Jean-Denis Vigne | Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle (original) (raw)


Papers by Jean-Denis Vigne

Research paper thumbnail of Milk as a pivotal medium in the domestication of cattle, sheep and goats

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Research paper thumbnail of Manen, C., Perrin, T., Guilaine, J., Bouby, L., Bréhard, S., Briois, F., . . . Vigne, J. (n.d.). The Neolithic transition in the western Mediterranean: A complex and non-linear diffusion process—The radiocarbon record revisited. Radiocarbon, 1-41. doi:10.1017/RDC.2018.98

Manen, C., Perrin, T., Guilaine, J., Bouby, L., Bréhard, S., Briois, F., . . . Vigne, J. (n.d.). The Neolithic transition in the western Mediterranean: A complex and non-linear diffusion process—The radiocarbon record revisited. Radiocarbon, 1-41. doi:10.1017/RDC.2018.98

The Neolithic transition is a particularly favorable field of research for the study of the emerg... more The Neolithic transition is a particularly favorable field of research for the study of the emergence and evolution of cultures and cultural phenomena. In this framework, high-precision chronologies are essential for decrypting the rhythms of emergence of new techno-economic traits. As part of a project exploring the conditions underlying the emergence and dynamics of the development of the first agro-pastoral societies in the Western Mediterranean, this paper proposes a new chronological modeling. Based on 45 new radiocarbon (14C) dates and on a Bayesian statistical framework, this work examines the rhythms and dispersal paths of the Neolithic economy both on coastal and continental areas. These new data highlight a complex and far less unidirectional dissemination process than that envisaged so far.

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Research paper thumbnail of Preagricultural commensal niches for the house mouse and origins of human sedentism

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Research paper thumbnail of Perspectives archéobotaniques et archéozoologiques pour les périodes historiques en Corse

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Research paper thumbnail of Early settlement on Tyrrhenian islands (8th millennium cal. BC): Mesolithic adaptation to local resources in Corsica and Northern Sardinia.Stockholm

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Research paper thumbnail of Animaux, environnement et sociétés


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Research paper thumbnail of Découverte d'une nouvelle espèce de souris sur l'île de Chypre

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Research paper thumbnail of La grotte d'Engorner- Contribution à la connaissance du Néolithique Est-Pyrénéen

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Research paper thumbnail of Cultures et élevages par monts et par vaux : quelle lecture archéologique ?

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Research paper thumbnail of L'élevage des caprinés néolithiques dans le sud-est de la France: saisonnalité des abattages, relations entre grottes-bergeries et sites de plein air

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Research paper thumbnail of Multiple origins and weak phylogeographic structure in domestic goats

Proceedings of The National Academy of Sciences, 2001

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Research paper thumbnail of Distribution des grands mammifères en France aux deux derniers extrêmes climatiques (18 KA et 8 KA)

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Research paper thumbnail of Zooarchaeology and the biogeographical history of the mammals of Corsica and Sardinia since the last

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Research paper thumbnail of Biogeographical history of the mammals on Corsica (and Sardinia) since the final Pleistocene

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Research paper thumbnail of Pre-Neolithic pig management and introduction to Cyprus more than 11,400 years ago

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences

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Research paper thumbnail of Neonatal Mortality, Young Calf Slaughter and Milk Production during the Early Neolithic of North Western Mediterranean

TheNorth-WesternMediterraneanwitnessed a rapid expansion of farmers and their livestock during th... more TheNorth-WesternMediterraneanwitnessed a rapid expansion of farmers and their livestock during the EarlyNeolithic
period. Depending on the region, cattle played a more or less important role in these communities; however
how these animalswere exploited for theirmilk is not clear. Herewe investigate calfmortality to determine indirectly
whether cattle dairying was practised by Early Neolithic stock herders. Age-at-death (AtD) frequencies for calves
from two sites: Trasano (Italy, Impressa culture: 7–6th millennium BC) and La Draga (Spain, Cardial culture: 6th
millennium BC) were estimated from dental eruption and development stages, and measurements of un-fused
post-cranial material. Adult age classes are well represented in the dental AtD frequencies and were interpreted
as the result of the slaughter of prime beef and retired lactating females. For calves aged less than 12 months,
there was no statistical difference in the AtD frequencies based on dental and post-cranial material indicating that
the data is a good representation of the mortality patterns of calves, either natural or deliberate. At both sites
there was a strong mortality peak at 3–6months in all AtD profiles. At La Draga, this peak was clearly
differentiated from a peak at 0–1month, which can be interpreted neonatal mortality possible a consequence
of the birthing season coinciding with the end of winter during more humid climatic conditions
that at present. The deliberate slaughter peak around 3–6months is discussed, and we propose that
stock herders controlled the mortality of infant classes, possibly in response to variable external environment
pressures while maintaining animal productivity.

