Universal Code of Conduct/Policy text/Revision discussions - Meta (original) (raw)

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After the conclusion of the community vote on the guidelines in March, the Community Affairs Committee (CAC) of the Board requested review of the controversial Note in 3.1 of the Universal Code of Conduct itself.

Current text

Note: The Wikimedia movement does not endorse "race" and "ethnicity" as meaningful distinctions among people. Their inclusion here is to mark that they are prohibited in use against others as the basis for personal attacks.


Conversations about identity factors[1] are challenging, as they touch upon deep beliefs and often painful experiences in many. Questions have been raised about the Note on race and ethnicity in section 3.1 by multiple individuals, including in this letter by Wikimedia user group Whose Knowledge?, which articulates some of the points of concern. It has been suggested that the Note be removed, which would not diminish the protections against hate speech in the preceding text. The Note’s inclusion is on the contrary running counter to the goals of fostering safety and inclusion. Do you support the proposal to remove the Note in Section 3.1 on race and ethnicity or do you have alternative proposals?

  1. https://www.un.org/en/genocideprevention/documents/UN%20Strategy%20and%20Plan%20of%20Action%20on%20Hate%20Speech%2018%20June%20SYNOPSIS.pdf

Discussion (Section 3.1)


While it is right and proper for "race" and "ethnicity" to be discussed in an encyclopeadic context in an appropriate Wikipedia, their use as a basis of personal attacks between members of the Wikimedia community is prohibited.

Martinvl (talk) 11:32, 26 May 2022 (UTC)[reply]

"...their use as a basis of personal attacks [...] is prohibited." So I'm allowed to use other criteria as a basis of personal attacks? That's probably not what you had in mind with that sentence. Der-Wir-Ing ("DWI") talk 18:15, 26 May 2022 (UTC)[reply]

Disallowing one criterion does not mean all others are automatically allowed. That said, personal attacks are prohibited anyway, so explicitly prohibiting race and ethnicity as a basis for them is somewhat redundant. --2A02:8108:50BF:C694:58C5:FCC4:481D:C5BF 12:40, 27 May 2022 (UTC)[reply]

While race does not exist in humans, racism does. So please rewrite the clauses in question so, that the word race is unnecessary and the prohibited behavior is described as what it is: racism. --h-stt !? 16:03, 27 May 2022 (UTC)[reply]

I think the clauses in question were written the way they are in order to give a definition of what is to be considered racist, instead of just writing ‘racism’ and letting everyone figure out for themselves what exactly that term covers. The wording of the two very sentences discussed here horribly fails to convey that, though; it sounds as if ‘race’ were a universal concept, just one that the Foundation does not endorse as a distinction among people. Actually ‘race’ is far from being a universal concept: In addition to being a biological notion that has turned out to be inappropriate for humans as a species, it has also become a social construct in, e.g., the United States. And in that sense, ‘race’ does exist. Instead of using the problematic term ‘race,’ the clauses should be precise about the types of distinctions between people that, when referred to as (assumed or actual) personal traits of a conversational partner, induce an insult. (That isn’t easy at all.) --2A02:8108:50BF:C694:E590:C336:DB5B:5CA8 11:30, 28 May 2022 (UTC)[reply]

A few years ago, I was working on the ground floor of an office block in London. One of my colleagues from (I think) the Hong Kong office visited our office and telephoned me, inviting me to join him for a discussion. He told me "I am the Chinese guy who is half-way down the [open-plan] office". Obviously, the word "Chinese" was meaningful in this context, otherwise he would not have used it.

Definitely ;) And so could have been ‘black’ or ‘white.’ In a personal attack, such a distinction would be unacceptable in all cases (including ‘Chinese’). --2A02:8108:50BF:C694:C001:45DF:1213:6741 12:25, 7 June 2022 (UTC)[reply]

Or, to elaborate a bit more on what I wanted to get at: ‘Meaningful’ is such a fuzzy, context-dependent word that calling something (not) a ‘meaningful distinction between people’ is not very meaningful here… Maybe it would help to put ‘race’ in a line with ‘other constructs’ (whatever the correct language) to clarify that the word ‘race’ is supposed to refer to a(n existing) social construct without supporting, denying or commenting on any claim made by that construct. --2A02:8108:50BF:C694:C14C:5ADA:FDB2:22D 20:18, 8 June 2022 (UTC)[reply]

التعديل المقترح: ترى حركة ويكيميديا "العرق" و"الإثنية" باعتبارهما تمييزًا ذا مغزى بين الناس أمرًا ثانويًا، وتحظر استخدامها ضد الآخرين كأساس للهجمات الشخصية.--Nehaoua (talk) 22:21, 6 June 2022 (UTC)[reply]

نعاني في المجتمع العربي من ترجمة هذه الكلمات بدقة، وفتحنا مؤخراً نقاشاً حول ذلك ولم نصل لنتيجة، وحتى لو رجعنا إلى المعاجم المختصة فيوجد اختلاف شاسع في التفسير.

