Adela Bâltâc | Romanian National History Museum (original) (raw)

Papers by Adela Bâltâc

Research paper thumbnail of Histria -Bazilica Episcopal?. Catalogul Descoperirilor De Stigl? (1984-2000)

The present study is the second one to focus on the glass material collected during the archaeolo... more The present study is the second one to focus on the glass material collected during the archaeological excavations undertaken in the episcopal basilica in Histria. If the first article focused on the glass lamps deposit discovered in one of the building's dependencies (see Bajenaru, Bâltâc 2000 - 2001), the present one concerns the rest of the glass objects collected all over the monument's surface during the over 20 years of archaeological investigations (fig. 1). On this occasion the authors will revise and complete (see the table) as follows the typology that was established in the first article. We must mention here that not all the recipients founded in the early Byzantine levels (IV A, IV B, V A and V B) are dated to the 6 th - 7 th centuries. We have about 20 % of material coming from the older levels (3 rd - 5 th c. AD): see cat. No. 10, 54, 55, 56, 74, 75, 84, 85, 94, 98, 101, 115, 116, possibly 14, 15, 17, 91, 92, 93, 117. 1. Cups 1. 1. - with base and foot (No. 1-...

Research paper thumbnail of Depozitul de candele din sticlă descoperit la bazilica episcopală de la Histria

Research paper thumbnail of The civil Roman settlement at Ostrov–Durostorum

ISTROS, 2007

Scientific interest regarding the ancient settlement of Durostorum grew after the discovery of se... more Scientific interest regarding the ancient settlement of Durostorum grew after the discovery of several inscriptions, which revealed the legal status of the settlement. One of it mentions the imperial gentilicium associated to the canabae type of settlement, until now this is a unique case in the Roman Empire. The archaeological research, both on the Romanian and Bulgarian sides, has brought to light considerably large settlements

Research paper thumbnail of Sondajul α din basilica episcopală de la Histria

One of the most important Roman architectural monuments from Histria is the impressive bishopric ... more One of the most important Roman architectural monuments from Histria is the impressive bishopric basilica uncovered in the centre of the city. During the archaeological campaign of 1989 a sondage was started to verify thedepht of the foundations of this basilica. The excavation was placed between the North wall of the basilica and the North wall of the central nave, i.r. in the Northern nave of the monument. The main result of the excavation is a stratigraphic profile that starts with the frist level of the basilica. And ends with the cliff the whole city is placed on. The fact that the Greek levels registered in this sondage were identified and in other various places of the city allowed to trace a stratigraphic "model" of the Greek city. The sondage was alos useful for the Roman stratigraphy of the site, confirming the archaeological succession of the strata proposed by Al. Suceveanu in Histria VI.

Research paper thumbnail of Teracote din așezarea civilă romană de la Ostrov (Durostorum), jud. Constanța (III)

Cercetări Arheologice, 2017

Research paper thumbnail of La typologie des fours céramiques de Durostorum

Cercetări Arheologice, 2000

Adela Bâltâc L'intérêt à l'égard des ateliers céramiques, et surtout concernant les installations... more Adela Bâltâc L'intérêt à l'égard des ateliers céramiques, et surtout concernant les installations de combustion, les fours autrement dit, a connu dernièrement une intesification significative dans l'Ouest de l'Europe. Une série de travaux parus récemment sur la technique de construction et sur le mode d'emploi élargissent beaucoup notre aire de connaissance en la matière. On est ainsi parvenu, par exemple, jusqu'à pouvoir calculer le volume de pièces traitées dans ces fours et la quantité de bois nécessair à cette fin 1. Dans notre zone, et on a en vue ici les provinces du Bas-Danube, les découvertes les plus spectaculaires en ce sens sont faites dans les ateliers céramiques situés autour de la ville de Nicopolis ad Istrum, fouillés par Bogdan Sultov. Malheureusement, la disparition prématurée du regretté archéologue bulgare a enlevé à la recherche archéologique la chance d'une étude plus détaillée sur les fours de Butovo, Pavlikeni et Hotnita, à propos desqueles on ne dispose à présent que de notes assez schématiques 2. Certes, des découvertes de fours pour des matériaux de construction, de poterie, voire même pour des projectils en argile,ont été, faites en plusieurs points en Dobroudja 3. En Dacie intra-et extracarpatique, la connaissance des installations à cuire la céramique a progressé considérablement grâce aux découvertes de ces derniers temps. Les fours de cette province sont datés dans une période bien déterminée, à savoir les II e-III e siècles 4. Connue depuis longtemps, la zone des ateliers céramiques de Durostorum comprend, outre les fosses d'extraction de l'argile, un important nombre de fours. Les ateliers produisaient aussi bien des matériaux de construction-qui portent exclusivement des estampilles de la ΧΓ legion Claudiaque de la poterie d'usage ménager, des lampes et des terres cuite 5. Assez lontemps la recherche des ateliers n'a été faite qu'incidemment. Des fouilles systématiques ont été entreprises ces dernières années, 19 fours étant répertoriés. Les recherches seront sans doute poursuivies, mais il est nécessaire et possible, à notre avis, d'essayer dès à présent d'en faire une présentation et d'élaborer une typologie qui soit raccordée à ce que l'on sait en général sur telles installations dans le monde romain. Du point de vue topographique, les fours se trouvent groupés, à quelques exceptions près (C 19), dans la partie nord-est du site, s'étalant sur environ 400 m dans la terrasse longeant le

