Mindaugas Kiskis | Mykolas Romeris University (original) (raw)
Papers by Mindaugas Kiskis
... 197 Roberto Suárez Candel DTV in Sweden..... 213 Eva Törnqvist DTV in the The United Kingdom.... more ... 197 Roberto Suárez Candel DTV in Sweden..... 213 Eva Törnqvist DTV in the The United Kingdom..... 221 William Cooper ...
Vilnius: Švietimo ir mokslo …, 2007
Vilnius, Law University of …, 2003
Available at SSRN 1954553, 2011
Purpose -The purpose of the paper is to analyze the specific featu he purpose of the paper is to ... more Purpose -The purpose of the paper is to analyze the specific featu he purpose of the paper is to analyze the specific feat he purpose of the paper is to analyze the specific feat res of entrepreneurship in cyberspace compared to basic models of entrepreneurship.
Spreading the Word on the Internet. Vienna: OSCE …, 2003
The multiplicity of e -Government issues formulate the need to identify key areas to be addressed... more The multiplicity of e -Government issues formulate the need to identify key areas to be addressed for successfully implementing e -Government initiatives. For this reason a holistic framework must be elaborated, which could identify and address all relevant issues impacting e-Government development -among them -different user groups with diverging service needs and interaction requirements, distinct government processes, internal and external transformation of governance, legal and processes reform, etc. Legal reform aimed at creating of favourable legal environment is very important part of development of e-government, since governmental activities are strongly regulated and driven by legal framework including national constitutions, laws and other regulations. With the use of modern IT and communication facilities, electronic public service provision and delivery require the adaptation of laws to make e -Government solutions legally binding and sound. In particular this refers to the questions of electronic signatures and electronic documentation, electronic communication among governmental agencies and citizens, data protection and data security, access to public information, networking of authorities and databases, among other legal issues of e-government. During the last years the European Union has introduced important new legislation in this area and a high number of new regulatory texts are still in the stage of preparation. Because the initiatives in this area are so numerous and divergent, it is not always easy to see clearly the overall policy behind all this activity, hence national laws enacted by the European Union members and accession countries are rather incoherent and sporadic [1]. At the moment, most of the European countries do not have any special law, which would regulate the development of e-government and its processes. Nevertheless, some laws contain provisions, which refer to the e-government or the regulation of it development: these may be laws on Telecommunications, laws on Electronic Signature, laws on Provision of Information to the Public, laws on Legal Protection of Personal Data, laws on Consumer Protection and similar. 2 The above described state of legal system in addressing the regulation of e -government, naturally predetermines the ways of teaching on these issues: Thus, one of the ways of teaching of legal issues of e-government is to teach separate issues covering the questions pertaining to e -government and in most casesunified under the umbrella of the legal informatics. This way is already known and clear for universities, participated in EULISP (European Universities Legal Informatics Programme), E ULISP-CDA and LIACTES (Legal Informatics and Communications Technologies Studies) projects [2,3]. The curricula, common view to all these legal subjects, the methodology of teaching was discussed and elaborated in these projects. However, this way suffers from the common disadvantages of the fragmentary regulation of the development of e -government and e -democracy [4]. Likewise the fragmentary regulation, which in many cases has been drafted not in accordance with uniform principles, it covers only separate aspects (for instance, utilisation of electronic signature, main problems of data protection and data security, the fundamentals of regulation of telecommunications sector, etc.), thus missing the global picture and coherence of the subject.
European Committee under the Government of the …, 2003
Mykolo Romerio universiteto Socialinės informatikos fakulteto Elektroninio verslo katedros docent... more Mykolo Romerio universiteto Socialinės informatikos fakulteto Elektroninio verslo katedros docentas socialinių mokslų daktaras Ateities g. 20, LT-08303 Vilnius Tel. (+370 5) 271 45 71 EI. paštas: mindaugas@irii.lt Straipsnyje nagrinėjama intelektinės nuosavybės elektroninėje erdvėje samprata, pagrindinės regla mentavimo kryptys ir reikšmė, siekiant sukurti inovacijoms ir žinių ekonomikos plėtrai palankią teisinę aplinką, pateikiami teisinio reglamentavimo tobulinimo siūlymai.
Eurolawyer, November, 2003
The Journal of Information, Law and …, 2005
The article revises Internet content regulatory initiatives and their implications to egovernment... more The article revises Internet content regulatory initiatives and their implications to egovernment legal framework. Authors suggest that substantial similarities between Internet content regulation and e-government legal framework efforts may be seen, especially when it comes to principal issues of the interaction of individuals with online environment. Regulatory lessons and principles from current Internet content regulation efforts shall be taken into account when designing legal framework for egovernment, especially in respect of self-regulatory principles, privacy related regulations, as well as governmental content online.
International Review of Law Computers & …, 2005
Abstract The undisputable merit of Lessig's works is his emphasis on the correlation between ... more Abstract The undisputable merit of Lessig's works is his emphasis on the correlation between network technologies, intellectual property laws and the free flow of information, which is a key aspect of the sustainable information society. Technologies backed by ...
