Mia Lindgren | Monash University (original) (raw)

Associate Professor in Journalism and Head of School of Media, Film and Journalism at Monash University in Melbourne, Australia. I teach journalism practice, with a special interest in radio.

Much of my research is multidisciplinary involving teams of researchers from journalism, media, communication, history and medicine. I combine traditional academic research approaches and outcomes with journalism practice; such as radio documentaries and website production. I am interested in the role of journalistic processes and storytelling in a range of areas outside journalism, for example in raising awareness about the dangers of asbestos. I also take interest in how long form radio (or now mostly called audio) production is evolving and the democratisation of the medium though technology and social media.

I am particularly interested in links between journalism practice and research and my PhD study Journalism as research – Developing radio documentary theory from practice (Murdoch University, 2011) examined how radio documentary theory and practice can fit into more traditional research frameworks.

I have been Chief Investigator on the following research projects:

2010 – 2012 NHMRC project grant 'Dust Related Health Issues in Western Australia ', NHMRC Project Grants, $729,500 with University of WA and Murdoch University.

2007 – 2009 NHMRC special asbestos grant $846,385 for 'Community consequences of asbestos exposure' with University of WA, Curtin and Murdoch universities.

2006 Research Excellence Grant Scheme $14,877 for ‘Living with Asbestos’ project. Chief Investigators: Ms Mia Lindgren, A/Prof Gail Phillips, A/Prof Lenore Layman and Mr Chris Smyth.

2004 SEARCH Foundation grant $5,000 for ‘Railway Lines, Voices from the West’ (Social Education and Research Concerning Humanity Foundation)

2002 – 2004 ARC Linkage grant $208,760 for ‘Midland Workshops History Project’ with Curtin University and 10 industry partners.

I have worked in broadcast news, current affairs, live radio and documentary reporting with the Swedish Broadcasting Corporation. I have produced radio documentaries from Russia, Scandinavia, Israel and Australia. Since joining academe I have continued my involvement with the media industry through freelance productions for both Australian and Swedish radio. In 2008 I organised a job swap with ABC Radio National in Perth to produce a series of radio documentaries. In 2012 I did an Inaugural Industry Placement as Visiting Producer with ABC Radio National's Social History and Features Unit in Melbourne.

Some of my most recent radio documentaries are:

2012. Losing my Identity, 360 Documentary, ABC Radio National, 26-minute radio documentary, 17 June

2012. Watering the West, Hindsight, ABC Radio National, 50-minutes, radio documentary, 6 May

2008. Deadly Dust, Hindsight, ABC Radio National, 53-minute radio documentary, 23 Nov

2008. Abrolhos Island Life, Street Stories, ABC Radio National, 28-minute radio documentary, 8 June

2008. Going it Alone, Street Stories, ABC Radio National, 28-minute radio documentary, 30 March, (repeat 18 Jan 2009)
Phone: +61 3 9903 4114
Address: School of Media, Film and Journalism
Faculty of Arts
Building B Level 4, Room B4.34
Sir John Monash Drive,
Caulfield East, 3145, Victoria, Australia
