Jolita Dudaitė | Mykolas Romeris University (original) (raw)

Papers by Jolita Dudaitė

Research paper thumbnail of Importance of Information Technologies in the Context of Modern Society

Research paper thumbnail of Mokymasis Visą Gyvenimą: Lietuvos Atvejis

Research paper thumbnail of Outlines of Social Innovations in Lithuania

The challenges of social life today differ significantly from earlier times. Nowadays, societies ... more The challenges of social life today differ significantly from earlier times. Nowadays, societies express the request to strengthen harmony and sustainability regarding different social and personal life issues. The representatives of business, public administration and science are looking for new ways of improving the societal environment with means of new technologies, products, and newly adjusted organizational processes. In the book, professional researchers present Lithuania‘s topicalities in the context of social innovations „from inside“. In order to familiarize the readers with various aspects of the country‘s social life, relevant societal problems and unique experience, there are framed 19 chapters, which were grouped into three parts: Social Innovations for Sustainable Development Facing to Globalization, Improving Life quality and Enhancing Employment Possibilities, and Need for Transformation of Moral Values in Today’s Lithuania.

Research paper thumbnail of Student’s sense of school belonging: school influence

Priklausymo mokyklai jausmas apibrėžia, kiek mokiniai jaučiasi asmeniškai priimti, gerbiami, įtra... more Priklausymo mokyklai jausmas apibrėžia, kiek mokiniai jaučiasi asmeniškai priimti, gerbiami, įtraukiami ir palaikomi mokytojų bei kitų bendruomenės narių mokykloje, t. y. kaip mokinio savijauta, subjektyvus įvertinimas yra susiję su pagarbos ir priėmimo jausmu mokykloje, arba socialine mokyklos / klasės naryste. Šiame straipsnyje nagrinėjama, kokie mokyklos edukacinės aplinkos veiksniai turi įtakos mokinio priklausymo mokyklai jausmo formavimui. Tyrime dalyvavo 4 618 penkiolikmečių mokinių iš 216 Lietuvos bendrojo ugdymo ir profesinių mokyklų.Today, the lead role of family and school in personality formation and its further development is widely recognized. Family is the centre of social and emotional world for small children. However, in the adolescence period, students start seeking recognition at school and among friends; the need for involvement, achievement and leadership shows up. Sense of school belonging is a concept which defines the extent to which students feel personally...

Research paper thumbnail of The Link Between Establishment in the Labour Market and Personal Literacy

INTED proceedings, Mar 1, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Ekonominių gyvenimo sąlygų poveikis mokinių mokymosi pasiekimams

[Research paper thumbnail of Matematika [Elektroninis išteklius] : 2007 m. brandos egzaminų užduočių analizė](

Projektas „Brandos egzaminų kokybės sistemos plėtra“Vytauto Didžiojo universitetasŠvietimo akademij

Research paper thumbnail of Link Between Adult Literacy and Participation in the Labour Market: Central European Region

The New Educational Review

Human capital, together with financial and material resources, is an important factor in the econ... more Human capital, together with financial and material resources, is an important factor in the economy of society. Human capital can be defined in different ways, but knowledge, abilities, skills, competences, or literacy, in general, are essential parts. It can be said that literacy is the cornerstone of human capital. According to the basic principles of the theory of employment, factors such as education, gender, age, health, marital status, and emigration have a major impact on participation in the labour market. However, in scientific discourse, there is a strong emphasis on these factors and the importance of literacy. However, there is a lack of studies specifically analysing the links between literacy and participation in the labour market. In particular, it is important to analyse whether literacy is equally important for participation in the labour market in different regions and countries. This article analyses the link between participation in the labour market and literac...

Research paper thumbnail of Studijų kokybės samprata : pirmojo kurso studentų požiūris

Research paper thumbnail of Influence of Quality of Life on Student Achievement

Serials Publications – New Dehli, India, Dec 31, 2014

The purpose of the article is to measure the influence of economic home factors on student achiev... more The purpose of the article is to measure the influence of economic home factors on student achievement. Economic home factors are analysed as one of dimensions of quality of life. Since the concept of quality of life is wide, only one of its dimensions-economic home factors-was chosen for the analysis. Moreover, one of the tasks set was to measure the connection between economic home factor and student achievement. In Lithuania, research on quality of life has expanded over the last decade, particularly in health sciences and sociology. However, analysis of quality of life is particularly rare in education field. Therefore, education field was chosen for this research. Methods of the research: questionnaire, tests. Research instruments: tests on mathematical, reading, and scientific literacy. Students of the 10 th grade took part in the survey. Sample: 420 respondents from 139 schools of Lithuania. The research revealed that economic home factor, as one of the dimensions of the quality of life, has strong influence on student achievement. Comparison between different learning subjects showed that economic home background is best reflected in the higher results of reading literacy. Regarding students' living location, the strongest impact of economic factor on the learning outcomes was observed for those living in the urban area. Comparison between genders showed that economic home factor has stronger relationship with boys' achievements than with girls' achievements.

