Anett Osztás | Hungarian Academy of Sciences (original) (raw)


Papers by Anett Osztás

Research paper thumbnail of Investigation of the plant macro-remains from four archaeological excavations at Fajsz-Garadomb and Alsónyék-Bátaszék in the Sárköz region and their comparison with the archaeobotanical record from other Hungarian Neolithic sites

Im Rahmen eines Forschungsprojektes zur neolithischen Landwirtschaft und Landnutzung in Ungarn wu... more Im Rahmen eines Forschungsprojektes zur neolithischen Landwirtschaft und Landnutzung in Ungarn wurden archäobotanische Bestimmungen von 22 Fundstellen der Starčevo, Körös, (formativen) Linearbandkeramik (LBK) und Alföld-LBK am Landesamt für Denkmalpflege Hessen in Wiesbaden (Deutschland) durchgeführt und mit dem Datenbankprogramm ArboDat 2016 erfasst. Die erarbeiteten Ergebnisse werden diskutiert und mit den archäobotanischen Daten von 551 bandkeramischen Befunden aus Österreich und Deutschland verglichen. Die Daten verweisen auf kulturspezifische Unterschiede hinsichtlich der bäuerlichen Subsistenz und der Ernährung neolithischer Gesellschaften Ungarns.

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Research paper thumbnail of Buried in mud, buried in clay

The Neolithic of Europe, 2017

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Research paper thumbnail of Bird remains from the Starčevo and Lengyel culture settlements of the site Alsónyék-Bátaszék (South-western Hungary)

Materiale şi cercetãri arheologice (Serie nouã), 2021

Articolul de față prezintă studiul primelor colecții de oase de pasăre atribuite culturilor Starč... more Articolul de față prezintă studiul primelor colecții de oase de pasăre atribuite culturilor Starčevo (neolitic timpuriu) și Lengyel (neolitic târziu) din Ungaria. Abundența resturilor de pasăre provenind din situl neolitic timpuriu de la Alsónyék-Bátaszék în sud-vestul Ungariei, și a speciilor de apă identificate aici, se potrivește imaginii tipice a așezărilor de tip Körös din estul țării, indicând exploatarea frecventă a resurselor acvatice prin vânătoarea de păsări, pescuit și cules. Acvila de munte (Aquila chrysaetos) a fost acum identificată pentru prima dată în avifauna neolitică din Ungaria. Prezența sa atât în nivelurile Starčevo cât și Lengyel sugerează că pe durata mileniilor VI-V î. Hr. aceste păsări își făceau cuibul în munții Mecsek sau Villány. Interesul pentru vânătoarea păsărilor pare să fi intrat în declin pe durata neoliticului târziu, așa cum o indică atât scăderea în cantitate a resturilor zoo-arheologice, cât și diminuarea diversității speciilor. Cu toate aceste...

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Research paper thumbnail of Neolithic land-use, subsistence, and mobility patterns in Transdanubia: A multiproxy isotope and environmental analysis from Alsónyék – Bátaszék and Mórágy – Tűzkődomb

Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of 1 Tracing

the genetic origin of Europe’s first farmers reveals insights into their social organization

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Research paper thumbnail of Narratives for Lengyel funerary practice (Forthcoming)

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Research paper thumbnail of Des Alpes a l´Europe centrale (Autriche, République tcheque, Slovaquie et Hongrie)

In Moravia, the presence of several jadeitite axeheads has been known since the 1880s. As part of... more In Moravia, the presence of several jadeitite axeheads has been known since the 1880s. As part of JADE 2, a specific research project was undertaken in the south-eastern part of central Europe (Austria, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary), as a result of which the total number of Alpine imports has now risen to 66.

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Research paper thumbnail of Coalescent community at Alsónyék: the timings and duration of Lengyel burials and settlement

The Neolithic settlement of Alsonyek reached its greatest extent during the Late Neolithic Lengye... more The Neolithic settlement of Alsonyek reached its greatest extent during the Late Neolithic Lengyel period. Nearly 9000 features, including postholes associated with 122 houses, pits and pit complexes, and c. 2300 burials, could be assigned to it. The traces of Lengyel settlement and burials were found over the entire excavated area, with an estimated extent of some 80 ha. The burials uncovered mostly form part of groups of graves, actually being small cemeteries within the various parts of the settlement. Apart from the grave groups, several solitary or scattered graves were also found. Other large Lengyel burial grounds or large Lengyel settlements with numerous burials are known in Transdanubia, but the enormous number of graves at Alsonyek is unprecedented within the Lengyel cultural complex as a whole, and provides exciting opportunities for varied archaeological and bioarchaeological investigations. The discovery of 122 surface-level, timber-framed houses at a single site is al...

