mod_rumble - Profile (original) (raw)

you just put it far from the hand in the direction you want it and the elbow stays at this direction and

Welcome to mod_rumble. This is a community for people who run and enter the various rumble icon contests on Live Journal. This idea for this community was inspired by the wonderful community mod_stillness.

"Rumble Icon Contest," what's that?

It’s a type of icon contest that chimera_x started at disney_rumble as an alternative to the negativity of LIMs and as far as she knows the first to run in this format. Instead of process of elimination, winners are determined by their cumulative scores for a round. Icons are voted on based on their positive aspects, rather than thier negative ones. Since the rumble started many other communties have started with a similar concept and format, sometimes called iconathons or Highest Score Wins (HSW) and probably a whole bunch of other names I'm not even aware of. These variations are also all welcome here =) As long as your contests is based on no eliminations and the winner is determined by overall highest score at the end of the round feel free to have your icontests added to the master list and promo away!

I want to create a rumble community! What should I do?

Great! First, check the rumble master list below and make sure the community you want to create doesn'talready exist. Then create the community. If you are unfamiliar with the basic rules and guidlines of a rumble here is a good place to start. Once you’ve created your community post about it in this community so I can add it to the master list. It’s also good to know some html and how to make screencaps,and post polls.

What do the moderators of a stillness community post here?

Anything you can think of as long as it has to do with running your community. Thinking about making a format change and need some opinions? Need advice on dealing with a rule breaker? Want to lean how to make better screen caps? Need someone to make some screen caps/winner banners for you? Starting a new round? Post away =)

What do other people post here?

If you have a question or concern about something post it here. If it’s a complaint be sure to post it very politely. Also keep in mind that if you are talking about a specific rumble community, chances are that the mod of that community is a member here.

Can I post here requesting for people to come vote in my challenge?

Technically, yes. However, there's icontest_needs, where mods of icontests can request votes and entries for challenges. If you do post vote requests please try to keep to keep them to one post per week and if you have mulitple communities try to keep them all to one post.

Can I add a graphic to my post?
Yes and is encouraged for community promos. Please respect people's friends page and keep the size reasonable. If you would like to use a large banner , please put it behind a cut.

**NOTE: When you are posting to inform us of a new rumble community, please include who the moderator is and what category your rumble community falls under, no matter how obvious it may seem to you. For example:

Community name:disney_rumble Category: Movies/Books Moderator(s: if needed):chimera_x Description (if needed): Icon rumble for Disney/Pixar Movies

This format is only needed for getting your community added to the master list.

NOTE: if you add have a community that you have had added to the master list that decides to discontinue rumble rounds please let me know so it can be removed from the list. We don't want to send people looking for rumble rounds that don't exsist.

Here is a list of the categories:

STRONGLY SUGGESTED: Add BOTH "icon rumble " to your community's interests

Rumble Master List

General Television shows, tv_rumble, Mod:__yourbestbet__
Arrested Development , bluth_love_icon, Mod:__yourbestbet__
Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel, btvsats_rumble, Mod:__yourbestbet__
Doctor Who, dw_rumble, Mod: arti_chan13
Firelyfly, firefly_rumble, Mods: cheshire_monkey and nomdeploom
Heroes, savetheworld_ic, Mod: totallygay81
How I Met Your Mother, himym_runble, Mod:__yourbestbet__
Lost, lost_rumble, Mod: yarbtina
Sanctuary, sanctuaryrumble, Mod: colls
Skins, skins_rumble, Mod: rosy_nic
Smallville, svchallenge, Mod: luminousdaze

Dirty Dancing, dd_rumble, Mod: kasiopeia
Disney Movies, disney_rumble, Mod: chimera_x
Harry Potter, hp_rumble, Mod: arti_chan13
Period Films/Books, perpieathon, Mod: chefs_d_oeuvre
Silver screen Era (prior to 1970), silver_rumble, Mod: pieds_joyeux
Star Wars, sw_rumble, Mod: arti_chan13
Twilight, twiconathon, Mod: chefs_d_oeuvre

General Celebrities, celeb_rumble, Mod: rosy_nic
General Celebrities, celebrity_hsw, Mod: aurelia

Angelina Jolie, angie_rumble, Mod: robe_r0uge
Jessica Alba, alba_hsw, Mod: aurelia
Hilary Duff, duff_hsw, Mod: aurelia
Jennifer Garner, garner_hsw, Mod: aurelia
Keira Knightley, keira_rumble, Mod: vapor

Doctor/Rose, Doctor Who, plusone_rumble, Mod: quiddity_

Jonas Brothers, jonas_iconathon, Mod: breighan
Rock and Metal, metal_rumble ,Mod:scarlet_braids
Tori Amos, tori_awards, Mod: ladybug1219

Fashion/History/Cinema, costume_rumble, Mod: entropy_ane_me
Stock, stockathons, Mod: rubyna
History and period costumes, period_rumble, Mod: winterlillies
WWE Superstars and Divas, wwe_rumble, Mod: scarlet_braids

NOTE: If your community shows up on the master list as being deleted, it will be removed. If you reinstate the community, you'll need to make another post here in order to get it placed back on the master list.

NOTE: Do not promote your community here if it is not a rumble community, or a community that is also holding rumble rounds. That means any icontest community that is not specifically running a rumble round should not be posted here and will be deleted.

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