Research paper thumbnail of Studijų kokybės samprata: bakalaurų ir magistrantų požiūris

Tikslas-palyginti socialinių mokslų studijų krypties pirmojo kurso bakalaurų ir pirmojo kurso mag... more Tikslas-palyginti socialinių mokslų studijų krypties pirmojo kurso bakalaurų ir pirmojo kurso magistrantų studijų kokybės sampratą. Tyrimu siekiama išsiaiškinti ir palyginti bakalaurų ir magistrantų požiūrį į studijų kokybę įvairiais aspektais: kokie kriterijai jiems yra svarbiausi renkantis studijas, kas, jų manymu, aukštojoje mokykloje turi rūpintis studijų kokybe, kokia aukštosios mokyklos, įgyvendinančios kokybiškas studijas, vizija, kokia studijų kokybės koncepcija jiems atrodo priimtiniausia, kokie yra kokybiškų studijų požymiai. Metodologija. Tyrimo metodai: literatūros ir dokumentų analizė, apklausa. Tyrimo instrumentas-klausimynas raštu, susidedantis iš uždarojo atsakymo tipo klausimų. Apklausoje dalyvavo Mykolo Romerio universiteto Socialinės politikos fakulteto pirmojo kurso bakalaurai ir pirmojo kurso magistrantai. Apklausai pasirinkti studijas bepradedantys bakalaurai, kurių lūkesčiai studijų kokybei dar nesiremia jų pačių studijų patirtimi. Palyginimui pasirinkti pirmakursiai magistrantai, bepradedantys studijas antroje pakopoje, tačiau jų studijų kokybės samprata ir lūkesčiai studijų atžvilgiu jau remiasi jų pačių ankstesne studijų patirtimi. Tyrimo imtis-232 respondentai. Rezultatai. Tyrimu gauta, kad renkantis studijas tiek bakalaurams, tiek magistrantams svarbiausias pasirinkimo kriterijus buvo būtent kokybiškos pasirinktos

Research paper thumbnail of Lietuvos švietimo reformos veiksniai, darantys įtaką mokinių matematikos pasiekimų kaitai

This article deals with the change in the mathematics achievement of basic school students from 1... more This article deals with the change in the mathematics achievement of basic school students from 1995 to 2003 in Lithuania. The analysis draws on the data from TIMSS 1995, 1999 and 2003. The TIMSS cycles and the scaling methodology used for calculating the scores provide opportunity for participating countries not only to compare their results with the results from other countries, but also to track the changes in their students' achievement across the years. This facility is of particular importance to countries experiencing considerable changes in their education undergone a considerable educational reform since the early 1990s. Participation in the aforementioned three TIMSS cycles provided Lithuania with a reliable means of measuring the impact of reform as it related to the mathematics achievement of students in Grade 8 of the basic school. The analysis described in this article involved content analysis and classical statistical investigation (the main statistical software ...

Research paper thumbnail of Adult Literacy in Europe as Guideline for Lifelong Learning Policy

INTED proceedings, Mar 1, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Lifelong Learning in Six Central European Countries

The New Educational Review, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Verslumo ugdymas Lietuvos bendrojo ugdymo mokyklose

Research paper thumbnail of Experience of Lithuanian Teachers Working with an Interactive System Activinspire in Organising Classroom Work

Social Work, 2016

The teachers who seek to improve and modernise classroom routines are increasingly offered techno... more The teachers who seek to improve and modernise classroom routines are increasingly offered technological solutions which are not limited only to application of a computer or projector. One of the innovations in Lithuania, which was introduced in 2013 and oriented towards science and mathematics teaching process in the 5th classes, was ActivInspire system. The problem analysed in the article – experience of Lithuania’s school teachers in organising their educational activities in a classroom using ActivInspire system. The research subject – one school year’s teaching experience of teachers who use ActivInspire interactive whiteboard in mathematics and natural science lessons in the 5th classes. The research purpose – to summarize one school year’s teaching experience of teachers in organising their educational activities in classroom using interactive teaching tools (ActivInspire system). The research was carried out in the 2013–2014 school year. Teachers using ActivInspire interacti...