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Research paper thumbnail of Alsónyék-Bátaszék: introduction to a major Neolithic settlement complex in south-east Transdanubia, Hungary

Der vorliegende Band befasst sich mit den Ausgrabungen und noch anhaltenden Untersuchungen des Fu... more Der vorliegende Band befasst sich mit den Ausgrabungen und noch anhaltenden Untersuchungen des Fundortes Alsonyek-Bataszek in Sudwest-Ungarn, der fur seine lange Belegungsdauer und GroEe bekannt ist. Seine Okkupation umfasst die Starcevo Kultur, die Kultur der Linearbandkeramik (LBK) und die Perioden Sopot und Lengyel; also insgesamt einen Rahmen vom fruhen 6. bis Mitte des 5. Jahrtausends cal BC. In dieser Einfuhrung werden die folgenden Aufsatze, die sich mit der Chronologie des Fundortes beschaftigen, umrissen. Sie verfolgen den Bayes’schen Ansatz und andere methodische Aspekte und analysieren eine umfassende Serie von Radiocarbondaten. In einer Schlussdiskussion werden die Ergebnisse zusammengefuhrt. Die Verortung von Alsonyek-Bataszek in der Tolna Sarkoz Region in Sudosttransdanubien und die Ausgrabungen werden ausfuhrlich beschrieben, ebenso die wichtigsten Merkmale und Auspragungen der einzelnen Perioden innerhalb des Fundortes. Abschliesend wird der enorme Umfang der noch an...

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Research paper thumbnail of Buried in mud, buried in clay: specially arranged settlement burials from in and around the Danubian Sárköz, Neolithic southem Hungary

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Research paper thumbnail of The early days of Neolithic Alsónyék: the Starčevo occupation

The excavations at Alsonyek revealed numerous Starcevo features, over 50 in the southern part of ... more The excavations at Alsonyek revealed numerous Starcevo features, over 50 in the southern part of subsite 10B and some 500 in subsite 5603. The overwhelming majority of the features uncovered were individual pits and pit complexes. Traces of houses or above-ground structures were recorded, but no certain house plans could be identified; numerous hearths and ovens were found. 25 Starcevo burials have been identified, with some in disused pits and ovens. The occupation excavated in subsite 5603 was substantial, the largest yet discovered in Transdanubia. The north-west distribution of the Early Neolithic cultural complex of the northern Balkans – the Starcevo, Koros and Cris cultures – represents the first food-producing communities in many parts of the Carpathian basin. Starcevo sites are now known in the southern part of western Hungary up to Lake Balaton, but there are many unresolved questions about the precise chronology of the Early Neolithic in Transdanubia and beyond, in the St...

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Research paper thumbnail of Tuberkulózis nyomai késő neolitikum - kora rézkori magyarországi emberi maradványokban (Alsónyék-Bátaszék, Dél-Magyarország)

Anthropologiai Közlemények, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of Early neolithic settlement and burials at Alsónyék-Bátaszék. First report

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Research paper thumbnail of Zur relativen Chronologie der Lengyel-Kultur im westlichen Karpatenbecken

Acta Archaeologica, 2014

The authors analyse the chronological issues of the Late Neolithic — Early Copper age at the West... more The authors analyse the chronological issues of the Late Neolithic — Early Copper age at the Western part of the Carpathian Basin. The primary aim of this study is to determine the relative chronological position of Lengyel Culture graves excavated at site Alsónyék-Bátaszék, as well as to present the various ceramics types. These investigations are considered to be a preliminary study for a Bayesian analysis of radiocarbon dates, through which the absolute chronological status of the Lengyel cemetery at Alsónyék will be possible to learn in the near future.

