Michal Vágner | Masaryk University (original) (raw)

Papers by Michal Vágner

Research paper thumbnail of Dva ztracené lucemburské hroby

Forum Brunense, 2023

The study approximates two geophysical investigations of sites in Oradea, Romania, and in the chu... more The study approximates two geophysical investigations of sites in Oradea,
Romania, and in the church of St Thomas in Brno, which connects the connection
with the Luxembourg dynasty of the 14th and 15th centuries. Emperor
Sigismund of Luxembourg was buried in Oradea and, among others, also the
Moravian Margrave and Sigismund’s uncle John Henry at St Thomas. In neither
case is the exact location of the tombs of these monarchs known. The
presented study summarizes the research to date at both locations, findings
from current ground-penetrating radar research, and suggests other possible
research procedures for pinpointing the location of the two “lost” tombs. In
the case of Sigismund of Luxemburg, archival research tracing the unknown
remains sent to Vienna in 1755 seems promising. In the case of John Henry,
future research should focus on the area of the Marian Chapel, i.e., one of the
oldest parts of the Church of St Thomas, which has not yet been systematically

Research paper thumbnail of Non-invasive research of the deserted enclosed medieval villages in South Moravia (Czech Republic

Advances in On- and Offshore Archaeological Prospection, 2023

The combination of non-invasive methods and written historical and map sources brought a lot of n... more The combination of non-invasive methods and written historical and map sources brought a lot of new information about the phenomena of enclosed medieval villages in the region of South Moravia. The research revealed how the village's ground plan looked like, how it evolved, what the possible function of the village's ditch enclosure was, what it may have looked like, or how and from where this type of settlement got into this region. The magnetic survey also indicated from what materials the individual village houses could have been built. The research also resulted in new information on the transformation of the settlement network in the investigated region in the Middle Ages.

Research paper thumbnail of Geophysical survey of the Hillfort Staré Zámky near Brno-Líšeň, Czech Republic

www.iansa.eu, 2020

The aim of this paper is to present the results of geophysical surveys at the Staré zámky site n... more The aim of this paper is to present the results of geophysical surveys at the Staré zámky site near Brno-Líšeň, which were carried out in 2019. Electrical resistivity tomography, georadar survey and large-scale magnetic prospection were all carried out there. The primary task of the first two methods was to investigate the inner structure of the still-existing ramparts and to identify their individual structural elements. The magnetic survey focused on the identification of areas where potential archaeological features can be found – together with the identification of previously-unknown fortifications. The surveys were successful: we have found numerous settlement features from different phases of settlement, an early medieval cemetery and fortifications of various types, sizes and state of preservation. The results of previous archaeological research of the site played an important role for interpretation of the geophysical data. Together these results provide important insights into the study of the complex fortified settlement of Staré zámky. Despite our results, some questions which cannot be answered by geophysical research alone remain unanswered.

Research paper thumbnail of Svätý Jur-Hillfort Neštich – new insights on the settlement and fortification of the early medieval hillfort

Študijné zvesti Archeologického ústavu SAV

Research paper thumbnail of Nedestruktivní průzkum polních systémů a struktury zástavby zaniklé středověké vesnice Vojšice (okres Hodonín)

Archaeologia historica

Klíčová slova: zaniklá středověká vesnice-dálkový průzkum Země-plužiny-geofyzikální prospekcehist... more Klíčová slova: zaniklá středověká vesnice-dálkový průzkum Země-plužiny-geofyzikální prospekcehistorické mapy. Non-destructive research into the field systems and the structure of the built-up area of the deserted medieval village of Vojšice (Hodonín district

Research paper thumbnail of Zaniklá středověká ves "Vsisko" z pohledu metod nedestruktivní prospekce

Studia archaeologica Brunensia

Studiem digitálních ortofotosnímků se podařilo na zaniklé vesnici "Vsisko" (k.ú. Dolní Bojanovice... more Studiem digitálních ortofotosnímků se podařilo na zaniklé vesnici "Vsisko" (k.ú. Dolní Bojanovice) rozpoznat jednak zbytky ohrazení v podobě příkopu, jednak i několik plošných a bodových porostových příznaků, naznačujících přítomnost sídlištních objektů uvnitř ohrazeného areálu. Ty se koncentrují okolo lineárního útvaru, interpretovaného jako pozůstatek cesty, která prochází středem vesnice. Severně od zaniklé vsi byl identifikován kruhový areál o průměru cca 25 m, tvořený dvěma příkopy, který byl interpretován jako pozůstatek drobného opevněného sídla. Na základě těchto zjištění byl na obou polohách proveden ve dvou etapách plošný geofyzikální průzkum, který odhalil ohrazení vesnice ze dvou směrů, částečně odhalil její vnitřní zástavbu a potvrdil fortifikaci v podobě dvojitého příkopu nedalekého drobného opevněného sídla.

