Mehmet OZKAN | Turkish National Defense University (Milli Savunma Üniversitesi) (original) (raw)

Books by Mehmet OZKAN


Turkey’s involvement in Somalia and its success, so far, is a novelty in Turkish foreign policy. ... more Turkey’s involvement in Somalia and its success, so far, is a novelty in Turkish foreign policy. Turkey’s policy on Somalia over the past three years must be seriously evaluated and all aspects must be thoroughly analyzed. A critical assessment of Turkey’s accumulated experience since 2011 by decision-makers and practitioners would open the doors to improve the organization and policy practices for the future. Additionally, learning from the previous mistakes would strengthen and expand Turkey’s policy on Somalia.
Turkish policy on Somalia is made up of various “firsts” for Turkey. Turkey, for the first time ever, began to follow a strategy of state building within a continent where it has little experience. An additional first for Turkey is the shared experience with the entry of NGOs and government organizations to re-build Somalia as a country together. The State building effort would only be possible if these organizations worked and coordinated together, which was a new practice for Turkish foreign policy. For the very first time, government organizations and NGOs worked towards a common goal. This engendered a shared experience and collective memory.
In this context, this study emerged through the general literature and debates on the issue as well as the interviews conducted regarding the topic and results from the workshops attended by various institutions. This study primarily aims to provide an analysis on a regional and global scale while providing insight into the actions of Turkish institutions and organizations in Somalia. The goal is to constructively contribute to establishing a clear paradigm for the future of Turkey’s involvement in Somalia.


Türkiye’nin Afrika açılımı ve yankıları Türk dış politikası açısından son derece önemli olmakla b... more Türkiye’nin Afrika açılımı ve yankıları Türk dış politikası açısından son derece önemli olmakla beraber, 2011’in Ağustos ayından bu yana derinleşerek artan Türkiye’nin Somali politikası gerek muhtemel sonuçları gerekse önemi itibariyle titizlikle incelenmesi gereken bir konudur. Ankara’nın Somali politikası artık Afrika politikası için bir test niteliğine bürünmüştür. Bu test, hem sonuçları ve yankıları itibariyle Türkiye’nin muhtemel Afrika politikasını önümüzdeki süreçte şekillendirecek hem de Afrika devletleri ve diğer ülkelerin Türkiye’ye yönelik bakış açısını şekillendirecektir.
Türkiye’nin Somali politikası birçok açıdan Türkiye için bir tür ilkleri barındırmaktadır. İlk defa bilmediği bir coğrafyada devlet inşası denilebilecek şekilde bir politika uygulamaya başlayan Türkiye’nin Somali politikası, hem Ankara’daki kurumsal yapılar arasında hem de devlet kuruluşları ile sivil toplum arasında yeni ilişki türleri geliştirmesi dolayısıyla dış politika yapımında yenilikler getirmiştir. Artık bir nevi Türkiye’nin bir iç sorunu haline gelmiş olan Somali sorunu nadir bir şekilde muhalefetten iktidara bütün siyasal partilerin destek vermesi sonucu geniş bir konsensüsün olduğu az sayıdaki dış politika konularındandır.
Bu çerçevede bu kitap, şu ana kadar konu ile ilgili üretilen genel literatür ve tartışmaları değerlendirmesi yanında, hem alanda yapılan mülakatlardan hem de konu ilgi çeşitli kurumların katıldığı çalıştay sonuçlarından beslenmiştir. Elinizdeki bu çalışma, Türkiye’nin kurum ve kuruluşlarının Somali’deki faaliyetlerine yönelik bir bakış açısı vermeyi amaçlasa da, asıl amacı “Somali’ye nasıl bakılmalı?” sorusuna bölgesel ve küresel ölçekten bir analiz sunmaktır. Türkiye’nin Somali tecrübesini değerlendiren bir tür paradigmatik bakışa sahip yol gösterici çalışmaların artık bir zorunluluk olduğu gerçeğini göz önüne alan bu çalışma, bu konuda öncü ve mütevazi bir katkı sağlamak amacındadır.