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Research paper thumbnail of Alsónyék-Bátaszék településtörténete, épületeinek komplex elemzése a lengyeli kultúra összefüggésében

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Research paper thumbnail of Peopling the past: creating a site biography in the Hungarian Neolithic

Imprecise chronology has entailed a fuzzy kind of prehistory. Prehistorians should no longer be c... more Imprecise chronology has entailed a fuzzy kind of prehistory. Prehistorians should no longer be content with timeframes that employ successive units of 200 years or more duration, or with slow change over the long term as their dominant chronological and interpretative perspective. The means to get away from very generalised accounts of the past is formal chronological modelling in a Bayesian framework. The Bayesian approach in general is outlined, with emphasis on its interpretive and iterative nature. The approach combines calibrated radiocarbon dates with knowledge of the archaeological contexts from which they are derived to produce a series of formal, probabilistic date estimates. Stringent demands are made of both the radiocarbon dates and our archaeological understanding of stratigraphy, associations, sample taphonomy and context in general. The Bayesian process at Alsonyek involved assessment of existing dates, careful definition of aims and objectives, the construction of a...

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Research paper thumbnail of Alsónyék-Bátaszék: a new chapter in the research of Lengyel culture

Documenta Praehistorica, 2012

There can be no doubt that one of the major archaeological discoveries made in Hungary during the... more There can be no doubt that one of the major archaeological discoveries made in Hungary during the past ten years was the prehistoric settlement at Alsónyék–Bátaszék. The area was intermittently occupied from the Early Neolithic to the end of the Late Neolithic and the onset of the Copper Age. The prehistoric settlement attained its greatest extent during the Late Neolithic Lengyel period, as shown by the 2359 burials and over 100 post-framed buildings uncovered at the site. This preliminary report describes previous research on the architecture of the Late Neolithic Lengyel culture in Hungary and the Lengyel settlement at Alsónyék and its architecture.

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Research paper thumbnail of Longhouse times: dating the Alsónyék LBK settlement

Im zentralen Bereich der Hauptgrabungsflache in Alsonyek wurde eine LBK-Siedlung entdeckt. Die LB... more Im zentralen Bereich der Hauptgrabungsflache in Alsonyek wurde eine LBK-Siedlung entdeckt. Die LBK-Befunde erstrecken sich uber die Flachen 10B, 11 und 5603. Die uberwiegende Mehrheit der 50 identifizierten Hausgrundrisse gibt sich durch Langsgruben zu erkennen, die die mutmaslichen Pfostenkonstruktionen begleiteten. Pfostengruben sind nur sehr schlecht erhalten. Die meisten Archaologen, die sich mit dem Neolithikum beschaftigen, sind sich einig, dass das westliche Karpatenbecken die Wiege der LBK ist. Die Region um den Balaton und sudlich davon spielten eine wichtige Rolle in der Entwicklung der Kultur und in der Verbreitung des Neolithikums nach Mitteleuropa. Sudtransdanubien galt bisher als wahres terra incognita fur Siedlungsanalysen der LBK, trotz des Nachweises von Fundstellen dieser Kultur in der Region. Die Datierung der linearbandkeramischen Ansiedlung in Alsonyek wurde durch das OTKA-Projekt Alsonyek from the beginning of food production to the end of the Neolithic finanzi...

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Research paper thumbnail of Bird remains from the Starcevo and Lengyel culture settlements of the site Alsonyék-Bataszék (South-western Hungary

Scripta praehistorica: Miscellanea in honorem Mariae Bitiri dicata. Eds. R. Dobrescu, A. Boroneanţ, A. Doboş. Editura Cetatea de scaun, Târgovişte. MATERIALE ŞI CERCETĂRI ARHEOLOGICE (serie nouă), SUPPLEMENTUM 1, 2021, p. 467-486., 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of Article Text

The settlement history of Alsónyék–Bátaszék, Complex analysis of its buildings in the context of the Lengyel culture, 2021

This is an abstract of the PhD thesis submitted in 2019 to the Archaeology Doctoral Programme, Do... more This is an abstract of the PhD thesis submitted in 2019 to the Archaeology Doctoral Programme, Doctoral School of History, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest.