لذلك الافضل برأي هو الإزالة، مع إمكانية الإبقاء ولكن بشرط تعريف المصطلحات تعريفاً دقيقاً وشاملاً لإزالة اي ليس ولحماية الأفراد من استعمال هذه الكلمات للتمييز--Michel Bakni (talk) 13:00, 13 June 2022 (UTC)[reply]

أي بالرغم من تعريف كل شخص لذاته بانتمائه لشيء معين، إلا أنَّه من المحظور التنابذ بالانتماء وبالهوية الشخصية للفرد.--Sandra HANBO (talk) 21:12, 13 June 2022 (UTC) Yes, Strike it, as there is no clear definition for "Race" and "Ethnicity" word, thus the idea wouldn't be clear, But I suggest replacing it with: "The Wikimedia movement does not endorse origin, gender and religion as meaningful distinctions among people. Their inclusion here is to mark that they are prohibited from using against others as the basis for personal attacks." The meaning as even everybody has their own definition of themselves. It should be prohibited to use it for personal attack--Sandra HANBO (talk) 21:12, 13 June 2022 (UTC)[reply]

Note: The Wikimedia movement does not endorse use of concepts like "race", "ethnicity", "sex", "gender" or similar as meaningful distinctions among people. Their inclusion here is to mark that they are prohibited in use against others as the basis for personal attacks.

Taylor 49 (talk) 19:49, 21 June 2022 (UTC)[reply]

I would like us to look at this section as well:

Current text

Disclosure of personal data (Doxing): sharing other contributors' private information, such as name, place of employment, physical or email address without their explicit consent either on the Wikimedia projects or elsewhere, or sharing information concerning their Wikimedia activity outside the projects.

Question 1

As written, this means that if someone in government or in a commercial company edits a Wikipedia article in a way that indicates a conflict of interest, no Wikipedian is allowed to comment on that on-wiki or off-wiki. In fact, as written, this passage categorically forbids Wikipedians from commenting on what other people are doing in Wikipedia anywhere outside of Wikipedia. This would be a very major and far-reaching paradigm shift. Do you support rewording of this passage? --Andreas JN466 18:56, 26 May 2022 (UTC)[reply]

Question 2

Suppose that User:A libels User:B with the result that User:B suffers a financial loss. Although User:A be banned from editing, the WMF cannot force User:A to make good User:B's financial losses. User:B's only recourse is to take legal action which will neccessitate disclosing User:A's personal details to the court and if the matter goes to a hearing, to the general public. The text, as it currently stands, puts the WMF above the courts. Do you support rewording the current text to recognise that the courts are a higher authority than the WMF? Martinvl (talk) 21:35, 26 May 2022 (UTC)[reply]

Discussion (Doxing)


(edit conflict, twice; not again!) This has a number of issues.

Suggestion: dropping the consent-based policy altogether (nobody is allowed to disclose private information about other Wikimedia users that they have not previously disclosed themselves) and restricting it to cases that can reasonably be dealt with inside the Wikimedia universe. --2A02:8108:50BF:C694:58C5:FCC4:481D:C5BF 13:36, 27 May 2022 (UTC)[reply]

Question 2: I do not understand the point. In the example, User:A is legally responsible for having libelled User:B. User:B should take the case to court. WMF is not a court, and is not in charge of causing User:A to compensate for harm User:B. JohnNewton8 (talk) 09:37, 7 June 2022 (UTC)[reply]

بصورة عامة أنا ضد الكشف عن أي بيانات شخصية لأي سبب كان (ما خلا حالات ضيقة جداً جداً)، سأجيب على السؤال الثاني: الجواب هو لا، لا يمكن الكشف عن البيانات في هذه الحالة، كون الضرر حصل وكشف البيانات لن يؤدي إلى رده. ويكيبيديا ليست طرفاً في النزاعات القضائية ولا يجب أن تكون كذلك.

