Ordering Information | Experimental Animal Division (RIKEN BRC) (original) (raw)

1. Search for mouse strain Search for mouse strain If you have any questions, please contact our customer service.E-mail: animal.brc@riken.jpFax: +81-29-836-9010 Health Report Frozen embryos Frozen sperm Genotyping PCR Protocol 2. Required documentation Approval form only when applicable.(ex. The RECIPIENT of BIOLOGICAL RESOURCEshall obtain a prior written consent onuse of it from the DEPOSITOR.) MTA Order form Please select your choice of payment. Credit card / Bank transfer Please provide the name and e-mail address ofa person in charge of payment. Import permit/licensePlease obtain an import permit/license prior toshipping, if required.
3. Payment We will send an invoice by e-mail as a PDFattachment. 4. Shipping We will contact you when the mice are ready.


To request mice strains or frozen materials from the RIKEN BRC, please contact a customer service representative by e-mail ( animal.brc@riken.jp ) or by fax (+81-29-836-9010).

  1. Supply status
  2. Fee
  3. How to order
  4. Terms of use
  5. Payment
  6. Request for publication

1. Supply status

Mouse strains are distributed as living mice. Frozen embryos and sperm are also available on request. The RIKEN BRC customarily supplies two or three breeding pairs.
The center can accommodate requests for other combinations of up to five mice per request.
Other quantities may be negotiated, depending on colony size and current demand at the time of request confirmation.

Supply status Status Icon* Availability level Expected delivery
Live mouse Limited quantities of breeder mice (up to 3 males and 3 females or 6 mice) are available from a production colony.Two pairs or more are recommended to secure your establishment of the colony. Good breeder: Usually available to ship within 1 to 3 months.Slow breeder: Usually available to ship within 3 to 6 months.
Cryopreserved embryos 2 vials.Approximate quantities: 20-30 embryos/vial. Usually available to ship within 1 month.
Cryopreserved sperm 2 straws. Usually available to ship within 1 month.
Recovered litters from cryopreserved embryos Limited quantities of breeder mice (recovered litter) are available from a cryoarchive.You will receive the resulting litter.The actual number of animals, the gender and genotype ratios will vary. Usually available to ship in 2 to 4 months.
Recovered litters from cryopreserved sperm Limited quantities of breeder mice (recovered litter) are available from a cryoarchive.You will receive the resulting litter.The actual number of animals, the gender and genotype ratios will vary. Usually available to ship in 2 to 4 months.
Chimeric mice from blastocyst injection of ES cell clone Cryopreserved cell Please contact our Cell Bank by E-mail ( cellqa.brc@riken.jp ) . more than 3 months

*: Please note that it may take more than 6 months to make arrangements to distribute.

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2. Fee

Our distribution fee is to partially recover production and ship costs and additional fee may be charged for any special handling or services. International shipping charges are payable on delivery.

Fees to domestic users include consumption tax.
The following fees are correct as of April 1st, 2023 Price is subject to change without notice.

Fee (JPY)
For use in research for not-for-profitacademic purpose (*1) For use in research for-profit-researchpurpose (*2)
Live mice (per animal) (*3)(*4)(*5) ¥22,000 ¥44,000
Cryopreserved embryos (*3) Cryopreserved embryos (2 tubes) ¥38,280 ¥76,560
Recovered litters from cryopreservedembryos (*4) ¥94,820 ¥189,640
Cryopreserved sperm (*3) Cryopreserved sperm (2 straws) ¥17,930 ¥35,860
Recovered litters from cryopreserved sperm(*4) ¥141,350 ¥282,700
Recovery ofcryopreserved strainsfrom the overseas organizations (*3)(*4)(*6) Recovered litters from cryopreserved embryos ¥65,010 ¥130,020
Recovered litters from cryopreserved sperm ¥135,410 ¥270,820
Chimeric mice from blastocyst injection ofES cell clone ¥476,410 ¥952,820
Mouse DNA (of Live mice)(ten micro gram) (*7) ¥24,530 ¥49,060
Mouse DNA (of litters recovered from cryopreserved embryos)(ten micro gram) (*7) ¥99,110 ¥198,220
Mouse DNA (of litters recovered from cryopreserved sperm)(ten micro gram) (*7) ¥145,640 ¥291,280
Additional tests Culture (per test) ¥1,540 ¥1,540
Serology (per test) ¥3,080 ¥3,080
PCR (per test) ¥4,840 ¥4,840
Microscopy (per test) ¥2,200 ¥2,200
RIKEN BRC standard test (per test) ¥50,160 ¥50,160

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3. How to order

The mouse strains available from the RIKEN BRC are listed on the website and catalog. Users are required to complete the Order Form [Word] and Material Transfer Agreement for Distribution (Form C 1 ( Sample ) for not-profit or Form C_P 2 ( Sample ) for profit) and send these documents to the following address.

