Evangelos Chrysos | National & Kapodistrian University of Athenshh (original) (raw)
Books by Evangelos Chrysos
ΙΣΤΟΡΙΕΣ ΠΟΛΕΜΟΥ ΣΤΗ ΝΟΤΙΟΑΝΑΤΟΛΙΚΗ ΕΥΡΩΠΗ ΜΙΑ ΠΡΟΣΕΓΓΙΣΗ ΣΤΗ ΔΙΑΧΡΟΝΙΑ Πρακτικά Διεθνούς Επιστημονικού Συνεδρίου με αφορμή τα 100 χρόνια από τους Βαλκανικούς Πολέμους (1912-1913), 2018
Who dances the Kordax. Homage to Johannes Koder [Eds.: Mihailo St. Popović/ Vratislav Zervan/ Ralf C. Müller, 2024
Byzantine captives were per force settled beyond the Danube by the Bulgarians
Our Sacred Beaury pp. 35-47, 2018
Το Ημέτερον Κάλλος, σελ, 35-47, 2018
Byzantinische Zeitschrift 62, pp. 263-269, 1969
FS Johannes Grohe, 2023
Im Jahre 1484 hatte in Konstantinopel eine Synode getagt, um das Unionsdekret des Konzils von Flo... more Im Jahre 1484 hatte in Konstantinopel eine Synode getagt, um das Unionsdekret des Konzils von Florenz (Laetentur caeli) vom 6. Juli 1439 endgültig und verbindlich zu verurteilen. Wie es dazu kam und wie die vom Florentinum geschaffene Wirklichkeit von östlicher Seite betrachtet und gehandhabt wurde, soll der Gegenstand dieser Untersuchung sein: ein kleines αντίδωρον an den Jubilar. 1 Die gewichtige Monographie von Joseph Gill über das Konzil von Florenz 2 und insbesondere das für das Thema dieses Beitrages relevante zehnte Kapitel mit dem Titel "The reception of the Union in the East" ist von dem programmatischen Wunsch des Autors, eines britischen Jesuiten, gekennzeichnet, das Florentinum als eine große Errungenschaft der römisch-katholischen Kirche und Theologie darzustellen und das Scheitern der Union auf Versäumnisse und mangelnden guten Glauben seitens der Orthodoxen zurückzuführen. Gill schließt seine Darstellung
Volume on Salamis
the historical background
Cristianità d'Occidente e cristianità d'Oriente: (secoli VI - XI) ; 24 - 30 aprile 2003 (Vol. 1-2... more Cristianità d'Occidente e cristianità d'Oriente: (secoli VI - XI) ; 24 - 30 aprile 2003 (Vol. 1-2) - Spoleto (2004)
Settimane di studio del Centro italiano di studi sull'alto medioevo / 51
In a recent paper on patriarchs and popes who, in apparent violation of the Canon Law, were elect... more In a recent paper on patriarchs and popes who, in apparent violation of the Canon Law, were elected while being minors, I had the opportunity to study how ecclesiastical and political authorities in East and West dealt with the established legal prescriptions by either exploiting them as convenient tools of support of their aims or ignoring them.1 The principle applied in these cases of compromising with the rules is the so-called "κατ΄ οἰκονομίαν" (in Latin dispensatio) as opposite to "ἀκρίβεια" (in Latin accuratio).2 This contribution is devoted to another case of application of the Canon Law in East and West, namely in an area where, due to local conditions, the two Churches had developed varying perceptions and priorities for the implementation of the originally common regulations. We shall examine the decision of Pope Nicholas i (858-67) to deny recognition of Patriarch Photius's ordination to the patriarchal throne because he had received the episcopal grade ἀθρόον [Latin subito], i.e. directly from the status of a layman by obtaining the other grades within one week. The controversial discussion about the application of the canonical 1 Evangelos Chryos, "Minors as patriarchs and popes," in Prosopon Rhomaikon: Ergänzende Studien zur Prosopographie der mittelbyzantinischen Zeit, Alexander Beihammer et al., eds., Millenium Studies (Frankfurt, 2017), pp. 221-39. 2 Amilkas S. Alibizatos, Die Oikonomia (Frankfurt am Main, 1998). Francis Thomson, "Economy: An examination of the various theories of Economy held within the Orthodox Church, with special reference to the Economical Recognition of the validity of non-Orthodox sacraments,"
