Rashid Jalal Qureshi | Masaryk University (original) (raw)
Papers by Rashid Jalal Qureshi
ipgd 1 ,harangi.balazs 2 ,nagy.brigitta 3 ,rashid.jalal 4 ,hajdu.andras 5 }@inf.unideb.hu Absztra... more ipgd 1 ,harangi.balazs 2 ,nagy.brigitta 3 ,rashid.jalal 4 ,hajdu.andras 5 }@inf.unideb.hu Absztrakt. A cukorbetegség hosszú távú szemszövődményeként jelentkező diabétesz retinopátia (DR) a szemfenék (retina) károsodását jelenti, amely maradandó látáskárosodáshoz vezethet. A cikkben bemutatásra kerülő automatikus szűrőrendszer egyik fontos komponense az anatómiai képletek (vakfolt és sárgafolt) pontos detektálása. Számos jól működő irodalmi algoritmus létezik ezen anatómiai képletek detektálására vonatkozóan, azonban minden algoritmus esetében létezik olyan eset, amikor téved. Ezért egy olyan új keretrendszert ajánlunk a vakfolt és a sárgafolt automatikus detektálására, mely súlyozott, teljes gráfok segítségével kombinálja a különböző vakfolt és sárgafolt detektáló algoritmusokat. Egy csúcstörlő eljárás segítségével előre definiált geometriai feltételek alapján a legrosszabbnak tekintett csúcsok kidobásra kerülnek, és a megmaradó csúcsokból súlyozott átlagolással állítjuk elő a végső jelöltet. A tesztek eredményei azt mutatják, hogy az algoritmusok kombinálásával kapott jelölt sokkal pontosabb, mint bármelyik egyedi algoritmus jelöltje.
The fundamental step for developing screening systems of diabetic retinopathy is optic disc detec... more The fundamental step for developing screening systems of diabetic retinopathy is optic disc detection. The knowledge of optic disc location can be used to detect other anatomical features of the retina such as macula and fovea. Mostly OD need to be eliminated for the identification of exudates, the primary signs of diabetic retinopathy. In this work, a novel, fast and robust technique is presented for the automatic localization of OD in retinal fundus images. The proposed approach proceeded through two stages: (1) conversation of RGB to HSI colour space followed by smoothing and local contrast enhancement and (2) OD region's center detection using thresholding and mathematical morphology. Using clinician reference (ground truth), the proposed method was validated and compared with other OD detection methods presented in the recent past. Proposed method achieved comparatively higher speed and accuracy on retinal images of variable quality (normal and abnormal) selected from four ...
Many methods of graphics recognition have been developed throughout the years for the recognition... more Many methods of graphics recognition have been developed throughout the years for the recognition of pre-segmented graphics symbols but very few techniques achieved the objective of symbol spotting and recognition together in a generic case. To go one step forward through this objective, this paper presents an original solution for symbol spotting using a graph representation of graphical documents. The proposed strategy has two main step. In the first step, a graph based representation of a document image is generated that includes selection of description primitives (nodes of the graph) and organisation of these features (edges). In the second step the graph is used to spot interesting parts of the image that potentially correspond to symbols. The sub-graphs associated to selected zones are then submitted to a graph matching algorithm in order to take the final decision and to recognize the class of the symbol. The experimental results obtained on different types of documents demo...
Generally for various diseases blood is used as an indicator. It is composed of three types of ce... more Generally for various diseases blood is used as an indicator. It is composed of three types of cells; Red blood Cells (RBC), White Blood Cells (WBC) and Platelets. Different types of white blood cells or leukocytes are counted in a sample blood smear and give necessary information about various hematological diseases. Evaluating a blood smear for WBC’s with the help of digital image processing is faster, easier and has contributed strongly in Computer Aided Diagnosis (CAD). In this work, we have focused on the segmentation of white blood cells in blood smear photomicrographs and proposed a novel technique for segmentation which can exploit color, size and shape features of different types of objects present in a blood smear photomicrographs.