Research paper thumbnail of Prospekce zaniklé středověké vesnice Opatovice, k. ú. Hrušky / A survey of the deserted medieval village of Opatovice, cadastral district of Hrušky

Geofyzikální prospekcí, zaměřenou na průzkum ohrazení zaniklých středověkých obcí na Břeclavsku, ... more Geofyzikální prospekcí, zaměřenou na průzkum ohrazení zaniklých středověkých obcí na Břeclavsku, byl na ZSV Opatovice (k. ú. Hrušky) zachycen pravoúhlý objekt orientovaný delší osou V-Z. Zjištěné záporné magnetické anomálie naznačují, že se jedná o objekt konstruovaný z kamene. Tvar, velikost, orientace a umístění ukazovaly na možnou existenci kostela, který v písemných pramenech není zaznamenán. Následný georadarový a vrtný průzkum tento předpoklad potvrdil. zaniklá středověké vesnice-geofyzikální prospekce-geomagnetika-georadar-kostel A survey of the deserted medieval village of Opatovice, cadastral district of Hrušky. A geophysical survey conducted at the deserted medieval village (DMV) of Opatovice (cadastral district of Hrušky, SouthEastern Moravia), which was focused on enclosures of deserted medieval villages in the Břeclav Region, identiied a rectangular feature, whose longitudinal axis was oriented E-W. The negative magnetic anomalies detected indicate that the feature was built of stone. Its shape, size, orientation and location indicated the possible existence of a church, which was not recorded in written sources. The subsequent ground penetrating radar survey and exploratory drilling conirmed this assumption. deserted medieval village-geophysical survey-geomagnetics-ground penetrating radar-church Příspěvek byl vytvořen za podpory projektu GAČR P405/12/P150 "Hospodářské zázemí centra nebo jen osady v blízkosti zázemí centra?".

Research paper thumbnail of Prospections géophysiques au Parc aux Chevaux, à la Côme Chaudron, à la Terrasse et au Porrey

Research paper thumbnail of Nové poznatky k ohrazeným středověkým vesnicím na jižní Moravě z pohledu dálkového průzkumu Země

Archaeologia historica , 2020

Abstrakt: V rámci letecké prospekce uskutečněné na území jižní Moravy počátkem 90. let 20. stolet... more Abstrakt: V rámci letecké prospekce uskutečněné na území jižní Moravy počátkem 90. let 20. století se podařilo v místech několika zaniklých středověkých vesnic identifikovat lineární porostové příznaky, které byly interpretovány jako vnější ohrazení v podobě příkopů, širokých i několik metrů. Studiem historických mapových archiválií a nejnovějších družicových a leteckých ortofotosnímků se podařilo nově identifikovat stejný typ ohrazení u dalších zaniklých středověkých vesnic a významně tak rozšířit počet těchto lokalit ve sledovaném regionu.

Abstract: Within the aerial prospection carried out in the territory of South Moravia in the early 1990s, linear crop marks had been identified in the place of several deserted medieval villages, and were interpreted as an outer enclosure in the form of a several metres wide moat. In the course of the study of historical maps and the latest satellite and vertical aerial photography images, the same type of enclosures was identified with other deserted medieval villages, which significantly increased the number of these sites in the observed region.

Research paper thumbnail of Archaeological investigations at Otres in 2017 and 2018 / Arheološka istraživanja na Otresu 2017. i 2018. godine

Starohrvatska prosvjeta 46,189-204, 2019

This report presents the results of the two latest investigation campaigns at the Otres-Crkvina s... more This report presents the results of the two latest investigation campaigns at the Otres-Crkvina site in Ostrovičko polje. During the first campaign in 2017, the site was completely remediated, and prerequisites created for further systematic investigations. The following year, the works were focused on the northern section of the site, with an already known architectural complex. The site has been found to be significantly larger than known to date. The investigated rooms confirm that the structure was made between 330 and 410 and used as agricultural storage. The preliminary results indicate that human activities in the investigated area ceased between AD 530 and 599. Continued investigation is currently under way.

Research paper thumbnail of Nové geofyzikální průzkumy na vrchu Žuráň

Geofyzikální prospekce žuráňské mohyly přinesla několik nových zjištění. Hlavním cílem průzkumu b... more Geofyzikální prospekce žuráňské mohyly přinesla několik nových zjištění. Hlavním cílem průzkumu byla identifikace zahloubených struktur, které nemusely být odhaleny archeologickým výzkumem v letech 1948-50 a doposud se tak mohou skrývat pod kamennou destrukcí mohyly. Ta byla totiž po skončení výzkumu zachována in situ. Přítomnost takových objektů nasvědčovaly i závěry z geofyzikálního průzkumu realizovaného v roce 2008. Nově se metodou pozemního georadaru podařilo zachytit několik výraznějších anomálií, které lze ovšem interpretovat pouze jako pozůstatky vnitřní kamenné konstrukce mohyly. Ta byla ve větší míře zachycena i metodou magnetometrie. Za pomoci této metody však bylo odhaleno i několik výraznějších anomálií, které lze určit jako potencionální zahloubené objekty.

The geophysical survey of the burial mound Žuráň brought several new findings. The main objective was the identification of underground structures that were not discovered by archaeological excavation in the years 1948 to 1950. It was thought that these structures could still be hidden under the stone cairn remains which were retained in situ after the excavation. The presence of such objects indicate the conclusions of the geophysical survey conducted in 2008. A GPR survey newly captured several significant anomalies; however, they can be interpreted only as the remains of the internal structure of the stone cairn. This has also been recognized by using magnetometry. However, this method revealed several significant anomalies, which can be interpreted as potential objects.