من الحلول المقترحة أيضاً تفعيل دور الرقابة المجتمعية على صفحات المحتوى فلا تجد التعديلات التخريبية طريقها إلى الموسوعة، وإن وجدت لا تضل طويلاً، فيكون تأثيرها محدوداً.--Michel Bakni (talk) 13:05, 13 June 2022 (UTC)[reply]

@JohnNewton8: The rules, as they stand, prohibit User:B from disclosing User:A's identity and will sanction him if he does so, yet to get the compensation due to him, the courts require User:B to disclose User:A's identity. Do you not see a contradiction here? Martinvl (talk) 20:55, 15 June 2022 (UTC)[reply]

@Martinvl: sorry, still not. User:B can file a complaint without disclosing (and without knowing) user:A's real name. The courts will request WMF to disclose user:A's IP, and user:A's FAI to disclose user:B's real name. JohnNewton8 (talk) 14:37, 18 June 2022 (UTC)[reply]

もちろん、嫌がらせとして個人情報を"doxing"するのは、非常に良くない行為です。 ただ私は、ウィキメディアが、私たちの国の裁判所や司法より上位にきてはならないと考えます。例えば、明らかな犯罪行為が犯された場合でも、私たちは自国の身近な警察や裁判所を頼れなくなってしまいます。 嫌がらせとしての"doxing"に対しては、相談窓口があると良いでしょう。--Kizhiya (talk) 15:06, 17 June 2022 (UTC)[reply]

question1-2: 私はこの鋭い質問が公開された場合、私たちの国では、WikipediaとWMFが信頼を失うかもしれないと指摘します。WMFが、何か邪悪な意図を持った秘密結社のように考えられる可能性があります。 Kizhiya (talk) 15:33, 17 June 2022 (UTC)[reply]

@JohnNewton8:: I was assuming that User:B knows the identity of User:A. To recap, I was assuming further that User:A had libelled User:B, that as a result User:B had incurred a financial loss and that in order to recoup that loss, User:B had sued User:A directly in User:A's local courts on grounds that WMF could not (or would not) make good User:B's loss. In such cases, would WMF stand by and watch its no-doxing rules as they now stand being broken or would it sanction User:B thereby putting itself above the courts. Ideally UCoC should look at its rules and allow for the situation where they are unable to make good a financial loss. Martinvl (talk) 15:54, 18 June 2022 (UTC)[reply]

Disclosure of personal data (Doxing): sharing other contributors' or 3:rd parties' private information, such as but not limited to name, place of employment or physical or email address, unless explicit consent of the affected person is available, or the action is obviously justified for other reasons.

Doxing of 3:rd parties must be prohibited too. Posting private information about people who never have edited any wiki is a common problem and must be addressed too. Taylor 49 (talk) 20:35, 21 June 2022 (UTC)[reply]

Thanks for making proposals for improvments, not only here also in the other sections. The purpose of written rules is, that everyone can check them and should then know what is allowed and prohibited. Considering that, your text has two problematic parts:

@User talk:Martinvl: That's exactly why I added "the action is obviously justified for other reasons". Already solved. Taylor 49 (talk) 00:04, 6 July 2022 (UTC)[reply]

And NO, exhaustivity is not a sane objective. You are not supposed to publish someone else's real name, current or former, physical address, current or former, place of employment, current or former, personal number, current or former, passport number, current or former, criminal record, complete or part of it, list of debts, complete or part of it, information about bank accounts, HIV-status, COVID-19-status, genome, complete or part of it, photo or video of the body, complete or part of it, fingerprint or print of some other body part, voice recording, drug consumption, other addictions, addiction-like behaviour or any other potentially problematic behavioral patterns, details on sex life or preferences, registration string and other details about the car, details about membership in political parties, labour unions, terror organizations and other problematic bodies, phone number, PIN and PUK for the SIM card, wiki passwords, PIN for the bank card, other passwords and access codes, body mass, shoe size, ... do you need an even longer list? Taylor 49 (talk) 00:23, 6 July 2022 (UTC)[reply]

Note that every single editor who shared or discussed the recent press article describing an editor's ten-year hoax spree in Chinese Wikipedia on Twitter, Facebook or even in the pub violated the Universal Code of Conduct's prohibition against "sharing information concerning other contributors' Wikimedia activity". --Andreas JN466 11:20, 5 July 2022 (UTC)[reply]

I would also like us to look at this section:

Current text

Psychological manipulation: Maliciously causing someone to doubt their own perceptions, senses, or understanding with the objective to win an argument or force someone to behave the way you want.


