Tashfeen Ahmad | The University of the West Indies, Mona, Jamaica (original) (raw)
Research Papers by Tashfeen Ahmad
PSU Research Review, 2018
The purpose of this paper is to share the author’s viewpoint on how to increase student response ... more The purpose of this paper is to share the author’s viewpoint on how to increase student response rate in course evaluation surveys.
The purpose of this paper is to share a lecturer’s viewpoint on using mobile phone, as an academi... more The purpose of this paper is to share a lecturer’s viewpoint on using mobile phone, as an academic tool, in the lecture room.
This paper aims to assist lecturers, universities and their administrators in preparing for the e... more This paper aims to assist lecturers, universities and their administrators in preparing for the evolving future of higher education.
This paper offers advice on how to repair trust and manage change after mismanaged layoffs, parti... more This paper offers advice on how to repair trust and manage change after mismanaged layoffs, particularly when survivors‟ morale is low.
Re se ar c her at U n i ver si t y o f t he W e st I nd ie s ( Dip Co mp , B A, B Sc, D i p B u s... more Re se ar c her at U n i ver si t y o f t he W e st I nd ie s ( Dip Co mp , B A, B Sc, D i p B u s, M A, MB A) Dea n ' s O f fi ce, Fa c ul t y o f So c ia l S c i e nce s, T he U n i ver si t y o f t he W es t I nd i es , 6 R i n g Ro ad , Mo na, Ki n g sto n, J a ma ica. Ab stra ct T hi s p ap er i s fo r t he b ene f it o f t h e lead er s hip o f D ur h a m U ni v e rsi t y (U K) to ma ke i mp ro ve me n t s i n t h e r o l e o f Sta f f E n viro n me n t C ha mp io n s a nd ac h ie ve b ett er s u st ai n ab i li t y; o th er Ed uca tio n al I ns ti t ut io n s wi ll b e ne fit to o . T he re sear c h co nd u ct e d t hro u g h i nt er vi e ws co n fir med t ha t Sta f f E n vi r o n me n t C ha mp io ns p la y a s i g ni fica n t ro l e o f b rid ge b e t we e n t he En v iro n me n t O f fi ce o f a U n i ver si t y a nd o t her d ep ar t me n ts o rco ll e ge s . I nt h e l i g ht o f t he lit era t ure o n E n v ir o n me n ta l S u s tai n ab i li t y and t hir tee n i nt er vi e ws co nd uc ted wi t h En v iro n me n t C ha mp io n s a nd me mb er s o f Gr ee nsp ace (E n viro n me nt O ffi ce o f D ur ha m U ni ver s it y), v ar io u s r e co m me nd a t io n s ar e ma d e i n t h is p ap er. T h e re co m me nd a tio n s mad e wi l l i mp ro ve s u s tai n ab ili t y i n hi g h er ed u cat i o n; o ne o f t he co nc l u sio n s s u g ge s ted t hat U ni ver s it ie s ser io u s ab o ut ga i ni n g s i g ni fic a nt co ntr ib ut io n fro m t he se C h a mp io n s s ho uld in v e st mo r e o n St a f f E n vi r o n me n t C ha mp io ns .
Conference Proceedings by Tashfeen Ahmad
Technologies are changing the way we work. As various technologies evolve and become cheaper, fas... more Technologies are changing the way we work. As various technologies evolve and become cheaper, faster and safer, the Future of Work will be significantly different. First, this paper highlights how work has already changed in various industries. Second, this paper identifies key skills employers will require from employees in the future. In this context, institutes of Higher Education must rethink their educational policies so they can prepare a workforce ready for the Future. Third, to understand the rethinking process of educational policies, case studies of Universities which are already reconsidering their educational philosophies by making changes in their teaching will be used. This paper will assist academics and higher education administrators in understanding where we are now and what do we need to do to prepare our undergraduates for the Future of Work. Universities will get an insight into how they need to rethink their educational philosophy to prepare undergraduate students for the Future of Work. This paper will benefit all stakeholders in higher education who are interested in making their undergraduates more employable and relevant as work evolves. Finally, this paper will benefit students to prepare for the Future of Work.
This paper is a work in progress which reviews the relationship between Undergraduate University ... more This paper is a work in progress which reviews the relationship between Undergraduate University Students' mobile phone usage and their Grade Point Average (GPA). To facilitate data collection, a questionnaire was administered where 196 Undergraduate University Students, voluntarily, shared their academic standing by stating their GPA, mobile phone usage habits along with their demographic details. The final results of this study, which will be publicized in a Journal article, will elaborate on the relationship between mobile phone text messaging and call frequency with students' academic performance.