Research paper thumbnail of Mapování středověku: Obléhaný hrad Holoubek v prostředí ArcGIS

Article is presenting results and possibilities of visualisation of the castle Holoubek in the Ar... more Article is presenting results and possibilities of visualisation of the castle Holoubek in the ArcGIS environment. Results of geodetical survey and 3D photogrammetry are presented. Article is the result of project NAKI.

Research paper thumbnail of Veselí nad Moravou - středověký hrad v říční nivě (kap. Geofyzikální průzkum) / Veselí nad Moravou – Medieval Castle in alluvial plain (chap. Geophysical survey)

Záměrem geofyzikálního průzkumu v okolí veselského zámku byla lokalizace pozůstatků dnes již neex... more Záměrem geofyzikálního průzkumu v okolí veselského zámku byla lokalizace pozůstatků dnes již neexistujícího kamenného hradu, který samotnému zámku předcházel a dále identifikace ostatních struktur archeologického charakteru, které by se mohly nacházet v jeho bezprostřední blízkosti. Průzkum se zaměřil na plochu jižně od zámku, kde měl ověřit dochování renesančně‑barokních fortifikačních prvků spolu s příkopem, tak jak je známe z plánu z roku 1748. Dále byla zkoumána plocha severně od zámku za účelem zachycení dalších konstrukcí náležejících hradnímu jádru. Zkoumána byla částečně i plocha západně od zámku pro ověření možnosti dochování historických konstrukcí i v těchto místech. S přihlédnutím na nastolené otázky a podmínky měření byla zvolena metoda pozemního georadaru.

Research paper thumbnail of On the trail of Caesar and Vercingetorix: survey in the Bibracte oppidum, Mont Beuvray (France)

Research paper thumbnail of Opevnění v poloze „Na šancích“ u Ledče nad Sázavou / The fortification at the "Na šancích" site near Ledeč nad Sázavou

Studia Archaeologica Brunensia, 2016

Článek pojednává o dosud v odborné literatuře nekonkretizované lokalitě, která se nachází 2,6 km ... more Článek pojednává o dosud v odborné literatuře nekonkretizované lokalitě, která se nachází 2,6 km severně od středu Ledče nad Sázavou. Opevnění se nachází na konci ostrožny nad soutokem Vrbenského a Olešenského potoka nad osadou Hamry dnes na katastru obce Hradec u Ledče nad Sázavou. Objekt byl objeven pracovníky Muzea Vysočiny Havlíčkův Brod a v rámci projektu NAKI byl celý areál zaměřen, částečně geofyzikálně zkoumán a podroben prospekci pomocí detektorů kovů. /
The article is dealing with a locality still unspecified in professional literature, which is situated 2.6 km north of the centre of Ledeč nad Sázavou. The fortification is located at the end of a spur above the confluence of Vrbenský and Olešenský streams above the Hamry hamlet, today in cadastral district of the Hradec village near Ledeč nad Sázavou. The feature was discovered by employees of the Museum of Vysočina Region in Havlíčkův Brod. Within a NAKI project, the whole area was geodetically measured and partly surveyed by geophysical methods and with metal detectors.

Research paper thumbnail of Geofyzikální průzkum Masarykova náměstí a lokalizace kostela sv. Jiří

Slovácko, Apr 2013

"Geophysical research on the area of Masaryk Square in Uherské Hradiště was carried out on the ba... more "Geophysical research on the area of Masaryk Square in Uherské Hradiště was carried out on the basis of the order from Moravian Slovak Museum. The planned reconstruction of the cobbles also includes graphical picking out of the Saint George Church which does not exist any more. The research was carried out in two stages first one December 9, 2011 and the second one on April 19, 2012 as a part of practical training of the students of The Institute of Archaeology and Museology of Masaryk University in Brno. According to a GPR survey there were three naves in the stone church (imitation of basilica) with a tower on the right side of the nave. The main nave was supported by three, maybe four, pairs of columns. The distance between the pairs of columns ranges from 4.5–5.5 meters with an average distance of 5 meters. The distance between of the columns of one pair and hence the width of the nave was approximately 9 meters, which is a standard width of a nave of gothic churches in Bohemia and Moravia. The lengths of the three naves differs because of digging of air raid shelter. Preserved length of the main nave is 23 meters, preserved length of the side nave is up to 27 meters. The main nave is followed by a presbyter with polygonal ending in the shape of five or six sides with a system of outer butments. These were attached to four places along the axis of the presbytery. The presbytery itself is 9 meters wide and almost 12 meters long. Northern ad southern side naves are adjoined by outbuildings. the northern was partly examined during the digging of the air raid shelter in 1943–1944. The northern side of the presbytery is adjoined by a noticeable anomaly of 3.2 by 3.7 meters which can according to the GPR signal be interpreted as a crypt. Above the crypt there might have been later built Saint George Fishermen Chapel recorded later on. 2.5 meters deep under the gothic presbytery there are minor circular anomalies. The diameter of 6.5 meters might suggest the existence of another circular building – a rotunda. Whether it is a real shape or randomly interpolated signals will be shown by another planned measuring at the spot or by an archaeological research. In case that our measurements will be confirmed it would be highly logical that a younger building was built above the older one from the times of the Great Moravian Empire, so that the holiest place of the whole church was preserved. Then the church might expand only to the west reaching almost the street line where it was finished by a hexagonal tower on a square foundation.""