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Research paper thumbnail of Investigation of the plant macro-remains from four archaeological excavations at Fajsz-Garadomb and Alsónyék-Bátaszék in the Sárköz region and their comparison with the archaeobotanical record from other Hungarian Neolithic sites

Im Rahmen eines Forschungsprojektes zur neolithischen Landwirtschaft und Landnutzung in Ungarn wu... more Im Rahmen eines Forschungsprojektes zur neolithischen Landwirtschaft und Landnutzung in Ungarn wurden archäobotanische Bestimmungen von 22 Fundstellen der Starčevo, Körös, (formativen) Linearbandkeramik (LBK) und Alföld-LBK am Landesamt für Denkmalpflege Hessen in Wiesbaden (Deutschland) durchgeführt und mit dem Datenbankprogramm ArboDat 2016 erfasst. Die erarbeiteten Ergebnisse werden diskutiert und mit den archäobotanischen Daten von 551 bandkeramischen Befunden aus Österreich und Deutschland verglichen. Die Daten verweisen auf kulturspezifische Unterschiede hinsichtlich der bäuerlichen Subsistenz und der Ernährung neolithischer Gesellschaften Ungarns.

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Research paper thumbnail of Buried in mud, buried in clay

The Neolithic of Europe, 2017

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Research paper thumbnail of Bird remains from the Starčevo and Lengyel culture settlements of the site Alsónyék-Bátaszék (South-western Hungary)

Materiale şi cercetãri arheologice (Serie nouã), 2021

Articolul de față prezintă studiul primelor colecții de oase de pasăre atribuite culturilor Starč... more Articolul de față prezintă studiul primelor colecții de oase de pasăre atribuite culturilor Starčevo (neolitic timpuriu) și Lengyel (neolitic târziu) din Ungaria. Abundența resturilor de pasăre provenind din situl neolitic timpuriu de la Alsónyék-Bátaszék în sud-vestul Ungariei, și a speciilor de apă identificate aici, se potrivește imaginii tipice a așezărilor de tip Körös din estul țării, indicând exploatarea frecventă a resurselor acvatice prin vânătoarea de păsări, pescuit și cules. Acvila de munte (Aquila chrysaetos) a fost acum identificată pentru prima dată în avifauna neolitică din Ungaria. Prezența sa atât în nivelurile Starčevo cât și Lengyel sugerează că pe durata mileniilor VI-V î. Hr. aceste păsări își făceau cuibul în munții Mecsek sau Villány. Interesul pentru vânătoarea păsărilor pare să fi intrat în declin pe durata neoliticului târziu, așa cum o indică atât scăderea în cantitate a resturilor zoo-arheologice, cât și diminuarea diversității speciilor. Cu toate aceste...

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Research paper thumbnail of Neolithic land-use, subsistence, and mobility patterns in Transdanubia: A multiproxy isotope and environmental analysis from Alsónyék – Bátaszék and Mórágy – Tűzkődomb

Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 2020

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Research paper thumbnail of 1 Tracing

the genetic origin of Europe’s first farmers reveals insights into their social organization

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Research paper thumbnail of Narratives for Lengyel funerary practice (Forthcoming)

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Research paper thumbnail of Des Alpes a l´Europe centrale (Autriche, République tcheque, Slovaquie et Hongrie)

In Moravia, the presence of several jadeitite axeheads has been known since the 1880s. As part of... more In Moravia, the presence of several jadeitite axeheads has been known since the 1880s. As part of JADE 2, a specific research project was undertaken in the south-eastern part of central Europe (Austria, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary), as a result of which the total number of Alpine imports has now risen to 66.

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Research paper thumbnail of Coalescent community at Alsónyék: the timings and duration of Lengyel burials and settlement

The Neolithic settlement of Alsonyek reached its greatest extent during the Late Neolithic Lengye... more The Neolithic settlement of Alsonyek reached its greatest extent during the Late Neolithic Lengyel period. Nearly 9000 features, including postholes associated with 122 houses, pits and pit complexes, and c. 2300 burials, could be assigned to it. The traces of Lengyel settlement and burials were found over the entire excavated area, with an estimated extent of some 80 ha. The burials uncovered mostly form part of groups of graves, actually being small cemeteries within the various parts of the settlement. Apart from the grave groups, several solitary or scattered graves were also found. Other large Lengyel burial grounds or large Lengyel settlements with numerous burials are known in Transdanubia, but the enormous number of graves at Alsonyek is unprecedented within the Lengyel cultural complex as a whole, and provides exciting opportunities for varied archaeological and bioarchaeological investigations. The discovery of 122 surface-level, timber-framed houses at a single site is al...

