Murking Fantasy (original) (raw)

Title: Light and Dark
Author: RelenaFanel
Rating: PG
Novel: Companions of the Night
Ship: Kerry/Michel


It was dark with tiki lights set up on the beach, flickering flames glittering off flecks of minerals in the white sand. The ocean, vast and pitch black, engulfed the light, creating a defined edge between what was visible and what was unknown.

She was laughing, her hair glinting with shades of red and gold as she danced. He had told her once that he wished to see her hair in the sun, but he didn’t think it would ever be more beautiful than it was now. He had done a lot of things in his lifetime, to her, to others, some of it so terrible that it would haunt a normal person, but he rarely felt regret as keenly as he did in that moment.

She turned and saw him, body pausing mid-motion. He could see the way her shoulders stiffened as she placed herself between herself and her friends. Most women would have retreated backwards into false safety, but she had never done what she should have when faced with a vampire of his questionable morals.

“Kerry,” he said softly, the word carrying across the distance.

Her lips pursed and she turned, moving away from the crowd and into the darker edges where the light from the flames barely reached. By the time he caught up with her, grabbing her arm to halt her movements, half her face was shadowed, but he could see the tears forming in her eyes. The symbolism of her straddling the line between light and dark wasn’t lost on him. He knew which side she belonged on.

“It’s the last time that we’ll speak so I need you to listen to me,” he said with a hushed urgency. “Please.”

“There’s nothing you can say,” she responded, hands encircling her stomach and face etched in misery. “I look at you and I remember all the mind games you played. I look at you and feel sick to my stomach for how much I put up with. I look at you and I can’t help but remember.”

“You won’t have to again,” he reminded her with a bitter laugh, brushing a hand through his hair. “The heat is back on me, it isn’t safe for me to be seen with you anymore. Anyone could be watching.”

“You should have thought of that before you wore a suit to a beach party!” she snapped unrelentingly. “Just go, there’s nothing you could say to make it better. I wouldn’t believe you anyway. Did you really think I would buy your excuses?”

“I love you.” He said it for the first time, knowing it was too late.

She nodded. “I know. I wouldn’t have tried for so long if I didn’t think your feelings were genuine.” Her hand came up and cupped his cheek. “Goodbye Michel. Stay safe.”

She walked back into the light.