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Research paper thumbnail of La grotte d'Engorner

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Research paper thumbnail of Shillourokambos (Parekklisha) pre-ceramic neolithic institution

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Research paper thumbnail of New discovery of an early Cyprus preceramic Neolithic (late 9th, early 8th millennia cal. BC), related to the Early/Middle PPNB of the northern Levant

Comptes Rendus de l Académie des Sciences - Series IIA - Earth and Planetary Science

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[Research paper thumbnail of [A new species of wild mice on the Island of Cyprus]](

Comptes Rendus Biologies

A mitochondrial and nuclear gene analysis allowed us to precise the taxonomical position of the t... more A mitochondrial and nuclear gene analysis allowed us to precise the taxonomical position of the two sympatric species of mice known to be present on Cyprus. One of them is the commensal house mouse M. m. domesticus, and the other revealed to be a new taxon that is a sister species of M. spicilegus and M. macedonicus. The new species is equidistant from each of these, the divergence dating around 0.5-1 Myr. Its origin either results from an ancient accidental colonisation of the island or from a recent transportation by the first epipalaeolithic settlers. In this last eventuality, the new species would also exist somewhere else in Asia Minor.

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Research paper thumbnail of Milk as a pivotal medium in the domestication of cattle, sheep and goats

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Research paper thumbnail of Manen, C., Perrin, T., Guilaine, J., Bouby, L., Bréhard, S., Briois, F., . . . Vigne, J. (n.d.). The Neolithic transition in the western Mediterranean: A complex and non-linear diffusion process—The radiocarbon record revisited. Radiocarbon, 1-41. doi:10.1017/RDC.2018.98

Manen, C., Perrin, T., Guilaine, J., Bouby, L., Bréhard, S., Briois, F., . . . Vigne, J. (n.d.). The Neolithic transition in the western Mediterranean: A complex and non-linear diffusion process—The radiocarbon record revisited. Radiocarbon, 1-41. doi:10.1017/RDC.2018.98

The Neolithic transition is a particularly favorable field of research for the study of the emerg... more The Neolithic transition is a particularly favorable field of research for the study of the emergence and evolution of cultures and cultural phenomena. In this framework, high-precision chronologies are essential for decrypting the rhythms of emergence of new techno-economic traits. As part of a project exploring the conditions underlying the emergence and dynamics of the development of the first agro-pastoral societies in the Western Mediterranean, this paper proposes a new chronological modeling. Based on 45 new radiocarbon (14C) dates and on a Bayesian statistical framework, this work examines the rhythms and dispersal paths of the Neolithic economy both on coastal and continental areas. These new data highlight a complex and far less unidirectional dissemination process than that envisaged so far.

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Research paper thumbnail of Preagricultural commensal niches for the house mouse and origins of human sedentism

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Research paper thumbnail of Perspectives archéobotaniques et archéozoologiques pour les périodes historiques en Corse

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Research paper thumbnail of Early settlement on Tyrrhenian islands (8th millennium cal. BC): Mesolithic adaptation to local resources in Corsica and Northern Sardinia.Stockholm

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Research paper thumbnail of Animaux, environnement et sociétés


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Research paper thumbnail of Découverte d'une nouvelle espèce de souris sur l'île de Chypre

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Research paper thumbnail of La grotte d'Engorner- Contribution à la connaissance du Néolithique Est-Pyrénéen

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Research paper thumbnail of Cultures et élevages par monts et par vaux : quelle lecture archéologique ?

