kemal sahin | Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University (original) (raw)
Papers by kemal sahin
Kastamonu eğitim dergisi, Mar 20, 2020
İstatistik araçları sosyal bilimler araştırmalarında, araş-tırma kapsamında toplanılan verilerin ... more İstatistik araçları sosyal bilimler araştırmalarında, araş-tırma kapsamında toplanılan verilerin analiz edilebilmesi için sıklıkla kullanılmaktır. Doğru ve geçerli bir analizin yapılabilmesi için araştırmacıların, istatistik yöntemlerine, bu yöntemlerin uygulanışına ve istatistiksel varsayımlara hâkim olmaları gerekmektedir. Bu çalışmada Sosyal bilimler araştırmacılarının, uygulamalı istatistikte hangi zorluklarla karşılaştıklarının ve istatistik yazılımlarında ne gibi eklentilere ihtiyaç duyduklarının tespit edilmesi hedeflenmektedir. Bu hedef doğrultusunda belirlenen kriterlere uygun katılımcılar ile betimsel bir çalışma yürütülmüş sonucunda da Teknoloji Algı Ölçeği ile katılımcıların istatistik paket programlarına karşı tutumları değerlendirilmiştir.
ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Nov 13, 2017
Various studies have been carried out since 2005 under the leadership of Ministry of Environment ... more Various studies have been carried out since 2005 under the leadership of Ministry of Environment and Urbanism of Turkey, in order to observe the quality of air in Turkey, to develop new policies and to develop a sustainable air quality management strategy. For this reason, a national air quality monitoring network has been developed providing air quality indices. By this network, the quality of the air has been continuously monitored and an important information system has been constructed in order to take precautions for preventing a dangerous situation. The biggest handicap in the network is the data access problem for instant and time series data acquisition and processing because of its proprietary structure. Currently, there is no service offered by the current air quality monitoring system for exchanging information with third party applications. Within the context of this work, a web service has been developed to enable location based querying of the current/past air quality data in Turkey. This web service is equipped with up-todate and widely preferred technologies. In other words, an architecture is chosen in which applications can easily integrate. In the second phase of the study, a web-based application was developed to test the developed web service and this testing application can perform location based acquisition of air-quality data. This makes it possible to easily carry out operations such as screening and examination of the area in the given time-frame which cannot be done with the national monitoring network., 2012
Web tabanlı uzaktan eğitim son yıllarda, üniversitelerin, eğitim organizasyonlarının ve kamu ya d... more Web tabanlı uzaktan eğitim son yıllarda, üniversitelerin, eğitim organizasyonlarının ve kamu ya da özel birçok kuruluşun, çeşitli (çalışan, bedensel engeli olan, bulunduğu yerde eğitim alma olanağı bulunmayan kişilere bu hizmeti vermek veya zamandan kazanmak ve maliyetleri azaltmak gibi) sebeplerle tercih ettikleri bir çözüm haline gelmiştir. Web tabanlı eğitimde, öğretim materyallerinin öğrencilere sunumu, çeşitli kurs kataloglarını yönetme, sınavlar hazırlama ve uygulama, öğrencilerin öğrenme sürecini kayıt altına alma gibi öğrenme aktivitelerinin yönetimi, raporlama işlemlerinin gerçekleştirilmesi ve eğitim faaliyetlerinin sistematik ve planlı bir şekilde sürdürülebilmesi için Öğrenme Yönetim Sistemleri(ÖYS)'nden yararlanılmaktadır. Günümüzde birçok ticari ÖYS'nin yanı sıra çok sayıda açık kaynak kodlu ÖYS de bulunmaktadır. Açık kaynak kodlu ÖYS'ler; açık kaynak kodu felsefesinin gücü, esnekliği ve bu sistemleri kullanan kişilerin tercihi doğrultusunda ticari ürünlere rakip olabilmektedir. Bu çalışmada; alanyazın taraması sonucunda en sık karşılaşılan Moodle, Sakai, ATutor, Dokeos, Claroline ve OLAT ÖYS'leri, araştırmacılar tarafından geliştirilen "ÖYS Değerlendirme ve Seçim Envanteri" kullanılarak incelenmiş ve değerlendirme sonuçları karşılaştırılmıştır. Araştırma sonuçlarının gerek üniversitelerin ve eğitim organizasyonlarının gerekse kamu ve özel kuruluşların ÖYS seçim ve karar verme sürecine rehberlik etmesi amaçlanmaktadır.
Problemlere cozum onerileri getirmek olarak tanimlanan tasarim gunumuzde, cok daha kompleks ve ic... more Problemlere cozum onerileri getirmek olarak tanimlanan tasarim gunumuzde, cok daha kompleks ve ic ice gecmis bircok etkenden etkilenen konulara care uretmekte, bunu yaparken de var olan kosullara ve gereksinimlere dikkat etmesi beklenilmektedir. Tasarimin hukum surdugu tum alanlarda artik degiskenler, sinirliliklar ve gereksinimler on plana cikmakta ve tasarim surecini sekillendirmektedir. Ozellikle mimari gibi cevre kosullarinin birebir etkiledigi, maliyet ve zaman hesaplarinin yapildigi durumlarda artik problem farkli boyutlarda degerlendirilmeli ve ortaya konan tasarim cozumlerinin en optimumu ve en uygunu kabul gormelidir. Bu arastirma kapsaminda daha once projelerinde parametrik tasarim ilkelerini hic kullanmamis mimar adaylarina uygun bir sure boyunca, uygulamaya dayali parametrik tasarim egitimi verilmistir. Yurutulen egitim icerisinde parametrik tasarimin temel ilkeleri ile uretim asamasindaki pratikleri ve dinamikleri konusunda calismalar yurutulmustur. Egitim sonrasinda ka...
