The Wolves of Mibu (original) (raw)

Come And Gather [Aug. 18th, 2005|12:19 am]The Wolves of Mibu
We have aqcuired the Warrior's Isle as our guild hall. Not much else to say about that except let's get people enrolled and go at some GvG battles. I look forward to it.~Kenji The Wolf
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Fundraiser! [Jul. 15th, 2005|01:32 am]The Wolves of Mibu
As all of you know, getting a guild hall is quintessential in the game and I and fellow members have been making concerted efforts in PvP to attain a Celestial Sigil by conquering the Hall of Heroes. Most of us will discover that this feat is not an easy one and some may find it quite impossible to best certain groups *cough Korea cough* and get to that ultimate goal. Therefore it's time to call all of you to the table and ask for your financial assistance to buy a CS from a Sigil trader. I know it may seem like the cheap way out and I was hoping myself to reach the HoH and walk away with the much sought after prize, but in order to progress the guild and attract new members it is a must at this point to do what it takes. Donations are not mandatory, of course, and you are welcome to give as little or as much as you want. So no Gestapo style intrusions will follow unwillingness to give money...for now at any rate. ;)Good luck and good hunting to you all. And remember, glory to the Wolves!~Kenji The Wolf
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Policy Overhaul/ Trimming The Fat [Jul. 3rd, 2005|02:50 pm]The Wolves of Mibu
Lately a handful of members have been offline for no explanation, and by a handful that is to say nearly a third of the roster. In light of that, Chibi, Ayumi and I met in the Wilds and drafted new policies for attendance and communication. Unfortunately, and I wish I didn't have to do this, we retroacted those new policies on certain memebers. Basically the new policy states that if you are offline for at least a week without notification beforehand, you may be kicked. This is for the sake of guild morale and overall fun factor, which is ruined by people not being online to support their fellow guildies.I am sorry it has come to this, but for the sake of the guild's welfare, rules like these MUST be enstated.I am aware that there are certain situations where notifying the guild of absence is not possible. We will handle these special cases as seen fit. Thank you for your time.~Kenji The Wolf
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Happy 4th of July [Jul. 1st, 2005|03:02 pm]The Wolves of Mibu
As many of you may have noticed, a lot of people have been offline for many increments of time. This is obviously due to the holiday season when everyone and their mother is off and away. I know it's boring and frustrating with so few people around, but I ask all of you to be patient and continue your work with the guild.Once again, I ask your patience as the guild is working towards great prospects and your valuable contributions.The Hall of Heroes is close, as is a guild hall for the Wolves.Once again, Happy 4th of July and hope to see you all soon on the field.~Kenji The Wolf
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Growth Spurt/ Aspirations [Jun. 21st, 2005|06:14 pm]The Wolves of Mibu
Thanks to the efforts of Chibi Neko and our newly elected officer Takashi Ox, our guild roster grew in a way I could not have fathomed before seeing the results of yesterday. To you all who have come aboard, I welcome you and thank you for dedicating your time to strengthen the Wolves. Now that we have many more in number it is time for us to focus on one thing. The Hall of Heroes. I call upon you all if willing, to create a PvP character and help this cause so that the guild may reach new heights. If needed make use of the preset character templates as they offer many powerful and useful abilities which need not be earned in the RP game if you so choose to use them. I have used the Pyromancer template and created Agni the Fury, and believe me the abilities on the Pyro build would be quite beneficial to say the least. Of course there are other options to explore and I implore you to look to builds that include mesmer and monk capabilities as they would be invaluable in the arenas. The world has enough tanks. ;)Thank you for your time and I hope to see you in the tournament arenas.~Kenji The Wolf
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This is the Domain of the Wolves [Jun. 18th, 2005|01:56 pm]The Wolves of Mibu
Welcome all members to the official site for the Wolves of Mibu. This lj community will be used to keep us all in touch and allow us to lengthen our reach and recruit and keep new players to expand the activities of the guild. Please address the userinfo section of the community for regulations and the like. Enjoy.~Kenji The Wolf
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