The Miracle Generation (original) (raw)

The Miracle Generation It's all about us

08:52 am October 2nd, 2013
lizette_chan mira_genlizette_chan Flag Bedtime Rendezvous - Sayonara Senpai / fanfic / PG-15 Fandom: Kuroko no BasukePairing: Kasamatsu/KiseRating: PG-15Word count: 3092Warnings: slightly not worksafe, shonen ai, lime, swearingDisclamer: Kuroko no Basuke and its characters belong to Fujimaki Tadatoshi.Description: After Kaijo seniors retire from the club, Kise drags Kasamatsu back into the clubroom under the cover of the night.A/N: This is actually a drabble, that kind of got away from me. I guess, I just couldn't help myself, since Kasamatsu and Kise are involved. I'm still working on finishing 'As Luck..', this is just something to keep myself alive while I'm at it. I swear, if I ever finish the damn thing, I'm throwing a party and everyone in invited. Meanwhile, enjoy!( ["No one ever cares about their high school clubs anymore once they get into college. You're gonna get yourself a cute girlfriend, get drunk at goukons and watch porn with your dorm roommates."]( ""No one ever cares about their high school clubs anymore once they get into college. You're gonna get yourself a cute girlfriend, get drunk at goukons and watch porn with your dorm roommates."")Collapse ) Tags: fanwork:fic

10:00 pm January 15th, 2013

06:15 pm December 22nd, 2012

10:07 pm December 21st, 2012

06:11 pm December 8th, 2012

08:05 pm December 4th, 2012

11:18 am November 24th, 2012

12:37 pm November 18th, 2012

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10:36 pm November 17th, 2012

11:05 pm October 9th, 2012

07:56 pm October 7th, 2012

02:16 pm October 6th, 2012

03:30 pm October 3rd, 2012

12:19 pm October 1st, 2012
narcoleptic95 mira_gennarcoleptic95 Flag { BABIES / -- / N/A } HELLO EVERYONE! This is your missing main mod, returned to you at last. Really really sorry about that, life kind of blindsided me like a brick to the face so... Yeah. In the next week or so I'll be checking out what you've all been up to while I was gone and checking over other stuff.But while I'm here - ANY SUGGESTIONS FOR THE COMMUNITY? ANYTHING THAT SHOULD BE BROUGHT TO MY ATTENTION? ANY AND ALL OTHER QUESTIONS/COMMENTS/CONCERNS YOU MAY HAVE?please comment on this post ♥Tags: discussion:other, modpost:info

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