Research paper thumbnail of A New Greek inscription discovered at Histria

Cercetări Arheologice, 2008

Articolul de faţă prezintă o inscripţie descoperită în campania anului 2007, în Sectorul Extra mu... more Articolul de faţă prezintă o inscripţie descoperită în campania anului 2007, în Sectorul Extra muros, Poarta Mare-Turnu Mare. Piesa, descoperită în poziţie secundară (refolosită ca material de construcţie), păstrează patru rânduri (fragmentare) ale unei inscripţii în limba greacă. Din inscripţie se disting clar cuvintele Agaton A... şi ¢ortë. Personajul amintit mai este cunoscut dintr-o altă inscripţie histriană. Cuvântul ¢ortë are sensul de sărbătoare religioasă (mai apare la Histria în decretul dat în onoarea preotesei Aba a lui Hekataios) şi pare să înlocuiască termenul pangúreiß folosit în perioada elenistică târzie. Inscripţia se datează în a doua jumătate a sec. II-începutul sec. III p.Chr. şi, deşi fragmentară, aduce informaţii interesante referitoare la viaţa religioasă histriană în plină epocă imperială.

Research paper thumbnail of Cercetările arheologice preventive din așezarea romană de la Șibot, punctul „În Obrej” (jud. Alba) — considerații preliminare

Cercetări Arheologice, 2016

Due to the construction of the Orăștie-Sibiu Motorway 1 (section 1 Orăștie-Sebeș) preventive arch... more Due to the construction of the Orăștie-Sibiu Motorway 1 (section 1 Orăștie-Sebeș) preventive archaeological excavations were made from March to October 2012 at Șibot-În Obrej. They identified a habitat from Roman times (Pl. III, IX), comprising both a residential area (settlement) and a funerary adjacent area (necropolis). Most of the site was occupied by the settlement, throughout these archeological excavations was possible to establish its Western, Eastern and Southern limits, while the Northern one is situated outside the motorway's perimeter. The settlement was crossed from East to West by a road (Pl. XVII), oriented NNE-SSW, passing, most likely North to the necropolis (similar direction with the National Route 7). Parts of a Roman road were investigated as well as two streets and 17 buildings lined along the road, but some of them also having direct street access. These buildings with various sizes and individual planning were investigated fully or partly because some were placed under the embankment of the National Route 7. All buildings were oriented according to the streets, NNW-SSE, all of them being rectangular, and divided into several rooms (Pl. XII-XV). The construction technique is similar for most buildings, namely river stones (rare shale, limestone and tiles) bound with mortar (for the main house) and clay (for the dependencies). Functioning floor levels were made of clay or, less commonly, with tiles. Some rooms had heating places, and the buildings were covered with various tiles. The buildings were provided with dependencies, best defined by the term courtyards, which were paved with gravel. Two complex buildings stand apart as having public use, one being the baths of the settlement, and the second a public space (forum?/conciliabulum?). On the entire surface of the settlement, three chronological moments were detected, but some features have only two, while other revealed several phases. In the necropolis the archeological excavations was possible to establish its eastern and western limits, partially the southern and the northern one. There were investigated 210 funerary complexes, of which 164 cremation tombs, the rite cannot be determined in 46 cases because of the poor conservation status. The orientation of tombs reveals no major differences, finding, with few exceptions, a predilection for a NE-SW axis (about 95% cases). In some situations were observed a series of exterior structures adjacent to the graves, namely three graves placed inside a circular enclosure (a so-called "ring" type structure), other 11 tombs situated inside a small rectangular enclosure and 7 graves covered by a funerary tumulus (mound). The small number of exterior arrangements is probably due to the poor state of conservation of the entire necropolis. The archaeological the material is still being processed so until its completion, preliminary dating of the settlement and necropolis falls into the 2 nd century to the first half of the 3 rd century AD.


Pontica, 2023

Investigations in the extra muros sector called Main Gate-Main Tower started in the year 2000 and... more Investigations in the extra muros sector called Main Gate-Main Tower
started in the year 2000 and, with a few interruptions, are still ongoing today. The sector is located in the centre of early Roman Histria and underwent numerous interventions during the construction of the Late Roman enclosure, but especially since the beginning of archaeological excavations at Histria, which caused the destruction of the complexes contemporary with the enclosure. The present article examines two new inscriptions discovered in this area: a fragment of an honorific or funerary inscription, and a further fragment of the Histrian horothesia providing new insights on the dossier of letters accompanying the decree of Laberius Maximus.

Research paper thumbnail of Miniature architectural elements in the coroplastic workshop at Ostrov (Durostorum), farm 4, Constanța County (preliminary research)

Caiete ARA/Cahiers Ara, 2023

The Roman settlement at Ostrov, Farm 4 (Constanța county), although systematically investigated s... more The Roman settlement at Ostrov, Farm 4 (Constanța county), although systematically investigated since 1990, is known to the scientific world, thanks to numerous discoveries made since the mid-50s of the last century. The collapse of the Danube bank led to the discovery and research of 19 pottery kilns and numerous clay and waste pits, with a rich and very varied material (pottery, terracotta, lamps, bronze and glass pieces, coins, etc.) indicating the settlement at Ostrov as one with intense and diversified craft activity. Systematic research has confirmed those data, bringing in addition to the three buildings under investigation a rich archaeological material. Among these, the terracottas stand out, with more than 500 pieces already published and another 500 being processed. The large number of pieces has allowed typological classification, one of them being miniature architecture. In this category have been integrated: pediments, columns, fragments of niches or aedicules. The craftsmen’s care in rendering the specific details of the architecture can be seen, so as to reproduce the architectural styles known in stone. The fragments preserved and catalogued are part of larger complexes such as miniature temples or niches/aedicules used in practices and rituals specific to the Roman world.