Research paper thumbnail of The Concepts of Entrepreneurship and Entrepreneurial Training of Professors Implementing the Study Programme of Educology of Entrepreneurship

Social Work, 2012

The article discusses the concept of entrepreneurship and the concept of entrepreneurial training... more The article discusses the concept of entrepreneurship and the concept of entrepreneurial training of professors implementing the study programme of educology of entrepreneurship. Theoretical research methods were applied: literature review and document analysis. The collection of empirical data was done with structured interviews. Analysis of empirical data included analysis of the obtained data on the basis of qualitative content analysis. The article presents different definitions of the concepts of entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial training. Empirical research highlighted two positions into which, according to the professors, the concept of entrepreneurship can be divided: linking entrepreneurship to personal qualities and skills that are targeted specifically for business development and support, and the linking of entrepreneurship with the general characteristics of a mature personality and skills to function more successfully in today’s society. These two positions are clos...

Research paper thumbnail of Lyderystė kaip švietimo organizacijos efektyvaus valdymo prielaida

Research paper thumbnail of Attitudes Towards Implementation of the Rights of Children as Formed by the Media /Žiniasklaidos Formuojamas Visuomenės Požiūris Į Vaiko Teisių Įgyvendinimą


Straipsnyje nagrinėjamas žiniasklaidos formuojamas visuomenės požiūris į vaiko teises ir jų įgyve... more Straipsnyje nagrinėjamas žiniasklaidos formuojamas visuomenės požiūris į vaiko teises ir jų įgyvendinimą. Žiniasklaida turi galimybę pasiekti labai didelę skaitytojų auditoriją, be to, ji yra svarbi priemonė, besirūpinanti visos visuomenės ir žmonių, atsakingų už vaiko teisių apsaugos politiką, nuolatiniu domėjimusi šia tema. Atliktame tyrime siekiama nustatyti, kokiais vaiko teisių įgyvendinimo aspektais žiniasklaida domisi ir kokiems aspektams skiriama mažiau dėmesio. Atkreipiamas dėmesys į tai, kaip žiniasklaida atskleidžia vaiko teisių įgyvendinimo temas bendruoju atveju ir tada, kai kalbama apie vaikus, turinčius specialiųjų poreikių.

Research paper thumbnail of III. Edukologija. Magistrantų samprata apie verslumą

Research paper thumbnail of Importance of Information Technologies in the Context of Modern Society

Research paper thumbnail of Mokymasis Visą Gyvenimą: Lietuvos Atvejis

Research paper thumbnail of Outlines of Social Innovations in Lithuania

The challenges of social life today differ significantly from earlier times. Nowadays, societies ... more The challenges of social life today differ significantly from earlier times. Nowadays, societies express the request to strengthen harmony and sustainability regarding different social and personal life issues. The representatives of business, public administration and science are looking for new ways of improving the societal environment with means of new technologies, products, and newly adjusted organizational processes. In the book, professional researchers present Lithuania‘s topicalities in the context of social innovations „from inside“. In order to familiarize the readers with various aspects of the country‘s social life, relevant societal problems and unique experience, there are framed 19 chapters, which were grouped into three parts: Social Innovations for Sustainable Development Facing to Globalization, Improving Life quality and Enhancing Employment Possibilities, and Need for Transformation of Moral Values in Today’s Lithuania.

Research paper thumbnail of Student’s sense of school belonging: school influence

Priklausymo mokyklai jausmas apibrėžia, kiek mokiniai jaučiasi asmeniškai priimti, gerbiami, įtra... more Priklausymo mokyklai jausmas apibrėžia, kiek mokiniai jaučiasi asmeniškai priimti, gerbiami, įtraukiami ir palaikomi mokytojų bei kitų bendruomenės narių mokykloje, t. y. kaip mokinio savijauta, subjektyvus įvertinimas yra susiję su pagarbos ir priėmimo jausmu mokykloje, arba socialine mokyklos / klasės naryste. Šiame straipsnyje nagrinėjama, kokie mokyklos edukacinės aplinkos veiksniai turi įtakos mokinio priklausymo mokyklai jausmo formavimui. Tyrime dalyvavo 4 618 penkiolikmečių mokinių iš 216 Lietuvos bendrojo ugdymo ir profesinių mokyklų.Today, the lead role of family and school in personality formation and its further development is widely recognized. Family is the centre of social and emotional world for small children. However, in the adolescence period, students start seeking recognition at school and among friends; the need for involvement, achievement and leadership shows up. Sense of school belonging is a concept which defines the extent to which students feel personally...

