The Edict of Nantes (1598) (original) (raw)

The end of the wars of religion

This was Henri IV’s major achievement : the terms of this edict ensured the peaceful coexistence of Catholics and Protestants and brought a stop to all hostilities in France after 36 years of civil warfare.

An act of sovereignty

In spite of many difficulties, King Henri IV finally managed to impose this act of sovereignty. This element made it differ from previous edicts, although basically they shared many of the same ideas ; but the latter had constantly been called into question. Its immediate aim was to obtain peace, but its declared long term objective was to procure religious harmony throughout the kingdom. In the introduction, the king stated his wished that “a good peace” (“l’établissment d’une bonne paix) would enable those of “his subjects who adhered to the supposedly reformed faith » (“sujets de la religion prétendue réformée”) to return to « the true religion » (“la vraie religion”), his own, « the catholic apostolic and roman religion » (“la religion catholique, apostolique et romaine”).

The elaboration of the edict had been no easy task and had required a great deal of negotiating. Both Catholics and Protestants needed reassuring and all had to regain their confidence. The result was a compromise. The edict established civil equality between Catholics and Protestants as well as the conditions necessary for the peaceful coexistence of the two ; however, the edict set limits to protestant worship.

Documents of the edict : four distinct texts

Edict of Nantes (1598)

The clauses of the Edict of Nantes

The Edict of Nantes: underwritings © S.H.P.F.

Some articles favoured the Roman Catholic Church:

Other articles favoured Protestants:

The edict likewise made mention of some general provisions :

Registration of the edict

The edict had to be registered by all parliaments, some of whom were openly hostile to such a decree. Henri IV had to impose it on the parliament in Paris, and in Rouen the parliament took eleven years to ratify it.

Events from the signing of the edict to its revocation

Registration of the Edict of Nantes by the Parliament of Paris © S.H.P.F.

Throughout his reign, Henri IV made sure that the edict of Nantes was properly enforced. He even allowed Parisian Protestants to gather for worship in Charenton, less than five leagues away from the capital.

But under Louis XIII the Protestants lost their strongholds, and depended entirely on the king’s good favour.

The beginning of Louis XIV’s reign (from 1643 to 1660) was a time of religious peace, but from 1660 onwards, when Louis XIV took all power into his own hands, the edict was applied in a restricted manner. In 1680, persecutions began once more. The king’s dragoons inflicted terror as they sought to enforce conversions ; this period is referred as that of the « dragonnades ». In 1685, the King – convinced that most Protestants had by then become Catholics – signed the revocation of the edict of Nantes in Fontainebleau.


Associated tours

Massacre de Wassy (52) le 1er mars 1562

Associated notes

Les places de sûreté protestantes avant 1598

Protestant “places of safety”

The “places of safety”, strongholds in the hands of governors and granted to the Reformed, met religious and military requirements.

Enregistrement de l'Édit de Nantes par le Parlement de Paris

Édit de Fontainebleau : révocation de l'édit de Nantes

Louis XIV signant la Révocation de l'édit de Nantes à Fontainebleau

Signature de l'édit de Nantes (1598), sur le Mur des réformateurs, à Genève (Suisse).

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