Meyton (original) (raw)

H/N - labcoats

The End Of Meyton?

Posted by lawmort1980 on 2007.10.18 at 11:40
Current Location: Vancouver
Current Mood: blahblah
Current Music: Dylan
Tags: episode discussion

So, what did everyone think?

Personally I felt the "Dear Mac" letter was a let down, and not just as a meyton shipper either, if they could get Claire Forlani to come in to do the voice over, could they not have had her film a scene of Peyton either writing it or just a small scene perhaps seeing her at her new job?

Taking it on face value, I can understand Peyton's desire to stay in London, where she has her family, it's strange living in another country, and everytime I return to England I do feel like I'm going home when I first see it laid out below the airplane (usually it's pretty much covered in cloud though! - lol).

But with Mac's stalker storyline, and following last weeks episode with the bloody shirt in his suitcase, it beg's the question of whether the letter was from Peyton at all or perhaps coerced, I know I'm probably reaching with that idea, but I loved all the shippyness we got last season, and I liked Peyton's character, it gave Mac a more human quality in my eyes.

I did enjoy seeing Mac/Gary play guitar at the end, and Stella turning up to watch was a nice little nod to their previous scene with the parachute, I like the friendship between Mac and Stella, but I'm really missing his scenes with Peyton.

Talk about a hi-tech episode, like many people I grew up watching James Bond films, in England as a kid it was a tradition of sorts to show one of the films on television every bank holiday. So I guess I'm pre-programmed to like anything with gadgets and car chases - something my Boyfriend is grateful of everytime we rent a film or go to the cinema.

Not only did we have a Bond type car, and a tux jacket that hacked PDA's etc, we also got Sinclair getting blasted for sexual harrasment - I've got to admit to chuckling at that, revenge is so sweet. And of course Flack with a girlfriend.

The thing that I loved the most was the B-plot, the 3:33 caller stepping up his game, I'm still worried that somehow Peyton is going to get caught up in all of this, but I'm taking no news as good news on the Peyton front at the moment. I'm really excited and looking forward to where they're taking this arc.

Anyway over to you now....share your thoughts on "You Only Die Once"

H/N - labcoats

Season Premiere

Posted by lawmort1980 on 2007.09.24 at 15:47

As I will be away for the season Premiere I thought it best to open this thread now, if any of you want to comment on the premiere please do so.

In the mean time, It's goodbye from me and I'll see you all in a weeks time when I get back. :D

H/N - labcoats

Spoilers for Ep 5

Posted by lawmort1980 on 2007.08.22 at 17:04
Current Location: Vancouver
Current Mood: sadsad
Tags: spoilers

For all those interested in spoilers - feel free to look under the lj cut

For all those wishing to remain spoiler free - please ignore this post


Posted by walker_sarah on 2007.07.17 at 18:14

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H/N - labcoats

Claire Forlani Interview

Posted by lawmort1980 on 2007.06.02 at 15:17
Current Location: Vancouver
Current Mood: chipperchipper
Tags: news

Claire Forlani was interviewed on 05/21, by The Star Online, she talks about her role and character on CSI:NY.

"For Forlani, the main thing that enticed her to take on the role was that the show’s writers and producers primarily wanted her to come in and be a romantic foil for Mac Taylor – Sinise’s character." - The Star Online


Second Vid

Posted by jordansavas on 2007.06.01 at 18:16
Current Mood: creativecreative
Tags: videos

It's me again.
And the new Shipper Vid is online.

I'm alright


Here I am

Posted by jordansavas on 2007.06.01 at 12:45
Current Mood: creativecreative
Current Music: Five For Fighting
Tags: videos

Hi it's me from youtube.
You ask me to send the link and to join the community ... here I am.
So here is the link to my MEYTON vid and maybe you like to hear that I'm working on another MEYTON vid.
It will be online soon.

What kind of world do you want?

H/N - labcoats

Meyton - fanvid

Posted by lawmort1980 on 2007.06.01 at 01:37
Current Location: Vancouver
Current Mood: cheerfulcheerful
Current Music: Donovan - Riki Tiki Tavi
Tags: videos

Song: Bandstand In The Sky
Artist: Pete Yorn
Creator: LawMort1980 (aka NrwaRebel)
Length: 3:27
Description: I fell in love with the song after it was on CSI:NY this season, it seemed to suit them so well when I saw the end scene from episode 7. It was a blast making this and it seemed to come about quickly (I hope that's a good thing?), this is only the second fanvid I've made, so I hope I did Meyton justice and that you enjoy it!
Availability: Youtube & MegaUpload
Format: WMV

H/N - labcoats

Beta's Required

Posted by lawmort1980 on 2007.05.23 at 12:45
Current Location: Vancouver
Current Mood: busybusy
Tags: beta's

The meyton community is in need of a few good beta's.

So if you have the free time and inclination as well as a love for fanfiction and the pairing of meyton, why not become a beta for meyton fanfiction.

If you feel up to the task please reply and leave your details in the comments section so that writers can get in contact with you.

Thank you :)