plates - terjemahan untuk Latin (original) (raw) > Inggeris Latin online penterjemah

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Inggeris-Latin kamus

plates: laminis

Konjugasi kata kerja «plate» >>>

Contoh menerjemahkan "plates" dalam konteks:

There are two plates on the table. Duae patellae in mensa sunt. Sumbermengadu Corpus name: tatoeba. License: Creative Commons CC-BY-2.0. References:
I want ten plates. Decem catillos volo. Sumbermengadu Corpus name: tatoeba. License: Creative Commons CC-BY-2.0. References:
We sell metal, paper, and wooden plates. Et catillos metallicos et chartaceos et ligneos vendimus. Sumbermengadu Corpus name: tatoeba. License: Creative Commons CC-BY-2.0. References:
The wooden plates are lighter than the metal plates, but the paper plates are the lightest. Catilli lignei leviores quam catilli metallici sunt, sed catilli chartacei levissimi sunt. Sumbermengadu Corpus name: tatoeba. License: Creative Commons CC-BY-2.0. References:

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