Research paper thumbnail of Teracote din asezarea civila de la Ostrov Durostorum jud Constanta VI Pontica 55

Pontica, 2022

Les manuscrits, les livres et les revues proposés en échange, ainsi que toute correspondance sero... more Les manuscrits, les livres et les revues proposés en échange, ainsi que toute correspondance seront adressés à la Rédaction: Musée d'Histoire Nationale et d'Archéologie, Piaţa Ovidiu n o. 12, code 900745, Constanța, Roumanie, Tél.

Research paper thumbnail of Un altar votiv miniatural din așezarea romană de la Ostrov (Punctul Ferma 4), jud. Constanța

Cercetări Arheologice, 2013

The article presents a miniature votive altar found in the area of the Roman settlement, investig... more The article presents a miniature votive altar found in the area of the Roman settlement, investigated by scheduled excavations since the early '90s of the last century at Ostrov (Ferma 4). The altar is dedicated to lupiter Optimus Maximus by Iulius Ponticus, most probably a veteran of Legio XI Claudia, quartered at Durostorum. The name indicates that the veteran might have been recruited from Pontus, thus having a Ponto-Bythinian origin. Althought for the Durostorum area is known another individual character with the same cognomen (L. Numerius Ponticus), no connection can be established between the two persons. Also, there is included a review of the epigraphic finds in the area of ancient Durostorum and the infonnation provided by these sources in regard to onomastic and religious elements.

Research paper thumbnail of Teracote din așezarea civilă de la Ostrov (Durostorum), jud. Constanța (V)

Pontica , 2020

The present study continues the series of articles dedicated to the terracottas unearthed throug... more The present study continues the series of articles dedicated to the
terracottas unearthed through systematic archaeological research, during the years 1997–2016, in the site of Ostrov (Durostorum), Constanța County. So far, 275 items have been studied, which have been divided into several categories: human statuettes (deities and people), statuettes representing animals, altars, statuette bases, postaments for statuettes, constituent elements of large ensembles, varia and incerta. In this catalogue were assembled 72 items, which are part of categories nos. 2-4. In the coroplastic art from Ostrov, the statuettes representing creatures include animals, birds and fish, the species represented being very varied; they can be both toys and items used in religious and/or funeral rituals. The altars, although in small numbers, are used in domestic religious processions. The bases of the statuettes indicate a much larger number of terracottas produced here than the image provided by the fragments of statuettes definable by their characteristic features (faces, bodies, hands, feet, etc.). At the same time, the large number of statuette postaments (23) indicates not only a faithful copy of the metal statuettes in the workshops here, but also provides clues about how to display the i tems, thus indicating a domestic use (in lararia) for some of the terracottas. Judging by the variety of representations and the artistic manner of the items, the coroplastic craft seems to be one of the most specialized among the potters in the ceramic workshops near the ancient Durostorum, which is in use during the 2nd–3rd centuries AD.

Research paper thumbnail of Teracote din asezarea civila de la Ostrov (Durostorum), jud. Constanta (IV)/ The Terracottas of the Roman Civil Settlement at the Ostrov (Durostorum), Constanța County (IV)


This article continues the study dedicated to the terracottas discovered between 1998 and 2016 at... more This article continues the study dedicated to the terracottas discovered
between 1998 and 2016 at Ostrov (Durostorum), Constanța County, and focuses on the statuary groups, with a particular regard to the so-called ‘deities on throne’, as they are known in the specialised literature. A number of 21 new objects were catalogued, which are to be added to the five already published ones (in a previous study). All these have the
same provenance, namely the same excavations. In order to elaborate the study and the related typology, were taken into consideration other two items, one from Silistra and another one from Ostrov. Considering the representation of the central scene, the artefacts were catalogued in three groups: the busts of two adjacent female characters (three
artefacts), the busts of two female characters standing each one on a separate column (eight artefacts) and the busts of two characters (one male and one female?), standing each one on a separate column (one artefact). There are analyzed such types of representations in the Graeco-Roman world and three possible uses for these depictions are considered, depending on the context in which they were to be dedicated: domestic, religious, or funeral. The archaeological context of the analyzed discoveries allow us to date them from the first half of the 2nd century to the beginning of the 3rd century AD.

Research paper thumbnail of The pottery kilns at Șibot-În Obrej (Alba County)


Due to the invasive construction of the Orăștie – Sibiu Motorway 1 (section 1 Orăștie – Sebeș) pr... more Due to the invasive construction of the Orăștie – Sibiu Motorway 1 (section 1 Orăștie – Sebeș) preventive archaeological excavations were held from March to October 2012 at Șibot-În Obrej. They highlighted a habitat from Roman times, both in the residential area (settlement) and the adjacent funerary area (necropolis), preliminary dated to the 2nd century and the first half of the 3rd century. Among the numerous discoveries there are 14 pottery kilns in various stages of preservation. Typologically all of these fall into the category of circular kilns with two subtypes: with the oven floor supported by a central pillar (8) and kilns with pillar and fire-bars made of clay (2). The ceramic material found in the kilns can be divided into cooking pots (the largest category), drinking vessels, rarely for serving, and specific vessels (turibula, mortaria and dolia). The analyzed ceramic material finds analogies especially in Pannonia and can be dated in the post conquest period to the third quarter of 2nd century AD. In situ observations indicate that the kilns functioned only in the first stage of settlement. Most likely, the development of the ceramic production center in Apulum resulted in the abandonment of the local production at Șibot-În Obrej.