[Research paper thumbnail of FOREIGN POLICY AFTER TAHRIR REVOLUTION  [2011]](

One of the biggest concerns of international community after revolution in Egypt is directly rela... more One of the biggest concerns of international community after revolution in Egypt is directly related to its possible foreign policy choices. What will be the main tenets of ‘new’ Egypt’s foreign policy? Will the Camp David order be able to survive? Grounded in intellectual history, this book offers a different perspective to understand possible inclination of Cairo’s new orientation. It argues that Egyptian foreign policy represents a narrowing trend in terms of its horizons, thinking and implementation since 1930s; and now with the revolution, it is forced to expand it again, willingly or unwillingly. Nevertheless, the biggest challenge is intellectual and identity-related, because for the first time since the reign of Mohammed Ali Pasha, Egypt is forced to re-interpret and re-evaluate its triple identity in a coherent and consistent way: Arab, African and Mediterranean. Future stability and success of 'new' Egyptian foreign policy, both at regional and international levels, is likely to depend on this, rather than other issues.

Papers by Mehmet OZKAN

Research paper thumbnail of When do civilians resist military coup attempts?

Third World Quarterly, 2023

When do ordinary civilians mobilise to resist military coup attempts? Existing literature based l... more When do ordinary civilians mobilise to resist military coup attempts? Existing literature based largely on single case studies puts forward three variables: political culture, popular support for the government, and material (economic) dependency between the government and its supporters. Finding these explanations insufficient, we first utilise existing military coup data sets and identify the universe of cases of civilian resistance (19) to military coups. Taking our next cue from social movement and mobilisation studies, we focus on mobilisation networks and leadership as possible causal conditions. We also follow the approach of searching for the causes-of-effects, working backward from the outcome of interest (civilian resistance) to look for additional causal conditions. A comparative analysis of eight positive (civilian resistance) cases shows that collective yearning for change, transformative leadership, resistance by the leadership and robust mobilisation power in the state capital and largest cities may together carry more explanatory power. Validation of evidence provided by six negative (no civilian resistance) cases indicates that while a collective desire for change and transformative leadership may set the stage for resistance, it is 'mobilisation power' and 'leadership resistance' that exert more impact on the causal process of emergence of civilian resistance to military coups d'état.

Research paper thumbnail of Decoding of Turkey’s Last Two Decades in Africa

The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this p... more The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this publication does not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and regulations and therefore free for general use.

Research paper thumbnail of Latino Muslims and Radical Extremism: Why There Is No Daesh (ISIS) Threat in Latin America

Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs, 2017

Despite much talk about infiltration of ISIS into Latin America and participation from Latino Mus... more Despite much talk about infiltration of ISIS into Latin America and participation from Latino Muslims, there is no concrete evidence yet. Latin America still represents the safest continent on the earth from ISIS threat. When we look at the recruitment strategy of ISIS, social media comes as a surprisingly first way of attracting young people to its ideology. Latin American Muslims are extremely well connected to social media, through which many of them do not only learn about Islam; but also feel close to Arabic or Middle Eastern culture. Yet, the strong presence of Latino Muslims in online spaces did not yield a success attracting Latinos to ISIS via these channels. Are Latino Muslims immune from ISIS's attractiveness? What makes them keep away from ISIS's social media messages and recruitment strategies? This article argues that this can only be explained with the nature of the socio-political context in which young and social media addicted Latino Muslims live.

Research paper thumbnail of Turkey's African Experience: From Venture to Normalisation

Between 2005 and 2015, Turkey’s sub-Saharan Africa policy has been transformed in such a way that... more Between 2005 and 2015, Turkey’s sub-Saharan Africa policy has been transformed in such a way that it now constitutes one of the main focuses of Ankara’s foreign policy. Initially begun with a modest humanitarian dimension, it now ranges across economic, social, political and security relations. This paper argues that Turkey’s foreign and development policy towards Africa has changed at ideational, societal and institutional levels. On the ideational front, there is a new geographical imagination – a profound change in perceptions of Africa, mostly from negative to positive – in Turkey that sees Africa from a totally different perspective compared with a decade ago, while institutionally Turkey has been more visible in Africa. All these levels can be observed in Turkey’s approach to subSaharan Africa and indicate that Ankara’s policy has reached a level of normalisation, in the sense that it is no longer “new” but rather constitutes usual and normal relations.