Research paper thumbnail of A survey of the deserted medieval village of Opatovice, cadastral district of Hrušky

Geophysical survey conducted at the deserted medieval village (DMV) of Opatovice (cadastral distr... more Geophysical survey conducted at the deserted medieval village (DMV) of Opatovice (cadastral district of Hrušky, South-Eastern Moravia), which was focused on enclosures of deserted medieval villages in the Břeclav Region, identified a rectangular feature, whose longitudinal axis was oriented E-W. The negative magnetic anomalies detected indicate that the feature was built of stone. Its shape, size, orientation and location indicated the possible existence of a church, which was not recorded in written sources. The subsequent ground penetrating radar survey and exploratory drilling confirmed this assumption.

Research paper thumbnail of Využití nedestruktivních metod při systematickém záchranném archeologickém výzkumu Horní tvrze v Kestřanech

ARCHEOLOGICKÉ PROSPEKCE A NEDESTRUKTIVNÍ ARCHEOLOGIE, Archeologické výzkumy v Jižních Čechách, Supplementum 9.

"Application of non-destructive methods by the systematic archaeological research in Upper strong... more "Application of non-destructive methods by the systematic archaeological research in Upper stronghold in Kestřany

This paper aims to evaluate the use of non-destructive methods, namely Ground penetrating radar (GPR), used upon the systematic archaeological research in Upper stronghold in Kestřany (distr. Písek). Archaeological excavations in Kestřany was caused by ground works accompanying the gradual reconstruction. In parallel with the ongoing reconstraction we focused on architectualhistorical survey. Since excavations are restricted only to areas threatened by ground works, in 2012 we decided to examine other important areas by GPR. Our main goal was to broaden our knowledge about the stronghold developoment. The following paper presents the conclusion we reached by combining the results of archaeological excavations and the ground penetrating radar method."

Research paper thumbnail of Zámecká jízdárna v Lednici –záchranný archeologický výzkum

Forum Urbes Medii Aevi, 2013

Riding hall at Lednice Chateau – an archaeological rescue excavation The paper is dealing with ... more Riding hall at Lednice Chateau – an archaeological rescue excavation
The paper is dealing with an extensive archaeological rescue excavation in a national cultural monument and an UNESCO World Heritage site – the riding hall at Lednice. The methods of non‑destructive archaeology using a ground‑penetrating radar are explained on a particular example. The article also presents how the rescue excavation was held and evaluated and which results it has brought.

Conference Presentations by Michal Vágner

Research paper thumbnail of Zpracování systematických archeologických výzkumů pomocí ArcGIS

For several years, the digitization of drawn and photographic documentation of field situations h... more For several years, the digitization of drawn and photographic documentation of field situations has been part of the archaeological research of the Institute of Archeology and Museology of the Faculty of Arts of Masaryk University. Data converted to digital form in ArcGIS provides new interpretive options and serves as a form of backup. The aim of the poster was the presentation of data collection, processing, visualization and our vision for the future.

Research paper thumbnail of Dva ztracené lucemburské hroby

Forum Brunense, 2023

The study approximates two geophysical investigations of sites in Oradea, Romania, and in the chu... more The study approximates two geophysical investigations of sites in Oradea,
Romania, and in the church of St Thomas in Brno, which connects the connection
with the Luxembourg dynasty of the 14th and 15th centuries. Emperor
Sigismund of Luxembourg was buried in Oradea and, among others, also the
Moravian Margrave and Sigismund’s uncle John Henry at St Thomas. In neither
case is the exact location of the tombs of these monarchs known. The
presented study summarizes the research to date at both locations, findings
from current ground-penetrating radar research, and suggests other possible
research procedures for pinpointing the location of the two “lost” tombs. In
the case of Sigismund of Luxemburg, archival research tracing the unknown
remains sent to Vienna in 1755 seems promising. In the case of John Henry,
future research should focus on the area of the Marian Chapel, i.e., one of the
oldest parts of the Church of St Thomas, which has not yet been systematically

Research paper thumbnail of Non-invasive research of the deserted enclosed medieval villages in South Moravia (Czech Republic

Advances in On- and Offshore Archaeological Prospection, 2023

The combination of non-invasive methods and written historical and map sources brought a lot of n... more The combination of non-invasive methods and written historical and map sources brought a lot of new information about the phenomena of enclosed medieval villages in the region of South Moravia. The research revealed how the village's ground plan looked like, how it evolved, what the possible function of the village's ditch enclosure was, what it may have looked like, or how and from where this type of settlement got into this region. The magnetic survey also indicated from what materials the individual village houses could have been built. The research also resulted in new information on the transformation of the settlement network in the investigated region in the Middle Ages.

Research paper thumbnail of Geophysical survey of the Hillfort Staré Zámky near Brno-Líšeň, Czech Republic

www.iansa.eu, 2020

The aim of this paper is to present the results of geophysical surveys at the Staré zámky site n... more The aim of this paper is to present the results of geophysical surveys at the Staré zámky site near Brno-Líšeň, which were carried out in 2019. Electrical resistivity tomography, georadar survey and large-scale magnetic prospection were all carried out there. The primary task of the first two methods was to investigate the inner structure of the still-existing ramparts and to identify their individual structural elements. The magnetic survey focused on the identification of areas where potential archaeological features can be found – together with the identification of previously-unknown fortifications. The surveys were successful: we have found numerous settlement features from different phases of settlement, an early medieval cemetery and fortifications of various types, sizes and state of preservation. The results of previous archaeological research of the site played an important role for interpretation of the geophysical data. Together these results provide important insights into the study of the complex fortified settlement of Staré zámky. Despite our results, some questions which cannot be answered by geophysical research alone remain unanswered.