What is described here is indistinguishable from the process by which ordinary people everywhere seek to change each other's minds – except for the attribution of malice. If an editor seeks, e.g., to insert content into Wikipedia, in good faith, that violates some content policy that they don't understand or agree with, they will experience something which from their perspective will match exactly what is being described here: people – other Wikipedians – will want to cause them to doubt their own perceptions, senses, or understanding with the objective to win an argument or force them to behave the way they want – i.e. to stop inserting said content, which the editor may feel is vitally important to represent their world view. In such a situation, this passage will encourage them to attribute other Wikipedians' behaviour to malice. It is likely to further personalise content disputes. Do you agree that this section should be dropped? --Andreas JN466 18:56, 26 May 2022 (UTC)[reply]

Discussion (Psychological manipulation)


I would completly drop this paragraf: During the vote, several people complained about this part. I'm also unable to see the point why it is there at all. It's also an example of very high level English (maliciously, perception), which should be avoided. --Der-Wir-Ing ("DWI") talk 08:14, 27 May 2022 (UTC)[reply]

Maliciously causing someone to doubt their own perceptions or senses is psychological manipulation, that should be out of question here. The problematic part is that about ‘understanding,’ since ‘causing someone to doubt their own understanding with the objective to win an argument’ is precisely what (academic) discussion and discourse are all about. This has to be re-worded at least. The intention behind this paragraph might have been to ban gaslighting, but with its current language, such an intention (if present) is not made very clear. --2A02:8108:50BF:C694:58C5:FCC4:481D:C5BF 12:17, 27 May 2022 (UTC)[reply]

This applies to so much that I'm certain it'll be gamed/abused. E.g., the UCoC calls for "respect, civility [...] without expectations based on [...] sexual orientation, gender identity, [or] sex", but some people who don't "respect [...] gender identity" are known for saying promoting respect is a malicious authoritarian effort to cause them "to doubt their own perceptions, senses, or understanding". So, is a user who maliciously misgenders others wrong (as various clauses suggest, and because such misgendering is "maliciously causing someone to doubt their own perceptions, senses, or understanding"), or are people who object to it wrong for "causing [the misgenderer] to doubt their own perceptions, senses, or understanding" in a way the user is motivated to assert is malicious? It's hard to write a rule about this that isn't applicable to all disagreement (motivating people to claim others are acting in bad faith, as Andreas notes) and/or liable to be abused; I think it might be better to drop this entirely. -sche (talk) 09:28, 28 May 2022 (UTC)[reply]

(under "3.2 – Abuse of power, privilege, or influence"):

Current text

Abuse of office by functionaries, officials and staff:use of authority, knowledge, or resources at the disposal of designated functionaries, as well as officials and staff of the Wikimedia Foundation or Wikimedia affiliates, to intimidate or threaten others.

This definition misses some clear cases of abuse and includes other cases that are clearly no abuse:

--Der-Wir-Ing ("DWI") talk 08:08, 27 May 2022 (UTC)[reply]

@User:Der-Wir-IngI support this argument, administrator because see my post in non-English just use the warning template warning! :found that the user is not using English to leave a message]content below completely different]:I hope you can leave a message in English So our editors to help you we need translators too.He didn't threaten with words but with template warning===我支持這個說法,我收到管理員用警告!!:發現該用戶不會使用英文留言下面的內容完全不同]:希望你能用英文留言所以 我們的編輯可以幫助您我們也需要翻譯。他沒有用言語威脅,而是用模板警告Ch.Jaguar (talk) 00:36, 7 July 2022 (UTC)[reply]

Discussion (Staff abuse)


Edit conflict. I think the problem here is ‘intimidate or threaten.’ That is not what we want to get rid of when talking about abuse of (sysop or other) power. At least ‘threaten’ is misplaced (there may be a point for ‘intimidate,’ but only as one case of abuse). In my understanding, ‘use of authority, knowledge, or resources at the disposal of designated functionaries’ is _ab_use in cases where