Research paper thumbnail of The Pottery workshop from Șibot - "În Obrej" (Alba county)

Research paper thumbnail of The Pottery workshop at Ostrov (Durostorum), Farm no 4 spot, Constanta County


Cercetari Arheologice, 2017

The present paper is the third one about an important group of material unearthed during the arch... more The present paper is the third one about an important group of material unearthed during the archaeological diggings of the Roman settlement at Ostrov (Durostorum), Constanța County, "Ferma 4" site. The first two papers presented 103 items discovered during the 1998-2007 campaigns. Subsequently the studying over 520 terracottas found during the 2008-2016 campaigns, could be achieved a better division of the terracottas on categories, as it follows: human statuettes, animal statuettes, constitutive elements of complexed objects and incerta. In the present study are displayed 79 items from the human statuettes category, comprising the individual statuettes and the statuary groups. In the current paper have been identified 14 pieces representing deities, 22 pieces representing private male statuettes, 18 female statuettes and 25 fragments representing parts of human statuettes (9 body fragments, 10 arms fragments and 6 feet fragments). Among the presented pieces, a specific debate concerns the Thracian Horseman (cat. no. 1). The clay representations of the local god are scarce, despite the thousands stone representations in the Thracian milieu. Also, are displayed new items representing Venus, a well-known deity to the coroplastic art of Ostrov. Is further individualized one female statuettes (cat. no. 35) who can be remarked through the fashion of garment and the hands position. Due to the support of the archaeological context, the items can be dated to the mid-second century-mid-third century AD.

Research paper thumbnail of Cercetările arheologice preventive din așezarea  romană de la Șibot, punctul „În Obrej” (jud. Alba) — considerații preliminare Preventive archaeological researches on the Roman settlement at Şibot-În Obrej  (Alba County). Preliminary considerations

Due to the construction of the Orăștie–Sibiu Motorway 1 (section 1 Orăștie–Sebeș) preventive arch... more Due to the construction of the Orăștie–Sibiu Motorway 1 (section 1 Orăștie–Sebeș) preventive archaeological excavations were made from March to October 2012 at Șibot-În Obrej. They identified a habitat from Roman times (Pl. III, IX), comprising both a residential area (settlement) and a funerary adjacent area (necropolis). Most of the site was occupied by the settlement, throughout these archeological excavations was possible to establish its Western, Eastern and Southern limits, while the Northern one is situated outside the motorway's perimeter. The settlement was crossed from East to West by a road (Pl. XVII), oriented NNE–SSW, passing, most likely North to the necropolis (similar direction with the National Route 7). Parts of a Roman road were investigated as well as two streets and 17 buildings lined along the road, but some of them also having direct street access. These buildings with various sizes and individual planning were investigated fully or partly because some were placed under the embankment of the National Route 7. All buildings were oriented according to the streets, NNW–SSE, all of them being rectangular, and divided into several rooms (Pl. XII–XV). The construction technique is similar for most buildings, namely river stones (rare shale, limestone and tiles) bound with mortar (for the main house) and clay (for the dependencies). Functioning floor levels were made of clay or, less commonly, with tiles. Some rooms had heating places, and the buildings were covered with various tiles. The buildings were provided with dependencies, best defined by the term courtyards, which were paved with gravel. Two complex buildings stand apart as having public use, one being the baths of the settlement, and the second a public space (forum?/conciliabulum?). On the entire surface of the settlement, three chronological moments were detected, but some features have only two, while other revealed several phases. In the necropolis the archeological excavations was possible to establish its eastern and western limits, partially the southern and the northern one. There were investigated 210 funerary complexes, of which 164 cremation tombs, the rite cannot be determined in 46 cases because of the poor conservation status. The orientation of tombs reveals no major differences, finding, with few exceptions, a predilection for a NE–SW axis (about 95% cases). In some situations were observed a series of exterior structures adjacent to the graves, namely three graves placed inside a circular enclosure (a so-called " ring " type structure), other 11 tombs situated inside a small rectangular enclosure and 7 graves covered by a funerary tumulus (mound). The small number of exterior arrangements is probably due to the poor state of conservation of the entire necropolis. The archaeological the material is still being processed so until its completion, preliminary dating of the settlement and necropolis falls into the 2 nd century to the first half of the 3 rd century AD.

