missiondistrict's Journal (original) (raw)

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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded inmissiondistrict's LiveJournal:

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Wednesday, November 17th, 2010
_11:25 pm_[savannacomer36] me HEY!! thought you will like to know that Candi_Cruz its now live on dirtystage watch it now.. don miss it!
Saturday, November 21st, 2009
_9:33 pm_[glamrocktiger] Good Taste! My new informal dining club "Eating Out" was my first thought for the name, but I thought that might be a bit too much of a savory/unsavory double entendre. I am relatively new to the Bay Area but this is my new permanent home. I work as a concierge/front desk agent at a cool historic hotel in downtown, very close to Union Square, the gate to Chinatown, etc. There are so many fabulous restaurants here and I love cuisine, wine, etc., and would like to dine out more so I can speak with firsthand knowledge to my guests and recommend restaurants. But being new I haven't developed a big group of friends yet, and dining alone is just not as fun. So I thought I'd see if some others wanted to get together, maybe twice a month or so, and dine at a different restaurant each time. I thought of posting this to this group since the Mission is known for its superabundance of amazing eateries. I can make reservations for us using Open Table or Restaurant Row, as is my wont. I like all types of food, honestly I don't think there's a single type of cuisine where I haven't found a single dish I can get with (I love sushi and sashimi, love Italian and classical French cooking, Mexican/Cuban/Salvadoran, LOVE German food and beer, etc). I guess I don't really want to impose any restrictions as far as selecting the kind of people I'd like to dine with - I'm just thinking a very informal and casual thing where we get to eat some great food and meet some new people at the same time. I can do anything from a dive bar to a five-star, cloth-napking-and-sommelier type joint; I can dress up and I can dress down. My profile and list of interests will of course give you a sense of who I am. I'm really looking forward to getting to know this amazing city better. I live in Oakland but commute to downtown SF daily by BART for work (and am looking to move into SF proper soon, especially after being mugged/assaulted near my house the other night). We've planned our first meet-up/group dining experience for Monday 11/23 at 8pm; inquire within for details. LET'S EAT!You can view the Google Groups page I've started for us here.Thank you for your supportglam aka Tony (Comment on this)
Friday, August 14th, 2009
_1:36 pm_[cindymonkey] Accordions, Murder Ballads and a Good Cause tonight in SF Tonight in San Francisco - support a local filmmaker, support local musicians, get a little drunk and dance yr ass off at HEAVY ROTATION! A club for outsiders of all stripes.10pmEl Rio (Mission @ Precita)$5Performers include TrashCanPoet, Fugayzi and Rhubarb Whiskey! all proceed benefit the film Paradigm by Joie Rey Cohen. See filmartgender.com for more information.What do folks say about Rhubarb Whiskey?"...a blend of vaudeville, gypsy jazz and Southern-Gothic" - TwangNation.com"...emo accordion dixieland dirge music"-Professor Shimmy"Rhubarb Whiskey feels like cigarettes glowing between whiskey-numb lips in the humid darkness of screened-in porches." -@tubemouseJoin us as we rock out at El Rio! Show starts at 10pm and the cover is $5Rowdy, boozy and tender, the music of Rhubarb Whiskey arrives at the end of a long, dusty trail from the deep dark heart of the American west. Boylamayka and Emchy squeeze, strum, pluck and bang on a bevy on instruments to charm and amuse you. Drink up, and see what happens when they combine the old-time beauty of 1850's tintype drinkin' songs with the brash attitude of punk rock. Rhubarb Whiskey will be your soundtrack to intoxicated nights of the heart, the road, and the adventures you never knew you wanted. (Comment on this)