*» **** W i w #. jtlijii»iir W«? jMMhi n-H * • »-p f-p «HM« I * » « * * / * •" I | | | n • .-, m ... more *» **** W i w #. jtlijii»iir W«? jMMhi n-H * • »-p f-p «HM« I * » « * * / * •" I | | | n • .-, m n M K i n^D J i l l l »frfc I-Umiiwinfawxjamn^*' i sn; M it r» CttUA V m d « » ! ί C*f>(h«Hti^»i* • «&-Λ. ,.-~ Imnttatw» fitft|fii>iiii * t H h » M " " " • ! • ι' it* I M W I Mima» fo«ii«> fwiaji 4h*W jl«w«"f ...'(Λ «MM ^ΛΛΛΙ •*»<*« y>r»Äylni in
Κωνσταντίνῳ Γ. Πιτσάκῃ Μνήμης χάριν, 2023
In the late ninth, in the tenth and in the eleventh centuries there emerged at the top of the ecc... more In the late ninth, in the tenth and in the eleventh centuries there emerged at the top of the ecclesiastical hierarchy, both in Rome and in Constantinople, persons whose apparently sole merit was to be the sons of the political leaders of the day, the ruling family of Rome and the imperial family of Constantinople. Beyond the intriguing fact that the two phenomena are contemporaneous and occasionally intermingled, what makes these persons especially interesting for this study is that some of them were underage, clearly under the age limit prescribed by Canon Law for clerical office. Let us look at the major prescriptions on the canonical age of ordination in order to better understand the historical background and the factual importance of these violations. At the local synod in Neocaesarea, probably as early as 315 (or perhaps in 319) AD, it was prescribed in canon 11: "Let no man be ordained a presbyter before he is thirty years old, even though the man be worthy in every other respect, but let him be obliged to wait. For the Lord Jesus Christ was baptized and commenced teaching in His thirtieth year". 1 On the other hand, the Constitutiones Apostolorum, a collection of texts apparently assembled in Antioch 380 AD, prescribe for the bishop as canonical the high age of fifty years. 2 Furthermore in a letter of pope Siricius to Himerius bishop of Tarragona in 385, in a general prescription on the canonical age for the different clerical grades, the age for the ordaining of a bishop is computed as 45 years. 3 At the council of Car
Romiosini, 2016
Οι Μελισσηνοί και οι Σεβαστοί της Νεάπολης και η ιδιοποίηση βυζαντινών δυναστικών τίτλων (16ος-17... more Οι Μελισσηνοί και οι Σεβαστοί της Νεάπολης και η ιδιοποίηση βυζαντινών δυναστικών τίτλων (16ος-17ος αι.
Quellen zur Geschichte vom frühen Byzanz
Historia, 1969
Questi tre argomenti sono acutamente pensati e impostano un problema nuovo; ma non bastano a dimo... more Questi tre argomenti sono acutamente pensati e impostano un problema nuovo; ma non bastano a dimostrare la tesi centrale del Klauser"), halt Klauser an seiner These fest; vgl. ders., Bischofe auf dem Richterstuhl, Jahrbuch fur Antike und Christentum 5 (i962) S. 172-174, sowie neuerdings: Kleine abendlAndische Liturgicgeschichte, Bonn 1965, S. 36-40.
Volume in Memory of Nicholas Oikonomides
The Byzantines tried to avoid the war. Buying the peace was by far less expensive.
