Shukrullo Foziljonov | ASU - (original) (raw)
Shukrullo Foziljonov Fayzullo ugli by Shukrullo Foziljonov
Academia science, 2021
Among the existing plant families in Uzbekistan, the families with the only rare species do not m... more Among the existing plant families in Uzbekistan, the families with the only rare species do not make up the majority. Physochlaina alaica is not only a rare species, but also a plant with some medicinal properties. It is necessary to develop the necessary and appropriate measures to maintain the sustainability of any rare species, and before that it is necessary to have detailed information about the species. The population is well aware of the medicinal properties of Physochlaina alaica but does not have sufficient information on the level of rarity. In our study, we applied its eco-biology and morphology.
Ushbu uslubiy qo'llanma Farg`ona vodiysining kamyob, endem o`simliklari, ulardan samarali foydala... more Ushbu uslubiy qo'llanma Farg`ona vodiysining kamyob, endem o`simliklari, ulardan samarali foydalanish va muxofaza qilishga bag`ishlangan bo'lib, unda mazkur fan bo'yicha kamyob o'simlik turlari morfologik, sistematik, xudud tasniflari, QR-kodlari bilan berilgan. Uslubiy qo'llanmadan botaniklar, ekologlar, tabiat muhofazasiga doir xodimlar, oliy o'quv yurtlarining o'qituvchilar va magistrantlar va talabalari hamda o'rta maxsus va kasb xunar, lisey, maktab ta'limi o'qituvchilari xamda botanika faniga qiziquvchilar foydalanishi mumkin. Tuzuvchilar: b.f.n., dotsent E.Yu.Ro'zimatov Sh. Foziljonov X.E.Yuldashev Taqrizchi b.f.d., professor T.A.Madumarov Andijon davlat universiteti (2021-yil 23-yanvardagi navbatdan tashqari yig'ilish bayoni) Kengashida muhokama qilindi va ochiq nashr etishga tavsiya etildi.
There are many rare plant species in the Fergana Valley. Most of them are located on the banks of... more There are many rare plant species in the Fergana Valley. Most of them are located on the banks of the Shohimardon
and Sokh rivers. Shohimardon basin: 12, Sokh basin: 4 - habitat for rare plants. Studying the geography, composition
and condition of the soil, as well as the ecological conditions of this area is also important for the conservation of plants
growing in this environment. The article also provides information about the plants growing in these places.
European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine, 2020
The chemical composition of growing Silybum marianum in the southeastern part of Uzbekistan: the ... more The chemical composition of growing Silybum marianum in the southeastern part of Uzbekistan: the amount of silymarin and flavonolignans was studied. Silybum marianum has almost no contraindications and is rich in chemical composition, which positively affects the body and human health. It can normalize the work of a number of body systems in a short time and strengthen the immune systematic, and this directly depends on the amount and concentration of biochemical compounds contained in its chemical composition. We analyzed the dry extract of the seed in HPLC and paid special attention to the number of Flavolignans contained in it. It has been studied that the full effect of flavonolignans contained in Silybum depends on its chemical concentration in terms of importance and stable antioxidant performance. This article describes the results obtained when the taxifolin, Silibin, Silidianin and Silikristin flavonolignans after the results in HPLC were continued in mass spectrometry.
ANNOTATION There has always been a great need for medicinal plants. In various ways, this need ha... more ANNOTATION There has always been a great need for medicinal plants. In various ways, this need has always been met by man. The use of large quantities of plants affects their number, even after harvest, for various reasons, a large part of the raw material, ie the plants lose their usability, the processing and storage type is perfect. This reduces waste and serves as a precautionary measure. This article discusses certain stages in the post-harvest processing of medicinal plants.
Academicia, 2020
In the Republic of Uzbekistan, the rarity of Fabaceae is very high, with a large share of Astraga... more In the Republic of Uzbekistan, the rarity of Fabaceae is very high, with a large share of Astragalus species. This group of species is endemic in terms of distribution, most of which are distributed within the Fergana Valley. This article is about the rare species of Astragalus that are found in the Fergana Valley.
In the Republic of Uzbekistan, the rarity of Fabaceae is very high, with a large s... more In the Republic of Uzbekistan, the rarity of Fabaceae is very high, with a large share of
Astragalus species. This group of species is endemic in terms of distribution, most of which are
distributed within the Fergana Valley. This article is about the rare species of Astragalus that
are found in the Fergana Valley.
