most beautiful - terjemahan untuk Latin (original) (raw) > Inggeris Latin online penterjemah

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Inggeris-Latin kamus

most: plurimus plurimum -issime plurime plurima plumum maxime maxume multo multum
beautiful: pulcher formosus bellus pulchre decorus pulcer pulchra speciosus bene bonus

Contoh menerjemahkan "most beautiful" dalam konteks:

She's beautiful, too. Ea quoque pulchra est. Sumbermengadu Corpus name: tatoeba. License: Creative Commons CC-BY-2.0. References:
My most grievous fault. Mea maxima culpa. Sumbermengadu Corpus name: tatoeba. License: Creative Commons CC-BY-2.0. References:
Pink roses are beautiful. Rosae roseae pulchrae sunt. Sumbermengadu Corpus name: tatoeba. License: Creative Commons CC-BY-2.0. References:
Life is beautiful. Vita pulchra est. Sumbermengadu Corpus name: tatoeba. License: Creative Commons CC-BY-2.0. References:
Mary is beautiful. Maria pulchra est. Sumbermengadu Corpus name: tatoeba. License: Creative Commons CC-BY-2.0. References:
Women are beautiful. Feminae pulchrae sunt. Sumbermengadu Corpus name: tatoeba. License: Creative Commons CC-BY-2.0. References:
The most expensive thing is land. Carissima est terra. Sumbermengadu Corpus name: tatoeba. License: Creative Commons CC-BY-2.0. References:

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