Mugshots' Journal (original) (raw)

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Mugshots' Journal

1st June, 2005. 11:33 am.(belize)

Interesting shot of a robbery in Tucson, Arizona.

Business: Quik Mart
Location: 1204 N. Alvernon
Time: 0500
Weapon: Implied
Vehicle: Unknown.

Suspect information
Hispanic Male, 509, 145, 21-25, short hair, mustache, wearing a black leather jacket with two thin white stripes on the sleeves and a white stripe on the cuff. Jacket also has a patch on the left sleeve between the white stripes and large white areas on the front with unknown logo and writing, a ring on the right middle finger, blue jeans and white shoes.

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5th September, 2003. 1:38 pm. MISSING PERSON: Robin Leigh Clark(penguizard)

MISSING PERSON: Robin Leigh Clark

Click on the link above to see Robin and Ceasar. I have a strange sinking feeling that we won't be seeing Robin again.

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5th March, 2003. 2:52 pm.(penguizard)

This is a picture of where they execute inmates in california. It's the execution witness area:

And this is the Anteroom of Execution Chamber:

Current mood: I got the Zap on my head.

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6th February, 2003. 2:54 pm. Snoop Dogg(halogentan)

Name: Harvey L. Webster
Height: 5'7" Weight: 165
Birthdate: 1-26-80
Charges: Aggravated Robbery, Aggravated Kidnapping

From Nashville, TN, Most Wanted

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5th February, 2003. 4:04 pm. Changes(halogentan)

I changed the settings for this community a bit. If you post, by default it uses the mugshots icon. So don't bother using a custom picture when you post. If anyone dislikes this let me know. I thought it would be better for anonymity, plus the picture of the old guy is funny.

Also, more importantly the community is COMPLETELY OPEN. So if you join you'll emmediately have the ability to post to Mugshots. I had it partially closed before because I didn't know if people would understand what it was all about. But, I never got any requests for post authorization so oh well. It's totally open now. I think people get the picture.

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26th January, 2003. 9:57 pm. Cathleen Bailey(belize)

Deadbeat mom or not, maybe it's best this woman is far away from her children.

More information.

Current mood: working.

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24th December, 2002. 12:55 am.(belize)

Guy Heckle

If you couple the name with the picture, it's hard to believe this one is even

[Error: Irreparable invalid markup ('<a [...] real.') in entry. Owner must fix manually. Raw contents below.]

Guy Heckle

If you couple the name with the picture, it's hard to believe this one is even <a href=""real.

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21st November, 2002. 1:12 pm. Daniel James Luttrell(belize)

This guy is really happy he owes his ex-wife $56,000 in child support.

More information.

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2nd October, 2002. 4:44 pm. ANNIE MARIE CARROLL - Endangered Runaway(halogentan)

"Annie is believed to be in the company of a female." Haha no shit!
Click for more

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1st October, 2002. 4:34 pm. Missing - Peggy Wynell Byars-Baisden(halogentan)

Date of Birth: 07/01/41
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 120 lbs.
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Blue

On April 2, 1965, between 6 and 7 p.m., Peggy Wynell Byars-Baisden, left her Third Street, Highland City, Fla., residence enroute to the Chatterbox Bar. The bar was formerly located on the site where the Polk County Parkway intersects with U.S. Highway 98 South, near Eaton Park.

Ms. Byars-Baisden was driving a light green 1959 2-door Chevy Coupe with license tag 5W-21118. A witness at that time, saw the woman in the parking lot of the bar with car trouble. There was an unknown white/male assisting her. No one has heard from or seen the woman since.

Anyone with information on the location of Peggy Wynell Byars-Baisden is asked to contact the Polk County Sheriff's Office at 863

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