Experimental Animal Division
RIKEN BioResource Research Center
3-1-1 Koyadai, Tsukuba
Ibaraki 305-0074, Japan

Fax: +81-29-836-9010

Please use an appropriate category of Material Transfer Agreement (MTA).
Category I MTA
For not-for-profit academic research by not-for-profit organization.
Category II MTA
Applicable for the following use:

a. For research to be conducted by for-profit organization
b. For collaborative research between by not-for-profit organization and for-profit organization
c. For research by not-for-profit organization outsourced and sponsored by for-profit organization
d. For for-profit research by not-for-profit organization, including R&D with the aim of patent aquisition

In addition to Category I or II MTA, certain resources require prior written permission of the depositors.

Some Biological Resources require an Approval Form ( Form D ) from the Depositor. For such mice, please fill in Form D and send it to the Depositor to obtain his or her permission. Upon receiving from the Depositor, submit the form to us together with Form B and Form C(Sample) or Form C_P(Sample). Depositors can be contacted at the addresses listed on the website and catalog of the RIKEN BRC. If you cannot find their name and address on the website or catalog, or if you have any questions, please contact us by e-mail or by fax.

RIKEN BRC signs GFP Transfer License with GE Healthcare Bio-Sciences

The signing of a license agreement with TET Systems

Takara Bio USA, Inc. and RIKEN BioResource Research Center concluded license agreement on preservation and distribution of Fluorescent Proteins for academic use

Announcement of bioresources developed by the CRISPR/Cas9 technology

Approval required Form D: APPROVAL FORM form d(PDF) form d(Word)
Category I MTA Form C: MATERIAL TRANSFER AGREEMENTform c(PDF) form c(Word)(For use for not-for-profit academic purpose)
CRISPR/Cas9 genome edited bioresources: MATERIAL TRANSFER AGREEMENTMTA (For use for not-for-profit academic purpose)
Category II MTA Form C_P: MATERIAL TRANSFER AGREEMENT form_c_P(PDF) form_c_P(Word)(For use for for-profit-research purpose)
Order Information Form B: ORDER FORM form_b

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4. Terms of use

Please read the terms below. You are deemed to accept them when placing your order.

1) Possible cases for compensation and report deadline

Cases for compensation Report deadline (after the shipping date)
① Mice undelivered, mice deceased or moribund on arrival, frozen embryos or sperm thawed on arrival, damaged container, etc. within 14 days
② Failure to re-derive live mice from frozen embryos or sperm, genetic contamination, etc. within 3 months
③ Unable to confirm the properties of the mouse strain described in the catalog, etc. within a year

If you experience such a case as stated above, please send your written notification or email to the Experimental Animal Division ( animal.brc@riken.jp ) by each deadline.

We will take necessary action immediately.

2) Conditions and limitations for compensation

If you report us a case of ①, ② or ③ before the designated deadline, we will replace the resource you order with the same or alternative strain one time only free of charge, issue credit (the right to request the same or an equivalent strain whenever necessary in future, if no strain is needed at the moment) or refund. Refund will not exceed the distribution fee. Shipping cost for replacement is to be covered by the user.
There is no compensation for non-productive mice, mice younger than four-week old that arrive deceased or moribund, and pregnant mice that do not give birth. In the last two cases, resources are shipped at the user’s request. We do not compensate in case of failure or damage caused by the users.

3) Cancellation fee

Upon receiving order from a user, we will start preparing the requested resource by required processes including re-deriving the mice from frozen embryos or sperm and/or propagating a stock. These preparations are very costly. When a user cancel the order as a matter of user’s convenience, the user will be charged for the costs we spend on preparation up until cancellation is notified (up to 100% of distribution fee). When cancellation is notified after the BRC sends out the resource, 100% of distribution fee plus shipping cost will be charged to the user.

4) Accident during shipment

Our Center is not liable for any accident that occurs during shipping. Please select a carrier and make necessary arrangements on your own responsibility.
For overseas shipment, the users are responsible for customs clearance including preparation of necessary documents.

5) Information release on resources with quality defect

Whenever we note a quality defect in our resource, we will announce it through our website. We will also individually contact the users who received such a resource in the last 5 years.

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5. Payment

International Orders
When you order the mice, please choose one of the following methods of payment listed below and send us your method of payment. We will send you an invoice and an appropriate instruction for each method as an attachment in PDF.
* Please note that the method of payment cannot be changed after we start processing to issue the invoice.

Please note the followings when you remit the distribution fee for BRC’s bioresources from your bank.

1) Credit card (MasterCard or VISA only)
Click here for further details.

2) Bank transfer
Remit the charge to the following account. Any bank fees are to be covered by the payer.

Beneficiary RIKEN (The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research)
Bank The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, Ltd.
Swift address BOTKJPJT
Branch Wakoekimae Branch (Branch No.727)
Account No. 0159228 (Ordinary Account)
Bank Address 1-10-20 Maruyamadai, Wako-shi, Saitama, 351-0112 Japan
Bank Tel +81-48-466-3611

<< *Please note!>>
RIKEN is a non-profit organization and therefore requires all applicants to cover all bank charges, (including exchange, commission and handling fees) when sending payments for resources.

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6. Request for publication

We hope to share data obtained with the biological resources from RIKEN BRC.
Therefore, please send us a reprint of any publication of which results arise from the use of our mice.

Research Resource Circulation

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