Research paper thumbnail of Svätý Jur-Hillfort Neštich – new insights on the settlement and fortification of the early medieval hillfort

Študijné zvesti Archeologického ústavu SAV

Research paper thumbnail of Nedestruktivní průzkum polních systémů a struktury zástavby zaniklé středověké vesnice Vojšice (okres Hodonín)

Archaeologia historica

Klíčová slova: zaniklá středověká vesnice-dálkový průzkum Země-plužiny-geofyzikální prospekcehist... more Klíčová slova: zaniklá středověká vesnice-dálkový průzkum Země-plužiny-geofyzikální prospekcehistorické mapy. Non-destructive research into the field systems and the structure of the built-up area of the deserted medieval village of Vojšice (Hodonín district

Research paper thumbnail of Zaniklá středověká ves "Vsisko" z pohledu metod nedestruktivní prospekce

Studia archaeologica Brunensia

Studiem digitálních ortofotosnímků se podařilo na zaniklé vesnici "Vsisko" (k.ú. Dolní Bojanovice... more Studiem digitálních ortofotosnímků se podařilo na zaniklé vesnici "Vsisko" (k.ú. Dolní Bojanovice) rozpoznat jednak zbytky ohrazení v podobě příkopu, jednak i několik plošných a bodových porostových příznaků, naznačujících přítomnost sídlištních objektů uvnitř ohrazeného areálu. Ty se koncentrují okolo lineárního útvaru, interpretovaného jako pozůstatek cesty, která prochází středem vesnice. Severně od zaniklé vsi byl identifikován kruhový areál o průměru cca 25 m, tvořený dvěma příkopy, který byl interpretován jako pozůstatek drobného opevněného sídla. Na základě těchto zjištění byl na obou polohách proveden ve dvou etapách plošný geofyzikální průzkum, který odhalil ohrazení vesnice ze dvou směrů, částečně odhalil její vnitřní zástavbu a potvrdil fortifikaci v podobě dvojitého příkopu nedalekého drobného opevněného sídla.

Research paper thumbnail of Prospekce zaniklé středověké vesnice Opatovice, k. ú. Hrušky / A survey of the deserted medieval village of Opatovice, cadastral district of Hrušky

Geofyzikální prospekcí, zaměřenou na průzkum ohrazení zaniklých středověkých obcí na Břeclavsku, ... more Geofyzikální prospekcí, zaměřenou na průzkum ohrazení zaniklých středověkých obcí na Břeclavsku, byl na ZSV Opatovice (k. ú. Hrušky) zachycen pravoúhlý objekt orientovaný delší osou V-Z. Zjištěné záporné magnetické anomálie naznačují, že se jedná o objekt konstruovaný z kamene. Tvar, velikost, orientace a umístění ukazovaly na možnou existenci kostela, který v písemných pramenech není zaznamenán. Následný georadarový a vrtný průzkum tento předpoklad potvrdil. zaniklá středověké vesnice-geofyzikální prospekce-geomagnetika-georadar-kostel A survey of the deserted medieval village of Opatovice, cadastral district of Hrušky. A geophysical survey conducted at the deserted medieval village (DMV) of Opatovice (cadastral district of Hrušky, SouthEastern Moravia), which was focused on enclosures of deserted medieval villages in the Břeclav Region, identiied a rectangular feature, whose longitudinal axis was oriented E-W. The negative magnetic anomalies detected indicate that the feature was built of stone. Its shape, size, orientation and location indicated the possible existence of a church, which was not recorded in written sources. The subsequent ground penetrating radar survey and exploratory drilling conirmed this assumption. deserted medieval village-geophysical survey-geomagnetics-ground penetrating radar-church Příspěvek byl vytvořen za podpory projektu GAČR P405/12/P150 "Hospodářské zázemí centra nebo jen osady v blízkosti zázemí centra?".

Research paper thumbnail of Prospections géophysiques au Parc aux Chevaux, à la Côme Chaudron, à la Terrasse et au Porrey

Research paper thumbnail of Nové poznatky k ohrazeným středověkým vesnicím na jižní Moravě z pohledu dálkového průzkumu Země

Archaeologia historica , 2020

Abstrakt: V rámci letecké prospekce uskutečněné na území jižní Moravy počátkem 90. let 20. stolet... more Abstrakt: V rámci letecké prospekce uskutečněné na území jižní Moravy počátkem 90. let 20. století se podařilo v místech několika zaniklých středověkých vesnic identifikovat lineární porostové příznaky, které byly interpretovány jako vnější ohrazení v podobě příkopů, širokých i několik metrů. Studiem historických mapových archiválií a nejnovějších družicových a leteckých ortofotosnímků se podařilo nově identifikovat stejný typ ohrazení u dalších zaniklých středověkých vesnic a významně tak rozšířit počet těchto lokalit ve sledovaném regionu.