Аннотация: При посеве люцерны в начале марта по растущей озимой пшеницы, при хорошем уходе и орош... more Аннотация: При посеве люцерны в начале марта по растущей озимой пшеницы, при хорошем уходе и орошении дало высокие результаты. Общее количество органической массы люцерны составило 14,5 тонны на один гектар, а при втором методе т/га.
Executive Secretary Tusmatova Nozima Inomovna Масъул котиб Тусматова Нозима Иномовна Editorial bo... more Executive Secretary Tusmatova Nozima Inomovna Масъул котиб Тусматова Нозима Иномовна Editorial board Z.Yaxshieva Jizzakh state pedagogical institute, doctor of chemical sciences S.Otakulov Jizzakh polytechnic institute, doctor of physical and mathematical sciences B.Qushimov Kokand branch of tashkent state technical university, doctor of technical sciences Sh.Akramova Military-technical institute of the national guard, doctor of pedagogical sciences B.Sultonov Tashkent pharmaceutical institute, doctor of technical sciences A.Sidiqov Tashkent institute of chemical technology, doctor of chemical sciences B.Kucharov Institute of general and inorganic chemistry of the academy of sciences, doctor of technical sciences I.Eshmetov Institute of general and inorganic chemistry of the academy of sciences, doctor of technical sciences M.Abdullaev Andijan state university, doctor of historical sciences N.Jiyanova Tashkent financial institute, candidate of economic sciences X.Qobulov Tashkent financial institute, candidate of economic sciences U.Akbarov Kokand state pedagogical institute, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences A.Nabiev Tashkent institute of chemical technology, PhD in technical sciences M.Voxidova Tashkent state institute of oriental studies, PhD in economics Таҳририят З.Яхшиева Жиззах давлат педагогика институти, кимё фанлари доктори С.Отақулов Жиззах политехника институти, физикаматематика фанлари доктори Б.Қушимов Тошкент давлат техника университети Қўқон филиали, техника фанлари доктори Ш.Акрамова Миллий гвардия ҳарбий-техник институти, педагогика фанлари доктори Б.Султонов Тошкент фармацевтика институти, техника фанлари доктори А.Сидиқов Тошкент кимё-технология институти, кимё фанлари доктори Б.Кучаров Фанлар академияси Умумий ва ноорганик кимё институти, техника фанлари доктори И.Эшметов Фанлар академияси Умумий ва ноорганик кимё институти, техника фанлари доктори М.Абдуллаев Андижон давлат университети, тарих фанлари доктори Н.Жиянова Тошкент молия институти, иқтисод фанлари номзоди Х.Қобулов Тошкент молия институти, иқтисод фанлари номзоди У.Акбаров Қўқон давлат педагогика институти, физика-математика фанлари номзоди А.Набиев Тошкент кимё технология институти, техника фанлари PhD М.Вохидова Тошкент давлат шарқшунослик институти, иқтисодиёт фанлари PhD
Books by Shukrullo Foziljonov
«Fan ziyosi», 2021
Ushbu uslubiy qo'llanma Farg`ona vodiysining kamyob, endem o`simliklari, ulardan samarali foydala... more Ushbu uslubiy qo'llanma Farg`ona vodiysining kamyob, endem o`simliklari, ulardan samarali foydalanish va muxofaza qilishga bag`ishlangan bo'lib, unda mazkur fan bo'yicha kamyob o'simlik turlari morfologik, sistematik, xudud tasniflari, QR-kodlari bilan berilgan. Uslubiy qo'llanmadan botaniklar, ekologlar, tabiat muhofazasiga doir xodimlar, oliy o'quv yurtlarining o'qituvchilar va magistrantlar va talabalari hamda o'rta maxsus va kasb xunar, lisey, maktab ta'limi o'qituvchilari xamda botanika faniga qiziquvchilar foydalanishi mumkin. Tuzuvchilar: b.f.n., dotsent E.Yu.Ro'zimatov Sh. Foziljonov X.E.Yuldashev Taqrizchi b.f.d., professor T.A.Madumarov Andijon davlat universiteti (2021-yil 23-yanvardagi navbatdan tashqari yig'ilish bayoni) Kengashida muhokama qilindi va ochiq nashr etishga tavsiya etildi.