Malzemeden kullanıcıya tüm iç ve dış etkenlere cevap veren bir dünyayı içeren parametrik tasarım,... more Malzemeden kullanıcıya tüm iç ve dış etkenlere cevap veren bir dünyayı içeren parametrik tasarım, mimarlık alanında yürütülen projelerin geliştirilmesi ve zenginleştirilmesi konusunda da önemli rol oynamaktadır. Parametrik tasarım yönteminin sayesinde mimarın üstlendiği rol yapının sadece tasarımına cevap üretilmesi ile kalmayıp, içinde bulunulan tüm durum ve koşulların değerlendirebilmesini olanaklı kılmaktadır.. Böylece esnek bir yapı içerisinde zamana ve doğal/yapay etmenlere karşı dayanıklı ve sürdürülebilir çözümler üretilebilir. Çok yönlü bir üretimi tetikleyen bu tasarım yaklaşımı, üretim sürecini de hızlandıran bilgisayar teknolojileri ile giderek pratik ve kolay bir şekilde uygulanmaya başlanmıştır. Bu araştırma kapsamında mimar adaylarına belirli bir süre boyunca uygulamaya dayalı parametrik tasarım eğitimi verilmiş, parametrik tasarımın üretim aşamasındaki pratikleri ve dinamikleri konusunda çalışmalar yürütülmüştür. Çalışmanın amacına uygun olarak, ortaya konan projeleri değerlendirmek için özel bir rubrik ölçeği geliştirilip uzman görüşleri ile güvenilirliği ve geçerliliği sağlanmıştır. Öğrencilerin olumlu ve olumsuz görüşleri alınarak ölçeğin geçerliliği pekiştirilmiştir. Proje değerlendirme aşaması ve alt boyutlarda elde edilen sonuçlar ve bulgular bir sonraki çalışmaya bırakılmıştır. Parametric design responding many aspects of design as a design method, plays an important role in the development of architectural design projects. The designer may not only find design solutions but also makes evaluate all natural and artificial conditions with the help of the parametric design, Thus, many solutions responding desing criterias in terms of needs, sustainabilty and resistance can be found easily in such flexible structure. This design approach triggering a quite versatile production process is accessible and being implemented easily through the computer based technologies accelerate the production process. In the context of this research, an applied course in parametric desing has been conducted with architecture students and both design and fabrication processes have been examined. In the second phase students developed an object individually using these methods. A specific rubric scale validated by experts developed to evaluate the products and process as a goal of this study. The opinions of students have been evaluated to reinforce the validity of rubric scale as well. The findings in sub-levels of production process will be examined in further studies.
J. Inf. Technol. Constr., 2012
Design education has an interdisciplinary structure that brings together the science and technolo... more Design education has an interdisciplinary structure that brings together the science and technology in art. Design instruction is a common subject in all design disciplines. Design works require both literal and multiple social communication to create new concept. It includes assessing situations and cases in the conceptual and contextual perspective. This study proposes an assesment, learning and sharing platform based on web 2.0 e-learning methods. "Design education social networking platform" is the main focus area of this study.
ISPRS Annals of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Nov 13, 2017
Various studies have been carried out since 2005 under the leadership of Ministry of Environment ... more Various studies have been carried out since 2005 under the leadership of Ministry of Environment and Urbanism of Turkey, in order to observe the quality of air in Turkey, to develop new policies and to develop a sustainable air quality management strategy. For this reason, a national air quality monitoring network has been developed providing air quality indices. By this network, the quality of the air has been continuously monitored and an important information system has been constructed in order to take precautions for preventing a dangerous situation. The biggest handicap in the network is the data access problem for instant and time series data acquisition and processing because of its proprietary structure. Currently, there is no service offered by the current air quality monitoring system for exchanging information with third party applications. Within the context of this work, a web service has been developed to enable location based querying of the current/past air quality data in Turkey. This web service is equipped with up-todate and widely preferred technologies. In other words, an architecture is chosen in which applications can easily integrate. In the second phase of the study, a web-based application was developed to test the developed web service and this testing application can perform location based acquisition of air-quality data. This makes it possible to easily carry out operations such as screening and examination of the area in the given time-frame which cannot be done with the national monitoring network.
ISPRS - International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, 2018
The knowledge about the occupancy of an indoor space can serve to various domains ranging from em... more The knowledge about the occupancy of an indoor space can serve to various domains ranging from emergency response to energy efficiency in buildings. The literature in the field presents various methods for occupancy detection. Data gathered for occupancy detection, can also be used to predict the number of occupants at a certain indoor space and time. The aim of this research was to determine the number of occupants in an indoor space, through the utilisation of information acquired from a set of sensors and machine learning techniques. The sensor types used in this research was a sound level sensor, temperature/humidity level sensor and an air quality level sensor. Based on data acquired from these sensors six automatic classification techniques are employed and tested with the aim of automatically detecting the number of occupants in an indoor space by making use of multi-sensor information. The results of the tests demonstrated that machine learning techniques can be used as a tool for prediction of number of occupants in an indoor space.
