belirlenmelidir. Belirsizliklerle dolu bu surecin merkezinde ise gelecegi dogru bir bicimde tahmin etmek yatar. Bir girisimcinin iflasi veya bir isletmenin kapanmasi, toplumda yalniz bir bireyin zarari degil, ayni zamanda milli ekonominin de bir kaybidir. Bu nedenle guvenilir bir tahmin planlama surecinin dogrulugu icin zorunludur. Bu kapsamda, calismada, dis ticaret hacminin ulkelerin gelecegine yon veren ekonomik bir gosterge olmasi nedeniyle Turkiye Istatistik Kurumu’ndan edinilen ihracat verisi ile ileriye donuk Turkiye ihracat hacmi Holt-Winters ve Box-Jenkins teknikleri kullanilarak tahmin edilmis ve teknikler sunduklari sonuclar acisindan bircok degerlendirme kriteri altinda karsilastirilmistir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Uluslararasi Ticaret, Box-Jenkins, Holt-Winters Jel Kodlari: C22, O11 ABSTRACT Several steps taken in foreign...
Supply chain management philosophy has been adopted by enterprises due to the requirement of cust... more Supply chain management philosophy has been adopted by enterprises due to the requirement of customer demand satisfaction in reasonable times under market competition. In case of rapid increase in product demands and/or occurrence of supply problems in materials, enterprises choose holding some amount of safety stock of several materials and products. In this study, a multi-period, multi-product supply chain with different suppliers, material storages, production plants, distribution centers and customers is modeled. To determine the optimal production, supply and storage plans at minimum cost, a mixed-integer programming model is proposed. Capacity, bill-of-materials structure of products and placement of safety stocks are taken into account within the proposed model. Solutions of a set of examples are also presented in order to test the model.
The Strait of Canakkale, is connecting the Black Sea with the Aegean Sea and Mediterranean by the... more The Strait of Canakkale, is connecting the Black Sea with the Aegean Sea and Mediterranean by the Sea of Marmara is one the most important and risky straits in the world. Nearly 45.000 ships passed through Canakkale in 2017. Canakkale Strait contains high risks for marine accidents such as grounding and collision due to intense marine traffic. In the study, the marine accidents that occurred in the Strait of Canakkale for 2001- 2015 have been analysed by using frequency distribution and Chi Square Test. The main findings of the study are as follows: The most accidents occurred between September and November; the most accidents occurred in the hours between 24:00–04:00; grounding/stranding was the most common accident type, respectively collision to occur in the Strait of Canakkale;dry bulk ships were involved in the most accident, respectively cargo ships; the ships with a gross tonnage of less than 3,000 gross tonage and Turkish Flag vessels were those most involved in accident, hu...
Uretim planlama problemlerinin cogu karar vericinin herhangi bir karari vermeden once birden fazl... more Uretim planlama problemlerinin cogu karar vericinin herhangi bir karari vermeden once birden fazla kriteridusunmesini gerektirirken, cizelgeleme alaninda yapilan calismalarin pek cogunda sadece bir kriter elealinmistir. Bu makalede gunumuz imalat sistemlerinde buyuk oneme sahip m-makineli akis tipi cizelgelemeprobleminde islem zamanlari ve teslim tarihleri gibi zaman parametrelerinin belirsiz oldugu durum ele alinarakuretim tamamlanma zamani, maksimum gecikme ve toplam akis zamani amaclarini es zamanli eniyileyengenetik algoritma temelli cok amacli bir yaklasim gelistirilmistir. Gelistirilen bulanik is ve teslim zamanli cokamacli genetik algoritma sonucunda amac degerlerinin uyelik fonksiyonlariyla ifade edildigi etkin cozumler eldeedilmektedir. Gelistirilen algoritmanin etkinligi kucuk boyutlu problemler kullanilarak gosterilmistir. Genetikalgoritmanin en iyi parametre degerleri faktoriyel deney tasarimi ile belirlenmistir. Algoritmanin orta ve buyukboyutlardaki problemler icin mak...