Research paper thumbnail of The Link Between Establishment in the Labour Market and Personal Literacy

INTED proceedings, Mar 1, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Ekonominių gyvenimo sąlygų poveikis mokinių mokymosi pasiekimams

[Research paper thumbnail of Matematika [Elektroninis išteklius] : 2007 m. brandos egzaminų užduočių analizė](

Projektas „Brandos egzaminų kokybės sistemos plėtra“Vytauto Didžiojo universitetasŠvietimo akademij

Research paper thumbnail of Link Between Adult Literacy and Participation in the Labour Market: Central European Region

The New Educational Review

Human capital, together with financial and material resources, is an important factor in the econ... more Human capital, together with financial and material resources, is an important factor in the economy of society. Human capital can be defined in different ways, but knowledge, abilities, skills, competences, or literacy, in general, are essential parts. It can be said that literacy is the cornerstone of human capital. According to the basic principles of the theory of employment, factors such as education, gender, age, health, marital status, and emigration have a major impact on participation in the labour market. However, in scientific discourse, there is a strong emphasis on these factors and the importance of literacy. However, there is a lack of studies specifically analysing the links between literacy and participation in the labour market. In particular, it is important to analyse whether literacy is equally important for participation in the labour market in different regions and countries. This article analyses the link between participation in the labour market and literac...

Research paper thumbnail of Studijų kokybės samprata : pirmojo kurso studentų požiūris

Research paper thumbnail of Influence of Quality of Life on Student Achievement

Serials Publications – New Dehli, India, Dec 31, 2014

The purpose of the article is to measure the influence of economic home factors on student achiev... more The purpose of the article is to measure the influence of economic home factors on student achievement. Economic home factors are analysed as one of dimensions of quality of life. Since the concept of quality of life is wide, only one of its dimensions-economic home factors-was chosen for the analysis. Moreover, one of the tasks set was to measure the connection between economic home factor and student achievement. In Lithuania, research on quality of life has expanded over the last decade, particularly in health sciences and sociology. However, analysis of quality of life is particularly rare in education field. Therefore, education field was chosen for this research. Methods of the research: questionnaire, tests. Research instruments: tests on mathematical, reading, and scientific literacy. Students of the 10 th grade took part in the survey. Sample: 420 respondents from 139 schools of Lithuania. The research revealed that economic home factor, as one of the dimensions of the quality of life, has strong influence on student achievement. Comparison between different learning subjects showed that economic home background is best reflected in the higher results of reading literacy. Regarding students' living location, the strongest impact of economic factor on the learning outcomes was observed for those living in the urban area. Comparison between genders showed that economic home factor has stronger relationship with boys' achievements than with girls' achievements.

Research paper thumbnail of Studijų kokybės samprata: bakalaurų ir magistrantų požiūris

Tikslas-palyginti socialinių mokslų studijų krypties pirmojo kurso bakalaurų ir pirmojo kurso mag... more Tikslas-palyginti socialinių mokslų studijų krypties pirmojo kurso bakalaurų ir pirmojo kurso magistrantų studijų kokybės sampratą. Tyrimu siekiama išsiaiškinti ir palyginti bakalaurų ir magistrantų požiūrį į studijų kokybę įvairiais aspektais: kokie kriterijai jiems yra svarbiausi renkantis studijas, kas, jų manymu, aukštojoje mokykloje turi rūpintis studijų kokybe, kokia aukštosios mokyklos, įgyvendinančios kokybiškas studijas, vizija, kokia studijų kokybės koncepcija jiems atrodo priimtiniausia, kokie yra kokybiškų studijų požymiai. Metodologija. Tyrimo metodai: literatūros ir dokumentų analizė, apklausa. Tyrimo instrumentas-klausimynas raštu, susidedantis iš uždarojo atsakymo tipo klausimų. Apklausoje dalyvavo Mykolo Romerio universiteto Socialinės politikos fakulteto pirmojo kurso bakalaurai ir pirmojo kurso magistrantai. Apklausai pasirinkti studijas bepradedantys bakalaurai, kurių lūkesčiai studijų kokybei dar nesiremia jų pačių studijų patirtimi. Palyginimui pasirinkti pirmakursiai magistrantai, bepradedantys studijas antroje pakopoje, tačiau jų studijų kokybės samprata ir lūkesčiai studijų atžvilgiu jau remiasi jų pačių ankstesne studijų patirtimi. Tyrimo imtis-232 respondentai. Rezultatai. Tyrimu gauta, kad renkantis studijas tiek bakalaurams, tiek magistrantams svarbiausias pasirinkimo kriterijus buvo būtent kokybiškos pasirinktos