ISPRS - International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, 2018
Many countries where the industrial development and production rates are high face many side effe... more Many countries where the industrial development and production rates are high face many side effects of low air quality and air pollution. There is an evident correlation between the topographic and climatic properties of a location and the air pollution and air quality on that location. As the variation of air quality is dependent on location, air quality information should be acquired, utilised, stored and presented in form of Geo-Information. On the other hand, as this information is related with the health concerns of public, the information should be available publicly, and needs to be presented through an easily accessible medium and through a commonly used interface. Efficient storage of time-varying air quality information when combined with an efficient mechanism of 3D web-based visualisation would help very much in dissemination of air quality information to public. This research is focused on web-based 3D visualisation of time-varying air quality data. A web based interactive system is developed to visualise pollutant levels that were acquired as hourly intervals from more than 100 stations in Turkey between years 2008 and 2017. The research also concentrated on visualisation of geospatial high volume data. In the system, visualisation can be achieved on-demand by querying an air pollutant information database of 10.330.629 records and a city object database with more than 700.000 records. The paper elaborates on the details of this research. Following a background on air quality, air quality models, and Geo-Information visualisation, the system architecture and functionality is presented. The paper concludes with results of usability tests of the system.
Kastamonu Eğitim Dergisi, 2020
İstatistik araçları sosyal bilimler araştırmalarında, araş-tırma kapsamında toplanılan verilerin ... more İstatistik araçları sosyal bilimler araştırmalarında, araş-tırma kapsamında toplanılan verilerin analiz edilebilmesi için sıklıkla kullanılmaktır. Doğru ve geçerli bir analizin yapılabilmesi için araştırmacıların, istatistik yöntemlerine, bu yöntemlerin uygulanışına ve istatistiksel varsayımlara hâkim olmaları gerekmektedir. Bu çalışmada Sosyal bilimler araştırmacılarının, uygulamalı istatistikte hangi zorluklarla karşılaştıklarının ve istatistik yazılımlarında ne gibi eklentilere ihtiyaç duyduklarının tespit edilmesi hedeflenmektedir. Bu hedef doğrultusunda belirlenen kriterlere uygun katılımcılar ile betimsel bir çalışma yürütülmüş sonucunda da Teknoloji Algı Ölçeği ile katılımcıların istatistik paket programlarına karşı tutumları değerlendirilmiştir.
Stratejik ve Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, 2018
Sanayi devriminden sonra en büyük kırılma noktalarından biri olarak gösterilen üç boyutlu yazıcı ... more Sanayi devriminden sonra en büyük kırılma noktalarından biri olarak gösterilen üç boyutlu yazıcı teknolojisi, her geçen gün düşen maliyetleri ve gereksinimleri ile artık her eve girecek hal almıştır. Bu büyük dönüşüm, tüm üretim süreçlerinde köklü değişimler yarattığı gibi aynı zamanda birçok disiplini de etkilemiştir. Bu önemli dönüm noktasında, mevcut teknolojilerin sınıflandırılması ve karşılaştırılması ise karmaşık görülen bu kavramın daha net anlaşılmasını sağlayacak ve karar verme noktasında rehberlik niteliği taşıyacaktır. Bu araştırma kapsamında hem 3 boyutlu yazıcılarda kullanılan tüm teknolojiler hem de üretim süreçleri ve ham maddeleri sınıflandırılarak karşılaştırılmıştır. Ayrıca Türkiye'de oluşmaya başlayan ve ilgi gören 3 boyutlu yazıcı teknolojileri araştırılmıştır. Anahtar Kelimeler: 3 boyutlu yazıcı, 3 boyutlu yazıcı teknolojileri, 3 boyutlu yazıcılarda üretim süreçleri, Türkiye'de 3 boyutlu yazıcı kullanımı.
Developments that have been realized regarding software and hardware in the communications indust... more Developments that have been realized regarding software and hardware in the communications industry have led to compulsory developments in approaches to website designs. The problem of providing and sustaining compatibility of websites with devices on the market has led to the development of new approaches. As a result of this situation, a responsive web design approach that solves the problem of hardware compatibility has been developed in addition to software and software development methods that allow for the application of this approach. This design approach, which has been more frequently used since 2011, has been preferred by both individuals and companies because it is more sustainable and easier to use. Responsive web design principles and the reasons behind their necessity have been analyzed in this paper. Furthermore, the frameworks that have been developed based on this design approach were analyzed and their characteristics and qualities were compared in reference to responsive web design principles. The criteria necessary for choosing a powerful and effective framework have been laid out.
