moonyscribbles - Profile (original) (raw)

on 21 May 2008 (#15658808)

The Fannish Archive of Moony Blues

thirty-something. married. infertile. small-town girl. mistress of angst. pet person. likes to read, write, watch television and movies. girl gamer. amateur graphic manipulator.
Arrow on the CW | Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel by Joss Whedon Divergent by Veronica Roth Doctor Who, including the entire Whoniverse Dune by Frank Herbert (Sci-Fi miniseries) Farscape by Rockne S. O'Bannon Final Fantasy games VIII, X, XII, and XIII Firefly by Joss Whedon Harry Potter by JK Rowling Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins Sons of Anarchy by Kurt Sutter Thor/The Avengers by Marvel Tin Man by Sci-Fi Channel Please note that only the fandoms for which I have written are listed in the interests for this community. I will add to that list as needed.
Oliver/Felicity, Buffy/Angel, Tara/Willow, Tris/Tobias, Zeke/Shauna, Amar/George, Nine/Rose, Ten.Rose, Jack/Everyone, Jack/Ianto/Gwen, John/Aeryn, Squall/Rinoa, Tidas/Yuna, Balthier/Ashe/Bosch, Fang/Vanille, Mal/Inara, Wash/Zoe, Simon/Kaylee,Ginny/Draco, Harry/Hermione, Sirius/Remus, Peeta/Katniss/Gale, Jax/Tara, Thor/Jane, Hawkeye/Black Widow, Cain/DG, Wyatt/Adora. Please note that only the ships for which I have written are listed in the interests for this community. I will add to that list as needed.
None of the chracters or universes featured in the works herein are owned by moony_blues or moonyscribbles. They are the trademarks and copyrights of their respective owners, publishers, authors, and producers. I am merely playing in their sandboxes, so to speak. This statement applies to all works found in this community. No infringement is intended and I do not profit in any way from the works found herein.
Comm Layout: Spring Love by artphilia @ mintyappleComm Banner: Original design by moony_blues @ moonydoodlesProfile Layout: Original design by moony_blues @ moonydoodlesProfile Banner: Original design by moony_blues @ moonydoodles

cain/adora, dg/cain, divergent, doctor who, firefly, harry potter, tin man, torchwood, tris/four, tris/tobias, wyatt cain, wyatt/adora