Papers by Shukrullo Foziljonov
In the Republic of Uzbekistan, 13 species of representatives of this family are considered rare a... more In the Republic of Uzbekistan, 13 species of representatives of this family are considered rare and are listed in the Red Book, of which 4 species (Gamanthus ferganicus, Anthochlamys tianshanica, Salsola drobovii, Halimocnemis lasiantha) are distributed in the Fergana Valley, mainly in the Fergana region. In this article, it is precisely these 4 species' rarity that have been studied theoretically comparing to each other, and that representatives of the family, which are widely distributed mainly in the steppe region, have been preserved in the mountainous area and have an idea of the growth environment.
In the Republic of Uzbekistan, 13 species of representatives of this family are considered rare a... more In the Republic of Uzbekistan, 13 species of representatives of this family are considered rare and are listed in the Red Book, of which 4 species (Gamanthus ferganicus, Anthochlamys tianshanica, Salsola drobovii, Halimocnemis lasiantha) are distributed in the Fergana Valley, mainly in the Fergana region. In this article, it is precisely these 4 species' rarity that have been studied theoretically comparing to each other, and that representatives of the family, which are widely distributed mainly in the steppe region, have been preserved in the mountainous area and have an idea of the growth environment.
There are many rare plant species in the Fergana Valley. Most of them are located on the banks of... more There are many rare plant species in the Fergana Valley. Most of them are located on the banks of the Shohimardon and Sokh rivers. Shohimardon basin: 12, Sokh basin: 4 - habitat for rare plants. Studying the geography, composition and condition of the soil, as well as the ecological conditions of this area is also important for the conservation of plants growing in this environment. The article also provides information about the plants growing in these places.
Among the existing plant families in Uzbekistan, the families with the only rarespecies do not ma... more Among the existing plant families in Uzbekistan, the families with the only rarespecies do not make up the majority. Physochlaina alaica is not only a rare species,but also a plant with some medicinal properties. It is necessary to develop thenecessary and appropriate measures to maintain the sustainability of any rarespecies, and before that it is necessary to have detailed information about thespecies. The population is well aware of the medicinal properties of Physochlainaalaica but does not have sufficient information on the level of rarity. In our study,we applied its eco-biology and morphology.
Ushbu uslubiy qo‘llanma Farg`ona vodiysining kamyob, endem o`simliklari, ulardansamarali foydalan... more Ushbu uslubiy qo‘llanma Farg`ona vodiysining kamyob, endem o`simliklari, ulardansamarali foydalanish va muxofaza qilishga bag`ishlangan bo‘lib, unda mazkur fan bo‘yichakamyob o‘simlik turlari morfologik, sistematik, xudud tasniflari, QR-kodlari bilan berilgan.Uslubiy qo‘llanmadan botaniklar, ekologlar, tabiat muhofazasiga doir xodimlar, oliyo‘quv yurtlarining o‘qituvchilar va magistrantlar va talabalari hamda o‘rta maxsus va kasbxunar, lisey, maktab ta’limi o‘qituvchilari xamda botanika faniga qiziquvchilar foydalanishimumkin.
ACADEMICIA: An International Multidisciplinary Research Journal
In the Republic of Uzbekistan, the rarity of Fabaceae is very high, with a large share of Astraga... more In the Republic of Uzbekistan, the rarity of Fabaceae is very high, with a large share of Astragalus species. This group of species is endemic in terms of distribution, most of which are distributed within the Fergana Valley. This article is about the rare species of Astragalus that are found in the Fergana Valley.
The chemical composition of growing Silybum marianum in the south-eastern part of Uzbekistan: the... more The chemical composition of growing Silybum marianum in the south-eastern part of Uzbekistan: the amount of silymarin and flavonolignans was studied. Silybum marianum has almost no contraindications and is rich in chemical composition, which positively affects the body and human health. It can normalize the work of a number of body systems in a short time and strengthen the immune systematic, and this directly depends on the amount and concentration of biochemical compounds contained in its chemical composition. We analyzed the dry extract of the seed in HPLC and paid special attention to the number of Flavolignans contained in it. It has been studied that the full effect of flavonolignans contained in Silybum depends on its chemical concentration in terms of importance and stable antioxidant performance. This article describes the results obtained when the taxifolin, Silibin, Silidianin and Silikristin flavonolignans after the results in HPLC were continued in mass spectrometry.
