Activities | Resources – Moon: NASA Science (original) (raw)

These activities make it easy to participate safely in International Observe the Moon Night from wherever you are. They are suitable for a variety of age groups and adaptable for use with whatever materials you have available. Feel free to adjust the activities to better meet the needs of your participants or audience.

For even more ideas, explore [highlighted collections](#Highlighted Collections) from our supporters.

School groups and other educators may wish to incorporate or build on these activities in International-Observe-the-Moon-Night-inspired programming. This is an opportunity to get the whole school involved.

Everyone: We welcome your creative interpretation, adaptation, and implementation!

Looking for more? Try these activity and resource collections:

NASA Science Activation: Lunar Resource Toolkit

NASA’s Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Mission Education Resources

NASA’s Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera Educational Activities & Lessons

Explore! with the Lunar and Planetary Institute

Night Sky Network Outreach Resources

Learning Space with NASA at Home

NASA STEM Engagement Moon Toolkit

NASA Space Place

More to Explore