Sunday, May 24th, 2009
_11:54 am_[cindymonkey] Come to the Cabaret! Coming to you from the heart of the mission - Vagabonadge brings you the Big Gay Cabaret to celebrate the Homo Holidays! Come and enjoy an amazing array of fabulous performers making music and taking off their clothes and kickin it cabaret style in honor of Pride Month. The night is for anyone who is ready to get down and celebrate their queer family. All are welcome. Come rock out. Also - please repost and spread the word - it would be the most wonderful thing ever!GET YOUR TICKETS NOW AT http://www.brownpapertickets.com/event/68027Featuring burlesque from Lola Vauntz! Poetry and accordions from Nomy Lamm! The erotic delights of Bearlesque! Foot stomping rowdy heartbreakin' music from Vagabondage! plus all the way from the Rust Belt the ruckus raising dixieland jazz clowngirl herself, Waltzing Matilda the One Beer Prophet.The Big Gay CabaretJune 5 doors 7:30 show 8pm $10 - 20 sliding scale The Dark Room Mission @ 19thSome delightful images and information from just a few of your performers....( Some delightful images and information from just a few of your performers....Collapse )Nomy LammAn American singer songwriter and political activist. Lamm describes herself as a bad ass, fat ass, Jew Dyke amputee. We also know her as one hot shit accordion player and poet... welcome to the stage madame!Lola VauntzLola Vauntz likes to think of herself as a semi-naked comedienne. Her witty and wacky burlesque performances have audiences not just wolf-whistling but also howling with laughter. Waltzing Matilda the One Beer ProphetA train hopping, tough talking, sweet sounding, whiskey drinking accordion player from the Rust Belt, she's been known to swoon people along every coast with her talents. She's only in town for a bit - so be sure not to miss this once in a lifetime show.VagabondageYour hosts and general social deviants are so excited to be putting this shindig together. A musical duo from a past that never happened – Vagabondage will usher you into a realm of accordion, guitar, kazoo, hindsight prophecies, and phone calls from dead lovers on sultry nights. (Comment on this)
Saturday, November 22nd, 2008
_4:04 pm_[cattack] Room Available in a Great Queer Mission Apartment! A repost from my gf and two friends. It's a great apartment... hardwood floors, Victorian, big kitchen, lots of natural light, LARGE bedroom, close to public transportation and a park, great people!+++++We are 3 fabulous queers/dykes in our late-20s to mid-30s looking for another queer/genderqueer/trans person for our flat in the Mission District. We are 1/3 cheesemonger, 1/3 public school teacher, and 1/3 computer programmer. We like each other and we want our next roommate to be someone we like (and who likes us too). Of course, we do have lives outside of the apartment and hope you do too.We are looking for someone who is responsible and employed but also fun-loving (and did we mention queer?). You don't have to have everything figured out, but you should have something that you are excited about. You should be respectful and reasonably quiet (complete silence not necessary). We like to hang out and laugh, but this isn't a party house (smoke-free). You are neat but not a neat freak, and are willing to do chores on a rotating schedule. We are interested in creating a more communal household, sharing some food and meals (CSA?); it would be great if you were into that too.The room available is large (12 x 15) and has two windows, and a nice-sized closet. There's also a comfortable living room with a built-in bookcase, a kitchen (primarily vegetarian) with a dishwasher and your own shelf, a (very) small outdoor area with room for plants, and some storage. The apartment has a washer/dryer and room for you to store your bike.We have two beautiful cats. Unfortunately our landlord won't let us have any more, so you should love cats, but not have any of your own.The room is available Dec. 1. Rent is $800. Contact 2502house at gmail dot com (Comment on this)