ArXiv, 2016
Authentication of individuals via palmprint based biometric system is becoming very popular due t... more Authentication of individuals via palmprint based biometric system is becoming very popular due to its reliability as it contains unique and stable features. In this paper, we present a novel approach for palmprint recognition and its representation. To extract the palm lines, local thresholding technique Niblack binarization algorithm is adopted. The endpoints of these lines are determined and a connection is created among them using the Delaunay triangulation thereby generating a distinct topological structure of each palmprint. Next, we extract different geometric as well as quantitative features from the triangles of the Delaunay triangulation that assist in identifying different individuals. To ensure that the proposed approach is invariant to rotation and scaling, features were made relative to topological and geometrical structure of the palmprint. The similarity of the two palmprints is computed using the weighted sum approach and compared with the k-nearest neighbor. The ex...
Diabetic retinopathy (DR) is the most frequent cause of new cases of blindness among adults aged ... more Diabetic retinopathy (DR) is the most frequent cause of new cases of blindness among adults aged 20-74 years. Since the presence of microaneurysms (MAs) is usually the first sign of DR, a reliable screening system for the detection of MAs on digital fundus images can provide great assistance to ophthalmologists in difficult diagnoses. This paper presents a novel algorithm to identify the position of MAs on retinal images. The candidates are extracted from a local maxima map, where MAs appear as isolated bright spots. The map is constructed in an angular scanning process of the entire image, recording peaks on one dimensional intensity profiles. Candidates are filtered based on size to eliminate vessel segments. Resulting MAs are selected from the remaining candidates in an additional refined scanning step. The proposed algorithm is well parallelizable and competitive in the field.
Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Emerging Technologies, 2005., 2005
Graph matching methods are often proposed to solve the symbols recognition problems. Finding an e... more Graph matching methods are often proposed to solve the symbols recognition problems. Finding an exact matching between two graphs using graph isomorphism techniques remains unresolved and known to be NP-complete. In our proposed technique, first, raster image of each graphic symbol is vectorized and quadrilaterals are constructed by searching and selecting vectors having opposite direction and minimum distance between their extremities. We use quadrilaterals and their neighbouring relations to construct a labelled graph. To deal with the presence of noise and distortion, our approach is based on inexact graph matching where each vertex of one graph can be associated to zero, one or more vertices of the other graph. It uses a greedy incomplete search algorithm to find the best mapping between the vertices of the two graphs and compute a similarity score. The strength of this approach is maximum structural representation which is invariant to distortion and affine transformations.
2012 IEEE 12th International Conference on Bioinformatics & Bioengineering (BIBE), 2012
Abstract Accurate optic disc localization is an essential step for a reliable retinal screening s... more Abstract Accurate optic disc localization is an essential step for a reliable retinal screening system. Existing methods for the optic disc localization may fail when encountering distractors such as imprecise boundaries, deceptive edge features and inconsistent contrast in retinal images. This paper presents an algorithm (Multi-Scheme method) for localization of the optic disc. The algorithm involves prior domain knowledge such as the optic disc size, cup-to-disc ratio (CDR) and vessel convergence feature to evaluate the confidence level ...
Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography (SPECT) allows us to visualize functional information ... more Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography (SPECT) allows us to visualize functional information about a patient's specific organ. A myocardial perfusion SPECT is a nuclear imaging based technique used to evaluate heart's blood supply and the damage that might have been caused by a heart attack. However, visual interpretation of nuclear images is subject to substantial variability even by experienced observers. The purpose of this study was to develop a computer- aided diagnostic system or expert system for automated interpretation of myocardial perfusion images using knowledge discovery and heuristic approaches. The system correctly diagnose obstructions in the three main arteries, namely Right Coronary Artery (RCA), Left Anterior Descending (LAD), Left Circumflex Artery(LCX), and patient being normal i.e., with no obstructed arteries.
Diabetic retinopathy (DR) is the damage to the eye's retina that occurs with long-term diabetes, ... more Diabetic retinopathy (DR) is the damage to the eye's retina that occurs with long-term diabetes, which can eventually lead to blindness. Screening programs for DR are being introduced, however, an important prerequisite for automation is the accurate location of the main anatomical features in the image, notably the optic disc (OD) and the macula. A series of interesting algorithms have been proposed in the recent past and the performance is generally good, but each method has situations, where it fails. This paper presents a combining framework for automatic detection of optic disc and macula in retinal fundus images using a combination of different optic disc and macula detectors. The extensive tests have shown that combining the detectors is more accurate than any of the individual detectors making up the ensemble.