Academia science, 2021
Among the existing plant families in Uzbekistan, the families with the only rare species do not m... more Among the existing plant families in Uzbekistan, the families with the only rare species do not make up the majority. Physochlaina alaica is not only a rare species, but also a plant with some medicinal properties. It is necessary to develop the necessary and appropriate measures to maintain the sustainability of any rare species, and before that it is necessary to have detailed information about the species. The population is well aware of the medicinal properties of Physochlaina alaica but does not have sufficient information on the level of rarity. In our study, we applied its eco-biology and morphology.
Ushbu uslubiy qo'llanma Farg`ona vodiysining kamyob, endem o`simliklari, ulardan samarali foydala... more Ushbu uslubiy qo'llanma Farg`ona vodiysining kamyob, endem o`simliklari, ulardan samarali foydalanish va muxofaza qilishga bag`ishlangan bo'lib, unda mazkur fan bo'yicha kamyob o'simlik turlari morfologik, sistematik, xudud tasniflari, QR-kodlari bilan berilgan. Uslubiy qo'llanmadan botaniklar, ekologlar, tabiat muhofazasiga doir xodimlar, oliy o'quv yurtlarining o'qituvchilar va magistrantlar va talabalari hamda o'rta maxsus va kasb xunar, lisey, maktab ta'limi o'qituvchilari xamda botanika faniga qiziquvchilar foydalanishi mumkin. Tuzuvchilar: b.f.n., dotsent E.Yu.Ro'zimatov Sh. Foziljonov X.E.Yuldashev Taqrizchi b.f.d., professor T.A.Madumarov Andijon davlat universiteti (2021-yil 23-yanvardagi navbatdan tashqari yig'ilish bayoni) Kengashida muhokama qilindi va ochiq nashr etishga tavsiya etildi.
There are many rare plant species in the Fergana Valley. Most of them are located on the banks of... more There are many rare plant species in the Fergana Valley. Most of them are located on the banks of the Shohimardon
and Sokh rivers. Shohimardon basin: 12, Sokh basin: 4 - habitat for rare plants. Studying the geography, composition
and condition of the soil, as well as the ecological conditions of this area is also important for the conservation of plants
growing in this environment. The article also provides information about the plants growing in these places.
European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine, 2020
The chemical composition of growing Silybum marianum in the southeastern part of Uzbekistan: the ... more The chemical composition of growing Silybum marianum in the southeastern part of Uzbekistan: the amount of silymarin and flavonolignans was studied. Silybum marianum has almost no contraindications and is rich in chemical composition, which positively affects the body and human health. It can normalize the work of a number of body systems in a short time and strengthen the immune systematic, and this directly depends on the amount and concentration of biochemical compounds contained in its chemical composition. We analyzed the dry extract of the seed in HPLC and paid special attention to the number of Flavolignans contained in it. It has been studied that the full effect of flavonolignans contained in Silybum depends on its chemical concentration in terms of importance and stable antioxidant performance. This article describes the results obtained when the taxifolin, Silibin, Silidianin and Silikristin flavonolignans after the results in HPLC were continued in mass spectrometry.
ANNOTATION There has always been a great need for medicinal plants. In various ways, this need ha... more ANNOTATION There has always been a great need for medicinal plants. In various ways, this need has always been met by man. The use of large quantities of plants affects their number, even after harvest, for various reasons, a large part of the raw material, ie the plants lose their usability, the processing and storage type is perfect. This reduces waste and serves as a precautionary measure. This article discusses certain stages in the post-harvest processing of medicinal plants.
Academicia, 2020
In the Republic of Uzbekistan, the rarity of Fabaceae is very high, with a large share of Astraga... more In the Republic of Uzbekistan, the rarity of Fabaceae is very high, with a large share of Astragalus species. This group of species is endemic in terms of distribution, most of which are distributed within the Fergana Valley. This article is about the rare species of Astragalus that are found in the Fergana Valley.
In the Republic of Uzbekistan, the rarity of Fabaceae is very high, with a large s... more In the Republic of Uzbekistan, the rarity of Fabaceae is very high, with a large share of
Astragalus species. This group of species is endemic in terms of distribution, most of which are
distributed within the Fergana Valley. This article is about the rare species of Astragalus that
are found in the Fergana Valley.