ΙΣΤΟΡΙΕΣ ΠΟΛΕΜΟΥ ΣΤΗ ΝΟΤΙΟΑΝΑΤΟΛΙΚΗ ΕΥΡΩΠΗ ΜΙΑ ΠΡΟΣΕΓΓΙΣΗ ΣΤΗ ΔΙΑΧΡΟΝΙΑ Πρακτικά Διεθνούς Επιστημονικού Συνεδρίου με αφορμή τα 100 χρόνια από τους Βαλκανικούς Πολέμους (1912-1913), 2018
Who dances the Kordax. Homage to Johannes Koder [Eds.: Mihailo St. Popović/ Vratislav Zervan/ Ralf C. Müller, 2024
Byzantine captives were per force settled beyond the Danube by the Bulgarians
Our Sacred Beaury pp. 35-47, 2018
Το Ημέτερον Κάλλος, σελ, 35-47, 2018
Byzantinische Zeitschrift 62, pp. 263-269, 1969
FS Johannes Grohe, 2023
Im Jahre 1484 hatte in Konstantinopel eine Synode getagt, um das Unionsdekret des Konzils von Flo... more Im Jahre 1484 hatte in Konstantinopel eine Synode getagt, um das Unionsdekret des Konzils von Florenz (Laetentur caeli) vom 6. Juli 1439 endgültig und verbindlich zu verurteilen. Wie es dazu kam und wie die vom Florentinum geschaffene Wirklichkeit von östlicher Seite betrachtet und gehandhabt wurde, soll der Gegenstand dieser Untersuchung sein: ein kleines αντίδωρον an den Jubilar. 1 Die gewichtige Monographie von Joseph Gill über das Konzil von Florenz 2 und insbesondere das für das Thema dieses Beitrages relevante zehnte Kapitel mit dem Titel "The reception of the Union in the East" ist von dem programmatischen Wunsch des Autors, eines britischen Jesuiten, gekennzeichnet, das Florentinum als eine große Errungenschaft der römisch-katholischen Kirche und Theologie darzustellen und das Scheitern der Union auf Versäumnisse und mangelnden guten Glauben seitens der Orthodoxen zurückzuführen. Gill schließt seine Darstellung
Volume on Salamis
the historical background
Cristianità d'Occidente e cristianità d'Oriente: (secoli VI - XI) ; 24 - 30 aprile 2003 (Vol. 1-2... more Cristianità d'Occidente e cristianità d'Oriente: (secoli VI - XI) ; 24 - 30 aprile 2003 (Vol. 1-2) - Spoleto (2004)
Settimane di studio del Centro italiano di studi sull'alto medioevo / 51
In a recent paper on patriarchs and popes who, in apparent violation of the Canon Law, were elect... more In a recent paper on patriarchs and popes who, in apparent violation of the Canon Law, were elected while being minors, I had the opportunity to study how ecclesiastical and political authorities in East and West dealt with the established legal prescriptions by either exploiting them as convenient tools of support of their aims or ignoring them.1 The principle applied in these cases of compromising with the rules is the so-called "κατ΄ οἰκονομίαν" (in Latin dispensatio) as opposite to "ἀκρίβεια" (in Latin accuratio).2 This contribution is devoted to another case of application of the Canon Law in East and West, namely in an area where, due to local conditions, the two Churches had developed varying perceptions and priorities for the implementation of the originally common regulations. We shall examine the decision of Pope Nicholas i (858-67) to deny recognition of Patriarch Photius's ordination to the patriarchal throne because he had received the episcopal grade ἀθρόον [Latin subito], i.e. directly from the status of a layman by obtaining the other grades within one week. The controversial discussion about the application of the canonical 1 Evangelos Chryos, "Minors as patriarchs and popes," in Prosopon Rhomaikon: Ergänzende Studien zur Prosopographie der mittelbyzantinischen Zeit, Alexander Beihammer et al., eds., Millenium Studies (Frankfurt, 2017), pp. 221-39. 2 Amilkas S. Alibizatos, Die Oikonomia (Frankfurt am Main, 1998). Francis Thomson, "Economy: An examination of the various theories of Economy held within the Orthodox Church, with special reference to the Economical Recognition of the validity of non-Orthodox sacraments,"
*» **** W i w #. jtlijii»iir W«? jMMhi n-H * • »-p f-p «HM« I * » « * * / * •" I | | | n • .-, m ... more *» **** W i w #. jtlijii»iir W«? jMMhi n-H * • »-p f-p «HM« I * » « * * / * •" I | | | n • .-, m n M K i n^D J i l l l »frfc I-Umiiwinfawxjamn^*' i sn; M it r» CttUA V m d « » ! ί C*f>(h«Hti^»i* • «&-Λ. ,.-~ Imnttatw» fitft|fii>iiii * t H h » M " " " • ! • ι' it* I M W I Mima» fo«ii«> fwiaji 4h*W jl«w«"f ...'(Λ «MM ^ΛΛΛΙ •*»<*« y>r»Äylni in
Κωνσταντίνῳ Γ. Πιτσάκῃ Μνήμης χάριν, 2023