Abstract: Within the aerial prospection carried out in the territory of South Moravia in the early 1990s, linear crop marks had been identified in the place of several deserted medieval villages, and were interpreted as an outer enclosure in the form of a several metres wide moat. In the course of the study of historical maps and the latest satellite and vertical aerial photography images, the same type of enclosures was identified with other deserted medieval villages, which significantly increased the number of these sites in the observed region.

Research paper thumbnail of Archaeological investigations at Otres in 2017 and 2018 / Arheološka istraživanja na Otresu 2017. i 2018. godine

Starohrvatska prosvjeta 46,189-204, 2019

This report presents the results of the two latest investigation campaigns at the Otres-Crkvina s... more This report presents the results of the two latest investigation campaigns at the Otres-Crkvina site in Ostrovičko polje. During the first campaign in 2017, the site was completely remediated, and prerequisites created for further systematic investigations. The following year, the works were focused on the northern section of the site, with an already known architectural complex. The site has been found to be significantly larger than known to date. The investigated rooms confirm that the structure was made between 330 and 410 and used as agricultural storage. The preliminary results indicate that human activities in the investigated area ceased between AD 530 and 599. Continued investigation is currently under way.

Research paper thumbnail of Nové geofyzikální průzkumy na vrchu Žuráň

Geofyzikální prospekce žuráňské mohyly přinesla několik nových zjištění. Hlavním cílem průzkumu b... more Geofyzikální prospekce žuráňské mohyly přinesla několik nových zjištění. Hlavním cílem průzkumu byla identifikace zahloubených struktur, které nemusely být odhaleny archeologickým výzkumem v letech 1948-50 a doposud se tak mohou skrývat pod kamennou destrukcí mohyly. Ta byla totiž po skončení výzkumu zachována in situ. Přítomnost takových objektů nasvědčovaly i závěry z geofyzikálního průzkumu realizovaného v roce 2008. Nově se metodou pozemního georadaru podařilo zachytit několik výraznějších anomálií, které lze ovšem interpretovat pouze jako pozůstatky vnitřní kamenné konstrukce mohyly. Ta byla ve větší míře zachycena i metodou magnetometrie. Za pomoci této metody však bylo odhaleno i několik výraznějších anomálií, které lze určit jako potencionální zahloubené objekty.

The geophysical survey of the burial mound Žuráň brought several new findings. The main objective was the identification of underground structures that were not discovered by archaeological excavation in the years 1948 to 1950. It was thought that these structures could still be hidden under the stone cairn remains which were retained in situ after the excavation. The presence of such objects indicate the conclusions of the geophysical survey conducted in 2008. A GPR survey newly captured several significant anomalies; however, they can be interpreted only as the remains of the internal structure of the stone cairn. This has also been recognized by using magnetometry. However, this method revealed several significant anomalies, which can be interpreted as potential objects.

Research paper thumbnail of Mapování středověku: Obléhaný hrad Holoubek v prostředí ArcGIS

Article is presenting results and possibilities of visualisation of the castle Holoubek in the Ar... more Article is presenting results and possibilities of visualisation of the castle Holoubek in the ArcGIS environment. Results of geodetical survey and 3D photogrammetry are presented. Article is the result of project NAKI.

Research paper thumbnail of Veselí nad Moravou - středověký hrad v říční nivě (kap. Geofyzikální průzkum) / Veselí nad Moravou – Medieval Castle in alluvial plain (chap. Geophysical survey)

Záměrem geofyzikálního průzkumu v okolí veselského zámku byla lokalizace pozůstatků dnes již neex... more Záměrem geofyzikálního průzkumu v okolí veselského zámku byla lokalizace pozůstatků dnes již neexistujícího kamenného hradu, který samotnému zámku předcházel a dále identifikace ostatních struktur archeologického charakteru, které by se mohly nacházet v jeho bezprostřední blízkosti. Průzkum se zaměřil na plochu jižně od zámku, kde měl ověřit dochování renesančně‑barokních fortifikačních prvků spolu s příkopem, tak jak je známe z plánu z roku 1748. Dále byla zkoumána plocha severně od zámku za účelem zachycení dalších konstrukcí náležejících hradnímu jádru. Zkoumána byla částečně i plocha západně od zámku pro ověření možnosti dochování historických konstrukcí i v těchto místech. S přihlédnutím na nastolené otázky a podmínky měření byla zvolena metoda pozemního georadaru.

Research paper thumbnail of On the trail of Caesar and Vercingetorix: survey in the Bibracte oppidum, Mont Beuvray (France)

Research paper thumbnail of Opevnění v poloze „Na šancích“ u Ledče nad Sázavou / The fortification at the "Na šancích" site near Ledeč nad Sázavou

Studia Archaeologica Brunensia, 2016

Článek pojednává o dosud v odborné literatuře nekonkretizované lokalitě, která se nachází 2,6 km ... more Článek pojednává o dosud v odborné literatuře nekonkretizované lokalitě, která se nachází 2,6 km severně od středu Ledče nad Sázavou. Opevnění se nachází na konci ostrožny nad soutokem Vrbenského a Olešenského potoka nad osadou Hamry dnes na katastru obce Hradec u Ledče nad Sázavou. Objekt byl objeven pracovníky Muzea Vysočiny Havlíčkův Brod a v rámci projektu NAKI byl celý areál zaměřen, částečně geofyzikálně zkoumán a podroben prospekci pomocí detektorů kovů. /
The article is dealing with a locality still unspecified in professional literature, which is situated 2.6 km north of the centre of Ledeč nad Sázavou. The fortification is located at the end of a spur above the confluence of Vrbenský and Olešenský streams above the Hamry hamlet, today in cadastral district of the Hradec village near Ledeč nad Sázavou. The feature was discovered by employees of the Museum of Vysočina Region in Havlíčkův Brod. Within a NAKI project, the whole area was geodetically measured and partly surveyed by geophysical methods and with metal detectors.

