Moore 2nd Floor (original) (raw)
Hey (again) all,
1.) Roommate agreements. All first year students (that’s you bubs) are required to fill out a roommate agreement. It’s a negotiated agreement between you and your roommate about how you want certain things to be handled in your room and between each other. A copy of this is kept on file to help myself and/or the Residence Director/Assistant Residence Director in cases of disagreement. The form is a triplicate form (white, yellow, and pink pages I believe). I’ll be coming around to your rooms to give each of you one of the triplicate forms next week. I’d ask that you take some individual time to read over the form and sort of it answer the various questions/topics for yourself. Then (fun fun I know) you get to have a brief (think 10 minutes) meeting with me where we all fill out the white form based on what you two agree on from your own copies. The white form is then kept as the official agreement. I’m going to post a sign-up sheet on my door to schedule the meetings…if you could please schedule yourselves so I don’t have to get all predator on your butts and spend a lot of time hunting you down that would be awesome.
2.) Upcoming events:
Amanda, Becca, Erica, and Erin are the ones planning October’s program. If you have any great ideas or there’s something you really want to do—please speak to them/me about it.
The Tuesday after next (October 12th) there’s going to be the first Southwest-wide Open Mic Night of the semester in the Pierpont Main lounge starting at 8:00pm. There will be free food & drink. If you have any kind of talent you’d like to share in front of others let me know or e-mail
Molly and Andy came up with some excellent ideas for a Halloween type activity. Something about making a haunted hallway with each room having a different activity or whatnot. They can explain it much better than I can but talk to them to help get it going/make sure it’s great. This is not…I repeat….this is not a round robin. Nor should it be despite Andy’s best efforts :b
I think that’s quite enough events for now but if there’s more you all want to do or you’re unhappy with any of this…lemme know.
3.) Those of you who are technologically inclined and/or enjoy journals…the senior staff here setup an epoch livejournal. Epoch is the name of the cluster-wide program you are all in (rap is a program under this). The address is that journal basically talks about cluster-wide or campus-wide programming events.
Following their lead I created one for all of you. the idea being that you all can post about things you want to go that you want others on the floor to go with you to, things you have gone to that were great/sucked etc., things you’d like to see happen or just the goings on in your life that you might like to share (making a team, doing well on a quiz) etc. or simply just staying in touch with each other. In addition, it’s a space where I’ll put up any e-mails I e-mailed to people…but…more importantly….I’ll put up stuff that I might have wanted to e-mail to you but didn’t want to clog your inboxes with.
I believe that you should all be able to post and whatnot without an account but I also went ahead and created an account that you can choose to use or not as you wish.
I encourage you to use it but I’m not going to lament if it lays withered on the net. I am, however, going to continue posting about things I think you should go to/know that I don’t want to e-mail you about so I’d at least bookmark it.
4.) I’m going to try and go around and get a copy of your class schedules (classes you are taking that are non-rap) so that if you ever need a study buddy or want a recommendation about a course next semester…the info is handy. If you could assist me in that by slipping a copy of your class schedule under my door that would be great.
I think, if you all will do it, that I’m going to try and start a weekly questionnaire type thing. My idea is to have copies available outside my door and for it to also be online. Basically, it will be questions about your week and how things are going. Just info to get to know you better and get a sense of how you’re doing. Every week I’d randomly pick one out of the people who did it to get a free slice of antonio’s on me. That will probably start next week.
5.) Just going to apologize in advance if I seem like a hardass or it seems like I’m patrolling the hallways lately. It’s just that you all are great about going out to do your thing but you’re not as great about coming back quietly and there are people who have morning classes both in this hall, other halls, and upstairs. Also, it’s getting towards test time and the ability to sleep through the night is going to become even more important. You can talk to me about this though if you’re concerned/bothered. (Just remember to shut your doors when you come back and it’s after quiet hours)