Threatening to use authority and so on in an abusive way may be abuse itself (especially against people who are not aware of the abusive nature of the measure they are being threatened with), and there may be other kinds of abusive use, but the aim here should be to define the modalities of abuse as precisely as possible. And abuse cannot be precisely defined without a notion or model of what intended or expected (not abusive) use is expected to look like. --2A02:8108:50BF:C694:58C5:FCC4:481D:C5BF 12:37, 27 May 2022 (UTC)[reply]

Well said. Andreas JN466 13:30, 27 May 2022 (UTC)[reply]

Additionnal comment: procedures do exist within the communities to get rid of an abusive sysop or of an user with a long established reputation, and they work. What is the procedure to avoid abuse from WMF? JohnNewton8 (talk) 08:56, 7 June 2022 (UTC)[reply]

Change to

Abuse of office by functionaries, officials and staff: use of authority, knowledge, or resources at the disposal of designated functionaries, as well as officials and staff of the Wikimedia Foundation or Wikimedia affiliates, to intimidate or threaten others or obstruct their work on a wiki project, unless this is needed in order to enforce the UCOC, and in such a case done only to the degree that is absolutely necessary for that purpose.

Taylor 49 (talk) 20:31, 21 June 2022 (UTC)[reply]

Thanks for making proposals for improvments. The purpose of written rules is, that everyone can check them and should then know what is allowed and prohibited. Considering that, your text has two problematic parts:

I checked some real live laws about abuse of power. The ones that I found go like "a funktionary does something without having the permission" That only works because in real live, there is usually a law with a list of things that the functonary is allowed to to. We don't have these lists on our projects. Der-Wir-Ing ("DWI") talk 08:57, 22 June 2022 (UTC)[reply]

Prohibiting retaliation


I don't know where I should address this, but I think something like "Retaliating against those who have filed a complaint is prohibited" should be included in somewhere. Retaliation can take different forms including, but not limited to, ignoring. If an accuser is a non-advance rights holder and files a complaint against an advance right holder, it will cause an issue in a small wiki with a small number of advance rights holders if the accused decides to ignore all legitimate wiki editing-related requests from the accuser. --AppleRingo777 (talk) 19:29, 26 June 2022 (UTC)[reply]

I second this proposal. Anti-retaliation measures are a must. Adrianmn1110 (talk) 22:32, 26 June 2022 (UTC)[reply]

This could have unintended consequences. Consider the case where User:A makes an derogatory comments about User:B which User:B ignores. User:B that reverts something that User:A has written. User:A then accuses User:B of "retalliation" for User:A's comments. The wording must be done very carefully to avoid this sort of situation. Martinvl (talk) 14:27, 2 July 2022 (UTC)[reply]

We're volunteers. You cannot force anyone to respond to a request, nor can you sanction someone for ignoring a request. Vexations (talk) 11:09, 3 July 2022 (UTC)[reply]

Prohibiting retaliation, more or less means forcing someone to forgiveness. Good luck with that. I don't know how you would be able to enforce these rules, even how would you know for sure (!) 'why' someone is ignoring you. Also, there is a big difference between

I was confronted with all of them (Yea, even I made some mistakes: misspellings, blocked wrong guy,....) What I really dislike, are false, made up accusations, especially if they are made public. But usually that backfires for the accusing person, not because of me, but because everyone else finds out. No problem at all, are false but plausible accusations, especially when they first confronted me personally instead of accusing me publicly: I always had an easy explanation and we both were happy the accusations turned out to be false. --Der-Wir-Ing ("DWI") talk 12:03, 3 July 2022 (UTC)[reply]

Prohibiting retaliation is not as difficult as you claim. Example: If you report someone, and they block you without you having broken any rules, they're retaliating. Such actions may be rare, but they should still be forbidden. Adrianmn1110 (talk) 04:06, 12 August 2022 (UTC)[reply]

Need to define the term "designated functionaries"

[[edit](/w/index.php?title=Universal%5FCode%5Fof%5FConduct/Policy%5Ftext/Revision%5Fdiscussions&action=edit&section=11 "Edit section: Need to define the term "designated functionaries"")]

Please define the words "designated functionaries" so that we know who would be subjected to this particular article; and that we can avoid to subject a certain group of people to unwarranted accusations. In addition, the word "designated" implies that there are also functionaries who are "not designated" as well. Who are those "designated functionaries" exactly? Who would designate them? We need to be on the same page so that we won't unintentionally create a breeding ground to promote false accusations with the undefined terminology. Please also read: Defining the term "functionaries". --AppleRingo777 (talk) 14:55, 11 July 2022 (UTC)[reply]

Current text:

Actions that contradict the Universal Code of Conduct can result in sanctions.

