Victor Sava | Complexul Muzeal Arad (original) (raw)
Books by Victor Sava
Epoca Bronzului de-o parte și de alta a Carpaților. Studii în onoarea lui Tudor Soroceanu, 2024
Volumul de față reunește contribuțiile a 38 de specialiști preocupați de problematica epocii bron... more Volumul de față reunește contribuțiile a 38 de specialiști preocupați de problematica epocii bronzului de-o parte și de alta a Carpaților. El este dedicat lui Tudor Soroceanu, cu ocazia împlinirii vârstei de 80 de ani, ca un modest omagiu pentru moștenirea științifică și sufletească pe care ne-a lăsat-o.
This volume brings together the contributions of 38 scholars concerned with Bronze Age topics on both sides of the Carpathians. It is dedicated to Tudor Soroceanu, on the occasion of his 80th birthday, as a modest homage to the scientific and spiritual legacy he left us.
Datele prezentate în acest volum însumează o mică parte din strădaniile arheologilor arădeni pent... more Datele prezentate în acest volum însumează o mică parte din strădaniile arheologilor arădeni pentru identificarea, cercetarea și promovarea patrimoniului arheologic. Cu acest prilej oferim publicului interesat o nouă imagine asupra unei micro-zone din Câmpia joasă a Crișului Alb. Mai exact, în volumul prezent sunt valorificate unele investigații desfășurate cu precădere pe parcursul ultimilor cinci ani. Ne-am dorit ca rezultatele cercetărilor noastre să nu rămână doar în arhiva Complexului Muzeal Arad, ci să vadă lumina tiparului pentru ca atât cei pasionați de arheologie, cât și autoritățile locale și centrale să conștientizeze bogatul patrimoniu de care dispunem.
Numărul siturilor arheologice (așezări, necropole, tezaure, movile antropice etc.) prezentate de noi, cu acest prilej, se ridică la 239. Repartiția lor în funcție de tipul descoperirilor ne arată că, de departe, cele mai numeroase monumente arheologice sunt movilele antropice. În privința cronologiei siturilor din Câmpia joasă a Crișului Alb, putem preciza că micro-zona studiată a fost intens locuită pe parcursul anumitor perioade preistorice sau istorice. Considerăm că această parte a județului Arad reprezintă o micro-zonă esențială în înțelegerea unor fenomene și procese arheologice specifice anumitor perioade, ca de pildă perioadele timpurii și mijlocii ale epocii bronzului. Din acest considerent credem că o intensificare a cercetărilor ar reprezenta un beneficiu major pentru mediul științific.
Sperăm ca demersul nostru să constituie un real imbold pentru comunitățile locale în vederea conștientizării imensului patrimoniu arheologic al zonei.
Pecica. Monografie arheologică și istorică, 2022
Desfășurarea unor mari proiecte investiționale a dus localității Pecica, jud. Arad, pe lângă nume... more Desfășurarea unor mari proiecte investiționale a dus localității Pecica, jud. Arad, pe lângă numeroase beneficii economice, și o mai bună cunoaștere a realităților de ordin arheologic. Pe parcursul ultimilor 10 ani, nu mai puțin de 13 situri au fost investigate prin cercetari arheologice preventive. Suprafețele săpate de-a lungul vremii în diferite situri cumuleaza 234.532 m2 (aprox. 23,5 ha).
Ținând cont de numeroasele cercetări de care a beneficiat arealul localităţii Pecica de-a lungul timpului putem spune cu certitudine că ea reprezintă o zonă bine cunoscută, cu un important patri-moniu arheologic. Tocmai din acest considerent, dorim ca prin prezenta contribuţie să oferim atât publicului larg, cât şi celui ştiinţific un rezumat al investigaţiilor noastre arheologice desfăşurate pe teritoriul localităţii Pecica. Considerăm acest demers ca punct de plecare al viitoarelor proiecte, fie că acestea vor valorifica publicistic siturile deja săpate, fie că vor consta în descoperirea şi investi-garea de noi obiective. Totodată această contribuţie este menită să ducă la recunoaşterea din partea comunităţii locale a importantei moşteniri arheologice prezente în zona Pecicăi.
Lucrarea de față, monografia arheologică și istorică a localității Pecica, a fost organizată astfel încât sa constituie în primul rând un instrument de lucru, util pentru toți cei interesați de arheologia zonei. Prima parte este dedicată prezentarii cronologice a descoperirilor efectuate în aceasta micro-regiune. Discursul este organizat astfel încât fiecare subcapitol aferent unei etape cronologice sa fie centrat pe contextualizarea siturilor, detaliat prezentate în partea a doua a capitolului. Am decis ca partea cea mai consistentă să înfăţişeze siturile descope¬rite până la finalul anului 2021. Pentru fiecare dintre acestea a fost întocmită o fişă, astfel încât să fie prezentate cele mai importante informaţii. Accentul a fost pus pe istoricul cercetărilor, însoţit de o descriere a descoperirilor. Fişa este însoţită de o consistentă ilustraţie, care constă în hărţi, modele digitale de elevație, fotografii sau desene ale unor contexte relevante, ale unor artefacte, dar şi foto¬grafii din timpul săpăturilor. Bogata ilustraţie de care dispune textul este menită să vină în ajutorul cititorului, care astfel poate vizualiza mult mai uşor descrierile situaţiilor arheologice.