Research paper thumbnail of Turkey’s Entrance to International Education: The Case of Turkish Maarif Foundation

Insight Turkey, 2020

The Turkish Maarif Foundation (TMF) is the most recent state-led institution to promote Turkey’s ... more The Turkish Maarif Foundation (TMF) is the most recent state-led institution to promote Turkey’s cultural diplomacy and soft power. Since 2016, it has contributed to the transformation of international education with a Turkey-centric perspective through its schools, dormitories and universities in more than 40 countries. Through its educational fairs and student guidance from abroad to Turkey, TMF has the potential to play a coordinating role in Ankara’s educational outreach to the world. Similarly, TMF’s activities should be seen to advance the UN Millennium Development Goals in education, especially in LDC countries. This article contextualizes the Turkish Maarif Foundation in Turkish foreign and domestic policy and outlines a vision through evaluating its activities over the past three years.

Research paper thumbnail of Turkish Foreign Policy towards the Arab Revolutions

Epiphany, 2013

Turkey's foreign policy has been drawing considerable attention particularly because of the momen... more Turkey's foreign policy has been drawing considerable attention particularly because of the momentous transformations in the Middle East. The visits of Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Foreign Minister Ahmet Davuoglu to Egypt, Libya, and Tunisia in September 2011 and their subsequent visits to the region underscored the rise of Turkey's involvement in the region. The Arab Spring came at a time when Turkey's relations with the United States, Israel and the European Union were going through significant turbulence. 2010 proved to be a particularly difficult year for Turkey's place in the transatlantic community. The Gaza flotilla crisis in June 2010ending with Israeli forces killing eight Turkish citizens-and Turkey's-no‖ vote to a new round of sanctions against Iran at the United Nations (UN) Security Council that same month triggered a heated debate on Turkey's relations with the West, which led popular American columnists such as Tom Friedman to go as far as arguing that Ankara was now joining the-Hamas-Hezbollah-Iran resistance front against Israel.‖ While this was a clear exaggeration, it indicated the scope of debate on the eve of the Arab Spring. Since the Arab Spring, the Western discourse about Turkey has dramatically changed. Instead of asking-who lost Turkey‖ or complaining about the Islamization of Turkish foreign policy, analysts began discussing whether the new regimes in the Arab world would follow the-Turkish model.‖ This article aims to analyze the Turkish approach to the Middle East and the Arab revolutions, the main determinants of Turkish foreign policy and diplomacy in the Middle East and the debate on-Turkish Model. What has changed, or has not, during and after the Arab Spring?

Research paper thumbnail of Turkey, Islamic Politics and the ‘Turkish Model’

Research paper thumbnail of Turkey–Brazil Involvement in Iranian Nuclear Issue: What Is the Big Deal?

Strategic Analysis, 2010

Full terms and conditions of use: ... more Full terms and conditions of use: This article may be used for research, teaching and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, redistribution , reselling , loan or sub-licensing, systematic supply or distribution in any form to anyone is expressly forbidden. The publisher does not give any warranty express or implied or make any representation that the contents will be complete or accurate or up to date. The accuracy of any instructions, formulae and drug doses should be independently verified with primary sources. The publisher shall not be liable for any loss, actions, claims, proceedings, demand or costs or damages whatsoever or howsoever caused arising directly or indirectly in connection with or arising out of the use of this material.

Research paper thumbnail of Turkey’s ‘New’ Engagements in Africa and Asia: Scope, Content and Implications

Research paper thumbnail of Turkey’s Religious and Socio-Political Depth in Africa

Emerging Powers in Africa Lse Ideas Special Report, Jun 1, 2013

Research paper thumbnail of Turkey's Darfur Policy: Convergences and Differentiations from the Muslim World (with Birol Akgun)

Page 1. Electronic copy available at: 147 When the Bosnian and K... more Page 1. Electronic copy available at: 147 When the Bosnian and Kosovo wars erupted in the 1990s, the Muslim world reacted in several ways to show its disapproval of the atrocities and asked the international community to urgently act. ...

Research paper thumbnail of Turkey in South-South Cooperation: New Foreign Policy Approach in Africa

Vestnik RUDN. International Relations, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of How Religion Shapes Foreign Policy? An Explanatory Model for Non-Western States

Religions, 2021

Focusing on the role of religion and culture in foreign policy not only addresses the increasing ... more Focusing on the role of religion and culture in foreign policy not only addresses the increasing interest in the study of religion as an important element among international relations scholars, but also emphasizes the need for theorizing. While the literature on the role of religion in IR is expanding, it still lacks an overall approach to explain the main role of religion in foreign policy. This study contributes to that literature by focusing on how religion and culture plays a role in both the non-Western and rising countries. Although, the role of religion/culture in politics has a relatively short history in understanding state behavior, particularly in the study of foreign policy of rising states, this article argues that religious and cultural elements produce type of Strategic Mentality through which they influence foreign policy decisions both directly and indirectly much more than we think.