In the late ninth, in the tenth and in the eleventh centuries there emerged at the top of the ecc... more In the late ninth, in the tenth and in the eleventh centuries there emerged at the top of the ecclesiastical hierarchy, both in Rome and in Constantinople, persons whose apparently sole merit was to be the sons of the political leaders of the day, the ruling family of Rome and the imperial family of Constantinople. Beyond the intriguing fact that the two phenomena are contemporaneous and occasionally intermingled, what makes these persons especially interesting for this study is that some of them were underage, clearly under the age limit prescribed by Canon Law for clerical office. Let us look at the major prescriptions on the canonical age of ordination in order to better understand the historical background and the factual importance of these violations. At the local synod in Neocaesarea, probably as early as 315 (or perhaps in 319) AD, it was prescribed in canon 11: "Let no man be ordained a presbyter before he is thirty years old, even though the man be worthy in every other respect, but let him be obliged to wait. For the Lord Jesus Christ was baptized and commenced teaching in His thirtieth year". 1 On the other hand, the Constitutiones Apostolorum, a collection of texts apparently assembled in Antioch 380 AD, prescribe for the bishop as canonical the high age of fifty years. 2 Furthermore in a letter of pope Siricius to Himerius bishop of Tarragona in 385, in a general prescription on the canonical age for the different clerical grades, the age for the ordaining of a bishop is computed as 45 years. 3 At the council of Car
Romiosini, 2016
Οι Μελισσηνοί και οι Σεβαστοί της Νεάπολης και η ιδιοποίηση βυζαντινών δυναστικών τίτλων (16ος-17... more Οι Μελισσηνοί και οι Σεβαστοί της Νεάπολης και η ιδιοποίηση βυζαντινών δυναστικών τίτλων (16ος-17ος αι.
Quellen zur Geschichte vom frühen Byzanz
Historia, 1969
Questi tre argomenti sono acutamente pensati e impostano un problema nuovo; ma non bastano a dimo... more Questi tre argomenti sono acutamente pensati e impostano un problema nuovo; ma non bastano a dimostrare la tesi centrale del Klauser"), halt Klauser an seiner These fest; vgl. ders., Bischofe auf dem Richterstuhl, Jahrbuch fur Antike und Christentum 5 (i962) S. 172-174, sowie neuerdings: Kleine abendlAndische Liturgicgeschichte, Bonn 1965, S. 36-40.
Volume in Memory of Nicholas Oikonomides
The Byzantines tried to avoid the war. Buying the peace was by far less expensive.
ΠΡΑΚΤΙΚΑ ΕΡΓΑΣΤΗΡΙΟΥ WORKSHOP PROCEEDINGS ΘΕΣΣΑΛΟΝΙΚΗ 7 — 9 ΔΕΚΕΜΒΡΙΟΥ 2018 Αμφιθέατρο «Στέφανος Δραγούμης», Μουσείο Βυζαντινού Πολιτισμού, Θεσσαλονίκη THESSALONIKI 7 — 9 DECEMBER 2018 ‘Stephanos Dragoumis’ Auditorium, Museum of Byzantine Culture, Thessaloniki ΤΡΙΤΟ ΔΙΕΘΝΕΣ ΕΠΙΣΤΗΜΟΝΙΚΟ ΕΡΓΑΣΤΗΡΙ..., 2018
Manolis Ulbricht, Jens Scheiner (Eds.) From Oriens Christianus to Islamic Near East Historiographical, Theological, and Cultural Cross-Pollinations in Late Antiquity and Early Islam, 2024
Byzantinische Zeitschrift, 1969
Böhlau Verlag eBooks, Jul 17, 1989
Das Reich und die Barbaren, 1989
« Academica Libertas »: Essais en l’honneur du professeur Javier Arce, 2020, ISBN 9782503584492, págs. 337-344, 2020
Die Frage der Räumung der transdanubischen Provinz, die Kaiser Trajan nach sei nem entscheidenden... more Die Frage der Räumung der transdanubischen Provinz, die Kaiser Trajan nach sei nem entscheidenden Sieg über die Daker unter Decebalus im Jahr 106 n. Chr. gegrün det hatte1, ist seit langem Gegenstand einer erbitterten, mit nationalen Vorurteilen belasteten Auseinandersetzung. Besonders umstritten ist der Zeitpunkt der Aufgabe der Provinz, der Umfang der Räumung undim Rahmen der Diskussion um die dakoromanische Kontinuität in Siebenbürgen-das Schicksal der einheimischen Bevölkerung2. Eine Klärung dieser Frage wird dadurch erschwert, daß alle Nachrich ten von Historiographen und Breviatoren aus der zweiten Hälfte des 4. Jahrhunderts stammen, die über ein hundert Jahre zurückliegendes Ereignis berichten und dieses daher aus der Perspektive späterer Entwicklungen betrachten und bewerten. Zudem stehen die Quellen und deren Vorlagen zueinander in einem bis ins letzte noch nicht geklärten und wohl auch nicht erklärbaren Abhängigkeitsverhältnis. Trotzdem dürf ten die Informationen hinreichend verläßlich sein, um sowohl die formelle Aufgabe der Provinz festzustellen wie deren rechtliche Konsequenzen als Komponente der völkerrechtlichen Beziehungen zu den neuen Besitzern des Landes herauszuarbeiten.