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Research paper thumbnail of Alsónyék-Bátaszék: introduction to a major Neolithic settlement complex in south-east Transdanubia, Hungary

Der vorliegende Band befasst sich mit den Ausgrabungen und noch anhaltenden Untersuchungen des Fu... more Der vorliegende Band befasst sich mit den Ausgrabungen und noch anhaltenden Untersuchungen des Fundortes Alsonyek-Bataszek in Sudwest-Ungarn, der fur seine lange Belegungsdauer und GroEe bekannt ist. Seine Okkupation umfasst die Starcevo Kultur, die Kultur der Linearbandkeramik (LBK) und die Perioden Sopot und Lengyel; also insgesamt einen Rahmen vom fruhen 6. bis Mitte des 5. Jahrtausends cal BC. In dieser Einfuhrung werden die folgenden Aufsatze, die sich mit der Chronologie des Fundortes beschaftigen, umrissen. Sie verfolgen den Bayes’schen Ansatz und andere methodische Aspekte und analysieren eine umfassende Serie von Radiocarbondaten. In einer Schlussdiskussion werden die Ergebnisse zusammengefuhrt. Die Verortung von Alsonyek-Bataszek in der Tolna Sarkoz Region in Sudosttransdanubien und die Ausgrabungen werden ausfuhrlich beschrieben, ebenso die wichtigsten Merkmale und Auspragungen der einzelnen Perioden innerhalb des Fundortes. Abschliesend wird der enorme Umfang der noch an...

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Research paper thumbnail of Buried in mud, buried in clay: specially arranged settlement burials from in and around the Danubian Sárköz, Neolithic southem Hungary

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Research paper thumbnail of The early days of Neolithic Alsónyék: the Starčevo occupation

The excavations at Alsonyek revealed numerous Starcevo features, over 50 in the southern part of ... more The excavations at Alsonyek revealed numerous Starcevo features, over 50 in the southern part of subsite 10B and some 500 in subsite 5603. The overwhelming majority of the features uncovered were individual pits and pit complexes. Traces of houses or above-ground structures were recorded, but no certain house plans could be identified; numerous hearths and ovens were found. 25 Starcevo burials have been identified, with some in disused pits and ovens. The occupation excavated in subsite 5603 was substantial, the largest yet discovered in Transdanubia. The north-west distribution of the Early Neolithic cultural complex of the northern Balkans – the Starcevo, Koros and Cris cultures – represents the first food-producing communities in many parts of the Carpathian basin. Starcevo sites are now known in the southern part of western Hungary up to Lake Balaton, but there are many unresolved questions about the precise chronology of the Early Neolithic in Transdanubia and beyond, in the St...

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Research paper thumbnail of Tuberkulózis nyomai késő neolitikum - kora rézkori magyarországi emberi maradványokban (Alsónyék-Bátaszék, Dél-Magyarország)

Anthropologiai Közlemények, 2016

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Research paper thumbnail of Early neolithic settlement and burials at Alsónyék-Bátaszék. First report

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Research paper thumbnail of Zur relativen Chronologie der Lengyel-Kultur im westlichen Karpatenbecken

Acta Archaeologica, 2014

The authors analyse the chronological issues of the Late Neolithic — Early Copper age at the West... more The authors analyse the chronological issues of the Late Neolithic — Early Copper age at the Western part of the Carpathian Basin. The primary aim of this study is to determine the relative chronological position of Lengyel Culture graves excavated at site Alsónyék-Bátaszék, as well as to present the various ceramics types. These investigations are considered to be a preliminary study for a Bayesian analysis of radiocarbon dates, through which the absolute chronological status of the Lengyel cemetery at Alsónyék will be possible to learn in the near future.

