MuseLeapT (original) (raw)

31 October 2009 @ 02:54 pm

For those of you who don't know, I started grad school. Between full time work and full time school, I have not had the creative energy to put into icons. It makes me sad. So, I need to change my "haven't posted icons in a long time" status.

I'm going to start sifting through stock images, since stock icons are my favorite. I'm not really into any TV shows at the moment, but hopefully that'll change, once this semester ends.

If you'd like to see any specific stock photos, let me know. I'd be more than happy to play with some suggestions, though I can't really promise they'll be all depends on how rusty my Photoshopping skills have become. ;)

[19] BTVS/ATS/Dollhouse
[17] Stock {icon challenge entries/alternates}

2.Photobucket 8.Photobucket 26.Photobucket 33.Photobucket

( late night record shopCollapse )

{stock courtesy of}

& Comment/Credit theleapingmuse or museleapt
& No hotlinking
& Textless icons are not bases. Do not customize.
* Noms are love
* Friend me if you like what you see

Current Mood: soresore

[45] quotes (Lost, BTVS, Gossip Girl, The Office, random)

1.Photobucket 8.Photobucket 21.Photobucket 41.Photobucket

( quotes, quotes, who has the quotesCollapse )

& Comment/Credit theleapingmuse or museleapt
& No hotlinking
& Textless icons are not bases. Do not customize.
* Noms are love
* Friend me if you like what you see

Current Mood: gigglygiggly

[4] harry potter
[9] btvs
[1] alias
[10] lost
[20] stock (Easter, werewolf/werecat eyes, places, etc.)
[1] user info pics

10.Photobucket 29.Photobucket 39.Photobucket 43.Photobucket

( playing with textures; back to basicsCollapse )

{stock courtesy of}

& Comment/Credit theleapingmuse or museleapt
& No hotlinking
& Textless icons are not bases. Do not customize.
* Noms are love
* Friend me if you like what you see

Current Mood: tiredtired

Please be aware that this community is not closing. There is a Malware Virus going around, disguised as a "mod/administration post". If you see a post in museleapt informing you that the community will be shut down and all of the pages (icons) purged, please disregard the post and DO NOT click on any links. Flag LJSupport immediately.

If you'd like more information on protecting your LJ, please go here.

22 February 2009 @ 11:19 am

[54] Stock {horses, wildlife, dogs, wolves, winter, Valentine's Day/love}
[9] BTVS
[3] Bones
[4] LOST
[2] User Info Pics

9.Photobucket 48.Photobucket 63.Photobucket 67.Photobucket

( would you be the wind to blow me homeCollapse )

{stock courtesy of}

& Comment/Credit theleapingmuse or museleapt
& No hotlinking
& Textless icons are not bases. Do not customize.
* Noms are love
* Friend me if you like what you see

27 January 2009 @ 06:46 pm

[19] Winter
[13] Hearts
[15] Misc.

19.Photobucket 31.Photobucket 35.Photobucket

( touch the roof [touch the roof]Collapse )

{stock courtesy of}

& Comment/Credit theleapingmuse or museleapt
& No hotlinking
& Textless icons are not bases. Do not customize.
* Noms are love
* Friend me if you like what you see

10 December 2008 @ 08:31 pm

[28] Christmas/Winter Stock
[6] Twilight

1. Photobucket 20.Photobucket 29.Photobucket 33.Photobucket

( so just hold onCollapse )

& Comment/Credit theleapingmuse
& No hotlinking
& Textless icons are not bases. Do not customize.
* Noms are love
* Friend me if you like what you see

19 November 2008 @ 06:11 pm

[24] Stock: Breakfast
[10] Stock: Fall
[5] Stock: Complex
[1] User Info: Fall

5.Photobucket 16.Photobucket 33.Photobucket 37.Photobucket

( brunch & mittensCollapse )

& Comment/Credit theleapingmuse
& No hotlinking
& Textless icons are not bases. Do not customize.
* Noms are love
* Friend me if you like what you see

26 September 2008 @ 04:51 pm

2.Photobucket 9.Photobucket 28.Photobucket 35.Photobucket

( double double toil & troubleCollapse )
no hotlinking. no customizing. blanks are not bases, yo.

Current Mood: bouncybouncy