A/Z : ITU journal of Faculty of Architecture, 2017
The recent developments in the digital technologies have led to an increase in the parametric mod... more The recent developments in the digital technologies have led to an increase in the parametric modelling efforts and the use of parametric patterns in design. In order to manage this new paradigm where the design is becoming more digital, the designer needs to utilize his/her analytical abilities in an effective manner as this is the only way for precise representation of concepts in the actual design itself. The parametric design is a holistic process. A key element of this is the development of design through coding. In this context, the aim of the study was understanding the attitudes of architects and architecture students towards adoption of analytical/algorithmic methods and specifically the object oriented paradigm and design-by-coding. In the first stage a randomly selected group of volunteers were provided training in object oriented programming concepts and design-by-coding over 15 weeks (and a total of 45 hours). Later in this study two data collection tools were utilised to understand the attitudes of the participants towards design-by-coding. The first tool used was an attitude scale, while the second tool used was a web based questionnaire survey. The results indicate that the participants did not show a significant positive attitude towards design by coding. This result might have been caused by the difficulties faced during the study, as the participants were experiencing a design-by-coding exercise as the first time. In fact, it is also observed that algorithmic thinking and parametric design abilities of the designers can be enhanced by training on design-by-coding concepts.
Design education has an interdisciplinary structure that brings together the science and technolo... more Design education has an interdisciplinary structure that brings together the science and technology in art. Design instruction is a common subject in all design disciplines. Design works require both literal and multiple social communication to create new concept. It includes assessing situations and cases in the
conceptual and contextual perspective. This study proposes an assesment, learning and sharing platform based on web 2.0 e-learning methods. "Design education social networking platform" is the main focus area of this study.
City centers become hard to live and comprehend because of the increase in complexity of their st... more City centers become hard to live and comprehend because of the increase in complexity of their structure. One of the most important reasons for this is the inadequacy in establishing social and environmental relations. This is caused by difficulties in comprehending and identifying the surrounding environment by inhabitants. Comprehensibility of space is essential for establishing a healthy relationship between individuals and the space. In the urban framework, the historical context, spatial relationships and natural / artificial unique features need to be internalized entirely to strengthen the feelings related to relationship and belonging. Thus, the key question can be phrased as “how can the awareness of permanent and temporary inhabitants and comrehensibility of the urban environment be promoted?” Based on this question, this study focused on increasing the awereness and sense of belonging of inhabitants with the help of infographics.
Conf.Papers by kemal sahin
The knowledge about the occupancy of an indoor space can serve to various domains ranging from em... more The knowledge about the occupancy of an indoor space can serve to various domains ranging from emergency response to energy efficiency in buildings. The literature in the field presents various methods for occupancy detection. Data gathered for occupancy detection, can also be used to predict the number of occupants at a certain indoor space and time. The aim of this research was to determine the number of occupants in an indoor space, through the utilisation of information acquired from a set of sensors and machine learning techniques. The sensor types used in this research was a sound level sensor, temperature/humidity level sensor and an air quality level sensor. Based on data acquired from these sensors six automatic classification techniques are employed and tested with the aim of automatically detecting the number of occupants in an indoor space by making use of multi-sensor information. The results of the tests demonstrated that machine learning techniques can be used as a tool for prediction of number of occupants in an indoor space.
Many countries where the industrial development and production rates are high face many side effe... more Many countries where the industrial development and production rates are high face many side effects of low air quality and air pollution. There is an evident correlation between the topographic and climatic properties of a location and the air pollution and air quality on that location. As the variation of air quality is dependent on location, air quality information should be acquired, utilised, stored and presented in form of Geo-Information. On the other hand, as this information is related with the health concerns of public, the information should be available publicly, and needs to be presented through an easily accessible medium and through a commonly used interface. Efficient storage of time-varying air quality information when combined with an efficient mechanism of 3D web-based visualisation would help very much in dissemination of air quality information to public. This research is focused on web-based 3D visualisation of time-varying air quality data. A web based interactive system is developed to visualise pollutant levels that were acquired as hourly intervals from more than 100 stations in Turkey between years 2008 and 2017. The research also concentrated on visualisation of geospatial high volume data. In the system, visualisation can be achieved on-demand by querying an air pollutant information database of 10.330.629 records and a city object database with more than 700.000 records. The paper elaborates on the details of this research. Following a background on air quality, air quality models, and Geo-Information visualisation, the system architecture and functionality is presented. The paper concludes with results of usability tests of the system.
Various studies have been carried out since 2005 under the leadership of Ministry of Environment ... more Various studies have been carried out since 2005 under the leadership of Ministry of Environment and Urbanism of Turkey, in order to observe the quality of air in Turkey, to develop new policies and to develop a sustainable air quality management strategy. For this reason, a national air quality monitoring network has been developed providing air quality indices. By this network, the quality of the air has been continuously monitored and an important information system has been constructed in order to take precautions for preventing a dangerous situation. The biggest handicap in the network is the data access problem for instant and time series data acquisition and processing because of its proprietary structure. Currently, there is no service offered by the current air quality monitoring system for exchanging information with third party applications. Within the context of this work, a web service has been developed to enable location based querying of the current/past air quality data in Turkey. This web service is equipped with up-todate and widely preferred technologies. In other words, an architecture is chosen in which applications can easily integrate. In the second phase of the study, a web-based application was developed to test the developed web service and this testing application can perform location based acquisition of air-quality data. This makes it possible to easily carry out operations such as screening and examination of the area in the given time-frame which cannot be done with the national monitoring network.