Mersin University Journal of Maritime Faculty, 2020
In recent years, Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) technique has been used quite frequently in dete... more In recent years, Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) technique has been used quite frequently in determining container terminal efficiency. When the studies reviewed, conducted on the subject in the recent past, it is seen that the details such as the parameter on which the activity model focuses, sample selection, sample size and input-output selection have not yet been clarified enough, additionally, problems and confusion are encountered in practice. In this study, a critical analysis was carried out regarding the determinations in the use of the DEA technique, which is frequently used in the measurement of container terminal efficiency, and on which issues should be considered in order to establish the model better. In the consequences of the study, it was seen that data accessibility was an obstacle to reaching more robust results in efficiency analysis. It is very important to make evaluations between ports that are close to each other in terms of regional or infrastructure, demand and technological development in order to obtain more reliable and consistent results. Moreover, future studies should consider reliable inputs such as the number of equipment in the terminal that divided by two group, the terminal area, maximum depth, pier length.
Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, 2015
ABSTRACT Evaluation of service quality of public hospitals has been largely ignored by health car... more ABSTRACT Evaluation of service quality of public hospitals has been largely ignored by health care providers although it is vital for human life. For this, some regulations are being done by Turkish Ministry of Health to improve service quality. One of them is to construct quality teams for hospitals. The other is classification of hospitals into five groups based on their service quality and government provides promotion to hospitals based on this classifications. However, the current classification procedure is not based on an analytical method. Therefore, in the scope of this paper, service quality index has been developed in order to present a scientific basis for classification of hospitals by using multiple criteria decision making tools with respect to existing parameters in the literature. In the scope of this study, service quality parameters are determined and importance degrees of them are obtained by using analytic hierarchy process in terms of service providers and patients. Then, a formulation has been provided to obtain service quality index (SQI) for hospitals. A case study for public hospitals is presented to test applicability of the proposed method.
Highlights • Goal programming model for productiondistribution planning • Optimization of product... more Highlights • Goal programming model for productiondistribution planning • Optimization of production and distribution decisions by considering profit and emission. • Integration of lead times into supply planning. • Bill-of-materials information included to the mathematical model. • Test of the proposed model by randomly generated test problems.
Buildings are responsible for 40% of the primary energy consumption in the world. Recent studies ... more Buildings are responsible for 40% of the primary energy consumption in the world. Recent studies have revealed that the energy efficiency and environmental impact of buildings are two very important criteria to consider during the process of building design for the future of our world. By considering the initial investment cost and its importance for investors, a problem with three objective functions has emerged with 16 building energy systems and 24 construction material alternatives. The aim of this work is to develop a methodology and software to solve multiobjective building optimization problems. Thus, two different software tools have been developed using MATLAB. The first tool, the Building Energy Consumption Calculation Program, is used to calculate the building's annual energy consumption according to the Turkish standard for thermal insulation requirements for buildings, initial investment costs, and CO 2 emissions. The second tool, the Building Energy Optimization Program, is a multiobjective optimization program that uses the NSGA-II genetic algorithm to minimize objectives. With the help of the programs in question, multiobjective optimization of a sample building has been conducted. The results demonstrate that the developed model and software tools are generic, feasible solutions that can be implemented in a reasonable timeframe; thus, they can be adapted to a large range of building optimization problems and will be useful for decision makers.
Alphanumeric Journal, 2017
Today, industrial activities are undoubtedly one of the most important parameters when it comes t... more Today, industrial activities are undoubtedly one of the most important parameters when it comes to the development of countries. In all areas of the industry, a large part of the mechanical work is carried out by electric motors. Because it is so widely used, there is a large market, a large customer base, and therefore a large number of electric motor manufacturers. Due to the high number of producers, customers should make a purchase decision when choosing an electric motor. In this study, a systematic approach to selection of asynchronous electric motor was tried to be made by using multi criteria decision making techniques. In this frame, the data were collected for one of the most commonly used asynchronous motor in the industry. This motor was selected randomly as 90 kW, 1500 rpm, B3 body type electric motor. The data are collected from three different companies' electric motors, which constitute a certain weight in the sector. The criteria for these different asynchronous motors were solved by TOPSIS, MOORA, VIKOR methods. With basic descriptions about these methods, the results of methods on asynchronous motor selection were compared. The opinions of the decision makers currently working in the sector together with the motor data were taken and the criterial weights were realized in this direction. As a result of comparison, TOPSIS and MOORA methods indicated that M3 electric motor is the best choice. The VIKOR method, in combination with the M3, also determined the M2 engine as the best choice. This is the result of VIKOR's involvement of the decision maker's intuitive weights in the process. TOPSIS and MOORA methods have yielded reliable results such as similar studies.