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Research paper thumbnail of L'élevage des caprinés néolithiques dans le sud-est de la France: saisonnalité des abattages, relations entre grottes-bergeries et sites de plein air

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Research paper thumbnail of Multiple origins and weak phylogeographic structure in domestic goats

Proceedings of The National Academy of Sciences, 2001

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Research paper thumbnail of Distribution des grands mammifères en France aux deux derniers extrêmes climatiques (18 KA et 8 KA)

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Research paper thumbnail of Zooarchaeology and the biogeographical history of the mammals of Corsica and Sardinia since the last

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Research paper thumbnail of Biogeographical history of the mammals on Corsica (and Sardinia) since the final Pleistocene

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Research paper thumbnail of Pre-Neolithic pig management and introduction to Cyprus more than 11,400 years ago

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences

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Research paper thumbnail of Neonatal Mortality, Young Calf Slaughter and Milk Production during the Early Neolithic of North Western Mediterranean

TheNorth-WesternMediterraneanwitnessed a rapid expansion of farmers and their livestock during th... more TheNorth-WesternMediterraneanwitnessed a rapid expansion of farmers and their livestock during the EarlyNeolithic
period. Depending on the region, cattle played a more or less important role in these communities; however
how these animalswere exploited for theirmilk is not clear. Herewe investigate calfmortality to determine indirectly
whether cattle dairying was practised by Early Neolithic stock herders. Age-at-death (AtD) frequencies for calves
from two sites: Trasano (Italy, Impressa culture: 7–6th millennium BC) and La Draga (Spain, Cardial culture: 6th
millennium BC) were estimated from dental eruption and development stages, and measurements of un-fused
post-cranial material. Adult age classes are well represented in the dental AtD frequencies and were interpreted
as the result of the slaughter of prime beef and retired lactating females. For calves aged less than 12 months,
there was no statistical difference in the AtD frequencies based on dental and post-cranial material indicating that
the data is a good representation of the mortality patterns of calves, either natural or deliberate. At both sites
there was a strong mortality peak at 3–6months in all AtD profiles. At La Draga, this peak was clearly
differentiated from a peak at 0–1month, which can be interpreted neonatal mortality possible a consequence
of the birthing season coinciding with the end of winter during more humid climatic conditions
that at present. The deliberate slaughter peak around 3–6months is discussed, and we propose that
stock herders controlled the mortality of infant classes, possibly in response to variable external environment
pressures while maintaining animal productivity.

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Research paper thumbnail of La grotte d'Engorner

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Research paper thumbnail of Shillourokambos (Parekklisha) pre-ceramic neolithic institution

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Research paper thumbnail of New discovery of an early Cyprus preceramic Neolithic (late 9th, early 8th millennia cal. BC), related to the Early/Middle PPNB of the northern Levant

Comptes Rendus de l Académie des Sciences - Series IIA - Earth and Planetary Science

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[Research paper thumbnail of [A new species of wild mice on the Island of Cyprus]](

Comptes Rendus Biologies

A mitochondrial and nuclear gene analysis allowed us to precise the taxonomical position of the t... more A mitochondrial and nuclear gene analysis allowed us to precise the taxonomical position of the two sympatric species of mice known to be present on Cyprus. One of them is the commensal house mouse M. m. domesticus, and the other revealed to be a new taxon that is a sister species of M. spicilegus and M. macedonicus. The new species is equidistant from each of these, the divergence dating around 0.5-1 Myr. Its origin either results from an ancient accidental colonisation of the island or from a recent transportation by the first epipalaeolithic settlers. In this last eventuality, the new species would also exist somewhere else in Asia Minor.

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Research paper thumbnail of Sophisticated cattle dairy husbandry at Bordusani-Popina (Romania; 5th MBC): the evidence from complementary analysis of mortality profiles and stable isotopes.

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Research paper thumbnail of Hybrid Communities: Biosocial Approaches to Domestication and Other Trans-species Relationships

Domestication challenges our understanding of human-environment relationships because it blurs th... more Domestication challenges our understanding of human-environment relationships because it blurs the dichotomy between what is artificial and what is natural. In domestication, biological evolution, environmental change, techniques and practices, anthropological trajectories and sociocultural choices are inextricably interconnected. Domestication is essentially a hybrid phenomenon that needs to
be explored with hybrid scientific approaches.

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