Pomeranian Power (original) (raw)
...this is the one exception.
If you make or use mood themes you might wanna read this: Clicky!
- This is going to just about all of my communities, except a very small number of them. I've invited people that make icons to any number of my communities but haven't always gotten as many icon posts as I'd like; often cuz other members discouraged such posts. So, from now on, those of you that make icons are encouraged to join and post your work at Iconnage·Art...
...which isn't to say you can't keep posting what you do here, but I'd like you to post it there as well. Especially as it's specifically just an icon community I'd love for you to post there more than you do here and as often as possible.
This doesn't count icon posts or icon dumps of stuff you didn't make yourself, as some of my communities allow for.
- Changing one of my standard rules: If you want to advertise any kind of community please do so at We·Need·a·Life and not here. I used to allow advertising in any of my communities if it kept to the theme of that community but I'd like to cut down on that a bit...until it dwindles to nothing.
7:28 PM 3/25/09 · So, Wednesday I made a post regarding Mr. Muggles and the fact there were no other animals in the show. Responses I got back revealed I may've been a bit too hasty in my estimation of this factor, was told there were a number of other animals in the show...
...or are there?
1st off, Mohinder had a lizard. Okay, I recall that now but don't you think it's interesting we haven't seen it since? Mr. Muggles probably snuck in there and gobbled it down.
Then there was Claude Raines' pigeons. Fair enough, there's pigeons everywhere in the world but other than in association with him I don't recall seeing them that often. I suppose it's possible he taught them how to turn invisible but as that doesn't seem so likely I'm going to have to go with the fact that Mr. Muggles tracked them all down and made them into kibble.
Matt Pakrman had a tortoise, which is a really odd choice for a spirit guide. Trying to walk after that thing to see where it led him was just so sad. If it were me I'd've picked it up and held it in front of me and hoped it could indicate where we were supposed to go by turning its head. We haven't seen it since Matt was grabbed by the still nameless government types (naming a building doesn't count as a listing) and I can just see the little orange fluffball dropping it in a pot and making it into stew.
I think that about covers it. Still find it more than a little creepy there hasn't been another dog anywhere in the series.
10:03 PM 3/23/09 · I've maintained, literally since the very beginning of the Heroes series, that Mr. Muggles is the most insidious evil of that particular reality. It's just that other shoe that has as yet not been dropped.
I even have a list of reasons:
One of them is very basic but it's possible I could be wrong about it. So, if you'd clarify a particular issue I'm having, is Mr. Muggles the only dog in the series? For that matter, have you seen other pets anywhere in the Heroes universe? Any animals at all?
Little fluffy bastard probably ate them.