e-Journal of New World Sciences Academy, 2017
BĠNA TASARIM SÜRECĠNDE ENERJĠ VERĠMLĠLĠĞĠ OPTĠMĠZASYONU ĠÇĠN BĠR MODEL VE YAZILIM GELĠġTĠRĠLMESĠ:... more BĠNA TASARIM SÜRECĠNDE ENERJĠ VERĠMLĠLĠĞĠ OPTĠMĠZASYONU ĠÇĠN BĠR MODEL VE YAZILIM GELĠġTĠRĠLMESĠ: ANKARA'DA BĠR UYGULAMA ÖZ Binalar dünyada ve Ülkemizde tüketilen enerjinin yaklaşık %40'ından sorumludur. Enerjisinin büyük kısmını ithal eden bir ülke olarak binaların enerji tüketimi ve çevresel etkilerinin azaltılmasının çok önemli iki hedef olduğu açıktır. Bunlara ek olarak serbest piyasada büyük önem arz eden ilk yatırım maliyetinin göz önüne alınmasıyla, üç amaçlı ve standart bir binada kullanılan sistemleri kapsayan çok amaçlı bir bina optimizasyon problemi ortaya çıkmıştır. Çözümü oldukça zor olan söz konusu problem için, inşaat sürecinin başında, karar verici için yol gösterici olacak bir model ve iki yazılım geliştirilmiştir. Bina Enerji Tüketimi Hesaplama Programı (BETH) kullanıcı tarafından tanımlanan parametre ve değişkenlere göre binanın yıllık enerji tüketimi, ilk yatırım maliyeti ve yıllık CO 2 emisyonu değerini hesaplamaktadır. Bina Enerji Optimizasyon Programı (BEOP) ise çok amaçlı optimizasyon problemlerinin çözümünde kullanılan genetik algoritma temelli bir yazılımdır. Geliştirilen model ve yazılımlar örnek bir bina için uygulanmıştır. Sonuçlar model ve yazılımların kapsamlı ve değişik bina optimizasyon problemi için uygulanabilir olduğunu göstermiştir.
Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 2004
Scheduling is the allocation of resources over time to perform a collection of task. It is an imp... more Scheduling is the allocation of resources over time to perform a collection of task. It is an important subject of production and operations management area. For most of scheduling problems made so far, the processing times of each job on each machine and due dates have been assigned as a real number. However in the real world, information is often ambiguous or imprecise. In this paper fuzzy concept are applied to the¯ow shop scheduling problems. The branch-and-bound algorithm of Ignall and Schrage was modi®ed and rewritten for three-machine¯ow shop problems with fuzzy processing time. Fuzzy arithmetic on fuzzy numbers is used to determine the minimum completion time C max. Proposed algorithm gets a scheduling result with a membership function for the ®nal completion time. With this membership function determined, a wider point of view is provided for the manager about the optimal schedule.
Gazi University Journal of …, 2011
The purpose of this study is to avoid unnecessary stocking of Class I supply materials via proper... more The purpose of this study is to avoid unnecessary stocking of Class I supply materials via proper lot-sizing methods; to determine the level of stocks in food accountancy warehouses and to make appropriate stocking policies. The data that was used in this ...
Alphanumeric Journal, 2015
Despite the existing public and government measures for monitoring and controlling of air quality... more Despite the existing public and government measures for monitoring and controlling of air quality in Ankara, in many regions, air quality is not satisfactory. In this paper, PM10 data obtained from Monitoring and controlling of air quality station of Environment and Urban Ministry in Ankara-Sıhhiye. PM10 is a mixture of solid particles and liquid droplets suspended in the atmosphere, which is an abbreviation of particulate matter. This representation contains many pollutants, such as fossil fuels, waste and secondary aerosols, dust and smoke. PM10 leads to many health problems including asthma and premature death. Time series analysis was implemented to the PM10 data by using Box-Jenkins Methodology and the potential future value of PM10 was forecasted consequently in the future PM10 values will be as high as the past values in Sıhhiye, Ankara.