Tomas M Fernandez-Steeger | Technical University of Berlin (original) (raw)

Tomas M Fernandez-Steeger


Papers by Tomas M Fernandez-Steeger

Research paper thumbnail of Sorptive storage of CO2 on coal dust and flotation waste from coal processing in abandoned coal mines

Proceedings of the International Symposium of the International Society for Rock Mechanics, Eurock 2006, Liège, Belgium, 9-12 May 2006, 2006


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Research paper thumbnail of First results in the attempt to adept a Data Mining Strategy for distinguishing global, reginal and local factors reflecting patterns in river water chemistry

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Research paper thumbnail of Adhäsionsproblematik zwischen Tonen und TBM

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Research paper thumbnail of Ein neues Verfahren zur Bewertung des Verklebungspotenzials beim maschinellen Tunnelvortrieb mit Erddruckschilden

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Research paper thumbnail of InProTunnel - Grenzfächenprozesse zwischen Mineral- und Werkzeugoberflächen-Ursachen, Problemen und Lösungansätze am Beispiel des maschinellen Tunnelbau

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Research paper thumbnail of Untersuchung der Rutschungssuszeptibilität im tektonisch aktiven Hochgebirge mit der InfoVal Methode – eine Fallstudie aus Maily-Say, Kirgistan

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Research paper thumbnail of Bedrock fault scarp history: Insight from t-LiDAR backscatter behaviour and analysis of structure changes

Geomorphology, 2015

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Research paper thumbnail of Historische Erdbebenschäden im Dom zu Aachen: Aquisgrani terrae motus factus est

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Research paper thumbnail of Morphotectonics on bedrock scarps on the Island of Crete, Greece

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Research paper thumbnail of Application of Terrestrial Laser Scanning (T-Lidar) to Characterize the Morphology and Morphotectonics of Bedrock Fault Scarps in Greece

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Research paper thumbnail of The Kambarata 2 blast-fill dam, Kyrgyz Republic:blast event, geophysical monitoring and dam structure modelling

Geoenvironmental Disasters, 2015

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Research paper thumbnail of Landslides and cascading effects on Madeira Island

Heavy rainfall on February 20, 2010 triggered numerous shallow rapid landslides across Madeira Is... more Heavy rainfall on February 20, 2010 triggered numerous shallow rapid landslides across Madeira Island. Most failures started asdebris slides or avalanches at high elevations and transformed into debris flows which rushed downslope into populated coastal areas. The exceptional storm event induced multiple landslide types which show the relations of a cascading effect between preceding landslide processes and triggered successive landslide processes. Cascading effects taken place as large-scale shallow landslides were subsequently channelized into debris flows, which in turn transformed into linked-chains of debris flows by the remobilization of older deposits. The cascading effect continued as channelized debris flows abruptly or transitionally diluted into abrasive hyperconcentrated flows, triggering further slope failures by removal of the lateral support of adjacent slopes. At abrupt changes to low flow velocities and low water-tosediment ratios, hyperconcentrated flows formed tem...

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Research paper thumbnail of Structural analysis for permeability and stability assessment by use of TLS for the pumped storage hydropower plant Blautal

At present the pumped-storage hydropower plant Blautal is planned with a unsealed lower basin bel... more At present the pumped-storage hydropower plant Blautal is planned with a unsealed lower basin below the groundwater table in a limestone quarry at the southern margin of the Blautal, about 4 Km east of the karst spring Blautopf. The lower basin will be bordered in the east by a steep 95 m high rock face. Due to the high environmental sensibility minimal impact of basin and groundwater level fluctuations to the vicinity is required. To ensure this a detailed geohydraulic and geotechnical rock mass description is essential for modeling. Therefore, terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) was used to map the quarry and subsequently a high resolution digital elevation model (HRDEM) was established. This allows to perform spatial joint analysis with respect to the distribution of geohydraulic and geotechnical properties of the rock mass in the quarry. The results show a high quality and allow a distributed joint analysis and identification as well as projection of major joints in the quarry. Res...

