Mount Ordeals (original) (raw)

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Title: Crusader's Run: Attachments (part 2 of 2)
Theme + Number: Cold #34, Exhaustion #45, River #73
Claim: Cecil Harvey
Characters/Pairings included: Tellah, Cecil, Rydia
Rating: T
Warnings: General Violence
Summary: The battle against the Octomammoth and the events that follow.

( Attachments (2/2)Collapse )

Title: Crusader's Run: Attachments (part 1 of 2)
Theme + Number: Town #4, Calling #18, Gambling #82
Claim: Cecil Harvey
Characters/Pairings included: Cecil, Rydia, Rosa, Tellah
Rating: K
Warnings: Nothing yet
Summary: The calm before the storm. As the two make ready to set out, reality finally sets in for Cecil as he begins realizing the full extent his new conviction carries.

( Attachments (1/2)Collapse )


Fandom: FFIV
Characters/Pairing: Rydia, Cecil, Kain
Rating: PG

Notes: 100-word drabble. Catching up on the claim (finally!).

Claim: Rydia, challenge
Theme: #41, 'Monsters'

( MetallicCollapse )


Fandom: FFIV
Characters/Pairing: Rydia, Asura
Rating: PG

Notes: 200-word drabble. Catching up on the claim (finally!).

Claim: Rydia
Theme: #40, 'Hollow'

( MasksCollapse )

Title: Power of Love (2/2)
Theme + Number: #59 Loyalty
Claim Character: Rosa Farrell
Characters/Pairings included: Rosa/Barbariccia, Rosa/Cecil/Barbariccia
Fandom: Final Fantasy IV
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Bi, Bond, F/F, M/F/F, MC, N/C, Cons, Oral, Spank, magic, wind, linked consciousness, bukkake
Summary: Gift-fic for Anonelbe. Birth of a beast. Can the bonds of love hold out against Barbariccia?
Author's Note: This is the second chapter where the heaviest amount of it comes into play. I hope some of you enjoy it!

( Power of Love (2/2)Collapse )

Title: Power of Love (1/2)
Theme + Number: #59 Loyalty
Claim Character: Rosa Farrell
Characters/Pairings included: Rosa, Barbariccia, Golbez
Fandom: Final Fantasy IV
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Bond, N/C
Summary: Gift-fic for Anonelbe. Birth of a beast. Can the bonds of love hold out against Barbariccia?
Author's Note: Let's just say I was... hesitant, to post this story on here. When I think of the LJ comm for FF4, the last thing I think of is people who want to read adult fics that involve heavy sexual content. Especially when it's loaded with male-focused interests. I eventually decided it wouldn't hurt to simply post it.

( Power of Love (1/2)Collapse )

Title: Crusader's Run: Desertion (part 3 of 3)
Theme + Number: Silence #37, Truth #80, Nightfall #92
Claim: Cecil Harvey
Characters/Pairings included: Rydia, Cecil
Rating: T
Warnings: General violence
Summary: Her mother, her home, the loss of the life she had ever known; Rydia awakens only to face this cruel reality and is forced to deal with the very man who had taken all of it away.

( Desertion (3/3)Collapse )

Title: Crusader's Run: Desertion (part 2 of 3)
Theme + Number: Healing #58, Questions #74, Prayer #98
Claim: Cecil Harvey
Characters/Pairings included: Rosa, Kain, Golbez, Baigan, Cecil
Rating: T
Warnings: Brief flash of nudity, maybe
Summary: An entourage from Baron is sent to investigate Mist and Rosa soon discovers all of the changes and revelations following the incident.

( Desertion (2/3)Collapse )

Title: First but not last
Theme: 24 - Fabul, 69 - Dependable
Claim: Golbez and Cecil Harvey
Other: Mentions of Rydia, Rosa, Edward, Yang
Rating: K
Summary: You know it won't end like this.

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