Friday, September 5th, 2008
_10:21 pm_[cindymonkey] K'vetsch Queer Cabaret on Sunday This Sunday is going to be extreme in the greatness department, so come look at it and listen toward it. It is K'vetsh! And all-gender all-oriented open mary held at Sadie's Flying Elephant. Full of film, performance art and more reading opportunities that you can shake a stick at. It's a rock and roll punk rock poet kinda party see you there!Super exciting awesome performers and show info under the cut. **( Read more...Collapse )**Your features: Math! math bass is a video and performance artist who lives and works in San Francisco. She makes work about imagined queer utopias and is invested in the continual rebuilding/inventing of feminist language and landscape. Her favorite thing to do with other artists is to collaborate! AND..... Charlotte Gutierrez! Charlotte Gutierrez is a San Francisco based filmmaker who has screened her darkly hilarious films at film festivals all around the world. She was born and raised in the City by the Bay and is an avid Giants fan who has been creating stories and films since her childhood. She has been named as one of the nations emerging Latina filmmakers by the National Association of Latino Independent Producers, worked on the Oscar nominated WEATHER UNDERGROUND, guest curated films for the Yerba Buena Center for the Arts and for Cine Accion's Festival Cine Latino, as well as had her acting talents featured in local independent films. Her seat in the directors chair was cemented however after a scarring stint as an extra in the Hollywood Blockbuster, HOWARD THE DUCK. Determined to create films that make people laugh while making them think, Charlotte's film credits include the short films Yardbird, About That Lesbian Puppet, Speak of the Devil, Victor, and CHICKEN: an untitled short. She is currently working on several narrative shorts and a feature film screenplay. Hosted by Tara, and GUEST HOST Samara Halperin!!!! Kirk is writing on an island and will be back in October. This Sunday, Sept 7th, 2008. 8:30 pm sign-ups, 9:00 show at Sadie's Flying Elephant, corner of Potrero and Mariposa in San Francisco. 21+. Please donate two to five dollars. We give it all to the features. For the open mic people: we would love to hear one piece of less than five minutes or five minutes of a longer piece. This tends to be about two double-spaced pages. Five haiku. One song, clear medleys with the management. We want to drink you in. (Comment on this)
Thursday, August 7th, 2008
_12:00 am_[cindymonkey] Accordion Apocalypse Cabaret on FRIDAY Accordion Apocalypse Cabaret Night! FRIDAY August 8th Featuring: The Bad Mitten Orkestre, Vagabondage, Bang Bang Variety Bad Mitten Orkestra, Vagabondage, & Bang Bang Variety with Surprise guest Marc Growden! Friday, August 8th 7pm come play music! 9pm show $5 at THE ACCORDION APOCALYPSE REPAIR SHOP http://www.accordionapocalypse.com 2626 Jennings St. (1 block off 3rd) San Francisco, CA 94124 The Bad Mitten Orchestre -from Eugene, OR Here are six gals who met by sheer coincidence and share a deep appreciation for belly laughs, goofiness, romance, adventure,whiskey and beer. They just released their new CD, Garden of Eve. Hear what others have to say: "Engaging melodies. Alluring lyrics. The Bad Mitten Orchestre may just take over the world!" http://www.myspace.com/badmittenmusic About Vagabondage Walking the dirty streets of the big city and the farm towns, Vag! abondage sings you tales of lonely alleyways, late night busrides and unfortunate incidents with spicy spicy food. Comprised of a poet, an actor, a storyteller, a ham, a vaudevillian, an accordion player, two guitar players, a kazoo player, and two singers, this duo will sing songs to make you laugh, cry, and raise your glass and sing along. www.myspace.com/vagabondageband Bang Bang VarietyBeautiful Burlesque http://www.myspace.com/bangbangvarietyMark GrowdenTORRID LYRICISM AND FIERCE ACCORDION RASCALITY. HIS LIVE SHOWS ARE BECOMING THE STUFF OF LEGEND. - East Bay Express http://www.myspace.com/markgrowden Check out Photos from the last Accordion Apocalypse Cabaret Night, thanks to Liz & the Million Fishes crew: http://www.flickr.com/photos/lizdrake/sets/72157606158156581/show/See you Friday! Let's rock those squeezeboxes!!! (1 Comment |Comment on this)