The present work is based on a unitary approach of Neolithic and Eneolithic discoveries in the Lo... more The present work is based on a unitary approach of Neolithic and Eneolithic discoveries in the Lower Mures Basin. From a chronological perspective, it envisages the approximate period of 6000–3000/2800 calBC, from the onset of the Starcevo-Cris -Körös pottery until the disappearance of the Baden and Coofeni pottery.
Papers by Victor Sava
V. Sava, F. Gogâltan (Eds.), Epoca bronzului de-o parte și de alta a Carpaților. Studii în onoarea lui Tudor Soroceanu la 80 de ani. The Bronze Age on both sides of the Carpathians. Studies in honor of Tudor Soroceanu at 80 years, Cluj Napoca, 2024, 2024
This laudatio contains information on Tudor Soroceanu’s scientific activity related to the archae... more This laudatio contains information on Tudor Soroceanu’s scientific activity related to the
archaeological realities of the Bronze Age in the Lower Mureș Basin. It concerns the processing of the archaeological
finds from the tell sites of Pecica and Periam, which are included in his doctoral thesis published as Studien zur
Mureș-Kultur. His excavations at Socodor-Căvăjdia and Cornești-Dealul Cornet are also mentioned, as are the
papers he wrote in the 1970s on the necropolis at Mokrin and Tápé. His contributions on the metallurgical
activity of the communities on both sides of the Carpathians were also reviewed.
Ziridava. Studia Archaeologica, 2023
Recently the Museum of Arad together with its partners started a project focused on the detailed ... more Recently the Museum of Arad together with its partners started a project focused on the detailed study of the Pecica micro-region. Named ArheoPecica, the project team aims to develop three main research topics. Firstly, it focuses on the identification of new sites, which will then be investigated using a wide range of non-invasive methods. A second objective focuses on the evaluation and investigation of the burial mounds located north-east of Pecica. The third topic aims at publishing sites already investigated on other occasions. This article presents the main results obtained during 2022.
Based on a pre‑development excavation near the town of Pecica, at the “Arsat” location, a group o... more Based on a pre‑development excavation near the town of Pecica, at the “Arsat” location, a group of eight inhumation graves were identified, out of which only two presented a funerary inventory composed of pottery recipients characteristic to the Tiszapolgár ceramic style. By using the comparative method and correspondence analysis, these discoveries could be classified from a relative chronology perspective in the 3rd stage
of the Tiszapolgár culture. Absolute dating was used for one of the graves without inventory and whose burial position did not correspond to the funerary standards of the Eneolithic culture (cx. 101), as well as for the most
representative grave attributed to the Tiszapolgár culture (cx. 98). The obtained data confirmed the chronological absolute belonging of complex 98, to the classic stage of the mentioned Eneolithic culture but also revealed that the death of the individual from cx. 101 occurred during the middle Neolithic period (approx. 5210–5040 cal. BC). The anthropological analysis performed on the skeletons discovered during the archaeological excavations, showed that three of the buried individuals at Pecica-“Arsat” had suffered head injuries at a time close to the moment of death,
suggesting, once again, the existence of violence in the prehistoric world.
G. Moisa, A. Chiriac (Coord.), 150 de ani de muzeografie orădeană, Oradea, 2023
To understand the context in which it was possible for such an important event as the siege of th... more To understand the context in which it was possible for such an important event as the siege of the Late Bronze
Age Sântana-Cetatea Veche mega-fort/site to take place, we have enlarged our area of research on violent conflicts,
both geographically and chronologically. Our area of study, the Lower Mureş Valley, is situated at the boundary
connecting the Western Carpathians and the Pannonian Plain, nowadays between the borders of Romania, Serbia
and Hungary. The time frame of the study is the Bronze Age as a whole, conventionally dated from 2700/2600 to
900/800 BC.
To attain a diachronic perspective on violent conflicts, we cataloged, ranked and contextualized a series of
discoveries, such as weapons, fortifications, or traces of physical trauma on human remains from the period under
study. Through the analysis of such evidence, we argue that during the Bronze Age, our region of interest went
through a series of significant changes regarding the social perspective on warfare. These can be correlated with
the deep social and economic changes of the European Bronze Age. Furthermore, we took notice that such an
intense, devastating violent conflict, like the siege of Sântana, could only have taken place in the context of the
Late Bronze Age.