Research paper thumbnail of Geofyzikální průzkum Masarykova náměstí a lokalizace kostela sv. Jiří

Slovácko, Apr 2013

"Geophysical research on the area of Masaryk Square in Uherské Hradiště was carried out on the ba... more "Geophysical research on the area of Masaryk Square in Uherské Hradiště was carried out on the basis of the order from Moravian Slovak Museum. The planned reconstruction of the cobbles also includes graphical picking out of the Saint George Church which does not exist any more. The research was carried out in two stages first one December 9, 2011 and the second one on April 19, 2012 as a part of practical training of the students of The Institute of Archaeology and Museology of Masaryk University in Brno. According to a GPR survey there were three naves in the stone church (imitation of basilica) with a tower on the right side of the nave. The main nave was supported by three, maybe four, pairs of columns. The distance between the pairs of columns ranges from 4.5–5.5 meters with an average distance of 5 meters. The distance between of the columns of one pair and hence the width of the nave was approximately 9 meters, which is a standard width of a nave of gothic churches in Bohemia and Moravia. The lengths of the three naves differs because of digging of air raid shelter. Preserved length of the main nave is 23 meters, preserved length of the side nave is up to 27 meters. The main nave is followed by a presbyter with polygonal ending in the shape of five or six sides with a system of outer butments. These were attached to four places along the axis of the presbytery. The presbytery itself is 9 meters wide and almost 12 meters long. Northern ad southern side naves are adjoined by outbuildings. the northern was partly examined during the digging of the air raid shelter in 1943–1944. The northern side of the presbytery is adjoined by a noticeable anomaly of 3.2 by 3.7 meters which can according to the GPR signal be interpreted as a crypt. Above the crypt there might have been later built Saint George Fishermen Chapel recorded later on. 2.5 meters deep under the gothic presbytery there are minor circular anomalies. The diameter of 6.5 meters might suggest the existence of another circular building – a rotunda. Whether it is a real shape or randomly interpolated signals will be shown by another planned measuring at the spot or by an archaeological research. In case that our measurements will be confirmed it would be highly logical that a younger building was built above the older one from the times of the Great Moravian Empire, so that the holiest place of the whole church was preserved. Then the church might expand only to the west reaching almost the street line where it was finished by a hexagonal tower on a square foundation.""

Research paper thumbnail of A survey of the deserted medieval village of Opatovice, cadastral district of Hrušky

Geophysical survey conducted at the deserted medieval village (DMV) of Opatovice (cadastral distr... more Geophysical survey conducted at the deserted medieval village (DMV) of Opatovice (cadastral district of Hrušky, South-Eastern Moravia), which was focused on enclosures of deserted medieval villages in the Břeclav Region, identified a rectangular feature, whose longitudinal axis was oriented E-W. The negative magnetic anomalies detected indicate that the feature was built of stone. Its shape, size, orientation and location indicated the possible existence of a church, which was not recorded in written sources. The subsequent ground penetrating radar survey and exploratory drilling confirmed this assumption.

Research paper thumbnail of Využití nedestruktivních metod při systematickém záchranném archeologickém výzkumu Horní tvrze v Kestřanech

ARCHEOLOGICKÉ PROSPEKCE A NEDESTRUKTIVNÍ ARCHEOLOGIE, Archeologické výzkumy v Jižních Čechách, Supplementum 9.

"Application of non-destructive methods by the systematic archaeological research in Upper strong... more "Application of non-destructive methods by the systematic archaeological research in Upper stronghold in Kestřany

This paper aims to evaluate the use of non-destructive methods, namely Ground penetrating radar (GPR), used upon the systematic archaeological research in Upper stronghold in Kestřany (distr. Písek). Archaeological excavations in Kestřany was caused by ground works accompanying the gradual reconstruction. In parallel with the ongoing reconstraction we focused on architectualhistorical survey. Since excavations are restricted only to areas threatened by ground works, in 2012 we decided to examine other important areas by GPR. Our main goal was to broaden our knowledge about the stronghold developoment. The following paper presents the conclusion we reached by combining the results of archaeological excavations and the ground penetrating radar method."

Research paper thumbnail of Zámecká jízdárna v Lednici –záchranný archeologický výzkum

Forum Urbes Medii Aevi, 2013

Riding hall at Lednice Chateau – an archaeological rescue excavation The paper is dealing with ... more Riding hall at Lednice Chateau – an archaeological rescue excavation
The paper is dealing with an extensive archaeological rescue excavation in a national cultural monument and an UNESCO World Heritage site – the riding hall at Lednice. The methods of non‑destructive archaeology using a ground‑penetrating radar are explained on a particular example. The article also presents how the rescue excavation was held and evaluated and which results it has brought.