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[Research paper thumbnail of [Nguyen] Madeira 2013](

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Research paper thumbnail of Quantifizierung der raeumlichen Trennflaechenrauhigkeiten aus LiDAR Daten

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Research paper thumbnail of Verklebungen in der EPB-Praxis: Auftreten, Einflüsse und Quantifizierung

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Research paper thumbnail of Adhäsionsproblematik zwischen Tonen und TBM

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Research paper thumbnail of Active bedrock fault scarps and terrestrial laser scanning: Insights into active tectonics and seismic hazards

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Research paper thumbnail of Parameterisation of numerical Models for CO2 Storage with Regard to Storage Security during Longwall Mining Operations

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Research paper thumbnail of Clays causing adhesion with tool surfaces during mechanical tunnel driving

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Research paper thumbnail of Sorptive storage of CO2 on coal dust and flotation waste from coal processing in abandoned coal mines

Proceedings of the International Symposium of the International Society for Rock Mechanics, Eurock 2006, Liège, Belgium, 9-12 May 2006, 2006


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Research paper thumbnail of First results in the attempt to adept a Data Mining Strategy for distinguishing global, reginal and local factors reflecting patterns in river water chemistry

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Research paper thumbnail of Adhäsionsproblematik zwischen Tonen und TBM

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Research paper thumbnail of Ein neues Verfahren zur Bewertung des Verklebungspotenzials beim maschinellen Tunnelvortrieb mit Erddruckschilden

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Research paper thumbnail of InProTunnel - Grenzfächenprozesse zwischen Mineral- und Werkzeugoberflächen-Ursachen, Problemen und Lösungansätze am Beispiel des maschinellen Tunnelbau

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Research paper thumbnail of Untersuchung der Rutschungssuszeptibilität im tektonisch aktiven Hochgebirge mit der InfoVal Methode – eine Fallstudie aus Maily-Say, Kirgistan

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Research paper thumbnail of Bedrock fault scarp history: Insight from t-LiDAR backscatter behaviour and analysis of structure changes

Geomorphology, 2015

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Research paper thumbnail of Historische Erdbebenschäden im Dom zu Aachen: Aquisgrani terrae motus factus est

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Research paper thumbnail of Morphotectonics on bedrock scarps on the Island of Crete, Greece

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Research paper thumbnail of Application of Terrestrial Laser Scanning (T-Lidar) to Characterize the Morphology and Morphotectonics of Bedrock Fault Scarps in Greece

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Research paper thumbnail of The Kambarata 2 blast-fill dam, Kyrgyz Republic:blast event, geophysical monitoring and dam structure modelling

Geoenvironmental Disasters, 2015

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Research paper thumbnail of Landslides and cascading effects on Madeira Island

Heavy rainfall on February 20, 2010 triggered numerous shallow rapid landslides across Madeira Is... more Heavy rainfall on February 20, 2010 triggered numerous shallow rapid landslides across Madeira Island. Most failures started asdebris slides or avalanches at high elevations and transformed into debris flows which rushed downslope into populated coastal areas. The exceptional storm event induced multiple landslide types which show the relations of a cascading effect between preceding landslide processes and triggered successive landslide processes. Cascading effects taken place as large-scale shallow landslides were subsequently channelized into debris flows, which in turn transformed into linked-chains of debris flows by the remobilization of older deposits. The cascading effect continued as channelized debris flows abruptly or transitionally diluted into abrasive hyperconcentrated flows, triggering further slope failures by removal of the lateral support of adjacent slopes. At abrupt changes to low flow velocities and low water-tosediment ratios, hyperconcentrated flows formed tem...

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Research paper thumbnail of Structural analysis for permeability and stability assessment by use of TLS for the pumped storage hydropower plant Blautal

At present the pumped-storage hydropower plant Blautal is planned with a unsealed lower basin bel... more At present the pumped-storage hydropower plant Blautal is planned with a unsealed lower basin below the groundwater table in a limestone quarry at the southern margin of the Blautal, about 4 Km east of the karst spring Blautopf. The lower basin will be bordered in the east by a steep 95 m high rock face. Due to the high environmental sensibility minimal impact of basin and groundwater level fluctuations to the vicinity is required. To ensure this a detailed geohydraulic and geotechnical rock mass description is essential for modeling. Therefore, terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) was used to map the quarry and subsequently a high resolution digital elevation model (HRDEM) was established. This allows to perform spatial joint analysis with respect to the distribution of geohydraulic and geotechnical properties of the rock mass in the quarry. The results show a high quality and allow a distributed joint analysis and identification as well as projection of major joints in the quarry. Res...

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[Research paper thumbnail of [Nguyen] Madeira 2013](

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Research paper thumbnail of Quantifizierung der raeumlichen Trennflaechenrauhigkeiten aus LiDAR Daten

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Research paper thumbnail of Verklebungen in der EPB-Praxis: Auftreten, Einflüsse und Quantifizierung

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Research paper thumbnail of Adhäsionsproblematik zwischen Tonen und TBM

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Research paper thumbnail of Active bedrock fault scarps and terrestrial laser scanning: Insights into active tectonics and seismic hazards

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Research paper thumbnail of Parameterisation of numerical Models for CO2 Storage with Regard to Storage Security during Longwall Mining Operations

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Research paper thumbnail of Clays causing adhesion with tool surfaces during mechanical tunnel driving

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