Research paper thumbnail of Shaping Peace Processes: A Comparison between Turkey and Colombia

Research paper thumbnail of (Dis) Connecting with the Ummah in e-Spaces: How Latino Muslims Shape Their Identity Through the Internet?

Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs, 2020

Abstract This article aims to give a better understanding of the role and dynamics of communities... more Abstract This article aims to give a better understanding of the role and dynamics of communities in Latino Muslims’ online lives. Latinos extensively use online spaces as a way of learning, connecting and interacting. This is not an exception for Latino Muslims. This study answers the question of how and in what form the online presence of Muslims in Latin America creates a sense of belonging as part of the Ummah; and in what way their interests are converged with those of Muslims in other parts of the world. Focusing on structure and practices, authority and hierarchy, and the broader connections with other (e-) communities, this paper argues that Latino Muslims are highly disconnected from the overall Muslim world and there should be an initiative to connect them with the Muslim world based on their needs, conceptions and perspectives.

Research paper thumbnail of When a Giant became a ‘Reluctant Peacekeeper’: South Africa and Peacekeeping Operations between 1994–2003

Insight on Africa, 2013

South Africa joined the international community after its transformation from apartheid to democr... more South Africa joined the international community after its transformation from apartheid to democracy in 1994. The transformation created its own reverberations both regionally and globally as democratic South Africa aroused high hopes that it would assume leadership on the continent. With the help of Pretoria, it was hoped, Africa could solve its own problems. However, South Africa did not fully assume this expected role until 2003. Its low level participation, especially in peacekeeping in Africa—the theme of this article—should be attributed to its own domestic consolidation preoccupations, lack of training and incoherency in its foreign policy until roughly the early twenty-first century.

Research paper thumbnail of Turkey’s Political-Economic Engagement With Africa

Emerging Powers in Africa, 2016

The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this p... more The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this publication does not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and regulations and therefore free for general use.


Turkey’s involvement in Somalia and its success, so far, is a novelty in Turkish foreign policy. ... more Turkey’s involvement in Somalia and its success, so far, is a novelty in Turkish foreign policy. Turkey’s policy on Somalia over the past three years must be seriously evaluated and all aspects must be thoroughly analyzed. A critical assessment of Turkey’s accumulated experience since 2011 by decision-makers and practitioners would open the doors to improve the organization and policy practices for the future. Additionally, learning from the previous mistakes would strengthen and expand Turkey’s policy on Somalia.
Turkish policy on Somalia is made up of various “firsts” for Turkey. Turkey, for the first time ever, began to follow a strategy of state building within a continent where it has little experience. An additional first for Turkey is the shared experience with the entry of NGOs and government organizations to re-build Somalia as a country together. The State building effort would only be possible if these organizations worked and coordinated together, which was a new practice for Turkish foreign policy. For the very first time, government organizations and NGOs worked towards a common goal. This engendered a shared experience and collective memory.
In this context, this study emerged through the general literature and debates on the issue as well as the interviews conducted regarding the topic and results from the workshops attended by various institutions. This study primarily aims to provide an analysis on a regional and global scale while providing insight into the actions of Turkish institutions and organizations in Somalia. The goal is to constructively contribute to establishing a clear paradigm for the future of Turkey’s involvement in Somalia.