Conference Presentations by Tashfeen Ahmad
Conference Programs by Tashfeen Ahmad
It gives me great pleasure to extend a warm Jamaican welcome to all of the distinguished speakers... more It gives me great pleasure to extend a warm Jamaican welcome to all of the distinguished speakers and participants to the 3rd Biennial Conference on Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) in the Caribbean. There is a growing acceptance that solving educational challenges in the region is urgent and requires the concerted efforts of all stakeholders.
PSU Research Review, 2018
The purpose of this paper is to share the author’s viewpoint on how to increase student response ... more The purpose of this paper is to share the author’s viewpoint on how to increase student response rate in course evaluation surveys.
The purpose of this paper is to share a lecturer’s viewpoint on using mobile phone, as an academi... more The purpose of this paper is to share a lecturer’s viewpoint on using mobile phone, as an academic tool, in the lecture room.
This paper aims to assist lecturers, universities and their administrators in preparing for the e... more This paper aims to assist lecturers, universities and their administrators in preparing for the evolving future of higher education.
This paper offers advice on how to repair trust and manage change after mismanaged layoffs, parti... more This paper offers advice on how to repair trust and manage change after mismanaged layoffs, particularly when survivors‟ morale is low.
Re se ar c her at U n i ver si t y o f t he W e st I nd ie s ( Dip Co mp , B A, B Sc, D i p B u s... more Re se ar c her at U n i ver si t y o f t he W e st I nd ie s ( Dip Co mp , B A, B Sc, D i p B u s, M A, MB A) Dea n ' s O f fi ce, Fa c ul t y o f So c ia l S c i e nce s, T he U n i ver si t y o f t he W es t I nd i es , 6 R i n g Ro ad , Mo na, Ki n g sto n, J a ma ica. Ab stra ct T hi s p ap er i s fo r t he b ene f it o f t h e lead er s hip o f D ur h a m U ni v e rsi t y (U K) to ma ke i mp ro ve me n t s i n t h e r o l e o f Sta f f E n viro n me n t C ha mp io n s a nd ac h ie ve b ett er s u st ai n ab i li t y; o th er Ed uca tio n al I ns ti t ut io n s wi ll b e ne fit to o . T he re sear c h co nd u ct e d t hro u g h i nt er vi e ws co n fir med t ha t Sta f f E n vi r o n me n t C ha mp io ns p la y a s i g ni fica n t ro l e o f b rid ge b e t we e n t he En v iro n me n t O f fi ce o f a U n i ver si t y a nd o t her d ep ar t me n ts o rco ll e ge s . I nt h e l i g ht o f t he lit era t ure o n E n v ir o n me n ta l S u s tai n ab i li t y and t hir tee n i nt er vi e ws co nd uc ted wi t h En v iro n me n t C ha mp io n s a nd me mb er s o f Gr ee nsp ace (E n viro n me nt O ffi ce o f D ur ha m U ni ver s it y), v ar io u s r e co m me nd a t io n s ar e ma d e i n t h is p ap er. T h e re co m me nd a tio n s mad e wi l l i mp ro ve s u s tai n ab ili t y i n hi g h er ed u cat i o n; o ne o f t he co nc l u sio n s s u g ge s ted t hat U ni ver s it ie s ser io u s ab o ut ga i ni n g s i g ni fic a nt co ntr ib ut io n fro m t he se C h a mp io n s s ho uld in v e st mo r e o n St a f f E n vi r o n me n t C ha mp io ns .
Technologies are changing the way we work. As various technologies evolve and become cheaper, fas... more Technologies are changing the way we work. As various technologies evolve and become cheaper, faster and safer, the Future of Work will be significantly different. First, this paper highlights how work has already changed in various industries. Second, this paper identifies key skills employers will require from employees in the future. In this context, institutes of Higher Education must rethink their educational policies so they can prepare a workforce ready for the Future. Third, to understand the rethinking process of educational policies, case studies of Universities which are already reconsidering their educational philosophies by making changes in their teaching will be used. This paper will assist academics and higher education administrators in understanding where we are now and what do we need to do to prepare our undergraduates for the Future of Work. Universities will get an insight into how they need to rethink their educational philosophy to prepare undergraduate students for the Future of Work. This paper will benefit all stakeholders in higher education who are interested in making their undergraduates more employable and relevant as work evolves. Finally, this paper will benefit students to prepare for the Future of Work.