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Research paper thumbnail of Alsónyék-Bátaszék településtörténete, épületeinek komplex elemzése a lengyeli kultúra összefüggésében

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Research paper thumbnail of Peopling the past: creating a site biography in the Hungarian Neolithic

Imprecise chronology has entailed a fuzzy kind of prehistory. Prehistorians should no longer be c... more Imprecise chronology has entailed a fuzzy kind of prehistory. Prehistorians should no longer be content with timeframes that employ successive units of 200 years or more duration, or with slow change over the long term as their dominant chronological and interpretative perspective. The means to get away from very generalised accounts of the past is formal chronological modelling in a Bayesian framework. The Bayesian approach in general is outlined, with emphasis on its interpretive and iterative nature. The approach combines calibrated radiocarbon dates with knowledge of the archaeological contexts from which they are derived to produce a series of formal, probabilistic date estimates. Stringent demands are made of both the radiocarbon dates and our archaeological understanding of stratigraphy, associations, sample taphonomy and context in general. The Bayesian process at Alsonyek involved assessment of existing dates, careful definition of aims and objectives, the construction of a...

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Research paper thumbnail of Alsónyék-Bátaszék: a new chapter in the research of Lengyel culture

Documenta Praehistorica, 2012

There can be no doubt that one of the major archaeological discoveries made in Hungary during the... more There can be no doubt that one of the major archaeological discoveries made in Hungary during the past ten years was the prehistoric settlement at Alsónyék–Bátaszék. The area was intermittently occupied from the Early Neolithic to the end of the Late Neolithic and the onset of the Copper Age. The prehistoric settlement attained its greatest extent during the Late Neolithic Lengyel period, as shown by the 2359 burials and over 100 post-framed buildings uncovered at the site. This preliminary report describes previous research on the architecture of the Late Neolithic Lengyel culture in Hungary and the Lengyel settlement at Alsónyék and its architecture.

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Research paper thumbnail of Longhouse times: dating the Alsónyék LBK settlement

Im zentralen Bereich der Hauptgrabungsflache in Alsonyek wurde eine LBK-Siedlung entdeckt. Die LB... more Im zentralen Bereich der Hauptgrabungsflache in Alsonyek wurde eine LBK-Siedlung entdeckt. Die LBK-Befunde erstrecken sich uber die Flachen 10B, 11 und 5603. Die uberwiegende Mehrheit der 50 identifizierten Hausgrundrisse gibt sich durch Langsgruben zu erkennen, die die mutmaslichen Pfostenkonstruktionen begleiteten. Pfostengruben sind nur sehr schlecht erhalten. Die meisten Archaologen, die sich mit dem Neolithikum beschaftigen, sind sich einig, dass das westliche Karpatenbecken die Wiege der LBK ist. Die Region um den Balaton und sudlich davon spielten eine wichtige Rolle in der Entwicklung der Kultur und in der Verbreitung des Neolithikums nach Mitteleuropa. Sudtransdanubien galt bisher als wahres terra incognita fur Siedlungsanalysen der LBK, trotz des Nachweises von Fundstellen dieser Kultur in der Region. Die Datierung der linearbandkeramischen Ansiedlung in Alsonyek wurde durch das OTKA-Projekt Alsonyek from the beginning of food production to the end of the Neolithic finanzi...

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Research paper thumbnail of Bird remains from the Starcevo and Lengyel culture settlements of the site Alsonyék-Bataszék (South-western Hungary

Scripta praehistorica: Miscellanea in honorem Mariae Bitiri dicata. Eds. R. Dobrescu, A. Boroneanţ, A. Doboş. Editura Cetatea de scaun, Târgovişte. MATERIALE ŞI CERCETĂRI ARHEOLOGICE (serie nouă), SUPPLEMENTUM 1, 2021, p. 467-486., 2021

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Research paper thumbnail of Article Text

The settlement history of Alsónyék–Bátaszék, Complex analysis of its buildings in the context of the Lengyel culture, 2021

This is an abstract of the PhD thesis submitted in 2019 to the Archaeology Doctoral Programme, Do... more This is an abstract of the PhD thesis submitted in 2019 to the Archaeology Doctoral Programme, Doctoral School of History, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest.