Türkiye’nin Afrika açılımı ve yankıları Türk dış politikası açısından son derece önemli olmakla b... more Türkiye’nin Afrika açılımı ve yankıları Türk dış politikası açısından son derece önemli olmakla beraber, 2011’in Ağustos ayından bu yana derinleşerek artan Türkiye’nin Somali politikası gerek muhtemel sonuçları gerekse önemi itibariyle titizlikle incelenmesi gereken bir konudur. Ankara’nın Somali politikası artık Afrika politikası için bir test niteliğine bürünmüştür. Bu test, hem sonuçları ve yankıları itibariyle Türkiye’nin muhtemel Afrika politikasını önümüzdeki süreçte şekillendirecek hem de Afrika devletleri ve diğer ülkelerin Türkiye’ye yönelik bakış açısını şekillendirecektir.
Türkiye’nin Somali politikası birçok açıdan Türkiye için bir tür ilkleri barındırmaktadır. İlk defa bilmediği bir coğrafyada devlet inşası denilebilecek şekilde bir politika uygulamaya başlayan Türkiye’nin Somali politikası, hem Ankara’daki kurumsal yapılar arasında hem de devlet kuruluşları ile sivil toplum arasında yeni ilişki türleri geliştirmesi dolayısıyla dış politika yapımında yenilikler getirmiştir. Artık bir nevi Türkiye’nin bir iç sorunu haline gelmiş olan Somali sorunu nadir bir şekilde muhalefetten iktidara bütün siyasal partilerin destek vermesi sonucu geniş bir konsensüsün olduğu az sayıdaki dış politika konularındandır.
Bu çerçevede bu kitap, şu ana kadar konu ile ilgili üretilen genel literatür ve tartışmaları değerlendirmesi yanında, hem alanda yapılan mülakatlardan hem de konu ilgi çeşitli kurumların katıldığı çalıştay sonuçlarından beslenmiştir. Elinizdeki bu çalışma, Türkiye’nin kurum ve kuruluşlarının Somali’deki faaliyetlerine yönelik bir bakış açısı vermeyi amaçlasa da, asıl amacı “Somali’ye nasıl bakılmalı?” sorusuna bölgesel ve küresel ölçekten bir analiz sunmaktır. Türkiye’nin Somali tecrübesini değerlendiren bir tür paradigmatik bakışa sahip yol gösterici çalışmaların artık bir zorunluluk olduğu gerçeğini göz önüne alan bu çalışma, bu konuda öncü ve mütevazi bir katkı sağlamak amacındadır.

[Research paper thumbnail of FOREIGN POLICY AFTER TAHRIR REVOLUTION  [2011]](

One of the biggest concerns of international community after revolution in Egypt is directly rela... more One of the biggest concerns of international community after revolution in Egypt is directly related to its possible foreign policy choices. What will be the main tenets of ‘new’ Egypt’s foreign policy? Will the Camp David order be able to survive? Grounded in intellectual history, this book offers a different perspective to understand possible inclination of Cairo’s new orientation. It argues that Egyptian foreign policy represents a narrowing trend in terms of its horizons, thinking and implementation since 1930s; and now with the revolution, it is forced to expand it again, willingly or unwillingly. Nevertheless, the biggest challenge is intellectual and identity-related, because for the first time since the reign of Mohammed Ali Pasha, Egypt is forced to re-interpret and re-evaluate its triple identity in a coherent and consistent way: Arab, African and Mediterranean. Future stability and success of 'new' Egyptian foreign policy, both at regional and international levels, is likely to depend on this, rather than other issues.

Research paper thumbnail of When do civilians resist military coup attempts?

Third World Quarterly, 2023

When do ordinary civilians mobilise to resist military coup attempts? Existing literature based l... more When do ordinary civilians mobilise to resist military coup attempts? Existing literature based largely on single case studies puts forward three variables: political culture, popular support for the government, and material (economic) dependency between the government and its supporters. Finding these explanations insufficient, we first utilise existing military coup data sets and identify the universe of cases of civilian resistance (19) to military coups. Taking our next cue from social movement and mobilisation studies, we focus on mobilisation networks and leadership as possible causal conditions. We also follow the approach of searching for the causes-of-effects, working backward from the outcome of interest (civilian resistance) to look for additional causal conditions. A comparative analysis of eight positive (civilian resistance) cases shows that collective yearning for change, transformative leadership, resistance by the leadership and robust mobilisation power in the state capital and largest cities may together carry more explanatory power. Validation of evidence provided by six negative (no civilian resistance) cases indicates that while a collective desire for change and transformative leadership may set the stage for resistance, it is 'mobilisation power' and 'leadership resistance' that exert more impact on the causal process of emergence of civilian resistance to military coups d'état.

Research paper thumbnail of Decoding of Turkey’s Last Two Decades in Africa

The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this p... more The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this publication does not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and regulations and therefore free for general use.