Research paper thumbnail of Types of Habitation in the Rural enviroment of the Roman Province Thracia - The villa Type structure.pdf

Research paper thumbnail of Histria -Bazilica Episcopal?. Catalogul Descoperirilor De Stigl? (1984-2000)

The present study is the second one to focus on the glass material collected during the archaeolo... more The present study is the second one to focus on the glass material collected during the archaeological excavations undertaken in the episcopal basilica in Histria. If the first article focused on the glass lamps deposit discovered in one of the building's dependencies (see Bajenaru, Bâltâc 2000 - 2001), the present one concerns the rest of the glass objects collected all over the monument's surface during the over 20 years of archaeological investigations (fig. 1). On this occasion the authors will revise and complete (see the table) as follows the typology that was established in the first article. We must mention here that not all the recipients founded in the early Byzantine levels (IV A, IV B, V A and V B) are dated to the 6 th - 7 th centuries. We have about 20 % of material coming from the older levels (3 rd - 5 th c. AD): see cat. No. 10, 54, 55, 56, 74, 75, 84, 85, 94, 98, 101, 115, 116, possibly 14, 15, 17, 91, 92, 93, 117. 1. Cups 1. 1. - with base and foot (No. 1-...

Research paper thumbnail of Depozitul de candele din sticlă descoperit la bazilica episcopală de la Histria

Research paper thumbnail of The civil Roman settlement at Ostrov–Durostorum

ISTROS, 2007

Scientific interest regarding the ancient settlement of Durostorum grew after the discovery of se... more Scientific interest regarding the ancient settlement of Durostorum grew after the discovery of several inscriptions, which revealed the legal status of the settlement. One of it mentions the imperial gentilicium associated to the canabae type of settlement, until now this is a unique case in the Roman Empire. The archaeological research, both on the Romanian and Bulgarian sides, has brought to light considerably large settlements

Research paper thumbnail of Sondajul α din basilica episcopală de la Histria

One of the most important Roman architectural monuments from Histria is the impressive bishopric ... more One of the most important Roman architectural monuments from Histria is the impressive bishopric basilica uncovered in the centre of the city. During the archaeological campaign of 1989 a sondage was started to verify thedepht of the foundations of this basilica. The excavation was placed between the North wall of the basilica and the North wall of the central nave, i.r. in the Northern nave of the monument. The main result of the excavation is a stratigraphic profile that starts with the frist level of the basilica. And ends with the cliff the whole city is placed on. The fact that the Greek levels registered in this sondage were identified and in other various places of the city allowed to trace a stratigraphic "model" of the Greek city. The sondage was alos useful for the Roman stratigraphy of the site, confirming the archaeological succession of the strata proposed by Al. Suceveanu in Histria VI.

Research paper thumbnail of Teracote din așezarea civilă romană de la Ostrov (Durostorum), jud. Constanța (III)

Cercetări Arheologice, 2017

Research paper thumbnail of La typologie des fours céramiques de Durostorum

Cercetări Arheologice, 2000

Adela Bâltâc L'intérêt à l'égard des ateliers céramiques, et surtout concernant les installations... more Adela Bâltâc L'intérêt à l'égard des ateliers céramiques, et surtout concernant les installations de combustion, les fours autrement dit, a connu dernièrement une intesification significative dans l'Ouest de l'Europe. Une série de travaux parus récemment sur la technique de construction et sur le mode d'emploi élargissent beaucoup notre aire de connaissance en la matière. On est ainsi parvenu, par exemple, jusqu'à pouvoir calculer le volume de pièces traitées dans ces fours et la quantité de bois nécessair à cette fin 1. Dans notre zone, et on a en vue ici les provinces du Bas-Danube, les découvertes les plus spectaculaires en ce sens sont faites dans les ateliers céramiques situés autour de la ville de Nicopolis ad Istrum, fouillés par Bogdan Sultov. Malheureusement, la disparition prématurée du regretté archéologue bulgare a enlevé à la recherche archéologique la chance d'une étude plus détaillée sur les fours de Butovo, Pavlikeni et Hotnita, à propos desqueles on ne dispose à présent que de notes assez schématiques 2. Certes, des découvertes de fours pour des matériaux de construction, de poterie, voire même pour des projectils en argile,ont été, faites en plusieurs points en Dobroudja 3. En Dacie intra-et extracarpatique, la connaissance des installations à cuire la céramique a progressé considérablement grâce aux découvertes de ces derniers temps. Les fours de cette province sont datés dans une période bien déterminée, à savoir les II e-III e siècles 4. Connue depuis longtemps, la zone des ateliers céramiques de Durostorum comprend, outre les fosses d'extraction de l'argile, un important nombre de fours. Les ateliers produisaient aussi bien des matériaux de construction-qui portent exclusivement des estampilles de la ΧΓ legion Claudiaque de la poterie d'usage ménager, des lampes et des terres cuite 5. Assez lontemps la recherche des ateliers n'a été faite qu'incidemment. Des fouilles systématiques ont été entreprises ces dernières années, 19 fours étant répertoriés. Les recherches seront sans doute poursuivies, mais il est nécessaire et possible, à notre avis, d'essayer dès à présent d'en faire une présentation et d'élaborer une typologie qui soit raccordée à ce que l'on sait en général sur telles installations dans le monde romain. Du point de vue topographique, les fours se trouvent groupés, à quelques exceptions près (C 19), dans la partie nord-est du site, s'étalant sur environ 400 m dans la terrasse longeant le

Research paper thumbnail of A New Greek inscription discovered at Histria

Cercetări Arheologice, 2008

Articolul de faţă prezintă o inscripţie descoperită în campania anului 2007, în Sectorul Extra mu... more Articolul de faţă prezintă o inscripţie descoperită în campania anului 2007, în Sectorul Extra muros, Poarta Mare-Turnu Mare. Piesa, descoperită în poziţie secundară (refolosită ca material de construcţie), păstrează patru rânduri (fragmentare) ale unei inscripţii în limba greacă. Din inscripţie se disting clar cuvintele Agaton A... şi ¢ortë. Personajul amintit mai este cunoscut dintr-o altă inscripţie histriană. Cuvântul ¢ortë are sensul de sărbătoare religioasă (mai apare la Histria în decretul dat în onoarea preotesei Aba a lui Hekataios) şi pare să înlocuiască termenul pangúreiß folosit în perioada elenistică târzie. Inscripţia se datează în a doua jumătate a sec. II-începutul sec. III p.Chr. şi, deşi fragmentară, aduce informaţii interesante referitoare la viaţa religioasă histriană în plină epocă imperială.

