Christine Arnold | Memorial University of Newfoundland (original) (raw)

Christine Arnold

Christine Helen Arnold is an Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Education, Post-Secondary Studies, at Memorial University of Newfoundland. Her research interests include the student experience in post-secondary education, with a focus on student mobility and credit transfer systems. Christine has published and presented on a range of topics including: transformative education, teaching and learning, student affairs, transfer articulation and mobility, and degree granting and quality assurance. She holds a Ph.D. in Higher Education from the University of Toronto and M.Ed. in Teaching, Learning and Development, B.A., and B.Ed. from Brock University.
Phone: 647-537-4525



Papers (English) by Christine Arnold

Research paper thumbnail of Transferability Expectations and Realities: Analysis of Incoming Centennial College Learner Expectations, Realities and Self-Adjusted Perceptions

Research paper thumbnail of Transfer Literacy: Assessing Informational Symmetries and Asymmetries

Ontario Council on Articulation and Transfer (ONCAT) Research Paper: No. 2012-02

Research paper thumbnail of So You Want to Earn a PhD? The Attraction, Realities, and Outcomes of Pursuing a Doctorate

Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario (HEQCO) Research Paper: @ Issue Paper No. 15

Research paper thumbnail of Supporting Student Success: The Role of Student Services within Ontario’s Postsecondary Institutions

Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario (HEQCO) Research Paper

Research paper thumbnail of Defining, Measuring and Achieving “Student Success” in Ontario Colleges and Universities

Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario (HEQCO) Research Paper: @ Issue Paper No. 10

Research paper thumbnail of Combining Workplace Training with Postsecondary Education: The Spectrum of Work-Integrated Learning (WIL) Opportunities from Apprenticeship to Experiential Learning

Research paper thumbnail of Following the Ontario Transfer Student: From College to University Inception

Research paper thumbnail of Disrupting Liberal Discourse in a Neoliberal World: The Potential of Transformative Education During a Short Term Study Abroad Course in Cuba

Papers (French) by Christine Arnold

Research paper thumbnail of En quête d’un doctorat? L’attrait, les écueils et les résultats de la poursuite d’un doctorat

Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario (HEQCO) Research Paper: @ Issue Paper No. 15

Research paper thumbnail of Définir, mesurer et assurer la « réussite des étudiants » des collèges et universités de l’Ontario

Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario (HEQCO) Research Paper: @ Issue Paper No. 10

Research paper thumbnail of Appuyer la réussite des élèves : le rôle des services aux étudiants dans les établissements d’enseignement postsecondaire de l’Ontario

Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario (HEQCO) Research Paper

Book Chapters by Christine Arnold

Research paper thumbnail of Befriending Bologna? Students and Standardized Policies and Procedures Governing Higher Education in Europe

Research paper thumbnail of Transferable Academic Credits: Commodity or Albatross

Sample Conference Presentations by Christine Arnold

Research paper thumbnail of Embracing the impact of international students on our campuses

Global student mobility is at an all time high with more than five million students attending uni... more Global student mobility is at an all time high with more than five million students attending university outside of their home country each year. Canada and the United States are two of the largest international student receiving countries, and the impact of this demographic shift is felt across our institutions. Learn and dialogue with professionals in student services, academic affairs, and faculty from U.S. and Canadian institutions on embracing the impact of international students on our work.

Research paper thumbnail of Mapping the Typology of Transition Systems in a Liberal Market Economy: The Case of Canada

Research paper thumbnail of Qualifications in Canada: Links between Educational and Occupational Pathways Provincially and Nationally

Research paper thumbnail of Provincial Policy Frameworks and Patterns: A Comparison of Canada’s Transition Systems

Papers by Christine Arnold

Research paper thumbnail of Women reflect on being well in academia: Challenges and supports.

Learning Landscapes, 2017

A narrative approach was adopted to explore the experiences of 13 women who pursued academic care... more A narrative approach was adopted to explore the experiences of 13 women who pursued academic careers. Analysis of the personal reflective narratives uncovered themes common to the participants, also the authors of this study, which focused on striving to have work-life balance, personal and professional costs associated with being unwell, and the impact of academic work on families. Findings highlighted suggestions for being well in academia such as choose to engage in work and leisure activities that are enjoyable and maintain relationships. Suggestions for universities included: provide clear promotion and tenure processes, examine workload expectations, promote wellness, and facilitate mentorship.