Les représentations sous forme de graphes structurels ont été appliquées dans un grand nombre de ... more Les représentations sous forme de graphes structurels ont été appliquées dans un grand nombre de problèmes en vision par ordinateur et en reconnaissance de formes. Néanmoins, lors de l'étape d'appariement de graphes, les algorithmes classiques d'isomorphisme de graphes sont peu performants quand l'image est dégradée par du bruit ou des distorsions vectorielles. Cet article traite de la reconnaissance de symboles graphiques grâce à la formulation d'une nouvelle mesure de similarité entre leur représentation sous forme de graphes étiquetés. Dans l'approche proposée, les symboles sont d'abord décomposés en primitives structurelles et un graphe attribué est alors généré pour décrire chaque symbole. Les noeuds du graphe représentent les primitives structurelles tandis que les arcs décrivent les relations topologiques entre les primitives. L'utilisation d'attributs numériques pour caractériser les primitives et leurs relations permet d'allier précision et, invariance à la rotation et au changement d'échelle. Nous proposons également une nouvelle technique d'appariement de graphes basée sur notre fonction de similarité qui utilise les valeurs numériques des attributs pour produire un score de similarité. Cette mesure de similarité a de nombreuses propriétés intéressantes comme un fort pouvoir de discrimination, une invariance aux transformations affines et une faible sensibilité au bruit.
Ce travail de these se situe a la croisee de trois thematiques de recherche : la mise en place de... more Ce travail de these se situe a la croisee de trois thematiques de recherche : la mise en place de representations structurelles pour decrire le contenu d’images de documents, la reconnaissance structurelle des formes et graphiques complexes et la localisation des symboles dans les images de documents. Pour repondre aux problematiques de l’analyse d’images de documents, nous avons choisi d’utiliser les graphes comme outils de representation des contenus des images. La nouvelle representation obtenue exploite un graphe multi-primitive et multi-attribut ameliorant a la fois la tâche de localisation mais aussi la tâche de reconnaissance de formes graphiques contenues dans les documents. Une nouvelle approche generique et automatique est egalement presentee pour la localisation des symboles graphiques dans les images de documents. Notre approche de localisation des symboles necessite un minimum de connaissances a priori sur les domaines ou sur le type de symboles presents dans les images...
Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Frontiers of Information Technology, 2009
Abstract Biometric identification is an emerging technology that can solve the security problems ... more Abstract Biometric identification is an emerging technology that can solve the security problems in our networked society. A lot of work has been done in the field of automatic off-line signature verification. While a large portion of the work is focused on random forgery ...
In ad hoc network communication links between the nodes are wireless and each node acts as a rout... more In ad hoc network communication links between the nodes are wireless and each node acts as a router for the other node and packet is forward from one node to other. This type of networks helps in solving challenges and problems that may arise in every day communication. Mobile Ad Hoc Networks is a new field of research and it is particularly useful in situations where network infrastructure is costly. Protecting MANETs from security threats is a challenging task because of the MANETs dynamic topology. Every node in a MANETs is independent and is free to move in any direction, therefore change its connections to other nodes frequently. Due to its decentralized nature different types of attacks can be occur. The aim of this research paper is to investigate different MANETs security attacks and proposed nodes registration based technique by using cryptography functions.
International Journal of Computer Applications Technology and Research, 2016
The handwritten signature has been the most natural and long lasting authentication scheme in whi... more The handwritten signature has been the most natural and long lasting authentication scheme in which a person draw some pattern of lines or writes his name in a different style. The signature recognition and verification are a behavioural biometric and is very challenging due to the variation that can occur in person's signature because of age, illness, and emotional state of the person. As far as the representation of the signature is concerned a classical technique of thinning or skeleton is mostly used. In this paper, we proposed a new methodology for signature verification that uses structural information and original strokes instead of skeleton or thinned version to analyse the signature and verify. The approach is based on sketching a fixed size grid over the signatures and getting 2-Dimensional unique templates which are then compared and matched to verify a query signature as genuine or forged. To compute the similarity score between two signature's grids, we follow template matching rule and the Signature grid's cell are mapped and matched with respect to position. The proposed framework is fast and highly accurate with reduce false acceptance rate and false
Proceedings Ieee International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging from Nano to Macro Ieee International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging, 2010
This paper proposes an efficient method for locating the optic disc (OD) in retinal images automa... more This paper proposes an efficient method for locating the optic disc (OD) in retinal images automatically using majority voting scheme and data fusion. We show that instead of inventing a new algorithm which ends up being a minor variation on an old idea, the fusion of different OD detectors can enhance the overall performance of the detection system. The OD centre candidates of different OD detectors are marked in the image and a circular template is fit on each pixel in the image to count the outputs of these algorithms that fall within the radius. The location with maximum number of OD centre candidates is the hotspot and is used to localize the OD centre. An assessment of the performance of the combined OD detector versus detectors working separately is also presented. Our method achieved highest performance (overall 100% correct detection).