Research paper thumbnail of Cercetările arheologice preventive din așezarea romană de la Șibot, punctul „În Obrej” (jud. Alba) — considerații preliminare

Cercetări Arheologice, 2016

Due to the construction of the Orăștie-Sibiu Motorway 1 (section 1 Orăștie-Sebeș) preventive arch... more Due to the construction of the Orăștie-Sibiu Motorway 1 (section 1 Orăștie-Sebeș) preventive archaeological excavations were made from March to October 2012 at Șibot-În Obrej. They identified a habitat from Roman times (Pl. III, IX), comprising both a residential area (settlement) and a funerary adjacent area (necropolis). Most of the site was occupied by the settlement, throughout these archeological excavations was possible to establish its Western, Eastern and Southern limits, while the Northern one is situated outside the motorway's perimeter. The settlement was crossed from East to West by a road (Pl. XVII), oriented NNE-SSW, passing, most likely North to the necropolis (similar direction with the National Route 7). Parts of a Roman road were investigated as well as two streets and 17 buildings lined along the road, but some of them also having direct street access. These buildings with various sizes and individual planning were investigated fully or partly because some were placed under the embankment of the National Route 7. All buildings were oriented according to the streets, NNW-SSE, all of them being rectangular, and divided into several rooms (Pl. XII-XV). The construction technique is similar for most buildings, namely river stones (rare shale, limestone and tiles) bound with mortar (for the main house) and clay (for the dependencies). Functioning floor levels were made of clay or, less commonly, with tiles. Some rooms had heating places, and the buildings were covered with various tiles. The buildings were provided with dependencies, best defined by the term courtyards, which were paved with gravel. Two complex buildings stand apart as having public use, one being the baths of the settlement, and the second a public space (forum?/conciliabulum?). On the entire surface of the settlement, three chronological moments were detected, but some features have only two, while other revealed several phases. In the necropolis the archeological excavations was possible to establish its eastern and western limits, partially the southern and the northern one. There were investigated 210 funerary complexes, of which 164 cremation tombs, the rite cannot be determined in 46 cases because of the poor conservation status. The orientation of tombs reveals no major differences, finding, with few exceptions, a predilection for a NE-SW axis (about 95% cases). In some situations were observed a series of exterior structures adjacent to the graves, namely three graves placed inside a circular enclosure (a so-called "ring" type structure), other 11 tombs situated inside a small rectangular enclosure and 7 graves covered by a funerary tumulus (mound). The small number of exterior arrangements is probably due to the poor state of conservation of the entire necropolis. The archaeological the material is still being processed so until its completion, preliminary dating of the settlement and necropolis falls into the 2 nd century to the first half of the 3 rd century AD.


Pontica, 2023

Investigations in the extra muros sector called Main Gate-Main Tower started in the year 2000 and... more Investigations in the extra muros sector called Main Gate-Main Tower
started in the year 2000 and, with a few interruptions, are still ongoing today. The sector is located in the centre of early Roman Histria and underwent numerous interventions during the construction of the Late Roman enclosure, but especially since the beginning of archaeological excavations at Histria, which caused the destruction of the complexes contemporary with the enclosure. The present article examines two new inscriptions discovered in this area: a fragment of an honorific or funerary inscription, and a further fragment of the Histrian horothesia providing new insights on the dossier of letters accompanying the decree of Laberius Maximus.

Research paper thumbnail of Miniature architectural elements in the coroplastic workshop at Ostrov (Durostorum), farm 4, Constanța County (preliminary research)

Caiete ARA/Cahiers Ara, 2023

The Roman settlement at Ostrov, Farm 4 (Constanța county), although systematically investigated s... more The Roman settlement at Ostrov, Farm 4 (Constanța county), although systematically investigated since 1990, is known to the scientific world, thanks to numerous discoveries made since the mid-50s of the last century. The collapse of the Danube bank led to the discovery and research of 19 pottery kilns and numerous clay and waste pits, with a rich and very varied material (pottery, terracotta, lamps, bronze and glass pieces, coins, etc.) indicating the settlement at Ostrov as one with intense and diversified craft activity. Systematic research has confirmed those data, bringing in addition to the three buildings under investigation a rich archaeological material. Among these, the terracottas stand out, with more than 500 pieces already published and another 500 being processed. The large number of pieces has allowed typological classification, one of them being miniature architecture. In this category have been integrated: pediments, columns, fragments of niches or aedicules. The craftsmen’s care in rendering the specific details of the architecture can be seen, so as to reproduce the architectural styles known in stone. The fragments preserved and catalogued are part of larger complexes such as miniature temples or niches/aedicules used in practices and rituals specific to the Roman world.