Intellectual Economics, 2009
Pusmetiniame þurnale "Intelektinë ekonomika" spausdinami straips niai pirmiausia šiomis temomis:
Electronic Government, 2003
Legal reform aimed at creating of favorable legal environment is important part of e-government d... more Legal reform aimed at creating of favorable legal environment is important part of e-government development. E-government legal solutions need to be legally binding and sound in order to succeed. Legal framework initiatives for e-Governance so far have followed two concurrent approaches. First one infers development of separate regulations covering individual questions pertaining to e-Government, under umbrella of special programs-plans. Second
Electronic Government, 2004
Self-regulation emerges as very important form for regulating different aspects of the electronic... more Self-regulation emerges as very important form for regulating different aspects of the electronic domain, and is advocated by current regulatory initiatives. Equally, the special laws and regulations are created to address e-governance issues. The paper suggests and analyses the possibilities of transferring elements of self-regulation model to the broader domain. The limitations of such transfer, as well as disadvantages thereof,
Proceedings of the 2005 ACM symposium on …, 2005
New proposals on compensatory mechanisms and viability of traditional practices for online enviro... more New proposals on compensatory mechanisms and viability of traditional practices for online environment is currently being considered by the European Union and are subject of heated academic debate. Simultaneously new business models for distribution of intellectual property online are emerging rapidly. The paper focuses on the failures of the current compensatory mechanisms, as well as new proposals to compensate the creative in the online environment, including current online distribution practices, universal levy proposals -Internet access and traffic levies, blank media levies, voluntary compensation systems, as well as traditional practices of the collecting societies, effects of the content protection technologies (DRM) on the accessibility and fair use of information online. The paper suggests the set of features for the new compensatory system, including socio-economic aspects of the different societies, and the need of uniform and worldwide compensatory system. Conclusions support the necessity to revise current compensatory mechanisms, centering on the proposed features, rather than just technological mechanisms, which dominate the current political agenda.
International Review of Law, Computers & …, 2004
The article discusses one of the practical problems of information communication technology (ICT)... more The article discusses one of the practical problems of information communication technology (ICT) use in the judiciary-classifying and categorization of legal information. This problem that plagues the judiciary in Lithuania is very important to solve in order to minimize the digital divide of the courts, increase transparency of judicial decisions, and increase uniformity of judicial practice and interpretations of the law. The problem is usually approached by applying standard ontological legal classification schemes from legal philosophy. However, such an approach is extremely demanding in terms of human time and labor. The practice of Lithuania is studied as an example of practical manifestation of the target problem. Suggestions are made that Artificial Intelligence-(AI-) based XML or Resource Description Framework (RDF) tools may be employed in order to facilitate such classification.
... 197 Roberto Suárez Candel DTV in Sweden..... 213 Eva Törnqvist DTV in the The United Kingdom.... more ... 197 Roberto Suárez Candel DTV in Sweden..... 213 Eva Törnqvist DTV in the The United Kingdom..... 221 William Cooper ...
Vilnius: Švietimo ir mokslo …, 2007
Vilnius, Law University of …, 2003
Available at SSRN 1954553, 2011
Purpose -The purpose of the paper is to analyze the specific featu he purpose of the paper is to ... more Purpose -The purpose of the paper is to analyze the specific featu he purpose of the paper is to analyze the specific feat he purpose of the paper is to analyze the specific feat res of entrepreneurship in cyberspace compared to basic models of entrepreneurship.
Spreading the Word on the Internet. Vienna: OSCE …, 2003
The multiplicity of e -Government issues formulate the need to identify key areas to be addressed... more The multiplicity of e -Government issues formulate the need to identify key areas to be addressed for successfully implementing e -Government initiatives. For this reason a holistic framework must be elaborated, which could identify and address all relevant issues impacting e-Government development -among them -different user groups with diverging service needs and interaction requirements, distinct government processes, internal and external transformation of governance, legal and processes reform, etc. Legal reform aimed at creating of favourable legal environment is very important part of development of e-government, since governmental activities are strongly regulated and driven by legal framework including national constitutions, laws and other regulations. With the use of modern IT and communication facilities, electronic public service provision and delivery require the adaptation of laws to make e -Government solutions legally binding and sound. In particular this refers to the questions of electronic signatures and electronic documentation, electronic communication among governmental agencies and citizens, data protection and data security, access to public information, networking of authorities and databases, among other legal issues of e-government. During the last years the European Union has introduced important new legislation in this area and a high number of new regulatory texts are still in the stage of preparation. Because the initiatives in this area are so numerous and divergent, it is not always easy to see clearly the overall policy behind all this activity, hence national laws enacted by the European Union members and accession countries are rather incoherent and sporadic [1]. At the moment, most of the European countries do not have any special law, which would regulate the development of e-government and its processes. Nevertheless, some laws contain provisions, which refer to the e-government or the regulation of it development: these may be laws on Telecommunications, laws on Electronic Signature, laws on Provision of Information to the Public, laws on Legal Protection of Personal Data, laws on Consumer Protection and similar. 2 The above described state of legal system in addressing the regulation of e -government, naturally predetermines the ways of teaching on these issues: Thus, one of the ways of teaching of legal issues of e-government is to teach separate issues covering the questions pertaining to e -government and in most casesunified under the umbrella of the legal informatics. This way is already known and clear for universities, participated in EULISP (European Universities Legal Informatics Programme), E ULISP-CDA and LIACTES (Legal Informatics and Communications Technologies Studies) projects [2,3]. The curricula, common view to all these legal subjects, the methodology of teaching was discussed and elaborated in these projects. However, this way suffers from the common disadvantages of the fragmentary regulation of the development of e -government and e -democracy [4]. Likewise the fragmentary regulation, which in many cases has been drafted not in accordance with uniform principles, it covers only separate aspects (for instance, utilisation of electronic signature, main problems of data protection and data security, the fundamentals of regulation of telecommunications sector, etc.), thus missing the global picture and coherence of the subject.