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation , 2023
This study aims to provide new insights into Europe's largest known Bronze Age earthworks using o... more This study aims to provide new insights into Europe's largest known Bronze Age earthworks using open-access and freely distributed medium resolution satellite images. The most extensive Bronze Age fortifications in Europe, namely, the Corneşti-Iarcuri and Sântana-Cetatea Veche sites, were investigated through the Sentinel 2 and the newly launched Landsat 9 optical sensors. Image processing techniques were applied to both datasets, including vegetation indices, orthogonal spectral transformations, and pan-sharpening techniques. The final results revealed several known and unknown archaeological proxies by enhancing a number of linear and curved crop marks in the vicinity of the archaeological sites. Indeed, while previously implemented geophysical results confirmed some of these archaeological proxies, new findings (crop marks) were also revealed, representing archaeological structures that were unknown until now. The study's overall findings indicate that medium resolution satellite images can be used in appropriate areas with archaeological interest as a first step toward better understanding the broader context of an area. The findings addressed in this study have a direct impact on the non-invasive aspect of archaeology, as the methodology employed in this paper may be applied to various types of sites in southwestern Romania and beyond and might serve as a solid starting point for any archaeological project. Finally, this is the first elaboration of Landsat 9 intended for archaeological research and our study proves that its utility for archaeological and heritage purposes.
Ziridava. Studia Archaeologica, 2022
In the context of our recent interest in the Late Bronze mega-site/fort at Sântana-Cetatea-Veche,... more In the context of our recent interest in the Late Bronze mega-site/fort at Sântana-Cetatea-Veche, we
take this opportunity to review the settlements, cemeteries, key artifact types and economic activities characteristic
of the Middle Bronze Age (ca. 2000/1900–1550 BC) and the beginning of the Late Bronze Age (ca. 1550–1450 BC)
periods in the immediate vicinity of this site. Our objective is to present the current state of archaeological research.
For this purpose, a database has been compiled that highlights, from a quantitative and qualitative perspective, the
knowledge of a period of more than 500 years in the prehistory of the Lower Mureș Basin.
Ziridava. Studia Archaeologica, 2022
The construction of a playground in the park near the Arad Museum led to the discovery of archaeo... more The construction of a playground in the park near the Arad Museum led to the discovery of
archaeological finds. Rescue archaeological excavations carried out during 2008 led to the identification of a
Bronze Age cultural layer. The study of the pottery found in this layer led to the conclusion that the fragments
in question were decorated in the manner of the Gáva style, – i.e. the Late Bronze Age. Over the years, in the
central area of Arad, numerous finds have been discovered, which indicate the existence of an important Gáva
settlement. In addition to the finds mentioned above, four burials were uncovered, without funerary inventory,
oriented west-east. These most probably belong to the modern period.
Ziridava. Studia Archaeologica, 2022
The technical documentation for the restoration of the 19th century furnace at Zimbru required ar... more The technical documentation for the restoration of the 19th century furnace at Zimbru required
archaeological excavations.During 2022, two small trenches were excavated, targeting the buildings near the
monument. The trenches were located according to geophysical measurements, digital elevation model and on
site observations. The investigations had the limited aim of identifying some of the buildings in the immediate
vicinity of the furnace, which are also illustrated on the Franciscan Topographical Survey. Only in one trench, S1,
was the stated objective achieved, locating a building with stone foundations and walls built of stone and brick.
Patrimonium Banaticum , 2019
In the spring of 2020, during a field survey west of Neudorf village, Arad County, we found numer... more In the spring of 2020, during a field survey west of Neudorf village, Arad County, we found numerous archaeological artifacts. Spread over a relatively small area, they are probably traces of a modest settlement. In a chronological framing made on the basis of the discovered pottery fragments, the settlement belongs to the first period of the Middle Bronze Age (cca 2200-1800 BC).
Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory, 2022
OPEN ACCESS: Click on DOI link above for free PDF. The Carpathian Basin was a highly influential ... more OPEN ACCESS: Click on DOI link above for free PDF. The Carpathian Basin was a highly influential centre of metalworking in the 2nd mil. BC. Nevertheless, despite the abundance of metal objects from the Late Bronze Age, the scarcity of contextually associated metalworking remains representing distinct phases of the metalworking cycle from this region is striking. Here, we explore Late Bronze Age metalworking through the lens of a uniquely complete metalworking assemblage from the site of Șagu from contexts spanning the sixteenth to early thirteenth century BC. This material provides insights into changes in craft organisation following socio-political change after the collapse of Middle Bronze Age tell-centred communities. Our approach combines analytical and experimental data together with contextual analysis of technical ceramics (crucible, mould, and furnace fragments) to reconstruct the metalworking chaîne opératoire and place Șagu in its broader cultural context. Analyses demonstrate clear technological choices in ceramic paste recipes and strong interlinkages between metallurgy and other crafts practised on site, from domestic pottery production to building structures. Experimental replications reveal important intrinsic and experiential aspects of metallurgical activities at Șagu. Evidence on the spatial organisation of metallurgical workflows (routine sequence of actions and decisions) suggests they incorporated a high degree of visibility, which marks a distinct change in the use of craft space compared to the context of densely occupied Middle Bronze Age tells nearby. Combined, our archaeometric, experimental, and contextual results illustrate how changes in metalworking activities in the Late Bronze Age Carpathian Basin were deeply embedded in an ideological shift in the aftermath of the breakdown of Middle Bronze Age tells and the emergence of new social structures.