I think your intro should clarify that UCOC enforcement is mandatory on all local wikis. Sooner or later, someone's going to say that the Enforcement Guidelines are "only guidelines", and that they "don't have to" enforce the UCOC if they don't want to. I suggest changing the above text to, "Actions that contradict the Universal Code of Conduct, including refusal to enforce it, can result in sanctions." Adrianmn1110 (talk) 03:51, 30 May 2022 (UTC)[reply]

en:I suppose that the Universal Code of Conduct is really guidelines and in numerous the particulars that need to be clarified and acclimated to the code of the local community as well as the applicable laws and legislation in the country of residence of the subject, which may contradict the law in some of its details, so how should I apply it in case of contradiction because in both cases I'll be penalized if I do not respect one of them Nehaoua (talk) 19:03, 7 June 2022 (UTC)[reply]

You have an example how exactly this could happen? I guess insulting people is bad in every country in the world, so it's probably not insults. Der-Wir-Ing ("DWI") talk 19:39, 7 June 2022 (UTC)[reply]

يتعلق الأمر بتعريف الإهانة، فليس كل المجتمعات لها نفس التعريف، ونحن هنا نريد عقاب أحدهم بحجة الإهانة Nehaoua (talk) 19:53, 7 June 2022 (UTC)[reply]

Actions that contravene the Universal Code of Conduct, including persistent refusal to enforce it, can result in sanctions.

No single sysop has a duty to intervene in a single particular case. You can abstain from a single case without having to give "hard reaons" for doing so. But if the sysop is active, repeatedly blocks users expressing opinions different from eirs, or just blocks ordinary vandals, but refuses to block users violating the UCOC in a particular manner (for example by transphobic harassment), then YES, this sysop does violate the UCOC and must be removed. Taylor 49 (talk) 20:20, 21 June 2022 (UTC)[reply]

Adrianmn1110 (talk) 22:11, 26 June 2022 (UTC)[reply]

I can see the good point in your proposal. The problem is that a wiki sysop is a volunteer, whereas a police officer, judge or executioner is a paid worker. I do not think that a single sysop ever has a duty to act (within a specified time). However, if none of the listed sysops acts, then the problem MUST be eligible for the U4C. And if it turns out that a single sysop or the complete bunch on a project act in a "unfair" or "selective" way then they should be removed (but not necessarily hanged).

Active actions that contravene the Universal Code of Conduct as a rule result in sanctions. Failure or refusal to enforce it can result in loss of advaced rights or further sanctions only if the person in charge acts in an unreasonable, unfair or selective way.

Taylor 49 (talk) 19:01, 30 June 2022 (UTC)[reply]

An administrator who knows zero about copyright law may selectively avoid taking any action where copyright is involved. That could apply to any particular area of policy, or any particular aspect of a code of conduct. An admin who does not feel competent in blocking, or who feels uncomfortable with blocking, may selectively limit their work to other tasks. Not only are proposals for sanctions here contrary to VOLUNTEER, they perversely demand people work in areas where they may lack competence or understanding. If an an entire wiki is found to be systematically dysfunctional it may be necessary for the global community to step in to remedy the situation, potentially so far as to replacing an entire admin corp. However it would be perverse to sanction an administrator for either disagreeing on the appropriate outcome in a particular case, or to sanction them for responsibly refraining from taking an action where they feel incompetent to do so. Alsee (talk) 21:36, 31 August 2022 (UTC)[reply]

I agree with Alsee. This is particlarly true in the case of legal actions. There was a case a few years ago when an editor was blocked on the EN Wikipedia for "making legal threats" when anybody who had done a single course in law would have seen that there were no legal threats. The editor who was was blocked threatend to go to the press - he was a Nobel laureate and retired Cambridge professor. Had Arbcom not promptly readmitted him, Wikipedia would have been the laughing stock to the world. Martinvl (talk) 14:27, 2 September 2022 (UTC)[reply]

That's why Taylor 49 said "can result in loss of advanced rights or further sanctions", not "will". The U4C would have to apply discretion to each individual case. Adrianmn1110 (talk) 01:37, 5 September 2022 (UTC)[reply]

Hmm... that's the "bad laws are not a problem because judges have discretion" argument. Nothing can possibly go wrong. Vexations (talk) 18:57, 6 September 2022 (UTC)[reply]