Mes plus vifs remerciements vont également aux H.E.C « Higher Education Commission, Government of... more Mes plus vifs remerciements vont également aux H.E.C « Higher Education Commission, Government of Pakistan » et à SFERE (Société Française d'exportation des Ressources Éducatives) pour m'avoir fourni une Bourse et l'opportunité de venir en France pour obtenir une thèse. Je remercie spécialement M. Georges PIERRON, Directeur de Gestion des Programmes SFERE, pour la confiance qu'il m'a accordée et Mme. France Lamiscarre pour sa disponibilité et encouragements. Un remerciement spécial va à Sébastien DELEST, avec qui j'ai exploré la France et partagé d'agréables moments entre nous. Je tiens aussi à remercier vivement tous les membres de l'équipe Reconnaissance des Formes et Analyse d'Image (RFAI) pour les conseils et les encouragements qu'ils m'ont dispensés. J'ai ainsi pu travailler dans les meilleures conditions et ces trois années de recherche ont été passionnantes. J'ai une pensée amicale pour mes trois collègues de bureau : Moustafa, Mohammad Arif et Cédric. Enfin, je tiens à remercier ma famille et mes parents pour leur attention constante mais discrète, leur intérêt pour mes travaux et leur enthousiasme m'incitant à toujours chercher de nouveaux défis et de nouveaux horizons. iii À mes parents Auxquels je dois ce que je suis. Que dieu vous protège.
ipgd 1 ,harangi.balazs 2 ,nagy.brigitta 3 ,rashid.jalal 4 ,hajdu.andras 5 }@inf.unideb.hu Absztra... more ipgd 1 ,harangi.balazs 2 ,nagy.brigitta 3 ,rashid.jalal 4 ,hajdu.andras 5 }@inf.unideb.hu Absztrakt. A cukorbetegség hosszú távú szemszövődményeként jelentkező diabétesz retinopátia (DR) a szemfenék (retina) károsodását jelenti, amely maradandó látáskárosodáshoz vezethet. A cikkben bemutatásra kerülő automatikus szűrőrendszer egyik fontos komponense az anatómiai képletek (vakfolt és sárgafolt) pontos detektálása. Számos jól működő irodalmi algoritmus létezik ezen anatómiai képletek detektálására vonatkozóan, azonban minden algoritmus esetében létezik olyan eset, amikor téved. Ezért egy olyan új keretrendszert ajánlunk a vakfolt és a sárgafolt automatikus detektálására, mely súlyozott, teljes gráfok segítségével kombinálja a különböző vakfolt és sárgafolt detektáló algoritmusokat. Egy csúcstörlő eljárás segítségével előre definiált geometriai feltételek alapján a legrosszabbnak tekintett csúcsok kidobásra kerülnek, és a megmaradó csúcsokból súlyozott átlagolással állítjuk elő a végső jelöltet. A tesztek eredményei azt mutatják, hogy az algoritmusok kombinálásával kapott jelölt sokkal pontosabb, mint bármelyik egyedi algoritmus jelöltje.
The fundamental step for developing screening systems of diabetic retinopathy is optic disc detec... more The fundamental step for developing screening systems of diabetic retinopathy is optic disc detection. The knowledge of optic disc location can be used to detect other anatomical features of the retina such as macula and fovea. Mostly OD need to be eliminated for the identification of exudates, the primary signs of diabetic retinopathy. In this work, a novel, fast and robust technique is presented for the automatic localization of OD in retinal fundus images. The proposed approach proceeded through two stages: (1) conversation of RGB to HSI colour space followed by smoothing and local contrast enhancement and (2) OD region's center detection using thresholding and mathematical morphology. Using clinician reference (ground truth), the proposed method was validated and compared with other OD detection methods presented in the recent past. Proposed method achieved comparatively higher speed and accuracy on retinal images of variable quality (normal and abnormal) selected from four ...