Journal of Ancient History and Archaeology, 2021
The widespread societal collapse that occurred in the Lower Mureș Basin in the Late Bronze Age fo... more The widespread societal collapse that occurred in the Lower Mureș Basin in the Late Bronze Age following the destruction of mega-sites during the 13th century BC is largely mirrored in the dwindling number of settlements, prestige goods, and metal finds. The same period is also associated with the spread of Gáva pottery. Apparently, the respective pottery style has been subject to thorough investigation; however, ceramic analyses and 14C data are quite scarce. We are publishing here a pottery assemblage from contexts located in the Lower Mureș Basin, where Gáva pottery style was discovered. Besides illustrating representative potsherds, we have analyzed their style and added 14C data when available. The results of the study proper and comparative analyses with other assemblages suggest a different perspective from certain approaches to Gáva culture as a unitary phenomenon. Starting from the stylistic features of the pottery, we have attempted at offering a regional perspective without overlooking the distinctive characteristics of a much wider area. Moreover, 14C data and previous studies on LBA II pottery enable us to argue that several well-known features of the Gáva pottery style can be identified, at least in the Lower Mureș Basin, as early as the 14th-13th century BC and even earlier, with some dating back to the 15th century BC.
Epoca Bronzului de-o parte și de alta a Carpaților. Studii în onoarea lui Tudor Soroceanu, 2024
Volumul de față reunește contribuțiile a 38 de specialiști preocupați de problematica epocii bron... more Volumul de față reunește contribuțiile a 38 de specialiști preocupați de problematica epocii bronzului de-o parte și de alta a Carpaților. El este dedicat lui Tudor Soroceanu, cu ocazia împlinirii vârstei de 80 de ani, ca un modest omagiu pentru moștenirea științifică și sufletească pe care ne-a lăsat-o.
This volume brings together the contributions of 38 scholars concerned with Bronze Age topics on both sides of the Carpathians. It is dedicated to Tudor Soroceanu, on the occasion of his 80th birthday, as a modest homage to the scientific and spiritual legacy he left us.
Datele prezentate în acest volum însumează o mică parte din strădaniile arheologilor arădeni pent... more Datele prezentate în acest volum însumează o mică parte din strădaniile arheologilor arădeni pentru identificarea, cercetarea și promovarea patrimoniului arheologic. Cu acest prilej oferim publicului interesat o nouă imagine asupra unei micro-zone din Câmpia joasă a Crișului Alb. Mai exact, în volumul prezent sunt valorificate unele investigații desfășurate cu precădere pe parcursul ultimilor cinci ani. Ne-am dorit ca rezultatele cercetărilor noastre să nu rămână doar în arhiva Complexului Muzeal Arad, ci să vadă lumina tiparului pentru ca atât cei pasionați de arheologie, cât și autoritățile locale și centrale să conștientizeze bogatul patrimoniu de care dispunem.
Numărul siturilor arheologice (așezări, necropole, tezaure, movile antropice etc.) prezentate de noi, cu acest prilej, se ridică la 239. Repartiția lor în funcție de tipul descoperirilor ne arată că, de departe, cele mai numeroase monumente arheologice sunt movilele antropice. În privința cronologiei siturilor din Câmpia joasă a Crișului Alb, putem preciza că micro-zona studiată a fost intens locuită pe parcursul anumitor perioade preistorice sau istorice. Considerăm că această parte a județului Arad reprezintă o micro-zonă esențială în înțelegerea unor fenomene și procese arheologice specifice anumitor perioade, ca de pildă perioadele timpurii și mijlocii ale epocii bronzului. Din acest considerent credem că o intensificare a cercetărilor ar reprezenta un beneficiu major pentru mediul științific.
Sperăm ca demersul nostru să constituie un real imbold pentru comunitățile locale în vederea conștientizării imensului patrimoniu arheologic al zonei.
Pecica. Monografie arheologică și istorică, 2022
Desfășurarea unor mari proiecte investiționale a dus localității Pecica, jud. Arad, pe lângă nume... more Desfășurarea unor mari proiecte investiționale a dus localității Pecica, jud. Arad, pe lângă numeroase beneficii economice, și o mai bună cunoaștere a realităților de ordin arheologic. Pe parcursul ultimilor 10 ani, nu mai puțin de 13 situri au fost investigate prin cercetari arheologice preventive. Suprafețele săpate de-a lungul vremii în diferite situri cumuleaza 234.532 m2 (aprox. 23,5 ha).
Ținând cont de numeroasele cercetări de care a beneficiat arealul localităţii Pecica de-a lungul timpului putem spune cu certitudine că ea reprezintă o zonă bine cunoscută, cu un important patri-moniu arheologic. Tocmai din acest considerent, dorim ca prin prezenta contribuţie să oferim atât publicului larg, cât şi celui ştiinţific un rezumat al investigaţiilor noastre arheologice desfăşurate pe teritoriul localităţii Pecica. Considerăm acest demers ca punct de plecare al viitoarelor proiecte, fie că acestea vor valorifica publicistic siturile deja săpate, fie că vor consta în descoperirea şi investi-garea de noi obiective. Totodată această contribuţie este menită să ducă la recunoaşterea din partea comunităţii locale a importantei moşteniri arheologice prezente în zona Pecicăi.