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Research paper thumbnail of Eszter Bánffy et al.: Buried in mud, buried in clay: specially arranged settlement burials from in and around the Danubian Sárköz, Neolithic southern Hungary

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Research paper thumbnail of Előzetes eredmények Alsónyék neolitikus csiszolt kőeszközeinek nyersanyagairól

11. Kőkor Kerekasztal - Programfüzet, 2021

Alsónyék-Bátaszék neolitikus (Kr. e. kb. 5800–4500 cal BC) településről és temetkezéseiből össze... more Alsónyék-Bátaszék neolitikus (Kr. e. kb. 5800–4500 cal BC) településről és temetkezéseiből összesen 668 db csiszolt kőeszközt tártak föl. A teljes leletegyüttes adatbázisba integrálása, tételes és részletes feldolgozása kezdődött meg 2021-ben. Alkalmazott munkamódszerünkben geológusok és régészek együtt vizsgálják a leletanyagot, szem előtt tartva azt az alapelvet, hogy mind a régészeti (tipokronológiai meghatározás, technológiai jegyek azonosítása), mind a geológiai (kőzettani meghatározás, a kőeszközök nyersanyagcsoportjainak azonosítása, származási helyének lehatárolása) vizsgálatok azonos fontosságúak.
Eddigi vizsgálataink eredménye alapján a csiszolt kőeszközök nyersanyagának jelentős része a lelőhelyhez közeli Mecsek hegységből származik (elsősorban az alsó-kréta alkáli bázisos magmatitok változatai, emellett kisebb mennyiségben foltos márga, bitumenes mészkő, szpikulit). A helyi, vagyis a Mecsek és közvetlen környezetében előforduló kőzettípusok mellett fontos távolsági nyersanyagokból készült kőeszközök is előfordulnak: elsősorban szerpentinit, kontakt-metabázit (elsősorban az ún. Železný Brod típus), hornfels, „fehérkő” mellett a ritkábban előforduló Na-piroxenit, eklogit és nefrit, amelyek cseh-masszívumbeli, erdélyi, bánsági, illetve alpi régiókat jeleznek nyersanyag forrásterületként. Elsődleges eszköztípusként nyéllyukas balta, kőfejsze, lapos balta (laposvéső), kaptafa alakú balta és buzogány fordulnak elő. Megfigyeléseink során az egyes fő kőzettípusok és a balták elsődleges alakja között számos esetben észleltünk összefüggést. Például az alsó-kréta alkáli magmatitokból jellegzetes, hosszirányban mindkét oldalán lekeskenyedő alakú nyéllyukas balták készültek elsősorban, fehérkőből zömök, lapos vésőbalták, kisebb részben kaptafa alakú balták, valamint buzogányok készültek. A kiemelkedően jó minőségű nyersanyagokból (pl. kontakt metabázit, hornfels, illetve „fehérkő”) készült távolsági import kőeszközök esetében úgy tűnik, hogy azok mérete általában jelentősen kisebb, mint a nyersanyag-lelőhelyükhöz közeli területeken végzett ásatásokból előkerült, ugyanezen nyersanyagból készült kőeszközöké, valamint a helyi nyersanyagokból készült kőeszközöké, vagyis azokat a végletekig használták. A sírokból előkerült balták között nagy különbség mutatkozik a megmunkálást illetően. Számos, a temetkezésekből előkerült balta finoman kidolgozott és tökéletesen csiszolt, amelyeken szabad szemmel nem látható használati kopásnyom. Ugyanakkor a telepről származó kőeszközökön kopás, újraélezés, használatból származó csorbulások és törések figyelhetők meg.
Munkánk további célja a nyersanyagcsoportok és beszerzési zónák megállapítása és pontosítása, amit kőzettani és geokémiai, az esetek zömében roncsolásmentes nagyműszeres vizsgálatok alkalmazásával kívánunk elvégezni. Régészeti oldalról a baltakészítés technológiai műveletsorának rekonstrukciója mellett az Alsónyéken élt újkőkori közösségek környezethasználatáról, helyismereti és kőzettani tudásáról, kőeszközkészítő tevékenységéről, valamint a temetkezési szokásról kaphatunk újabb ismeretanyagot a csiszolt kőeszközök perspektívájából.
Munkánkat az NFKI (OTKA) K 131814 számú pályázata támogatja.

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