European Committee under the Government of the …, 2003
Mykolo Romerio universiteto Socialinės informatikos fakulteto Elektroninio verslo katedros docent... more Mykolo Romerio universiteto Socialinės informatikos fakulteto Elektroninio verslo katedros docentas socialinių mokslų daktaras Ateities g. 20, LT-08303 Vilnius Tel. (+370 5) 271 45 71 EI. paštas: mindaugas@irii.lt Straipsnyje nagrinėjama intelektinės nuosavybės elektroninėje erdvėje samprata, pagrindinės regla mentavimo kryptys ir reikšmė, siekiant sukurti inovacijoms ir žinių ekonomikos plėtrai palankią teisinę aplinką, pateikiami teisinio reglamentavimo tobulinimo siūlymai.
Eurolawyer, November, 2003
The Journal of Information, Law and …, 2005
The article revises Internet content regulatory initiatives and their implications to egovernment... more The article revises Internet content regulatory initiatives and their implications to egovernment legal framework. Authors suggest that substantial similarities between Internet content regulation and e-government legal framework efforts may be seen, especially when it comes to principal issues of the interaction of individuals with online environment. Regulatory lessons and principles from current Internet content regulation efforts shall be taken into account when designing legal framework for egovernment, especially in respect of self-regulatory principles, privacy related regulations, as well as governmental content online.
International Review of Law Computers & …, 2005
Abstract The undisputable merit of Lessig's works is his emphasis on the correlation between ... more Abstract The undisputable merit of Lessig's works is his emphasis on the correlation between network technologies, intellectual property laws and the free flow of information, which is a key aspect of the sustainable information society. Technologies backed by ...
Intellectual Economics, 2009
Pusmetiniame þurnale "Intelektinë ekonomika" spausdinami straips niai pirmiausia šiomis temomis:
Electronic Government, 2003
Legal reform aimed at creating of favorable legal environment is important part of e-government d... more Legal reform aimed at creating of favorable legal environment is important part of e-government development. E-government legal solutions need to be legally binding and sound in order to succeed. Legal framework initiatives for e-Governance so far have followed two concurrent approaches. First one infers development of separate regulations covering individual questions pertaining to e-Government, under umbrella of special programs-plans. Second
Electronic Government, 2004
Self-regulation emerges as very important form for regulating different aspects of the electronic... more Self-regulation emerges as very important form for regulating different aspects of the electronic domain, and is advocated by current regulatory initiatives. Equally, the special laws and regulations are created to address e-governance issues. The paper suggests and analyses the possibilities of transferring elements of self-regulation model to the broader domain. The limitations of such transfer, as well as disadvantages thereof,
Proceedings of the 2005 ACM symposium on …, 2005
New proposals on compensatory mechanisms and viability of traditional practices for online enviro... more New proposals on compensatory mechanisms and viability of traditional practices for online environment is currently being considered by the European Union and are subject of heated academic debate. Simultaneously new business models for distribution of intellectual property online are emerging rapidly. The paper focuses on the failures of the current compensatory mechanisms, as well as new proposals to compensate the creative in the online environment, including current online distribution practices, universal levy proposals -Internet access and traffic levies, blank media levies, voluntary compensation systems, as well as traditional practices of the collecting societies, effects of the content protection technologies (DRM) on the accessibility and fair use of information online. The paper suggests the set of features for the new compensatory system, including socio-economic aspects of the different societies, and the need of uniform and worldwide compensatory system. Conclusions support the necessity to revise current compensatory mechanisms, centering on the proposed features, rather than just technological mechanisms, which dominate the current political agenda.
International Review of Law, Computers & …, 2004
The article discusses one of the practical problems of information communication technology (ICT)... more The article discusses one of the practical problems of information communication technology (ICT) use in the judiciary-classifying and categorization of legal information. This problem that plagues the judiciary in Lithuania is very important to solve in order to minimize the digital divide of the courts, increase transparency of judicial decisions, and increase uniformity of judicial practice and interpretations of the law. The problem is usually approached by applying standard ontological legal classification schemes from legal philosophy. However, such an approach is extremely demanding in terms of human time and labor. The practice of Lithuania is studied as an example of practical manifestation of the target problem. Suggestions are made that Artificial Intelligence-(AI-) based XML or Resource Description Framework (RDF) tools may be employed in order to facilitate such classification.