Best Ten of Best Ten (original) (raw)

10. monologue和dialogue;虽然由于篇幅限制独白与对话节奏偏快,但配上女主富有磁性的声线与本作戏谑自嘲的基调,效果还是不错的。

9. playful BGM;很轻快,很得体。

8. 中谷美纪的演绎;夹杂成熟、年轻、伪装、坦诚、迷惘、释怀多种变化,相比阿拉垃圾,除了音色销魂别无其他(或许这是角色需要吧╮(╯_╰)╭)。

7. “标准”结局;20分钟的本子,无需奢求什么跌宕起伏,有个画龙点睛的“标准”结局已经很好。

6. 拉链scene;很生动,很聪明。

5. 女主;笔者偏爱高挑的贫乳=。=

4. 画风和分镜;画风干净清新,分镜节奏感很好,与剧本节奏和BGM节奏很吻合。

3. the depiction of phonies. Strictly speaking, the screenwriter does not consider these characters phonies - they are just people with inevitable tags who can't help but switch between different tags in order to "live a livable life"=.= As a result, you don't sense this stereotypical cynicism in the depiction of these people. Instead, the screenwriter leads you to appreciate or even laugh off what has been happening, rather than criticizing or condemning it.

2. 事后的人生感悟;这个具体不剧透了,总之和笔者共鸣相当大的一段,相信编剧meant to be empathetic in this part.

1. 片尾自嘲的一笑;本作笔者最喜欢的镜头,因为年龄太小无法体会,因为无论从逻辑还是情感上看似都不make sense,因为憧憬自己到了那个年龄会不会也有一样的境遇与心态。
