Metrics for Assessing Segmentation Accuracy for Geospatial Data (original) (raw)

Segmentation Assessment Metrics (segmetric)

The segmetric is an open source package that provides a set of metrics for analyzing and evaluating geospatial segmentations. It implements 28 supervised metrics used in literature for spatial segmentation assessment (see References below).


Development version

To install the development version of segmetric, run the following commands:

# load necessary libraries



Spatial datasets can be loaded using sf objects. To create a segmetric object, use function [sm_read()](reference/segmetric%5Ffunctions.html):


# load example datasets
data("sample_ref_sf", package = "segmetric")
data("sample_seg_sf", package = "segmetric")

# create segmetric object
m <- sm_read(ref_sf = sample_ref_sf, seg_sf = sample_seg_sf)

Plot your data using [plot()](reference/plot.html) command:

Segmentation metrics can be computed by function [sm_compute()](reference/metric%5Ffunctions.html). Use [summary()]( to obtain an overall metric (mean or weighted mean).

Make multiple calls to compute more other metrics:

To see all supported metrics, type [?metric_functions](reference/metric%5Ffunctions.html) or run:

# list all supported metrics
#>  [1] "AFI"       "D_index"   "Dice"      "E"         "ED3"       "F_measure"
#>  [7] "Fitness"   "IoU"       "M"         "OI2"       "OMerging"  "OS1"      
#> [13] "OS2"       "OS3"       "PI"        "precision" "qLoc"      "QR"       
#> [19] "RAsub"     "RAsuper"   "recall"    "RPsub"     "RPsuper"   "SimSize"  
#> [25] "UMerging"  "US1"       "US2"       "US3"

Getting Help

A detailed documentation with examples on how to use each function inside segmetric package can be obtained by typing [?segmetric](reference/segmetric-package.html) in R console.

How to contribute?

The segmetric package was implemented based on an extensible architecture. Feel free to contribute by implementing new metrics functions.

  1. Make a project fork.
  2. Edit file R/metric-funs.R implementing the new metric.
  3. Register your metric in .db_registry() function at R/db.R file using [sm_reg_metric()](reference/db%5Ffunctions.html).
  4. Make a Pull Request on the branch dev.


This research was supported by the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program (Grant agreement No 677140 MIDLAND).


  1. New phytologist, 11(2), pp.37-50.
  1. In: Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), pp. 658-666.