Research paper thumbnail of Lietuvos švietimo reformos veiksniai, darantys įtaką mokinių matematikos pasiekimų kaitai

This article deals with the change in the mathematics achievement of basic school students from 1... more This article deals with the change in the mathematics achievement of basic school students from 1995 to 2003 in Lithuania. The analysis draws on the data from TIMSS 1995, 1999 and 2003. The TIMSS cycles and the scaling methodology used for calculating the scores provide opportunity for participating countries not only to compare their results with the results from other countries, but also to track the changes in their students' achievement across the years. This facility is of particular importance to countries experiencing considerable changes in their education undergone a considerable educational reform since the early 1990s. Participation in the aforementioned three TIMSS cycles provided Lithuania with a reliable means of measuring the impact of reform as it related to the mathematics achievement of students in Grade 8 of the basic school. The analysis described in this article involved content analysis and classical statistical investigation (the main statistical software ...

Research paper thumbnail of Adult Literacy in Europe as Guideline for Lifelong Learning Policy

INTED proceedings, Mar 1, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Lifelong Learning in Six Central European Countries

The New Educational Review, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Verslumo ugdymas Lietuvos bendrojo ugdymo mokyklose

Research paper thumbnail of Experience of Lithuanian Teachers Working with an Interactive System Activinspire in Organising Classroom Work

Social Work, 2016

The teachers who seek to improve and modernise classroom routines are increasingly offered techno... more The teachers who seek to improve and modernise classroom routines are increasingly offered technological solutions which are not limited only to application of a computer or projector. One of the innovations in Lithuania, which was introduced in 2013 and oriented towards science and mathematics teaching process in the 5th classes, was ActivInspire system. The problem analysed in the article – experience of Lithuania’s school teachers in organising their educational activities in a classroom using ActivInspire system. The research subject – one school year’s teaching experience of teachers who use ActivInspire interactive whiteboard in mathematics and natural science lessons in the 5th classes. The research purpose – to summarize one school year’s teaching experience of teachers in organising their educational activities in classroom using interactive teaching tools (ActivInspire system). The research was carried out in the 2013–2014 school year. Teachers using ActivInspire interacti...

Research paper thumbnail of The Concepts of Entrepreneurship and Entrepreneurial Training of Professors Implementing the Study Programme of Educology of Entrepreneurship

Social Work, 2012

The article discusses the concept of entrepreneurship and the concept of entrepreneurial training... more The article discusses the concept of entrepreneurship and the concept of entrepreneurial training of professors implementing the study programme of educology of entrepreneurship. Theoretical research methods were applied: literature review and document analysis. The collection of empirical data was done with structured interviews. Analysis of empirical data included analysis of the obtained data on the basis of qualitative content analysis. The article presents different definitions of the concepts of entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial training. Empirical research highlighted two positions into which, according to the professors, the concept of entrepreneurship can be divided: linking entrepreneurship to personal qualities and skills that are targeted specifically for business development and support, and the linking of entrepreneurship with the general characteristics of a mature personality and skills to function more successfully in today’s society. These two positions are clos...

Research paper thumbnail of Lyderystė kaip švietimo organizacijos efektyvaus valdymo prielaida

Research paper thumbnail of Attitudes Towards Implementation of the Rights of Children as Formed by the Media /Žiniasklaidos Formuojamas Visuomenės Požiūris Į Vaiko Teisių Įgyvendinimą


Straipsnyje nagrinėjamas žiniasklaidos formuojamas visuomenės požiūris į vaiko teises ir jų įgyve... more Straipsnyje nagrinėjamas žiniasklaidos formuojamas visuomenės požiūris į vaiko teises ir jų įgyvendinimą. Žiniasklaida turi galimybę pasiekti labai didelę skaitytojų auditoriją, be to, ji yra svarbi priemonė, besirūpinanti visos visuomenės ir žmonių, atsakingų už vaiko teisių apsaugos politiką, nuolatiniu domėjimusi šia tema. Atliktame tyrime siekiama nustatyti, kokiais vaiko teisių įgyvendinimo aspektais žiniasklaida domisi ir kokiems aspektams skiriama mažiau dėmesio. Atkreipiamas dėmesys į tai, kaip žiniasklaida atskleidžia vaiko teisių įgyvendinimo temas bendruoju atveju ir tada, kai kalbama apie vaikus, turinčius specialiųjų poreikių.

Research paper thumbnail of III. Edukologija. Magistrantų samprata apie verslumą