Аннотация: При посеве люцерны в начале марта по растущей озимой пшеницы, при хорошем уходе и орош... more Аннотация: При посеве люцерны в начале марта по растущей озимой пшеницы, при хорошем уходе и орошении дало высокие результаты. Общее количество органической массы люцерны составило 14,5 тонны на один гектар, а при втором методе т/га.
Executive Secretary Tusmatova Nozima Inomovna Масъул котиб Тусматова Нозима Иномовна Editorial bo... more Executive Secretary Tusmatova Nozima Inomovna Масъул котиб Тусматова Нозима Иномовна Editorial board Z.Yaxshieva Jizzakh state pedagogical institute, doctor of chemical sciences S.Otakulov Jizzakh polytechnic institute, doctor of physical and mathematical sciences B.Qushimov Kokand branch of tashkent state technical university, doctor of technical sciences Sh.Akramova Military-technical institute of the national guard, doctor of pedagogical sciences B.Sultonov Tashkent pharmaceutical institute, doctor of technical sciences A.Sidiqov Tashkent institute of chemical technology, doctor of chemical sciences B.Kucharov Institute of general and inorganic chemistry of the academy of sciences, doctor of technical sciences I.Eshmetov Institute of general and inorganic chemistry of the academy of sciences, doctor of technical sciences M.Abdullaev Andijan state university, doctor of historical sciences N.Jiyanova Tashkent financial institute, candidate of economic sciences X.Qobulov Tashkent financial institute, candidate of economic sciences U.Akbarov Kokand state pedagogical institute, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences A.Nabiev Tashkent institute of chemical technology, PhD in technical sciences M.Voxidova Tashkent state institute of oriental studies, PhD in economics Таҳририят З.Яхшиева Жиззах давлат педагогика институти, кимё фанлари доктори С.Отақулов Жиззах политехника институти, физикаматематика фанлари доктори Б.Қушимов Тошкент давлат техника университети Қўқон филиали, техника фанлари доктори Ш.Акрамова Миллий гвардия ҳарбий-техник институти, педагогика фанлари доктори Б.Султонов Тошкент фармацевтика институти, техника фанлари доктори А.Сидиқов Тошкент кимё-технология институти, кимё фанлари доктори Б.Кучаров Фанлар академияси Умумий ва ноорганик кимё институти, техника фанлари доктори И.Эшметов Фанлар академияси Умумий ва ноорганик кимё институти, техника фанлари доктори М.Абдуллаев Андижон давлат университети, тарих фанлари доктори Н.Жиянова Тошкент молия институти, иқтисод фанлари номзоди Х.Қобулов Тошкент молия институти, иқтисод фанлари номзоди У.Акбаров Қўқон давлат педагогика институти, физика-математика фанлари номзоди А.Набиев Тошкент кимё технология институти, техника фанлари PhD М.Вохидова Тошкент давлат шарқшунослик институти, иқтисодиёт фанлари PhD
«Fan ziyosi», 2021
Ushbu uslubiy qo'llanma Farg`ona vodiysining kamyob, endem o`simliklari, ulardan samarali foydala... more Ushbu uslubiy qo'llanma Farg`ona vodiysining kamyob, endem o`simliklari, ulardan samarali foydalanish va muxofaza qilishga bag`ishlangan bo'lib, unda mazkur fan bo'yicha kamyob o'simlik turlari morfologik, sistematik, xudud tasniflari, QR-kodlari bilan berilgan. Uslubiy qo'llanmadan botaniklar, ekologlar, tabiat muhofazasiga doir xodimlar, oliy o'quv yurtlarining o'qituvchilar va magistrantlar va talabalari hamda o'rta maxsus va kasb xunar, lisey, maktab ta'limi o'qituvchilari xamda botanika faniga qiziquvchilar foydalanishi mumkin. Tuzuvchilar: b.f.n., dotsent E.Yu.Ro'zimatov Sh. Foziljonov X.E.Yuldashev Taqrizchi b.f.d., professor T.A.Madumarov Andijon davlat universiteti (2021-yil 23-yanvardagi navbatdan tashqari yig'ilish bayoni) Kengashida muhokama qilindi va ochiq nashr etishga tavsiya etildi.