Lucrarea de față, monografia arheologică și istorică a localității Pecica, a fost organizată astfel încât sa constituie în primul rând un instrument de lucru, util pentru toți cei interesați de arheologia zonei. Prima parte este dedicată prezentarii cronologice a descoperirilor efectuate în aceasta micro-regiune. Discursul este organizat astfel încât fiecare subcapitol aferent unei etape cronologice sa fie centrat pe contextualizarea siturilor, detaliat prezentate în partea a doua a capitolului. Am decis ca partea cea mai consistentă să înfăţişeze siturile descope¬rite până la finalul anului 2021. Pentru fiecare dintre acestea a fost întocmită o fişă, astfel încât să fie prezentate cele mai importante informaţii. Accentul a fost pus pe istoricul cercetărilor, însoţit de o descriere a descoperirilor. Fişa este însoţită de o consistentă ilustraţie, care constă în hărţi, modele digitale de elevație, fotografii sau desene ale unor contexte relevante, ale unor artefacte, dar şi foto¬grafii din timpul săpăturilor. Bogata ilustraţie de care dispune textul este menită să vină în ajutorul cititorului, care astfel poate vizualiza mult mai uşor descrierile situaţiilor arheologice.
The present work is based on a unitary approach of Neolithic and Eneolithic discoveries in the Lo... more The present work is based on a unitary approach of Neolithic and Eneolithic discoveries in the Lower Mures Basin. From a chronological perspective, it envisages the approximate period of 6000–3000/2800 calBC, from the onset of the Starcevo-Cris -Körös pottery until the disappearance of the Baden and Coofeni pottery.
V. Sava, F. Gogâltan (Eds.), Epoca bronzului de-o parte și de alta a Carpaților. Studii în onoarea lui Tudor Soroceanu la 80 de ani. The Bronze Age on both sides of the Carpathians. Studies in honor of Tudor Soroceanu at 80 years, Cluj Napoca, 2024, 2024
This laudatio contains information on Tudor Soroceanu’s scientific activity related to the archae... more This laudatio contains information on Tudor Soroceanu’s scientific activity related to the
archaeological realities of the Bronze Age in the Lower Mureș Basin. It concerns the processing of the archaeological
finds from the tell sites of Pecica and Periam, which are included in his doctoral thesis published as Studien zur
Mureș-Kultur. His excavations at Socodor-Căvăjdia and Cornești-Dealul Cornet are also mentioned, as are the
papers he wrote in the 1970s on the necropolis at Mokrin and Tápé. His contributions on the metallurgical
activity of the communities on both sides of the Carpathians were also reviewed.
Ziridava. Studia Archaeologica, 2023
Recently the Museum of Arad together with its partners started a project focused on the detailed ... more Recently the Museum of Arad together with its partners started a project focused on the detailed study of the Pecica micro-region. Named ArheoPecica, the project team aims to develop three main research topics. Firstly, it focuses on the identification of new sites, which will then be investigated using a wide range of non-invasive methods. A second objective focuses on the evaluation and investigation of the burial mounds located north-east of Pecica. The third topic aims at publishing sites already investigated on other occasions. This article presents the main results obtained during 2022.
Based on a pre‑development excavation near the town of Pecica, at the “Arsat” location, a group o... more Based on a pre‑development excavation near the town of Pecica, at the “Arsat” location, a group of eight inhumation graves were identified, out of which only two presented a funerary inventory composed of pottery recipients characteristic to the Tiszapolgár ceramic style. By using the comparative method and correspondence analysis, these discoveries could be classified from a relative chronology perspective in the 3rd stage
of the Tiszapolgár culture. Absolute dating was used for one of the graves without inventory and whose burial position did not correspond to the funerary standards of the Eneolithic culture (cx. 101), as well as for the most
representative grave attributed to the Tiszapolgár culture (cx. 98). The obtained data confirmed the chronological absolute belonging of complex 98, to the classic stage of the mentioned Eneolithic culture but also revealed that the death of the individual from cx. 101 occurred during the middle Neolithic period (approx. 5210–5040 cal. BC). The anthropological analysis performed on the skeletons discovered during the archaeological excavations, showed that three of the buried individuals at Pecica-“Arsat” had suffered head injuries at a time close to the moment of death,
suggesting, once again, the existence of violence in the prehistoric world.
G. Moisa, A. Chiriac (Coord.), 150 de ani de muzeografie orădeană, Oradea, 2023
To understand the context in which it was possible for such an important event as the siege of th... more To understand the context in which it was possible for such an important event as the siege of the Late Bronze
Age Sântana-Cetatea Veche mega-fort/site to take place, we have enlarged our area of research on violent conflicts,
both geographically and chronologically. Our area of study, the Lower Mureş Valley, is situated at the boundary
connecting the Western Carpathians and the Pannonian Plain, nowadays between the borders of Romania, Serbia
and Hungary. The time frame of the study is the Bronze Age as a whole, conventionally dated from 2700/2600 to
900/800 BC.