Kastamonu eğitim dergisi, Mar 20, 2020
İstatistik araçları sosyal bilimler araştırmalarında, araş-tırma kapsamında toplanılan verilerin ... more İstatistik araçları sosyal bilimler araştırmalarında, araş-tırma kapsamında toplanılan verilerin analiz edilebilmesi için sıklıkla kullanılmaktır. Doğru ve geçerli bir analizin yapılabilmesi için araştırmacıların, istatistik yöntemlerine, bu yöntemlerin uygulanışına ve istatistiksel varsayımlara hâkim olmaları gerekmektedir. Bu çalışmada Sosyal bilimler araştırmacılarının, uygulamalı istatistikte hangi zorluklarla karşılaştıklarının ve istatistik yazılımlarında ne gibi eklentilere ihtiyaç duyduklarının tespit edilmesi hedeflenmektedir. Bu hedef doğrultusunda belirlenen kriterlere uygun katılımcılar ile betimsel bir çalışma yürütülmüş sonucunda da Teknoloji Algı Ölçeği ile katılımcıların istatistik paket programlarına karşı tutumları değerlendirilmiştir.
ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Nov 13, 2017
Various studies have been carried out since 2005 under the leadership of Ministry of Environment ... more Various studies have been carried out since 2005 under the leadership of Ministry of Environment and Urbanism of Turkey, in order to observe the quality of air in Turkey, to develop new policies and to develop a sustainable air quality management strategy. For this reason, a national air quality monitoring network has been developed providing air quality indices. By this network, the quality of the air has been continuously monitored and an important information system has been constructed in order to take precautions for preventing a dangerous situation. The biggest handicap in the network is the data access problem for instant and time series data acquisition and processing because of its proprietary structure. Currently, there is no service offered by the current air quality monitoring system for exchanging information with third party applications. Within the context of this work, a web service has been developed to enable location based querying of the current/past air quality data in Turkey. This web service is equipped with up-todate and widely preferred technologies. In other words, an architecture is chosen in which applications can easily integrate. In the second phase of the study, a web-based application was developed to test the developed web service and this testing application can perform location based acquisition of air-quality data. This makes it possible to easily carry out operations such as screening and examination of the area in the given time-frame which cannot be done with the national monitoring network., 2012
Web tabanlı uzaktan eğitim son yıllarda, üniversitelerin, eğitim organizasyonlarının ve kamu ya d... more Web tabanlı uzaktan eğitim son yıllarda, üniversitelerin, eğitim organizasyonlarının ve kamu ya da özel birçok kuruluşun, çeşitli (çalışan, bedensel engeli olan, bulunduğu yerde eğitim alma olanağı bulunmayan kişilere bu hizmeti vermek veya zamandan kazanmak ve maliyetleri azaltmak gibi) sebeplerle tercih ettikleri bir çözüm haline gelmiştir. Web tabanlı eğitimde, öğretim materyallerinin öğrencilere sunumu, çeşitli kurs kataloglarını yönetme, sınavlar hazırlama ve uygulama, öğrencilerin öğrenme sürecini kayıt altına alma gibi öğrenme aktivitelerinin yönetimi, raporlama işlemlerinin gerçekleştirilmesi ve eğitim faaliyetlerinin sistematik ve planlı bir şekilde sürdürülebilmesi için Öğrenme Yönetim Sistemleri(ÖYS)'nden yararlanılmaktadır. Günümüzde birçok ticari ÖYS'nin yanı sıra çok sayıda açık kaynak kodlu ÖYS de bulunmaktadır. Açık kaynak kodlu ÖYS'ler; açık kaynak kodu felsefesinin gücü, esnekliği ve bu sistemleri kullanan kişilerin tercihi doğrultusunda ticari ürünlere rakip olabilmektedir. Bu çalışmada; alanyazın taraması sonucunda en sık karşılaşılan Moodle, Sakai, ATutor, Dokeos, Claroline ve OLAT ÖYS'leri, araştırmacılar tarafından geliştirilen "ÖYS Değerlendirme ve Seçim Envanteri" kullanılarak incelenmiş ve değerlendirme sonuçları karşılaştırılmıştır. Araştırma sonuçlarının gerek üniversitelerin ve eğitim organizasyonlarının gerekse kamu ve özel kuruluşların ÖYS seçim ve karar verme sürecine rehberlik etmesi amaçlanmaktadır.
Problemlere cozum onerileri getirmek olarak tanimlanan tasarim gunumuzde, cok daha kompleks ve ic... more Problemlere cozum onerileri getirmek olarak tanimlanan tasarim gunumuzde, cok daha kompleks ve ic ice gecmis bircok etkenden etkilenen konulara care uretmekte, bunu yaparken de var olan kosullara ve gereksinimlere dikkat etmesi beklenilmektedir. Tasarimin hukum surdugu tum alanlarda artik degiskenler, sinirliliklar ve gereksinimler on plana cikmakta ve tasarim surecini sekillendirmektedir. Ozellikle mimari gibi cevre kosullarinin birebir etkiledigi, maliyet ve zaman hesaplarinin yapildigi durumlarda artik problem farkli boyutlarda degerlendirilmeli ve ortaya konan tasarim cozumlerinin en optimumu ve en uygunu kabul gormelidir. Bu arastirma kapsaminda daha once projelerinde parametrik tasarim ilkelerini hic kullanmamis mimar adaylarina uygun bir sure boyunca, uygulamaya dayali parametrik tasarim egitimi verilmistir. Yurutulen egitim icerisinde parametrik tasarimin temel ilkeleri ile uretim asamasindaki pratikleri ve dinamikleri konusunda calismalar yurutulmustur. Egitim sonrasinda ka...