Tuesday, August 5th, 2008
_9:45 pm_[elliotharmon] Idiolexicon Poetry Series: August 11 Brian Teare and Mike Young **Idiolexicon Poetry Series #7**August 11, 2008Cafe Royale, 800 Post St, San Francisco7 PMFreeThe recipient of Stegner, National Endowment for the Arts, and MacDowell Colony poetry fellowships, Brian Teare is the author of the award-winning debut The Room Where I Was Born and the chapbooks Pilgrim and Transcendental Grammar Crown. Two new books are forthcoming: Sight Map (University of California, 2009) and Pleasure (Ahsahta, 2010). He lives and teaches in San Francisco.Mike Young co-edits NOÖ Journal and Magic Helicopter Press. Work appears or will in Coconut, MiPOesias, Saltgrass, Juked, elimae, NO COLONY and more. His chapbook MC Oroville's Answering Machine is forthcoming from Transmission Press. (Comment on this)
Tuesday, July 15th, 2008
_10:16 am_[postmaudlin] Reading! Thursday night! DAPHNE GOTTLIEBreading & booksigning for Kissing Dead Girls & Fucking DaphneThursday, July 17 at 7:30 pm Fusing pornography and postfeminist theory, transcript and tell-all - the playful, penetrating poems and stories found in Daphne Gottlieb’s Kissing Dead Girls (softcover, 15.95)reachoffthepageinsearchofwhatitistobeknown,bothtothemassesandtothe"other."Similarly,theauthor’sjustpublishedFuckingDaphne:MostlyTrueStoriesandFictions(softcover,15.95) reach off the page in search of what it is to be known, both to the masses and to the "other." Similarly, the author’s just published Fucking Daphne: Mostly True Stories and Fictions (softcover, 15.95)reachoffthepageinsearchofwhatitistobeknown,bothtothemassesandtothe"other."Similarly,theauthorsjustpublishedFuckingDaphne:MostlyTrueStoriesandFictions(softcover,14.95), an edited collection with work about the author, blurs the lines between reality and fiction and begs the question "who is the real Daphne?"Daphne Gottlieb is a San Francisco-based performance poet and author. She is the editor of "Homewrecker: An Adultery Reader," as well as the author of the poetry book "Final Girl" (winner of the Audre Lorde Award in Poetry in 2003), "Why Things Burn" (winner of a 2001 Firecracker Alternative Book Award), and "Pelt," and the graphic novel "Jokes and the Unconscious" with artist Diane DiMassa. Her work has been translated into Turkish and Greek, and has inspired theatrical adaptations and DJ-remixes. http://www.booksmith.com1644 Haight St.TELEPHONE: 415-863-8688HOURS: Mon-Sat 10am-10pmHOURS: Sun 10am-8pm (Comment on this)
_3:35 am_[figgenhoffer] Vanity (Comment on this)
_3:31 am_[figgenhoffer] That penguin has no pants (Comment on this)
_3:27 am_[figgenhoffer] (Comment on this)
Tuesday, July 1st, 2008
_2:38 pm_[figgenhoffer] If you do not judge, you are a vegetable (Comment on this)
Thursday, June 26th, 2008
_11:28 pm_[figgenhoffer] Shanghai Jazz (Comment on this)
_11:24 pm_[figgenhoffer] I hear those sob stories every day (Comment on this)
Saturday, June 21st, 2008
_7:38 pm_[figgenhoffer] Streetsheet Vendor (Comment on this)
_5:50 pm_[figgenhoffer] Streetsheet Vendor (Comment on this)
_1:29 pm_[figgenhoffer] Homeland insecurity (Comment on this)
_1:04 am_[figgenhoffer] Homo sex is a Theat to National Security (Comment on this)
Wednesday, June 18th, 2008
_8:50 am_[goldenmoonbear] Make-Out With Us The Corner Laughers and The Orange Peels Friday, June 207:30 p.m.The Make-Out Room3225 22nd St.San Francisco West Coast indie-pop music. (Comment on this)

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