That's a strawman. I didn't say bad rules aren't a problem, and I didn't say nothing will go wrong. I pointed out that the U4C would have discretion under Taylor 49's proposal. Adrianmn1110 (talk) 00:45, 8 September 2022 (UTC)[reply]

... or that the authors of the law recognised that they cannot possibly foresee all possible scenarios so they provided a "get out" clause to allow for what they might or could not have foreseen. Martinvl (talk) 20:23, 7 September 2022 (UTC)[reply]

I propose a new rule that sanctions behaviour I don't like with bans. I give a very poor definition of such behaviours. People object to my new rule, and point out that enforcing it will lead to sanctioning people who haven't done anything wrong. I don't rewrite my rule, but instead say, well, you know, we'll give the enforcers discretion to not enforce it. Should I be fired from rule-writing? Hell yes. Vexations (talk) 14:29, 8 September 2022 (UTC)[reply]

Either you've never heard of Framgate, or you completely failed to learn anything from it. Not enforcing civility in the short run led to bigger problems in the long run. Two mainstream media outlets even reported on the incident. Taylor 49 and I had to word our suggestions in a way that could be interpreted flexibly. We could've said, "Functionaries must enforce the UCOC at least three times per calendar month." But then, they could revert vandalism three times per month while ignoring severe harassment. Adrianmn1110 (talk) 03:26, 9 September 2022 (UTC)[reply]

Also, spare me from the usual "we're all volunteers" argument. Volunteering to hold advanced permissions doesn't entitle you to keep holding them in the future. Adrianmn1110 (talk) 03:32, 9 September 2022 (UTC)[reply]

I've learned plenty from Framgate. We just came to different conclusions. Your takeaway seems to be that not enforcing civility leads to bigger problem. One of my conclusions was that enforcing civility by policing behaviour and sanctioning people doesn't work. You can't create a welcoming, inclusive community by punishing everyone who behaves like an asshole. We agree that letting bad behaviour fester leads to problems. But I'd like to add that once you've arrived at a point where you feel you need to resort to sanctions, you have already failed, because everybody just sat around waiting for someone else to do something. If you want a less toxic environment, you need to empower everyone to act, not just a few people. The community should not relinquish its responsibility for its own culture. But that's what these calls for policing of speech accomplish. Vexations (talk) 12:35, 9 September 2022 (UTC)[reply]

"One of my conclusions was that enforcing civility by policing behaviour and sanctioning people doesn't work." How did you come to that conclusion? Fram only got away with his conduct for so long because he wasn't policed closely enough. By ArbCom's own admission, they didn't do anything about him in 2016 and 2018 when they had the chance. No wonder his last accuser went straight to the Wikimedia Foundation. "You can't create a welcoming, inclusive community by punishing everyone who behaves like an asshole." Maybe not, but you can use blocks to prevent them from assing or holing. "If you want a less toxic environment, you need to empower everyone to act, not just a few people." How do you suggest doing that? Make everyone a sysop? The current sysops might protest about losing their social status. Adrianmn1110 (talk) 22:38, 10 September 2022 (UTC)[reply]

The way to handle assholes is by not acting like asshole yourself and express your disapproval of assholery without engaging in the same. Individual members of the community will be reluctant to act when there is some higher authority they can appeal to, anonymously if need be. That results in a low-trust environment where nothing is said but much is prohibited. That is neither safe nor welcoming for anyone. Adding more policing and secretive investigations just makes that worse. But I can see where this is going: we're going to implement something police-like. If we find later that it didn't work, we'll hire more police, not rethink what we've done. I don't want to be a part of that. The creation and implementation of the UCoC has exhausted my motivation to contribute. Vexations (talk) 14:09, 13 September 2022 (UTC)[reply]

"The way to handle assholes is by not acting like [an] asshole yourself and express your disapproval of assholery without engaging in the same." How would that stop people who don't care about public opinion? "Individual members of the community will be reluctant to act when there is some higher authority they can appeal to" Since you're speculating, I'll do the same. I think, without someone to appeal to, people are even less likely to act. They'll worry about retaliation because they have no one to protect them. "That is neither safe nor welcoming for anyone." It would be more safe and welcoming than letting serial bullies do what they want without getting blocked. Adrianmn1110 (talk) 04:29, 15 September 2022 (UTC)[reply]

Have you noticed how, in the past few years, public discourse has become coarser? Does it seem plausible to you that this has something to do with how public figures use aggressive, discriminatory and degrading language that signals that violence against people you disagree with is OK? Does is seem likely that the increased harassment and abuse that members of minority groups have had to suffer is enabled and encouraged by those same public figures who stand to benefit from stirring up discord? And have you noticed how the moderation policies of the social media platforms where this abuse takes place have utterly failed to reverse that trend? If I conclude that it's not possible to fix toxic discourse with policing, that's more than mere speculation.