Malzemeden kullanıcıya tüm iç ve dış etkenlere cevap veren bir dünyayı içeren parametrik tasarım,... more Malzemeden kullanıcıya tüm iç ve dış etkenlere cevap veren bir dünyayı içeren parametrik tasarım, mimarlık alanında yürütülen projelerin geliştirilmesi ve zenginleştirilmesi konusunda da önemli rol oynamaktadır. Parametrik tasarım yönteminin sayesinde mimarın üstlendiği rol yapının sadece tasarımına cevap üretilmesi ile kalmayıp, içinde bulunulan tüm durum ve koşulların değerlendirebilmesini olanaklı kılmaktadır.. Böylece esnek bir yapı içerisinde zamana ve doğal/yapay etmenlere karşı dayanıklı ve sürdürülebilir çözümler üretilebilir. Çok yönlü bir üretimi tetikleyen bu tasarım yaklaşımı, üretim sürecini de hızlandıran bilgisayar teknolojileri ile giderek pratik ve kolay bir şekilde uygulanmaya başlanmıştır. Bu araştırma kapsamında mimar adaylarına belirli bir süre boyunca uygulamaya dayalı parametrik tasarım eğitimi verilmiş, parametrik tasarımın üretim aşamasındaki pratikleri ve dinamikleri konusunda çalışmalar yürütülmüştür. Çalışmanın amacına uygun olarak, ortaya konan projeleri değerlendirmek için özel bir rubrik ölçeği geliştirilip uzman görüşleri ile güvenilirliği ve geçerliliği sağlanmıştır. Öğrencilerin olumlu ve olumsuz görüşleri alınarak ölçeğin geçerliliği pekiştirilmiştir. Proje değerlendirme aşaması ve alt boyutlarda elde edilen sonuçlar ve bulgular bir sonraki çalışmaya bırakılmıştır. Parametric design responding many aspects of design as a design method, plays an important role in the development of architectural design projects. The designer may not only find design solutions but also makes evaluate all natural and artificial conditions with the help of the parametric design, Thus, many solutions responding desing criterias in terms of needs, sustainabilty and resistance can be found easily in such flexible structure. This design approach triggering a quite versatile production process is accessible and being implemented easily through the computer based technologies accelerate the production process. In the context of this research, an applied course in parametric desing has been conducted with architecture students and both design and fabrication processes have been examined. In the second phase students developed an object individually using these methods. A specific rubric scale validated by experts developed to evaluate the products and process as a goal of this study. The opinions of students have been evaluated to reinforce the validity of rubric scale as well. The findings in sub-levels of production process will be examined in further studies.
J. Inf. Technol. Constr., 2012
Design education has an interdisciplinary structure that brings together the science and technolo... more Design education has an interdisciplinary structure that brings together the science and technology in art. Design instruction is a common subject in all design disciplines. Design works require both literal and multiple social communication to create new concept. It includes assessing situations and cases in the conceptual and contextual perspective. This study proposes an assesment, learning and sharing platform based on web 2.0 e-learning methods. "Design education social networking platform" is the main focus area of this study.
ISPRS Annals of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Nov 13, 2017
Various studies have been carried out since 2005 under the leadership of Ministry of Environment ... more Various studies have been carried out since 2005 under the leadership of Ministry of Environment and Urbanism of Turkey, in order to observe the quality of air in Turkey, to develop new policies and to develop a sustainable air quality management strategy. For this reason, a national air quality monitoring network has been developed providing air quality indices. By this network, the quality of the air has been continuously monitored and an important information system has been constructed in order to take precautions for preventing a dangerous situation. The biggest handicap in the network is the data access problem for instant and time series data acquisition and processing because of its proprietary structure. Currently, there is no service offered by the current air quality monitoring system for exchanging information with third party applications. Within the context of this work, a web service has been developed to enable location based querying of the current/past air quality data in Turkey. This web service is equipped with up-todate and widely preferred technologies. In other words, an architecture is chosen in which applications can easily integrate. In the second phase of the study, a web-based application was developed to test the developed web service and this testing application can perform location based acquisition of air-quality data. This makes it possible to easily carry out operations such as screening and examination of the area in the given time-frame which cannot be done with the national monitoring network.
ISPRS - International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, 2018
The knowledge about the occupancy of an indoor space can serve to various domains ranging from em... more The knowledge about the occupancy of an indoor space can serve to various domains ranging from emergency response to energy efficiency in buildings. The literature in the field presents various methods for occupancy detection. Data gathered for occupancy detection, can also be used to predict the number of occupants at a certain indoor space and time. The aim of this research was to determine the number of occupants in an indoor space, through the utilisation of information acquired from a set of sensors and machine learning techniques. The sensor types used in this research was a sound level sensor, temperature/humidity level sensor and an air quality level sensor. Based on data acquired from these sensors six automatic classification techniques are employed and tested with the aim of automatically detecting the number of occupants in an indoor space by making use of multi-sensor information. The results of the tests demonstrated that machine learning techniques can be used as a tool for prediction of number of occupants in an indoor space.