Many methods of graphics recognition have been developed throughout the years for the recognition... more Many methods of graphics recognition have been developed throughout the years for the recognition of pre-segmented graphics symbols but very few techniques achieved the objective of symbol spotting and recognition together in a generic case. To go one step forward through this objective, this paper presents an original solution for symbol spotting using a graph representation of graphical documents. The proposed strategy has two main step. In the first step, a graph based representation of a document image is generated that includes selection of description primitives (nodes of the graph) and organisation of these features (edges). In the second step the graph is used to spot interesting parts of the image that potentially correspond to symbols. The sub-graphs associated to selected zones are then submitted to a graph matching algorithm in order to take the final decision and to recognize the class of the symbol. The experimental results obtained on different types of documents demo...
Generally for various diseases blood is used as an indicator. It is composed of three types of ce... more Generally for various diseases blood is used as an indicator. It is composed of three types of cells; Red blood Cells (RBC), White Blood Cells (WBC) and Platelets. Different types of white blood cells or leukocytes are counted in a sample blood smear and give necessary information about various hematological diseases. Evaluating a blood smear for WBC’s with the help of digital image processing is faster, easier and has contributed strongly in Computer Aided Diagnosis (CAD). In this work, we have focused on the segmentation of white blood cells in blood smear photomicrographs and proposed a novel technique for segmentation which can exploit color, size and shape features of different types of objects present in a blood smear photomicrographs.
ArXiv, 2016
Authentication of individuals via palmprint based biometric system is becoming very popular due t... more Authentication of individuals via palmprint based biometric system is becoming very popular due to its reliability as it contains unique and stable features. In this paper, we present a novel approach for palmprint recognition and its representation. To extract the palm lines, local thresholding technique Niblack binarization algorithm is adopted. The endpoints of these lines are determined and a connection is created among them using the Delaunay triangulation thereby generating a distinct topological structure of each palmprint. Next, we extract different geometric as well as quantitative features from the triangles of the Delaunay triangulation that assist in identifying different individuals. To ensure that the proposed approach is invariant to rotation and scaling, features were made relative to topological and geometrical structure of the palmprint. The similarity of the two palmprints is computed using the weighted sum approach and compared with the k-nearest neighbor. The ex...
Diabetic retinopathy (DR) is the most frequent cause of new cases of blindness among adults aged ... more Diabetic retinopathy (DR) is the most frequent cause of new cases of blindness among adults aged 20-74 years. Since the presence of microaneurysms (MAs) is usually the first sign of DR, a reliable screening system for the detection of MAs on digital fundus images can provide great assistance to ophthalmologists in difficult diagnoses. This paper presents a novel algorithm to identify the position of MAs on retinal images. The candidates are extracted from a local maxima map, where MAs appear as isolated bright spots. The map is constructed in an angular scanning process of the entire image, recording peaks on one dimensional intensity profiles. Candidates are filtered based on size to eliminate vessel segments. Resulting MAs are selected from the remaining candidates in an additional refined scanning step. The proposed algorithm is well parallelizable and competitive in the field.
Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Emerging Technologies, 2005., 2005
Graph matching methods are often proposed to solve the symbols recognition problems. Finding an e... more Graph matching methods are often proposed to solve the symbols recognition problems. Finding an exact matching between two graphs using graph isomorphism techniques remains unresolved and known to be NP-complete. In our proposed technique, first, raster image of each graphic symbol is vectorized and quadrilaterals are constructed by searching and selecting vectors having opposite direction and minimum distance between their extremities. We use quadrilaterals and their neighbouring relations to construct a labelled graph. To deal with the presence of noise and distortion, our approach is based on inexact graph matching where each vertex of one graph can be associated to zero, one or more vertices of the other graph. It uses a greedy incomplete search algorithm to find the best mapping between the vertices of the two graphs and compute a similarity score. The strength of this approach is maximum structural representation which is invariant to distortion and affine transformations.