To attain a diachronic perspective on violent conflicts, we cataloged, ranked and contextualized a series of
discoveries, such as weapons, fortifications, or traces of physical trauma on human remains from the period under
study. Through the analysis of such evidence, we argue that during the Bronze Age, our region of interest went
through a series of significant changes regarding the social perspective on warfare. These can be correlated with
the deep social and economic changes of the European Bronze Age. Furthermore, we took notice that such an
intense, devastating violent conflict, like the siege of Sântana, could only have taken place in the context of the
Late Bronze Age.
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation , 2023
This study aims to provide new insights into Europe's largest known Bronze Age earthworks using o... more This study aims to provide new insights into Europe's largest known Bronze Age earthworks using open-access and freely distributed medium resolution satellite images. The most extensive Bronze Age fortifications in Europe, namely, the Corneşti-Iarcuri and Sântana-Cetatea Veche sites, were investigated through the Sentinel 2 and the newly launched Landsat 9 optical sensors. Image processing techniques were applied to both datasets, including vegetation indices, orthogonal spectral transformations, and pan-sharpening techniques. The final results revealed several known and unknown archaeological proxies by enhancing a number of linear and curved crop marks in the vicinity of the archaeological sites. Indeed, while previously implemented geophysical results confirmed some of these archaeological proxies, new findings (crop marks) were also revealed, representing archaeological structures that were unknown until now. The study's overall findings indicate that medium resolution satellite images can be used in appropriate areas with archaeological interest as a first step toward better understanding the broader context of an area. The findings addressed in this study have a direct impact on the non-invasive aspect of archaeology, as the methodology employed in this paper may be applied to various types of sites in southwestern Romania and beyond and might serve as a solid starting point for any archaeological project. Finally, this is the first elaboration of Landsat 9 intended for archaeological research and our study proves that its utility for archaeological and heritage purposes.
Ziridava. Studia Archaeologica, 2022
In the context of our recent interest in the Late Bronze mega-site/fort at Sântana-Cetatea-Veche,... more In the context of our recent interest in the Late Bronze mega-site/fort at Sântana-Cetatea-Veche, we
take this opportunity to review the settlements, cemeteries, key artifact types and economic activities characteristic
of the Middle Bronze Age (ca. 2000/1900–1550 BC) and the beginning of the Late Bronze Age (ca. 1550–1450 BC)
periods in the immediate vicinity of this site. Our objective is to present the current state of archaeological research.
For this purpose, a database has been compiled that highlights, from a quantitative and qualitative perspective, the
knowledge of a period of more than 500 years in the prehistory of the Lower Mureș Basin.
Ziridava. Studia Archaeologica, 2022
The construction of a playground in the park near the Arad Museum led to the discovery of archaeo... more The construction of a playground in the park near the Arad Museum led to the discovery of
archaeological finds. Rescue archaeological excavations carried out during 2008 led to the identification of a
Bronze Age cultural layer. The study of the pottery found in this layer led to the conclusion that the fragments
in question were decorated in the manner of the Gáva style, – i.e. the Late Bronze Age. Over the years, in the
central area of Arad, numerous finds have been discovered, which indicate the existence of an important Gáva
settlement. In addition to the finds mentioned above, four burials were uncovered, without funerary inventory,
oriented west-east. These most probably belong to the modern period.
Ziridava. Studia Archaeologica, 2022
The technical documentation for the restoration of the 19th century furnace at Zimbru required ar... more The technical documentation for the restoration of the 19th century furnace at Zimbru required
archaeological excavations.During 2022, two small trenches were excavated, targeting the buildings near the
monument. The trenches were located according to geophysical measurements, digital elevation model and on
site observations. The investigations had the limited aim of identifying some of the buildings in the immediate
vicinity of the furnace, which are also illustrated on the Franciscan Topographical Survey. Only in one trench, S1,
was the stated objective achieved, locating a building with stone foundations and walls built of stone and brick.
Patrimonium Banaticum , 2019
In the spring of 2020, during a field survey west of Neudorf village, Arad County, we found numer... more In the spring of 2020, during a field survey west of Neudorf village, Arad County, we found numerous archaeological artifacts. Spread over a relatively small area, they are probably traces of a modest settlement. In a chronological framing made on the basis of the discovered pottery fragments, the settlement belongs to the first period of the Middle Bronze Age (cca 2200-1800 BC).
Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory, 2022
OPEN ACCESS: Click on DOI link above for free PDF. The Carpathian Basin was a highly influential ... more OPEN ACCESS: Click on DOI link above for free PDF. The Carpathian Basin was a highly influential centre of metalworking in the 2nd mil. BC. Nevertheless, despite the abundance of metal objects from the Late Bronze Age, the scarcity of contextually associated metalworking remains representing distinct phases of the metalworking cycle from this region is striking. Here, we explore Late Bronze Age metalworking through the lens of a uniquely complete metalworking assemblage from the site of Șagu from contexts spanning the sixteenth to early thirteenth century BC. This material provides insights into changes in craft organisation following socio-political change after the collapse of Middle Bronze Age tell-centred communities. Our approach combines analytical and experimental data together with contextual analysis of technical ceramics (crucible, mould, and furnace fragments) to reconstruct the metalworking chaîne opératoire and place Șagu in its broader cultural context. Analyses demonstrate clear technological choices in ceramic paste recipes and strong interlinkages between metallurgy and other crafts practised on site, from domestic pottery production to building structures. Experimental replications reveal important intrinsic and experiential aspects of metallurgical activities at Șagu. Evidence on the spatial organisation of metallurgical workflows (routine sequence of actions and decisions) suggests they incorporated a high degree of visibility, which marks a distinct change in the use of craft space compared to the context of densely occupied Middle Bronze Age tells nearby. Combined, our archaeometric, experimental, and contextual results illustrate how changes in metalworking activities in the Late Bronze Age Carpathian Basin were deeply embedded in an ideological shift in the aftermath of the breakdown of Middle Bronze Age tells and the emergence of new social structures.
Journal of Ancient History and Archaeology, 2021
The widespread societal collapse that occurred in the Lower Mureș Basin in the Late Bronze Age fo... more The widespread societal collapse that occurred in the Lower Mureș Basin in the Late Bronze Age following the destruction of mega-sites during the 13th century BC is largely mirrored in the dwindling number of settlements, prestige goods, and metal finds. The same period is also associated with the spread of Gáva pottery. Apparently, the respective pottery style has been subject to thorough investigation; however, ceramic analyses and 14C data are quite scarce. We are publishing here a pottery assemblage from contexts located in the Lower Mureș Basin, where Gáva pottery style was discovered. Besides illustrating representative potsherds, we have analyzed their style and added 14C data when available. The results of the study proper and comparative analyses with other assemblages suggest a different perspective from certain approaches to Gáva culture as a unitary phenomenon. Starting from the stylistic features of the pottery, we have attempted at offering a regional perspective without overlooking the distinctive characteristics of a much wider area. Moreover, 14C data and previous studies on LBA II pottery enable us to argue that several well-known features of the Gáva pottery style can be identified, at least in the Lower Mureș Basin, as early as the 14th-13th century BC and even earlier, with some dating back to the 15th century BC.
In: D. Aparaschivei, I. Bilavski, L. Pîrnău (eds.), Varia archaeologica (I). Tradiție și inovație în cercetarea arheologică din România și Republica Moldova, 2020
The recent discovery of the Early and Middle Eneolithic cemetery in Pecica-Est can generate a ben... more The recent discovery of the Early and Middle Eneolithic cemetery in Pecica-Est can generate a beneficial discussion on the multiple chronological and social implications that such a site propagates over the neighbouring region. Through the 280 graves discovered there during three research campaigns (2015–2017), through the diverse pottery styles (Tiszapolgár, Bodrogkeresztúr, Sălcuţa) present inside the cemetery, and through the numerous and rich funerary inventories found, this funerary space represents a benchmark of the researched era. At the same time, the cemetery can be chronological connected with several contemporary settlements located nearby and investigated on different occasions. The present article groups the preliminary data obtained during the three campaigns of archaeological excavations.
Das Altertum, 2020
Die Entdeckung des Gräberfeldes von Pecica-Ost, das in die frühe und mittlere Kupferzeit datiert ... more Die Entdeckung des Gräberfeldes von Pecica-Ost, das in die frühe und mittlere Kupferzeit datiert werden kann, wirft vielfältige Diskussionen zu chronologischen und sozialen Fragen auf, die sich nicht nur auf die benachbarten Regionen beschränken. Im Laufe von drei Grabungskampagnen (2015 –2017) wurden 278 Gräber freigelegt, die reiche und vielfältige Grabbeigaben, darunter Tongefäße unterschiedlicher Keramikstile (Tiszapolgár, Bodrogkeresztúr, Sălcuţa), enthielten. Damit bildet die Nekropole von Pecica-Ost einen wichtigen Bezugspunkt für die Kupferzeit des Karpatenbeckens. Zudem kann das Gräberfeld mit einigen in der Nähe gelegenen, gleichzeitigen Siedlungen in Bezug gesetzt werden. Der vorliegende Artikel fasst die vorläufigen Ergebnisse der bisherigen Grabungskampagnen zusammen.
Analele Banatului, 2019
The new radiocarbon dates coming from the Late Bronze Age settlement in Șagu-Site A1_1 offer a ne... more The new radiocarbon dates coming from the Late Bronze Age settlement in Șagu-Site A1_1 offer a new perspective
on the emergence and distribution of channelled pottery. e association of radiocarbon dates with pottery coming
from clear contexts proves that channelled pottery appeared in significant amounts as early as the 16th century
BC. is circumstance also has an impact on the inner chronology of the Cruceni-Belegiš pottery, with the new
available data outlining once more the lack of a clear definition regarding the evolution of this pottery style. At the
same time, this early dating of the channelled pottery uncovered in Șagu leads to a reassessment of the origin and
distribution patterns of this pottery decoration technique within the entire eastern Carpathian Basin.