ISPRS - International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, 2018
Many countries where the industrial development and production rates are high face many side effe... more Many countries where the industrial development and production rates are high face many side effects of low air quality and air pollution. There is an evident correlation between the topographic and climatic properties of a location and the air pollution and air quality on that location. As the variation of air quality is dependent on location, air quality information should be acquired, utilised, stored and presented in form of Geo-Information. On the other hand, as this information is related with the health concerns of public, the information should be available publicly, and needs to be presented through an easily accessible medium and through a commonly used interface. Efficient storage of time-varying air quality information when combined with an efficient mechanism of 3D web-based visualisation would help very much in dissemination of air quality information to public. This research is focused on web-based 3D visualisation of time-varying air quality data. A web based interactive system is developed to visualise pollutant levels that were acquired as hourly intervals from more than 100 stations in Turkey between years 2008 and 2017. The research also concentrated on visualisation of geospatial high volume data. In the system, visualisation can be achieved on-demand by querying an air pollutant information database of 10.330.629 records and a city object database with more than 700.000 records. The paper elaborates on the details of this research. Following a background on air quality, air quality models, and Geo-Information visualisation, the system architecture and functionality is presented. The paper concludes with results of usability tests of the system.
Kastamonu Eğitim Dergisi, 2020
İstatistik araçları sosyal bilimler araştırmalarında, araş-tırma kapsamında toplanılan verilerin ... more İstatistik araçları sosyal bilimler araştırmalarında, araş-tırma kapsamında toplanılan verilerin analiz edilebilmesi için sıklıkla kullanılmaktır. Doğru ve geçerli bir analizin yapılabilmesi için araştırmacıların, istatistik yöntemlerine, bu yöntemlerin uygulanışına ve istatistiksel varsayımlara hâkim olmaları gerekmektedir. Bu çalışmada Sosyal bilimler araştırmacılarının, uygulamalı istatistikte hangi zorluklarla karşılaştıklarının ve istatistik yazılımlarında ne gibi eklentilere ihtiyaç duyduklarının tespit edilmesi hedeflenmektedir. Bu hedef doğrultusunda belirlenen kriterlere uygun katılımcılar ile betimsel bir çalışma yürütülmüş sonucunda da Teknoloji Algı Ölçeği ile katılımcıların istatistik paket programlarına karşı tutumları değerlendirilmiştir.
Stratejik ve Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, 2018
Sanayi devriminden sonra en büyük kırılma noktalarından biri olarak gösterilen üç boyutlu yazıcı ... more Sanayi devriminden sonra en büyük kırılma noktalarından biri olarak gösterilen üç boyutlu yazıcı teknolojisi, her geçen gün düşen maliyetleri ve gereksinimleri ile artık her eve girecek hal almıştır. Bu büyük dönüşüm, tüm üretim süreçlerinde köklü değişimler yarattığı gibi aynı zamanda birçok disiplini de etkilemiştir. Bu önemli dönüm noktasında, mevcut teknolojilerin sınıflandırılması ve karşılaştırılması ise karmaşık görülen bu kavramın daha net anlaşılmasını sağlayacak ve karar verme noktasında rehberlik niteliği taşıyacaktır. Bu araştırma kapsamında hem 3 boyutlu yazıcılarda kullanılan tüm teknolojiler hem de üretim süreçleri ve ham maddeleri sınıflandırılarak karşılaştırılmıştır. Ayrıca Türkiye'de oluşmaya başlayan ve ilgi gören 3 boyutlu yazıcı teknolojileri araştırılmıştır. Anahtar Kelimeler: 3 boyutlu yazıcı, 3 boyutlu yazıcı teknolojileri, 3 boyutlu yazıcılarda üretim süreçleri, Türkiye'de 3 boyutlu yazıcı kullanımı.
Developments that have been realized regarding software and hardware in the communications indust... more Developments that have been realized regarding software and hardware in the communications industry have led to compulsory developments in approaches to website designs. The problem of providing and sustaining compatibility of websites with devices on the market has led to the development of new approaches. As a result of this situation, a responsive web design approach that solves the problem of hardware compatibility has been developed in addition to software and software development methods that allow for the application of this approach. This design approach, which has been more frequently used since 2011, has been preferred by both individuals and companies because it is more sustainable and easier to use. Responsive web design principles and the reasons behind their necessity have been analyzed in this paper. Furthermore, the frameworks that have been developed based on this design approach were analyzed and their characteristics and qualities were compared in reference to responsive web design principles. The criteria necessary for choosing a powerful and effective framework have been laid out.
