midnight_souls - Profile (original) (raw)

on 10 August 2004 (#4134407)

Dark Souls and the People who Support Them

This is a moderated community.

I have a dark soul. I embrace the midnight sky with all my being. The peace of a moonless night is my sanctuary, and I carry the night with me wherever I go. I honor the world around me by being the balancing force that provides shelter. I share my knowledge with those who would walk the hidden, secret paths that lead to silence and calm. My energy is as boundless as the night sky, and I share the burning passion of the million on million on million stars that shine in the depths of darkness. I honor and love and respect all that walk this world, and others, all from within my cloak of dark mystery.

However, I have been under assault for my dark nature, with people telling foul lies that I am treacherous, deceitful, dangerous, that the darkness holds only lies. I've been accused of being in league with Satan (a completely absurd and groundless accusation). I am tired of being falsely accused by people who claim to serve the light. Darkness is my nature. Treachery is not my nature. Neither is lying; I pay a severe price for lies, one beyond anything these cretins could ever understand. But they deliberately deny all that I say so they can have a convenient scapegoat for the evil that they do to themselves and others. They lie, they continually lie, and they tell themselves the lies are truth, and truth is lies.

Over the last few years, I've learned that light can and does lie, no matter their protestations of exposing the truth. Certain light workers try to scald away the darkness by assigning false labels to those who dwell in the shadows. Then, by sheer force of belief, those labels become a new "truth," one that more thoroughly destroys its target than anything the darkness ever did. And then the "light" workers congratulate themselves on work well done, continually in denial about the sheer horror they have inflicted on the innocents and the harmless. Occasionally one of the dark will stand up for the rest, but that one becomes the number one target.

No more. This community is about people of shadow and darkness coming together in mutual defense against false labels and false attacks. This haven provides emotional support as well as a place to rant. Mystical work of all types are welcome also. Even balanced, mature light workers who understand that the darkness holds value, truth, and honor are welcome here. Otherkin of all sorts are doubly welcome here.

Those with a Goth persuasion are also welcome here, but this community is not specifically about the Goth culture. This community is not the place to discuss alternate lifestyles such as S&M, bondage, blood magic, or any other kinds of practices involved in the Goth culture. Those choices are simply that--choices. But this community has a different focus, one that looks for the calm, quiet night.

Herein lies shelter, weary friends. I, too, am tired of the assault. Come join us here, and be at peace in the darkness.

Welcome to the mystery that is Midnight Souls.

11:11, 2012, afterlife, akashic, akashic records, angelkin, astral projection, astral travel, astrology, awakening, candles, celtic, chaos magic, crystals, dark, dark souls, darkness, divination, dragonkin, dragons, dream interpretation, dreams, druids, empaths, empathy, energy work, enlightenment, eschaton, esp, fae, faerie, faeries, faery folk, healing, kundalini, lucid dreams, meditation, memories, metaphysics, multiplicity, myth, mythology, new age, old gods, oobe, otherkin, out of body experiences, pagan, paganism, paranormal, prophecies, psychic, reincarnation, remote viewing, runes, shadowkin, shadows, shamanism, shapeshifters, shinto, sidhe, sleep, spells, spirit guides, spirit travel, spirits, spirituality, starseed, summerlands, supernatural, taoism, tarot, time, time travel, totem animals, trance, yin and yang, yoga