Research paper thumbnail of Teracote din asezarea civila de la Ostrov Durostorum jud Constanta VI Pontica 55

Pontica, 2022

Les manuscrits, les livres et les revues proposés en échange, ainsi que toute correspondance sero... more Les manuscrits, les livres et les revues proposés en échange, ainsi que toute correspondance seront adressés à la Rédaction: Musée d'Histoire Nationale et d'Archéologie, Piaţa Ovidiu n o. 12, code 900745, Constanța, Roumanie, Tél.

Research paper thumbnail of Un altar votiv miniatural din așezarea romană de la Ostrov (Punctul Ferma 4), jud. Constanța

Cercetări Arheologice, 2013

The article presents a miniature votive altar found in the area of the Roman settlement, investig... more The article presents a miniature votive altar found in the area of the Roman settlement, investigated by scheduled excavations since the early '90s of the last century at Ostrov (Ferma 4). The altar is dedicated to lupiter Optimus Maximus by Iulius Ponticus, most probably a veteran of Legio XI Claudia, quartered at Durostorum. The name indicates that the veteran might have been recruited from Pontus, thus having a Ponto-Bythinian origin. Althought for the Durostorum area is known another individual character with the same cognomen (L. Numerius Ponticus), no connection can be established between the two persons. Also, there is included a review of the epigraphic finds in the area of ancient Durostorum and the infonnation provided by these sources in regard to onomastic and religious elements.

Research paper thumbnail of Teracote din așezarea civilă de la Ostrov (Durostorum), jud. Constanța (V)

Pontica , 2020

The present study continues the series of articles dedicated to the terracottas unearthed throug... more The present study continues the series of articles dedicated to the
terracottas unearthed through systematic archaeological research, during the years 1997–2016, in the site of Ostrov (Durostorum), Constanța County. So far, 275 items have been studied, which have been divided into several categories: human statuettes (deities and people), statuettes representing animals, altars, statuette bases, postaments for statuettes, constituent elements of large ensembles, varia and incerta. In this catalogue were assembled 72 items, which are part of categories nos. 2-4. In the coroplastic art from Ostrov, the statuettes representing creatures include animals, birds and fish, the species represented being very varied; they can be both toys and items used in religious and/or funeral rituals. The altars, although in small numbers, are used in domestic religious processions. The bases of the statuettes indicate a much larger number of terracottas produced here than the image provided by the fragments of statuettes definable by their characteristic features (faces, bodies, hands, feet, etc.). At the same time, the large number of statuette postaments (23) indicates not only a faithful copy of the metal statuettes in the workshops here, but also provides clues about how to display the i tems, thus indicating a domestic use (in lararia) for some of the terracottas. Judging by the variety of representations and the artistic manner of the items, the coroplastic craft seems to be one of the most specialized among the potters in the ceramic workshops near the ancient Durostorum, which is in use during the 2nd–3rd centuries AD.

Research paper thumbnail of Teracote din asezarea civila de la Ostrov (Durostorum), jud. Constanta (IV)/ The Terracottas of the Roman Civil Settlement at the Ostrov (Durostorum), Constanța County (IV)


This article continues the study dedicated to the terracottas discovered between 1998 and 2016 at... more This article continues the study dedicated to the terracottas discovered
between 1998 and 2016 at Ostrov (Durostorum), Constanța County, and focuses on the statuary groups, with a particular regard to the so-called ‘deities on throne’, as they are known in the specialised literature. A number of 21 new objects were catalogued, which are to be added to the five already published ones (in a previous study). All these have the
same provenance, namely the same excavations. In order to elaborate the study and the related typology, were taken into consideration other two items, one from Silistra and another one from Ostrov. Considering the representation of the central scene, the artefacts were catalogued in three groups: the busts of two adjacent female characters (three
artefacts), the busts of two female characters standing each one on a separate column (eight artefacts) and the busts of two characters (one male and one female?), standing each one on a separate column (one artefact). There are analyzed such types of representations in the Graeco-Roman world and three possible uses for these depictions are considered, depending on the context in which they were to be dedicated: domestic, religious, or funeral. The archaeological context of the analyzed discoveries allow us to date them from the first half of the 2nd century to the beginning of the 3rd century AD.

Research paper thumbnail of The pottery kilns at Șibot-În Obrej (Alba County)


Due to the invasive construction of the Orăștie – Sibiu Motorway 1 (section 1 Orăștie – Sebeș) pr... more Due to the invasive construction of the Orăștie – Sibiu Motorway 1 (section 1 Orăștie – Sebeș) preventive archaeological excavations were held from March to October 2012 at Șibot-În Obrej. They highlighted a habitat from Roman times, both in the residential area (settlement) and the adjacent funerary area (necropolis), preliminary dated to the 2nd century and the first half of the 3rd century. Among the numerous discoveries there are 14 pottery kilns in various stages of preservation. Typologically all of these fall into the category of circular kilns with two subtypes: with the oven floor supported by a central pillar (8) and kilns with pillar and fire-bars made of clay (2). The ceramic material found in the kilns can be divided into cooking pots (the largest category), drinking vessels, rarely for serving, and specific vessels (turibula, mortaria and dolia). The analyzed ceramic material finds analogies especially in Pannonia and can be dated in the post conquest period to the third quarter of 2nd century AD. In situ observations indicate that the kilns functioned only in the first stage of settlement. Most likely, the development of the ceramic production center in Apulum resulted in the abandonment of the local production at Șibot-În Obrej.