Research paper thumbnail of Supporting Student Success: The Role of Student Services in Ontario's Postsecondary Institutions

This paper examines the organizational structure and culture of student affairs and services unit... more This paper examines the organizational structure and culture of student affairs and services units within Ontario's postsecondary institutions. It details the titles used and functional areas that typically fall within these units while also sharing findings from staff members' perceptions of working together to support student success.

Research paper thumbnail of Seifert_et_al-2017-Strategic_Enrollment_Management_Quarterly.pdf

Research paper thumbnail of Transferability Expectations and Realities: Analysis of Incoming Centennial College Learner Expectations, Realities and Self-Adjusted Perceptions

Research paper thumbnail of Transfer Literacy: Assessing Informational Symmetries and Asymmetries

Ontario Council on Articulation and Transfer (ONCAT) Research Paper: No. 2012-02

Research paper thumbnail of So You Want to Earn a PhD? The Attraction, Realities, and Outcomes of Pursuing a Doctorate

Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario (HEQCO) Research Paper: @ Issue Paper No. 15

Research paper thumbnail of Supporting Student Success: The Role of Student Services within Ontario’s Postsecondary Institutions

Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario (HEQCO) Research Paper

Research paper thumbnail of Defining, Measuring and Achieving “Student Success” in Ontario Colleges and Universities

Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario (HEQCO) Research Paper: @ Issue Paper No. 10

Research paper thumbnail of Combining Workplace Training with Postsecondary Education: The Spectrum of Work-Integrated Learning (WIL) Opportunities from Apprenticeship to Experiential Learning

Research paper thumbnail of Following the Ontario Transfer Student: From College to University Inception

Research paper thumbnail of Disrupting Liberal Discourse in a Neoliberal World: The Potential of Transformative Education During a Short Term Study Abroad Course in Cuba

Research paper thumbnail of En quête d’un doctorat? L’attrait, les écueils et les résultats de la poursuite d’un doctorat

Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario (HEQCO) Research Paper: @ Issue Paper No. 15

Research paper thumbnail of Définir, mesurer et assurer la « réussite des étudiants » des collèges et universités de l’Ontario

Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario (HEQCO) Research Paper: @ Issue Paper No. 10

Research paper thumbnail of Appuyer la réussite des élèves : le rôle des services aux étudiants dans les établissements d’enseignement postsecondaire de l’Ontario

Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario (HEQCO) Research Paper

Research paper thumbnail of Befriending Bologna? Students and Standardized Policies and Procedures Governing Higher Education in Europe

Research paper thumbnail of Transferable Academic Credits: Commodity or Albatross

Research paper thumbnail of Embracing the impact of international students on our campuses

Global student mobility is at an all time high with more than five million students attending uni... more Global student mobility is at an all time high with more than five million students attending university outside of their home country each year. Canada and the United States are two of the largest international student receiving countries, and the impact of this demographic shift is felt across our institutions. Learn and dialogue with professionals in student services, academic affairs, and faculty from U.S. and Canadian institutions on embracing the impact of international students on our work.

Research paper thumbnail of Mapping the Typology of Transition Systems in a Liberal Market Economy: The Case of Canada

Research paper thumbnail of Qualifications in Canada: Links between Educational and Occupational Pathways Provincially and Nationally

Research paper thumbnail of Provincial Policy Frameworks and Patterns: A Comparison of Canada’s Transition Systems

Research paper thumbnail of Women reflect on being well in academia: Challenges and supports.

Learning Landscapes, 2017

A narrative approach was adopted to explore the experiences of 13 women who pursued academic care... more A narrative approach was adopted to explore the experiences of 13 women who pursued academic careers. Analysis of the personal reflective narratives uncovered themes common to the participants, also the authors of this study, which focused on striving to have work-life balance, personal and professional costs associated with being unwell, and the impact of academic work on families. Findings highlighted suggestions for being well in academia such as choose to engage in work and leisure activities that are enjoyable and maintain relationships. Suggestions for universities included: provide clear promotion and tenure processes, examine workload expectations, promote wellness, and facilitate mentorship.

Research paper thumbnail of Supporting Student Success: The Role of Student Services in Ontario's Postsecondary Institutions

This paper examines the organizational structure and culture of student affairs and services unit... more This paper examines the organizational structure and culture of student affairs and services units within Ontario's postsecondary institutions. It details the titles used and functional areas that typically fall within these units while also sharing findings from staff members' perceptions of working together to support student success.

Research paper thumbnail of Seifert_et_al-2017-Strategic_Enrollment_Management_Quarterly.pdf

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