After the abandonment of some of the Middle Bronze Age tell settlements, a series of developments... more After the abandonment of some of the Middle Bronze Age tell settlements, a series of developments and transformations
lead to the construction of mega-forts in the Lower Mureș Region during the 15th c. BC, followed by their subsequent
destruction/demise during the 13th c. BC. While most investigations in the aforementioned region have focused on the
evolution of the most representative sites, a large number of artefacts, especially the pottery assemblage, have not yet
been analysed in detail. The current paper aims to fill this gap by presenting a detailed analysis combining the available
radiocarbon dates, the contexts from where these samples were taken, and the associated pottery finds. In this way we
could establish time intervals expressed in absolute dates that frame the evolution of certain pottery shapes, decoration
techniques and ornamental motifs. As a result of this analysis, it became clear that certain characteristics of the
Middle Bronze Age pottery have been perpetuated during the Late Bronze Age. Another important observation was
the widespread use of channelled pottery as early as the 16th c. BC within some communities from this region. On the
other hand, other communities in the area make extensive use of incised decoration until the 14th c. BC. As a result, two
different stylistic areas could be observed in the Lower Mureș Region. The results obtained in this paper underline the
drawbacks of traditional relative chronologies based on the evolution of certain artefact types. Therefore, a chronological
scheme based on major events taking place in the Lower Mureș Region, established following the analysis of a series of
radiocarbon dates, is put forward in this paper.
Materialisierung von Konflikten Beiträge der Dritten Internationalen LOEWE-Konferenz vom 24. bis 27. September 2018 in Fulda, 2019
Our contribution provides an overview of the archaeological investigations carried out, including... more Our contribution provides an overview of the archaeological investigations carried out, including those
in 2018, at the large fortification of Sântana–Cetatea Veche, north of Arad in Romania. The new research
was undertaken within the framework of the LOEWE project “Prehistoric Conflict Research – Bronze
Age Hillforts between Taunus and Carpathian Mountains”. In accordance with the main scientific guidelines
of the project, the research efforts encompassed archaeological fieldwork, magnetometric surveys
of the entire area of the fortification, as well as a LiDAR scan covering an area of nearly 850 ha. As a
result of the excavation undertaken in the eastern part of the defences pertaining to enclosure III, new
absolute chronological data were obtained, which in corroboration with the older information offer a
clear dating of the fortification system to the 15th to 13th centuries BC.
Ziridava. Studia Archaeologica, 2019
This study analyses the lithic material discovered during the excavations conducted between 2015–... more This study analyses the lithic material discovered during the excavations conducted between
2015–2017, on the Eneolithic cemetery located in Pecica, Arad County. This lithic group is formed of 70 artefacts:
55 elements knapped of flint and 15 elements knapped of obsidian. Our analysis followed a few main directions,
such as: establishing the types and sources of the raw material, the determination of the technological characteristics
and the typological framing. A few preliminary observations regarding the correlation between the type
of material and the context in which it was discovered were also made.
Crisia, 2019
During 2018 a small settlement was identified and excavated, near Ghioroc, Arad County. The site ... more During 2018 a small settlement was identified and excavated, near Ghioroc, Arad County. The site was investigated during a preventive archaeological excavation that was initiated as a result of the rehabilitation of the Curtici-Simeria railway. In the area of 2250 m2 were discovered nine features, of which eight agglomerations of artifacts. The novelty of the site comes from the ephemeral nature of the deposits. The small agglomerations formed mainly of pot sherds were discovered at a depth of approximately – 0.40 m, where the black soil was merging with the yellow clay. Although most of the pottery is atypical, two of them preserve the specific décor of the Middle Eneolithic. We believe that this small settlement comes to complete the vast array of discoveries made as a result of preventive excavations in the Lower Mureș Basin. The main purpose of this article is to present a type of site that can be difficult to identify in preventive archaeological excavations.
Crisia, 2019
In the context in which our recent interest has focused on the Late Bronze Age mega fort in Sânta... more In the context in which our recent interest has focused on the Late Bronze Age mega fort in Sântana-Cetatea-Veche, on the present occasion we wish to overview the settlements and metal items characteristic to the Middle Bronze from the Basin of the Lower Mureș (2000/1900-1600/1500 BC). The profound social transformations from the beginning of the Late Bronze Age (ca. 1500 BC) in the region of the Tisa and the Lower Mureș cannot be fully understood unless one turns back to these discoveries.
We thus aim at identifying the possible connections between the world of the tells and the world that around 100 years later built the impressive fortified settlements. The older synthesis works have only been partially brought up to date. There is thus need for a synthetic presentation of the most important sites and metal items representative for the first half of the second millennium BC in this area.