2012 IEEE 12th International Conference on Bioinformatics & Bioengineering (BIBE), 2012
Abstract Accurate optic disc localization is an essential step for a reliable retinal screening s... more Abstract Accurate optic disc localization is an essential step for a reliable retinal screening system. Existing methods for the optic disc localization may fail when encountering distractors such as imprecise boundaries, deceptive edge features and inconsistent contrast in retinal images. This paper presents an algorithm (Multi-Scheme method) for localization of the optic disc. The algorithm involves prior domain knowledge such as the optic disc size, cup-to-disc ratio (CDR) and vessel convergence feature to evaluate the confidence level ...
Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography (SPECT) allows us to visualize functional information ... more Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography (SPECT) allows us to visualize functional information about a patient's specific organ. A myocardial perfusion SPECT is a nuclear imaging based technique used to evaluate heart's blood supply and the damage that might have been caused by a heart attack. However, visual interpretation of nuclear images is subject to substantial variability even by experienced observers. The purpose of this study was to develop a computer- aided diagnostic system or expert system for automated interpretation of myocardial perfusion images using knowledge discovery and heuristic approaches. The system correctly diagnose obstructions in the three main arteries, namely Right Coronary Artery (RCA), Left Anterior Descending (LAD), Left Circumflex Artery(LCX), and patient being normal i.e., with no obstructed arteries.
Diabetic retinopathy (DR) is the damage to the eye's retina that occurs with long-term diabetes, ... more Diabetic retinopathy (DR) is the damage to the eye's retina that occurs with long-term diabetes, which can eventually lead to blindness. Screening programs for DR are being introduced, however, an important prerequisite for automation is the accurate location of the main anatomical features in the image, notably the optic disc (OD) and the macula. A series of interesting algorithms have been proposed in the recent past and the performance is generally good, but each method has situations, where it fails. This paper presents a combining framework for automatic detection of optic disc and macula in retinal fundus images using a combination of different optic disc and macula detectors. The extensive tests have shown that combining the detectors is more accurate than any of the individual detectors making up the ensemble.
Les représentations sous forme de graphes structurels ont été appliquées dans un grand nombre de ... more Les représentations sous forme de graphes structurels ont été appliquées dans un grand nombre de problèmes en vision par ordinateur et en reconnaissance de formes. Néanmoins, lors de l'étape d'appariement de graphes, les algorithmes classiques d'isomorphisme de graphes sont peu performants quand l'image est dégradée par du bruit ou des distorsions vectorielles. Cet article traite de la reconnaissance de symboles graphiques grâce à la formulation d'une nouvelle mesure de similarité entre leur représentation sous forme de graphes étiquetés. Dans l'approche proposée, les symboles sont d'abord décomposés en primitives structurelles et un graphe attribué est alors généré pour décrire chaque symbole. Les noeuds du graphe représentent les primitives structurelles tandis que les arcs décrivent les relations topologiques entre les primitives. L'utilisation d'attributs numériques pour caractériser les primitives et leurs relations permet d'allier précision et, invariance à la rotation et au changement d'échelle. Nous proposons également une nouvelle technique d'appariement de graphes basée sur notre fonction de similarité qui utilise les valeurs numériques des attributs pour produire un score de similarité. Cette mesure de similarité a de nombreuses propriétés intéressantes comme un fort pouvoir de discrimination, une invariance aux transformations affines et une faible sensibilité au bruit.
Ce travail de these se situe a la croisee de trois thematiques de recherche : la mise en place de... more Ce travail de these se situe a la croisee de trois thematiques de recherche : la mise en place de representations structurelles pour decrire le contenu d’images de documents, la reconnaissance structurelle des formes et graphiques complexes et la localisation des symboles dans les images de documents. Pour repondre aux problematiques de l’analyse d’images de documents, nous avons choisi d’utiliser les graphes comme outils de representation des contenus des images. La nouvelle representation obtenue exploite un graphe multi-primitive et multi-attribut ameliorant a la fois la tâche de localisation mais aussi la tâche de reconnaissance de formes graphiques contenues dans les documents. Une nouvelle approche generique et automatique est egalement presentee pour la localisation des symboles graphiques dans les images de documents. Notre approche de localisation des symboles necessite un minimum de connaissances a priori sur les domaines ou sur le type de symboles presents dans les images...
Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Frontiers of Information Technology, 2009
Abstract Biometric identification is an emerging technology that can solve the security problems ... more Abstract Biometric identification is an emerging technology that can solve the security problems in our networked society. A lot of work has been done in the field of automatic off-line signature verification. While a large portion of the work is focused on random forgery ...
In ad hoc network communication links between the nodes are wireless and each node acts as a rout... more In ad hoc network communication links between the nodes are wireless and each node acts as a router for the other node and packet is forward from one node to other. This type of networks helps in solving challenges and problems that may arise in every day communication. Mobile Ad Hoc Networks is a new field of research and it is particularly useful in situations where network infrastructure is costly. Protecting MANETs from security threats is a challenging task because of the MANETs dynamic topology. Every node in a MANETs is independent and is free to move in any direction, therefore change its connections to other nodes frequently. Due to its decentralized nature different types of attacks can be occur. The aim of this research paper is to investigate different MANETs security attacks and proposed nodes registration based technique by using cryptography functions.
International Journal of Computer Applications Technology and Research, 2016
The handwritten signature has been the most natural and long lasting authentication scheme in whi... more The handwritten signature has been the most natural and long lasting authentication scheme in which a person draw some pattern of lines or writes his name in a different style. The signature recognition and verification are a behavioural biometric and is very challenging due to the variation that can occur in person's signature because of age, illness, and emotional state of the person. As far as the representation of the signature is concerned a classical technique of thinning or skeleton is mostly used. In this paper, we proposed a new methodology for signature verification that uses structural information and original strokes instead of skeleton or thinned version to analyse the signature and verify. The approach is based on sketching a fixed size grid over the signatures and getting 2-Dimensional unique templates which are then compared and matched to verify a query signature as genuine or forged. To compute the similarity score between two signature's grids, we follow template matching rule and the Signature grid's cell are mapped and matched with respect to position. The proposed framework is fast and highly accurate with reduce false acceptance rate and false
Proceedings Ieee International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging from Nano to Macro Ieee International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging, 2010
This paper proposes an efficient method for locating the optic disc (OD) in retinal images automa... more This paper proposes an efficient method for locating the optic disc (OD) in retinal images automatically using majority voting scheme and data fusion. We show that instead of inventing a new algorithm which ends up being a minor variation on an old idea, the fusion of different OD detectors can enhance the overall performance of the detection system. The OD centre candidates of different OD detectors are marked in the image and a circular template is fit on each pixel in the image to count the outputs of these algorithms that fall within the radius. The location with maximum number of OD centre candidates is the hotspot and is used to localize the OD centre. An assessment of the performance of the combined OD detector versus detectors working separately is also presented. Our method achieved highest performance (overall 100% correct detection).
Mes plus vifs remerciements vont également aux H.E.C « Higher Education Commission, Government of... more Mes plus vifs remerciements vont également aux H.E.C « Higher Education Commission, Government of Pakistan » et à SFERE (Société Française d'exportation des Ressources Éducatives) pour m'avoir fourni une Bourse et l'opportunité de venir en France pour obtenir une thèse. Je remercie spécialement M. Georges PIERRON, Directeur de Gestion des Programmes SFERE, pour la confiance qu'il m'a accordée et Mme. France Lamiscarre pour sa disponibilité et encouragements. Un remerciement spécial va à Sébastien DELEST, avec qui j'ai exploré la France et partagé d'agréables moments entre nous. Je tiens aussi à remercier vivement tous les membres de l'équipe Reconnaissance des Formes et Analyse d'Image (RFAI) pour les conseils et les encouragements qu'ils m'ont dispensés. J'ai ainsi pu travailler dans les meilleures conditions et ces trois années de recherche ont été passionnantes. J'ai une pensée amicale pour mes trois collègues de bureau : Moustafa, Mohammad Arif et Cédric. Enfin, je tiens à remercier ma famille et mes parents pour leur attention constante mais discrète, leur intérêt pour mes travaux et leur enthousiasme m'incitant à toujours chercher de nouveaux défis et de nouveaux horizons. iii À mes parents Auxquels je dois ce que je suis. Que dieu vous protège.