Research paper thumbnail of Zpracování systematických archeologických výzkumů pomocí ArcGIS

For several years, the digitization of drawn and photographic documentation of field situations h... more For several years, the digitization of drawn and photographic documentation of field situations has been part of the archaeological research of the Institute of Archeology and Museology of the Faculty of Arts of Masaryk University. Data converted to digital form in ArcGIS provides new interpretive options and serves as a form of backup. The aim of the poster was the presentation of data collection, processing, visualization and our vision for the future.

Research paper thumbnail of Archeogeofyzika Brno - The department of Archaeology and Museology, Masaryk University

Research paper thumbnail of Pohanský sokol - nové metody dokumentace archeologických terénních situací na Pohansku u Břeclavi

Research paper thumbnail of Torzální feudální sídla z pohledu 3D fotogrammetrie a nízko-leteckého snímkování - možnosti dokumentace a analýz

Research paper thumbnail of Mapování středověku: Obléhaný hrad Holoubek v prostředí ArcGIS

Príspevok sa zaoberá prezentáciou výsledkov a možnosťami vizualizácie dát získaných na terénnych ... more Príspevok sa zaoberá prezentáciou výsledkov a možnosťami vizualizácie dát získaných na terénnych prospekciách na hrade Holoubek. Príspevok je výstupom z projektu NAKI.

Research paper thumbnail of FROM TRIPOD TO HEXACOPTER - Low altitude aerial photography (LAAP) applications at The Department of Archaeology and Museology

Research paper thumbnail of Application of Geophysical Methods in Archaeological Survey of Early Medieval Fortifications

Remote Sensing , 2022

As powerful economic and cultural centers, fortified sites played an important role in early medi... more As powerful economic and cultural centers, fortified sites played an important role in early medieval society. In Central Europe, early medieval fortified site research has been an essential topic for several generations. However, gradual changes in the landscape are a threat to these cultural heritage monuments. The main task of this paper was to compare the previous results from archaeological excavations with new data acquired by geophysical methods. The presented study is based on the three methods widely used in archaeology: magnetometry, ground-penetrating radar, and electrical resistivity tomography. New surveys provide information about the internal structure and the state of preservation of the fortifications in a non-destructive way. Comparison of the results encourages the evaluation of archaeological excavation and helps determine the suitability and effectiveness of geophysical methods in specific natural conditions.

Research paper thumbnail of INFRA CIVITATEM PRIWINAE - Geophysical Survey of the Early Medieval Centre of Mosapurc/Zalavár 

Slovenská archeológia LXIX-2, 2021

one of the most attractive themes in archaeological research is the excavation of central places.... more one of the most attractive themes in archaeological research is the excavation of central places. These include early medieval centres which mirror the political and socioeconomic relationships, reflecting the changes of their time. zalavár-vársziget is undoubtedly one of the most important fortified sites in central europe in the early Middle ages. its short-lived existence from the 840s to the beginning of the 10 th c. perfectly illustrates the rise and fall of carolingian power in Pannonia. it was a place where important people of that time, including Pribina, kocel, Methodius, and arnulf, lived and worked. its repeated occurrence in written historical sources also points to its significance. in these sources, it appears under various names, but especially as Mosaburg. Systematic archaeological excavation of the site has been conducted for approximately 70 years. Within the last decade, geophysical surveys followed field research. By comparing previous knowledge and new results from the geophysical prospection, we were able to, with the help of statistics and spatial analyses, evaluate the similarities and differences between the central area and its surroundings, identifying the basic characteristics of the individual parts of the site.

Research paper thumbnail of Dolní Věstonice - Vysoká zahrada: an Integrated Geophysical Survey of an Early Medieval Fortified Settlement

Research paper thumbnail of Non-invasive research of the deserted enclosed medieval villages in South Moravia (Czech Republic


The combination of non-invasive methods and written historical and map sources brought a lot of n... more The combination of non-invasive methods and written historical and map sources brought a lot of new information about the phenomena of enclosed medieval villages in the region of South Moravia. The research revealed how the village's ground plan looked like, how it evolved, what the possible function of the village's ditch enclosure was, what it may have looked like, or how and from where this type of settlement got into this region. The magnetic survey also indicated from what materials the individual village houses could have been built. The research also resulted in new information on the transformation of the settlement network in the investigated region in the Middle Ages.

Research paper thumbnail of Into the Tsar's residence: geophysical survey of the early medieval Bulgarian capital of Veliki Preslav

ANTIQUITY Vol. 97 (391), 2023

During the late first millennium AD, the Bulgarian Empire emerged in the eastern Balkans on the d... more During the late first millennium AD, the Bulgarian Empire emerged in the eastern Balkans on the doorstep of the Byzantine Empire. In a bid to reconcile with-and impress-its powerful neighbour, Tsar Simeon I selected the fortified site of Veliki Preslav as a new capital city. Through the ninth and tenth centuries AD, the city was developed into one of the largest cities of the early Middle Ages in Europe. A fortified Inner City of palaces, churches and state buildings was accompanied by a large defended Outer City. The authors present the results of a recent geophysical survey, revealing patterning in the spatial and socioeconomic organisation of the urban landscape between the ninth and fourteenth centuries AD.