Research paper thumbnail of The Pottery workshop from Șibot - "În Obrej" (Alba county)

Research paper thumbnail of The Pottery workshop at Ostrov (Durostorum), Farm no 4 spot, Constanta County


Cercetari Arheologice, 2017

The present paper is the third one about an important group of material unearthed during the arch... more The present paper is the third one about an important group of material unearthed during the archaeological diggings of the Roman settlement at Ostrov (Durostorum), Constanța County, "Ferma 4" site. The first two papers presented 103 items discovered during the 1998-2007 campaigns. Subsequently the studying over 520 terracottas found during the 2008-2016 campaigns, could be achieved a better division of the terracottas on categories, as it follows: human statuettes, animal statuettes, constitutive elements of complexed objects and incerta. In the present study are displayed 79 items from the human statuettes category, comprising the individual statuettes and the statuary groups. In the current paper have been identified 14 pieces representing deities, 22 pieces representing private male statuettes, 18 female statuettes and 25 fragments representing parts of human statuettes (9 body fragments, 10 arms fragments and 6 feet fragments). Among the presented pieces, a specific debate concerns the Thracian Horseman (cat. no. 1). The clay representations of the local god are scarce, despite the thousands stone representations in the Thracian milieu. Also, are displayed new items representing Venus, a well-known deity to the coroplastic art of Ostrov. Is further individualized one female statuettes (cat. no. 35) who can be remarked through the fashion of garment and the hands position. Due to the support of the archaeological context, the items can be dated to the mid-second century-mid-third century AD.

Research paper thumbnail of Cercetările arheologice preventive din așezarea  romană de la Șibot, punctul „În Obrej” (jud. Alba) — considerații preliminare Preventive archaeological researches on the Roman settlement at Şibot-În Obrej  (Alba County). Preliminary considerations

Due to the construction of the Orăștie–Sibiu Motorway 1 (section 1 Orăștie–Sebeș) preventive arch... more Due to the construction of the Orăștie–Sibiu Motorway 1 (section 1 Orăștie–Sebeș) preventive archaeological excavations were made from March to October 2012 at Șibot-În Obrej. They identified a habitat from Roman times (Pl. III, IX), comprising both a residential area (settlement) and a funerary adjacent area (necropolis). Most of the site was occupied by the settlement, throughout these archeological excavations was possible to establish its Western, Eastern and Southern limits, while the Northern one is situated outside the motorway's perimeter. The settlement was crossed from East to West by a road (Pl. XVII), oriented NNE–SSW, passing, most likely North to the necropolis (similar direction with the National Route 7). Parts of a Roman road were investigated as well as two streets and 17 buildings lined along the road, but some of them also having direct street access. These buildings with various sizes and individual planning were investigated fully or partly because some were placed under the embankment of the National Route 7. All buildings were oriented according to the streets, NNW–SSE, all of them being rectangular, and divided into several rooms (Pl. XII–XV). The construction technique is similar for most buildings, namely river stones (rare shale, limestone and tiles) bound with mortar (for the main house) and clay (for the dependencies). Functioning floor levels were made of clay or, less commonly, with tiles. Some rooms had heating places, and the buildings were covered with various tiles. The buildings were provided with dependencies, best defined by the term courtyards, which were paved with gravel. Two complex buildings stand apart as having public use, one being the baths of the settlement, and the second a public space (forum?/conciliabulum?). On the entire surface of the settlement, three chronological moments were detected, but some features have only two, while other revealed several phases. In the necropolis the archeological excavations was possible to establish its eastern and western limits, partially the southern and the northern one. There were investigated 210 funerary complexes, of which 164 cremation tombs, the rite cannot be determined in 46 cases because of the poor conservation status. The orientation of tombs reveals no major differences, finding, with few exceptions, a predilection for a NE–SW axis (about 95% cases). In some situations were observed a series of exterior structures adjacent to the graves, namely three graves placed inside a circular enclosure (a so-called " ring " type structure), other 11 tombs situated inside a small rectangular enclosure and 7 graves covered by a funerary tumulus (mound). The small number of exterior arrangements is probably due to the poor state of conservation of the entire necropolis. The archaeological the material is still being processed so until its completion, preliminary dating of the settlement and necropolis falls into the 2 nd century to the first half of the 3 rd century AD.

Research paper thumbnail of Types of Habitation in the Rural enviroment of the Roman Province Thracia - The villa Type structure.pdf

Research paper thumbnail of The pottery kilns from the Roman settlement of Șibot–„În Obrej”, Alba county – preliminary results.


The Roman settlement of Șibot–„În Obrej” (Alba County) was first introduced to the academic community in 2011. The rescue excavations which took place during March – October 2012 were initiated due to the construction of Motorway 1, Orăștie–Sibiu segment, lot 1 Orăștie – Sebeș. The archaeological research revealed an extended perimeter belonging to a Roman rural settlement, divided in a habitation area, the settlement (km 9+650–9+910) and the nearby necropolis (9+920–10+054). Alongside contexts specific to a settlement and its necropolis, there have also been identified and researched 14 pottery kilns, discovered in various stages of conservation. Given the careful research and study, it can be established that most of the pottery kilns belong to a single type – circular kiln with central pillar. During the archaeological excavation, the pottery kilns offered rich material that can lead to a typology of the pottery from the recently discovered settlement.