A/Z : ITU journal of Faculty of Architecture, 2017
The recent developments in the digital technologies have led to an increase in the parametric mod... more The recent developments in the digital technologies have led to an increase in the parametric modelling efforts and the use of parametric patterns in design. In order to manage this new paradigm where the design is becoming more digital, the designer needs to utilize his/her analytical abilities in an effective manner as this is the only way for precise representation of concepts in the actual design itself. The parametric design is a holistic process. A key element of this is the development of design through coding. In this context, the aim of the study was understanding the attitudes of architects and architecture students towards adoption of analytical/algorithmic methods and specifically the object oriented paradigm and design-by-coding. In the first stage a randomly selected group of volunteers were provided training in object oriented programming concepts and design-by-coding over 15 weeks (and a total of 45 hours). Later in this study two data collection tools were utilised to understand the attitudes of the participants towards design-by-coding. The first tool used was an attitude scale, while the second tool used was a web based questionnaire survey. The results indicate that the participants did not show a significant positive attitude towards design by coding. This result might have been caused by the difficulties faced during the study, as the participants were experiencing a design-by-coding exercise as the first time. In fact, it is also observed that algorithmic thinking and parametric design abilities of the designers can be enhanced by training on design-by-coding concepts.
Design education has an interdisciplinary structure that brings together the science and technolo... more Design education has an interdisciplinary structure that brings together the science and technology in art. Design instruction is a common subject in all design disciplines. Design works require both literal and multiple social communication to create new concept. It includes assessing situations and cases in the
conceptual and contextual perspective. This study proposes an assesment, learning and sharing platform based on web 2.0 e-learning methods. "Design education social networking platform" is the main focus area of this study.
City centers become hard to live and comprehend because of the increase in complexity of their st... more City centers become hard to live and comprehend because of the increase in complexity of their structure. One of the most important reasons for this is the inadequacy in establishing social and environmental relations. This is caused by difficulties in comprehending and identifying the surrounding environment by inhabitants. Comprehensibility of space is essential for establishing a healthy relationship between individuals and the space. In the urban framework, the historical context, spatial relationships and natural / artificial unique features need to be internalized entirely to strengthen the feelings related to relationship and belonging. Thus, the key question can be phrased as “how can the awareness of permanent and temporary inhabitants and comrehensibility of the urban environment be promoted?” Based on this question, this study focused on increasing the awereness and sense of belonging of inhabitants with the help of infographics.
The knowledge about the occupancy of an indoor space can serve to various domains ranging from em... more The knowledge about the occupancy of an indoor space can serve to various domains ranging from emergency response to energy efficiency in buildings. The literature in the field presents various methods for occupancy detection. Data gathered for occupancy detection, can also be used to predict the number of occupants at a certain indoor space and time. The aim of this research was to determine the number of occupants in an indoor space, through the utilisation of information acquired from a set of sensors and machine learning techniques. The sensor types used in this research was a sound level sensor, temperature/humidity level sensor and an air quality level sensor. Based on data acquired from these sensors six automatic classification techniques are employed and tested with the aim of automatically detecting the number of occupants in an indoor space by making use of multi-sensor information. The results of the tests demonstrated that machine learning techniques can be used as a tool for prediction of number of occupants in an indoor space.
Many countries where the industrial development and production rates are high face many side effe... more Many countries where the industrial development and production rates are high face many side effects of low air quality and air pollution. There is an evident correlation between the topographic and climatic properties of a location and the air pollution and air quality on that location. As the variation of air quality is dependent on location, air quality information should be acquired, utilised, stored and presented in form of Geo-Information. On the other hand, as this information is related with the health concerns of public, the information should be available publicly, and needs to be presented through an easily accessible medium and through a commonly used interface. Efficient storage of time-varying air quality information when combined with an efficient mechanism of 3D web-based visualisation would help very much in dissemination of air quality information to public. This research is focused on web-based 3D visualisation of time-varying air quality data. A web based interactive system is developed to visualise pollutant levels that were acquired as hourly intervals from more than 100 stations in Turkey between years 2008 and 2017. The research also concentrated on visualisation of geospatial high volume data. In the system, visualisation can be achieved on-demand by querying an air pollutant information database of 10.330.629 records and a city object database with more than 700.000 records. The paper elaborates on the details of this research. Following a background on air quality, air quality models, and Geo-Information visualisation, the system architecture and functionality is presented. The paper concludes with results of usability tests of the system.
Various studies have been carried out since 2005 under the leadership of Ministry of Environment ... more Various studies have been carried out since 2005 under the leadership of Ministry of Environment and Urbanism of Turkey, in order to observe the quality of air in Turkey, to develop new policies and to develop a sustainable air quality management strategy. For this reason, a national air quality monitoring network has been developed providing air quality indices. By this network, the quality of the air has been continuously monitored and an important information system has been constructed in order to take precautions for preventing a dangerous situation. The biggest handicap in the network is the data access problem for instant and time series data acquisition and processing because of its proprietary structure. Currently, there is no service offered by the current air quality monitoring system for exchanging information with third party applications. Within the context of this work, a web service has been developed to enable location based querying of the current/past air quality data in Turkey. This web service is equipped with up-todate and widely preferred technologies. In other words, an architecture is chosen in which applications can easily integrate. In the second phase of the study, a web-based application was developed to test the developed web service and this testing application can perform location based acquisition of air-quality data. This makes it possible to easily carry out operations such as screening and examination of the area in the given time-frame which cannot be done with the national monitoring network.