Byzantium in Dialogue with the Mediterranean
In a recent paper on patriarchs and popes who, in apparent violation of the Canon Law, were elect... more In a recent paper on patriarchs and popes who, in apparent violation of the Canon Law, were elected while being minors, I had the opportunity to study how ecclesiastical and political authorities in East and West dealt with the established legal prescriptions by either exploiting them as convenient tools of support of their aims or ignoring them.1 The principle applied in these cases of compromising with the rules is the so-called "κατ΄ οἰκονομίαν" (in Latin dispensatio) as opposite to "ἀκρίβεια" (in Latin accuratio).2 This contribution is devoted to another case of application of the Canon Law in East and West, namely in an area where, due to local conditions, the two Churches had developed varying perceptions and priorities for the implementation of the originally common regulations. We shall examine the decision of Pope Nicholas i (858-67) to deny recognition of Patriarch Photius's ordination to the patriarchal throne because he had received the episcopal grade ἀθρόον [Latin subito], i.e. directly from the status of a layman by obtaining the other grades within one week. The controversial discussion about the application of the canonical 1 Evangelos Chryos, "Minors as patriarchs and popes," in Prosopon Rhomaikon: Ergänzende Studien zur Prosopographie der mittelbyzantinischen Zeit, Alexander Beihammer et al., eds., Millenium Studies (Frankfurt, 2017), pp. 221-39. 2 Amilkas S. Alibizatos, Die Oikonomia (Frankfurt am Main, 1998). Francis Thomson, "Economy: An examination of the various theories of Economy held within the Orthodox Church, with special reference to the Economical Recognition of the validity of non-Orthodox sacraments,"
espanolEl Estado bizantino heredo el legado politico y el territorio de Roma e invirtio toda la f... more espanolEl Estado bizantino heredo el legado politico y el territorio de Roma e invirtio toda la fuerza de la que fue capaz en salvaguardarlo a cualquier precio. Sin embargo, el gobierno bizantino siempre fue consciente de que la guerra era la peor opcion para relacionarse con los enemigos. La paz, generalmente «comprada» con pagos al contado o de otro tipo, ofrecimientos territoriales u honorificos a los adversarios, tuvo ciertamente su coste, tanto financiero como politico. Pero se considero como la mejor opcion. Ya que la guerra era la ultima ratio. EnglishThe Byzantine state inherited Rome’s political legacy and territory and invested all its available strength in safeguarding it at any cost. However the Byzantine government was always aware that the war was the absolutely worse option in dealing with enemies. Peace, usually «bought» with cash payments or other, territorial or honorary offers to the adversaries had of course also its cost, both financial and political. But it was...
National Research Foundation in Greece
General introduction for the educated public
Πανεπιστημιακή ζωή στα περιφερειακά ανώτατα εκπαιδευτικά ιδρύματα τον έκτο αιώνα, Λόγος Πανηγυρικ... more Πανεπιστημιακή ζωή στα περιφερειακά ανώτατα εκπαιδευτικά ιδρύματα τον έκτο αιώνα, Λόγος Πανηγυρικός για την Εορτή των Τριών Ιεραρχών (30 Ιανουαρίου 1985), Ιωάννινα 1986, σ. 26