This paper is a work in progress which reviews the relationship between Undergraduate University ... more This paper is a work in progress which reviews the relationship between Undergraduate University Students' mobile phone usage and their Grade Point Average (GPA). To facilitate data collection, a questionnaire was administered where 196 Undergraduate University Students, voluntarily, shared their academic standing by stating their GPA, mobile phone usage habits along with their demographic details. The final results of this study, which will be publicized in a Journal article, will elaborate on the relationship between mobile phone text messaging and call frequency with students' academic performance.
It gives me great pleasure to extend a warm Jamaican welcome to all of the distinguished speakers... more It gives me great pleasure to extend a warm Jamaican welcome to all of the distinguished speakers and participants to the 3rd Biennial Conference on Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) in the Caribbean. There is a growing acceptance that solving educational challenges in the region is urgent and requires the concerted efforts of all stakeholders.
Society and Business Review, 2017
If you would like to write for this, or any other Emerald publication, then please use our Emeral... more If you would like to write for this, or any other Emerald publication, then please use our Emerald for Authors service information about how to choose which publication to write for and submission guidelines are available for all. Please visit www.emeraldinsight.com/authors for more information.
Society and Business Review, 2017
If you would like to write for this, or any other Emerald publication, then please use our Emeral... more If you would like to write for this, or any other Emerald publication, then please use our Emerald for Authors service information about how to choose which publication to write for and submission guidelines are available for all. Please visit www.emeraldinsight.com/authors for more information.
Society and Business Review, 2017
If you would like to write for this, or any other Emerald publication, then please use our Emeral... more If you would like to write for this, or any other Emerald publication, then please use our Emerald for Authors service information about how to choose which publication to write for and submission guidelines are available for all. Please visit www.emeraldinsight.com/authors for more information.
Journal of Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies, 2017
If you would like to write for this, or any other Emerald publication, then please use our Emeral... more If you would like to write for this, or any other Emerald publication, then please use our Emerald for Authors service information about how to choose which publication to write for and submission guidelines are available for all. Please visit www.emeraldinsight.com/authors for more information.
Sometimes layoffs are inevitable , but if they are not managed properl y, they can create havoc i... more Sometimes layoffs are inevitable , but if they are not managed properl y, they can create havoc in an organization. This paper offers advice on how to repair trust and manage change after mismanaged layoffs; a Harvard Business Review Case Study (Wetlaufer, 1998) is taken as an example to illustrate the process, when survivors" morale is low. Relevance of trust and change management is exp lained in such scenarios and Burke and Litwin Model (1992) is applied to the case study to propose interventions. Finall y, recommendations are made in the light of relevant literature to stop defection of key employees, repair survivors trust and manage ch ange after mismanaged downsizing .
Internet Research, 2019
Purpose Realizing value from information and communication technology (ICT) in procurement in dev... more Purpose
Realizing value from information and communication technology (ICT) in procurement in developing countries is complex due to diverse stakeholders and intertwined procurement processes. The purpose of this paper is to examine the experience of the Government of Jamaica in leveraging ICTs as an intervention to transform its procurement operations and combat corruption.
The study examines conversations with employees in the Government of Jamaica to understand key milestones in its procurement history. Based on the view that the intervention context is an ecosystem where multiple and inconsistent views of the e-procurement system evolve over time, the study analyzes milestones to reveal key actions that contributed either to the initial success of or introduced challenges to the e-procurement system.
The findings suggest that inducing positive sentiments about the intervention through transparency will overcome a long history of negative sentiments about the initiatives of government bodies in general. Furthermore, positive sentiments may not be directly related to the e-procurement system.
Research limitations/implications
The study offers important insights that government bodies in similar contexts can apply to guide initiatives for transforming procurement operations. For instance, training should emphasize not only the technical aspects of the system from the perspective of different stakeholders but also their job descriptions. Future research may examine other initiatives in developing countries to compare the role of sentiments over time.
The study adopts a unique approach to understand the experience of a developing country in harnessing ICTs to transform procurement operations.
Academia Letters, 2021
Social and emotional learning (SEL) competencies are critical for student's success in university... more Social and emotional learning (SEL) competencies are critical for student's success in university and in life. The future of work is changing and technologies have disrupted the way we live, work and play. COVID-19 may have triggered this process on a faster track. To prepare undergraduate students for the future of work, universities and lecturers will have to be innovative and open to new ideas. Unfortunately, majority of the universities are not preparing the undergraduate students SEL competencies for the future of work.