Research paper thumbnail of Latino Muslims and Radical Extremism: Why There Is No Daesh (ISIS) Threat in Latin America

Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs, 2017

Despite much talk about infiltration of ISIS into Latin America and participation from Latino Mus... more Despite much talk about infiltration of ISIS into Latin America and participation from Latino Muslims, there is no concrete evidence yet. Latin America still represents the safest continent on the earth from ISIS threat. When we look at the recruitment strategy of ISIS, social media comes as a surprisingly first way of attracting young people to its ideology. Latin American Muslims are extremely well connected to social media, through which many of them do not only learn about Islam; but also feel close to Arabic or Middle Eastern culture. Yet, the strong presence of Latino Muslims in online spaces did not yield a success attracting Latinos to ISIS via these channels. Are Latino Muslims immune from ISIS's attractiveness? What makes them keep away from ISIS's social media messages and recruitment strategies? This article argues that this can only be explained with the nature of the socio-political context in which young and social media addicted Latino Muslims live.

Research paper thumbnail of Turkey's African Experience: From Venture to Normalisation

Between 2005 and 2015, Turkey’s sub-Saharan Africa policy has been transformed in such a way that... more Between 2005 and 2015, Turkey’s sub-Saharan Africa policy has been transformed in such a way that it now constitutes one of the main focuses of Ankara’s foreign policy. Initially begun with a modest humanitarian dimension, it now ranges across economic, social, political and security relations. This paper argues that Turkey’s foreign and development policy towards Africa has changed at ideational, societal and institutional levels. On the ideational front, there is a new geographical imagination – a profound change in perceptions of Africa, mostly from negative to positive – in Turkey that sees Africa from a totally different perspective compared with a decade ago, while institutionally Turkey has been more visible in Africa. All these levels can be observed in Turkey’s approach to subSaharan Africa and indicate that Ankara’s policy has reached a level of normalisation, in the sense that it is no longer “new” but rather constitutes usual and normal relations.

Research paper thumbnail of Turkey’s Entrance to International Education: The Case of Turkish Maarif Foundation

Insight Turkey, 2020

The Turkish Maarif Foundation (TMF) is the most recent state-led institution to promote Turkey’s ... more The Turkish Maarif Foundation (TMF) is the most recent state-led institution to promote Turkey’s cultural diplomacy and soft power. Since 2016, it has contributed to the transformation of international education with a Turkey-centric perspective through its schools, dormitories and universities in more than 40 countries. Through its educational fairs and student guidance from abroad to Turkey, TMF has the potential to play a coordinating role in Ankara’s educational outreach to the world. Similarly, TMF’s activities should be seen to advance the UN Millennium Development Goals in education, especially in LDC countries. This article contextualizes the Turkish Maarif Foundation in Turkish foreign and domestic policy and outlines a vision through evaluating its activities over the past three years.

Research paper thumbnail of Turkish Foreign Policy towards the Arab Revolutions

Epiphany, 2013

Turkey's foreign policy has been drawing considerable attention particularly because of the momen... more Turkey's foreign policy has been drawing considerable attention particularly because of the momentous transformations in the Middle East. The visits of Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Foreign Minister Ahmet Davuoglu to Egypt, Libya, and Tunisia in September 2011 and their subsequent visits to the region underscored the rise of Turkey's involvement in the region. The Arab Spring came at a time when Turkey's relations with the United States, Israel and the European Union were going through significant turbulence. 2010 proved to be a particularly difficult year for Turkey's place in the transatlantic community. The Gaza flotilla crisis in June 2010ending with Israeli forces killing eight Turkish citizens-and Turkey's-no‖ vote to a new round of sanctions against Iran at the United Nations (UN) Security Council that same month triggered a heated debate on Turkey's relations with the West, which led popular American columnists such as Tom Friedman to go as far as arguing that Ankara was now joining the-Hamas-Hezbollah-Iran resistance front against Israel.‖ While this was a clear exaggeration, it indicated the scope of debate on the eve of the Arab Spring. Since the Arab Spring, the Western discourse about Turkey has dramatically changed. Instead of asking-who lost Turkey‖ or complaining about the Islamization of Turkish foreign policy, analysts began discussing whether the new regimes in the Arab world would follow the-Turkish model.‖ This article aims to analyze the Turkish approach to the Middle East and the Arab revolutions, the main determinants of Turkish foreign policy and diplomacy in the Middle East and the debate on-Turkish Model. What has changed, or has not, during and after the Arab Spring?

Research paper thumbnail of Turkey, Islamic Politics and the ‘Turkish Model’

Research paper thumbnail of Turkey–Brazil Involvement in Iranian Nuclear Issue: What Is the Big Deal?

