【さんかく】じゃなくて【みすみ】です (original) (raw)


Picking up new words is what I consider to be the most fun part of learning a language. Social media makes it easier to find new ones, for which I'm very thankful. And here's what I've found so far this week: quiet quitting.

"Quiet quitting" means that you don't go above and beyond at work. It's all about setting clear work-life boundaries. Having a work-life balance, saying "No" to exploitation. It looks like more people are making a move to avoid burnout.

言葉を習う上で私がいちばん楽しいと考えるのは、新たに単語を覚えることです。ソーシャルメディアのおかげで、新語や流行語を見つけることが簡単になりました。感謝感謝です。今週、私が見つけた表現は、"quiet quitting"です。

"quiet quitting"とは、決められた範囲内の仕事しかしない、ということです。つまり、仕事とプライベートのあいだにちゃんとした線引きをすることです。ワークライフバランスを保ち、労働搾取には「ノー」を突きつける。より多くの人たちが、仕事で心身ともにボロボロにならないよう、行動を起こしているようです。

I'm hesitant. Not quite sure if what I'm about to do is right. And I'm worried that I might be getting in trouble for what I'm about to say. Maybe I should keep my mouth shut. But I'm going to do it anyway.

Listen up, folks; I'm going to tell you just one time. My constant companions are named Asperger and OCD - and I used to have a pal called depression. And let me make one thing clear; I have no interest in playing the victim at all. Because I ain't one. I seek no pity or tears. So if you're looking for a tear-jerker, this is the wrong place to be. Phew.

I've got nothing to say. I just want to start something new - I'm sick of being stuck.




Scrolling through my Twitter feed, I stumbled onto an article about Amazon's upcoming Lord of the Rings drama series. Peter Jackson, who directed The Lord of the Rings trilogy, said Amazon reached out and asked him if he wanted to get involved. Then he said, "That's an impossible question to answer without seeing a script." They promised him to send the scripts as soon as they were done - but they never send it to him.



The headline of this article reads: "Peter Jackson says Amazon's 'Lord of the Rings' series ghosted him."


The word "ghost" is used as a verb in the headline - and it means to end a relationship with someone suddenly by stopping all communication with them.


Example: She had promised to pay me back the money, but she ghosted me when it was time to do so.


Peter also added: "No complaints at all. I'll be watching. I'm not the sort of guy who wishes ill will."




Since it's "National Friendship Day" today, let's take a look at the synonyms for the word "Friend":

Example: I went to the beach with my BFF today.


Example: I'm going to hit the mall with my biffle this weekend.


Example: I'm hunging out with my bestie after school.


Example: I got an early birthday present from my pal.


Example: My buddy Chris helped me with my homework yesterday.


Example: My homie has just come back from New York.


Example: This is my dawg, Nick.


Yesterday was "Work Like A Dog Day" - it's a day to celebrate those who work hard. I never knew there was such a day! If you've heard "A Hard Day's Night" by the Beatles before, you've probably heard the phrase "working like a dog." It simply means to work extremely hard. A big fat thank you to all the hard-working peeps out there!

昨日は、"Work Like A Dog Day"(休みなく働く日、筆者訳)でした。一生懸命働く方たちを褒め称える日、なんだそうです。そういった日があることを、いままで知りませんでした。"working like a dog"という英語の表現を聞いたことがありますか。**ビートルズの『ハード・デイズ・ナイト**』を聞いたことがある方は、この表現を耳にしたことがあるかもしれません。猛烈に働く、といった意味です。すべてのハードワーカーのみなさんに、感謝の念を送ります!

The heat wave has finally cooled off. It's time to relax and take a breather. Get a good night's sleep if you have had trouble sleeping at night for a couple of days. You can spend this comfortable weather learning new expressions like "Chill out" so you can tell the heat wave when it comes back.


What helps you start your day off right? Taking a shower? Practicing yoga? Practicing meditation? What about grabbing a cup of Joe?

A cup of Joe? What is that? Who is that Joe guy? You might ask.

A cup of Joe means a cup of coffee. The expression refers to a cup of black coffee.




"a cup of Joe"は、「一杯のコーヒー」、という意味です。