In the Republic of Uzbekistan, 13 species of representatives of this family are considered rare a... more In the Republic of Uzbekistan, 13 species of representatives of this family are considered rare and are listed in the Red Book, of which 4 species (Gamanthus ferganicus, Anthochlamys tianshanica, Salsola drobovii, Halimocnemis lasiantha) are distributed in the Fergana Valley, mainly in the Fergana region. In this article, it is precisely these 4 species' rarity that have been studied theoretically comparing to each other, and that representatives of the family, which are widely distributed mainly in the steppe region, have been preserved in the mountainous area and have an idea of the growth environment.
In the Republic of Uzbekistan, 13 species of representatives of this family are considered rare a... more In the Republic of Uzbekistan, 13 species of representatives of this family are considered rare and are listed in the Red Book, of which 4 species (Gamanthus ferganicus, Anthochlamys tianshanica, Salsola drobovii, Halimocnemis lasiantha) are distributed in the Fergana Valley, mainly in the Fergana region. In this article, it is precisely these 4 species' rarity that have been studied theoretically comparing to each other, and that representatives of the family, which are widely distributed mainly in the steppe region, have been preserved in the mountainous area and have an idea of the growth environment.
There are many rare plant species in the Fergana Valley. Most of them are located on the banks of... more There are many rare plant species in the Fergana Valley. Most of them are located on the banks of the Shohimardon and Sokh rivers. Shohimardon basin: 12, Sokh basin: 4 - habitat for rare plants. Studying the geography, composition and condition of the soil, as well as the ecological conditions of this area is also important for the conservation of plants growing in this environment. The article also provides information about the plants growing in these places.
Among the existing plant families in Uzbekistan, the families with the only rarespecies do not ma... more Among the existing plant families in Uzbekistan, the families with the only rarespecies do not make up the majority. Physochlaina alaica is not only a rare species,but also a plant with some medicinal properties. It is necessary to develop thenecessary and appropriate measures to maintain the sustainability of any rarespecies, and before that it is necessary to have detailed information about thespecies. The population is well aware of the medicinal properties of Physochlainaalaica but does not have sufficient information on the level of rarity. In our study,we applied its eco-biology and morphology.
Ushbu uslubiy qo‘llanma Farg`ona vodiysining kamyob, endem o`simliklari, ulardansamarali foydalan... more Ushbu uslubiy qo‘llanma Farg`ona vodiysining kamyob, endem o`simliklari, ulardansamarali foydalanish va muxofaza qilishga bag`ishlangan bo‘lib, unda mazkur fan bo‘yichakamyob o‘simlik turlari morfologik, sistematik, xudud tasniflari, QR-kodlari bilan berilgan.Uslubiy qo‘llanmadan botaniklar, ekologlar, tabiat muhofazasiga doir xodimlar, oliyo‘quv yurtlarining o‘qituvchilar va magistrantlar va talabalari hamda o‘rta maxsus va kasbxunar, lisey, maktab ta’limi o‘qituvchilari xamda botanika faniga qiziquvchilar foydalanishimumkin.
ACADEMICIA: An International Multidisciplinary Research Journal
In the Republic of Uzbekistan, the rarity of Fabaceae is very high, with a large share of Astraga... more In the Republic of Uzbekistan, the rarity of Fabaceae is very high, with a large share of Astragalus species. This group of species is endemic in terms of distribution, most of which are distributed within the Fergana Valley. This article is about the rare species of Astragalus that are found in the Fergana Valley.
The chemical composition of growing Silybum marianum in the south-eastern part of Uzbekistan: the... more The chemical composition of growing Silybum marianum in the south-eastern part of Uzbekistan: the amount of silymarin and flavonolignans was studied. Silybum marianum has almost no contraindications and is rich in chemical composition, which positively affects the body and human health. It can normalize the work of a number of body systems in a short time and strengthen the immune systematic, and this directly depends on the amount and concentration of biochemical compounds contained in its chemical composition. We analyzed the dry extract of the seed in HPLC and paid special attention to the number of Flavolignans contained in it. It has been studied that the full effect of flavonolignans contained in Silybum depends on its chemical concentration in terms of importance and stable antioxidant performance. This article describes the results obtained when the taxifolin, Silibin, Silidianin and Silikristin flavonolignans after the results in HPLC were continued in mass spectrometry.