Everyone needs to accept some level of responsibility in creating saner, healthier conversations. Am I never going to say something that offends someone? I'm pretty sure I will, and already have. Does that make me a bully? Perhaps someone might see it that way. But I'd prefer that the person who takes offence lets me know how what I did affected them and lets me have an opportunity to make it right, instead of calling the cops. Wouldn't it be nice if we could "implement" the assumption of good faith and codify that as: "If I did something that you have a problem with, please come to me first before seeking sanctions". I don't see that in the UCoC. Vexations (talk) 23:01, 15 September 2022 (UTC)[reply]

"And have you noticed how the moderation policies of the social media platforms where this abuse takes place have utterly failed to reverse that trend?" So what makes you think the solution is less policing rather than more? Is it possible that, without those policies, people would be even more toxic than they already are? Is it possible that some mods don't enforce policies that already exist? "If I conclude that it's not possible to fix toxic discourse with policing, that's more than mere speculation." That's not what I'm talking about, though. You said, "Individual members of the community will be reluctant to act when there is some higher authority they can appeal to". That's speculation. "Everyone needs to accept some level of responsibility in creating saner, healthier conversations." Obviously, but you still haven't answered my question: How is "expressing disapproval" going to work against people who don't care what others think? Adrianmn1110 (talk) 01:07, 16 September 2022 (UTC)[reply]

I'm not a psychologist, but I'd say that most people are sensitive to individual responses that aggregate to produce a group-level pattern of norms. I'm not aware of an effective treatment for psychopathy. People who are thus afflicted may need to find another hobby. It is most unfortunate that some of those people are immensely popular, but you can't fix that with legislation. An empathic response, as I understand the literature, yields much better results. Vexations (talk) 19:56, 16 September 2022 (UTC)[reply]

"I'd say that most people are sensitive to individual responses that aggregate to produce a group-level pattern of norms." Even if that were true, we'd need a way to deal with the few who aren't. "I'm not aware of an effective treatment for psychopathy. People who are thus afflicted may need to find another hobby." Good luck getting them to find another hobby without blocking them. "It is most unfortunate that some of those people are immensely popular, but you can't fix that with legislation." You can't reduce their popularity with legislation, but you can sure block them from abusing others. Once again, how would expressing disapproval stop people who don't care what others think, from being aggressive? Adrianmn1110 (talk) 08:16, 17 September 2022 (UTC)[reply]

I just told you: It doesn't work with psychopaths. I prefer to see people as generally sane and acting in good faith. True psychopaths are rare. I'm opposed to generalizing a pathology and treating everyone accordingly. Yes, some folks are so disruptive that they'll have to leave. I called that "find another hobby": We implement that as a ban. But let's not treat everyone as if have a personality disorder, shall we? Vexations (talk) 12:17, 17 September 2022 (UTC)[reply]

"I just told you: It doesn't work with psychopaths." That's why I suggested an option to sanction functionaries who don't do their job, which they volunteered for, with all its responsibilities. Because "psychopaths", as you describe them, don't care if other people disapprove of their behavior. You can only get rid of them by blocking them, which only functionaries can do. "But let's not treat everyone as if [they] have a personality disorder, shall we?" When did I do anything remotely similar to that? Adrianmn1110 (talk) 09:15, 18 September 2022 (UTC)[reply]

Of course you didn't mean to suggest that. But what you're proposing has that outcome. I've wasted to much time on this. I'm sorry I couldn't explain my views better. I don't want to live in the world that the UCoC supporters want to create, so good luck and farewell. You can have the last word. Vexations (talk) 13:58, 18 September 2022 (UTC)[reply]

"But what you're proposing has that outcome." I can live with that. Wikimedia's current enforcement of civility could (and should) be improved.[7][8][9][10][11][12]. Adrianmn1110 (talk) 01:45, 20 September 2022 (UTC)[reply]