Strategic Analysis, 2010

Full terms and conditions of use: ... more Full terms and conditions of use: This article may be used for research, teaching and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, redistribution , reselling , loan or sub-licensing, systematic supply or distribution in any form to anyone is expressly forbidden. The publisher does not give any warranty express or implied or make any representation that the contents will be complete or accurate or up to date. The accuracy of any instructions, formulae and drug doses should be independently verified with primary sources. The publisher shall not be liable for any loss, actions, claims, proceedings, demand or costs or damages whatsoever or howsoever caused arising directly or indirectly in connection with or arising out of the use of this material.

Research paper thumbnail of Turkey’s ‘New’ Engagements in Africa and Asia: Scope, Content and Implications

Research paper thumbnail of Turkey’s Religious and Socio-Political Depth in Africa

Emerging Powers in Africa Lse Ideas Special Report, Jun 1, 2013

Research paper thumbnail of Turkey's Darfur Policy: Convergences and Differentiations from the Muslim World (with Birol Akgun)

Page 1. Electronic copy available at: 147 When the Bosnian and K... more Page 1. Electronic copy available at: 147 When the Bosnian and Kosovo wars erupted in the 1990s, the Muslim world reacted in several ways to show its disapproval of the atrocities and asked the international community to urgently act. ...

Research paper thumbnail of Turkey in South-South Cooperation: New Foreign Policy Approach in Africa

Vestnik RUDN. International Relations, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of How Religion Shapes Foreign Policy? An Explanatory Model for Non-Western States

Religions, 2021

Focusing on the role of religion and culture in foreign policy not only addresses the increasing ... more Focusing on the role of religion and culture in foreign policy not only addresses the increasing interest in the study of religion as an important element among international relations scholars, but also emphasizes the need for theorizing. While the literature on the role of religion in IR is expanding, it still lacks an overall approach to explain the main role of religion in foreign policy. This study contributes to that literature by focusing on how religion and culture plays a role in both the non-Western and rising countries. Although, the role of religion/culture in politics has a relatively short history in understanding state behavior, particularly in the study of foreign policy of rising states, this article argues that religious and cultural elements produce type of Strategic Mentality through which they influence foreign policy decisions both directly and indirectly much more than we think.

Research paper thumbnail of Shaping Peace Processes: A Comparison between Turkey and Colombia

Research paper thumbnail of (Dis) Connecting with the Ummah in e-Spaces: How Latino Muslims Shape Their Identity Through the Internet?

Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs, 2020

Abstract This article aims to give a better understanding of the role and dynamics of communities... more Abstract This article aims to give a better understanding of the role and dynamics of communities in Latino Muslims’ online lives. Latinos extensively use online spaces as a way of learning, connecting and interacting. This is not an exception for Latino Muslims. This study answers the question of how and in what form the online presence of Muslims in Latin America creates a sense of belonging as part of the Ummah; and in what way their interests are converged with those of Muslims in other parts of the world. Focusing on structure and practices, authority and hierarchy, and the broader connections with other (e-) communities, this paper argues that Latino Muslims are highly disconnected from the overall Muslim world and there should be an initiative to connect them with the Muslim world based on their needs, conceptions and perspectives.

Research paper thumbnail of When a Giant became a ‘Reluctant Peacekeeper’: South Africa and Peacekeeping Operations between 1994–2003

Insight on Africa, 2013

South Africa joined the international community after its transformation from apartheid to democr... more South Africa joined the international community after its transformation from apartheid to democracy in 1994. The transformation created its own reverberations both regionally and globally as democratic South Africa aroused high hopes that it would assume leadership on the continent. With the help of Pretoria, it was hoped, Africa could solve its own problems. However, South Africa did not fully assume this expected role until 2003. Its low level participation, especially in peacekeeping in Africa—the theme of this article—should be attributed to its own domestic consolidation preoccupations, lack of training and incoherency in its foreign policy until roughly the early twenty-first century.

Research paper thumbnail of Turkey’s Political-Economic Engagement With Africa

Emerging Powers in Africa, 2016

The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this p... more The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this publication does not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and regulations and therefore free for general use.

Research paper thumbnail of Beyond Pakistan and Cyprus

Pragati the Indian National Interest Review, 2010

Research paper thumbnail of Turkey’s Involvement in Somalia: Assesment of a State-Building in Progress

Research paper thumbnail of Turkey’s Religious Diplomacy Toward Latin America