music is our inspiration (original) (raw)

(no subject) [Jan. 25th, 2006|11:43 am]music is inspiration
Does anyone know who directed Matchbook Romance's new video 'Monsters'? I can't stop watching it!!!!
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concert review : the soma new years show [Jan. 1st, 2006|02:35 am]music is inspiration
[After All That Moshing, I Feel** |soresore] [Rockin Out To** 18v]so the show opened with i am ghost... they were awesome. the lead singer kept doing stage dives... twas rad... i touched him. then about 15 minutes after their set, a thorn for every heart took the stage... EH... they were okay but nothing mind blowing. then after them it was 18visions AND THEY ROCKED. everone was singing along... even if they didn't know the words. after 18v, it was throwdown. throwdown was awesome and brutal. i was so smushed... i'm in pain... i'll be dead tomorrow... guarantee. the lead singer of throwdown made direct eye contact with me and stayed there for like 30 seconds(which is forever in song time)... i touched his sweaty elbow. anyway... after throwdown, bleeding through took the stage... and i could barely breathe and my entire section was radiating heat but it's cuz of how close we were... there was the stage then the barracade and corey was against the barracade and i was clinging onto corey's back. i got a water bottle. corey got a pick. after bleeding through, corey and i left and went to in n out. we counted down to the new year at a fast food place haha. we called my mom from a pay phone and got picked up about an hour later. i was singing in the parking lot... really loudly... and people said i sound goodgood showbrutally yours,lauren barry♥
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MAGGOTS!!!!!!!!!!! [Oct. 25th, 2005|07:28 pm]music is inspiration
[**After All That Moshing, I Feel** |happyhappy] HERE ALL YOU KNOT FANS, YOU WONT BE DISSAPOINTED
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(no subject) [Oct. 7th, 2005|03:23 pm]music is inspiration
[**After All That Moshing, I Feel** |happyhappy]i get to see Franz Ferdinand on Sunday
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I HOPE YOU HAD THE TIME OF YOUR LIFE [Oct. 3rd, 2005|12:13 am]music is inspiration
[**After All That Moshing, I Feel** |pleasedpleased]i just got back... floggin molly didn't play... it opened with jimmy eat worl playing pain... then after jimmy eat world played 6 or 7 songs... GREENDAY TOOK THE STAGE... twas rad... they played american idiot first.. they played a song off kerplunk... tres cool took the mic and started singing ""... twas rad... at one point... they said "we wanna do something new.. we're gonna start a band right here and now"... they brought up kids outta the audience who claimed to be musicians... the kid on guitar was great... he had a cast and billy joe asked him how he broke his leg and the kid said skateboarding and billy joe said "bullshit you got that from rollerblading... haha... no seriously, u should stop skating and play more guitar, in fact, you can have that one" and billy joe gave him his guitar... and then billy joe said "get ur rollerblading ass off my stage" and the kid was stoked... and billy joe faked an orgasm on stage and that was.... um... interesting...... and then they had pillers of fire... and fireworks went off.... and they played "we are the champions" and soon it was all over... i got a shirt and a few stickers... oh! and a piece of fallen confetti that was stuck to my boob... yay... that was an awesome show.
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show [Oct. 1st, 2005|11:34 pm]music is inspiration
[**After All That Moshing, I Feel** |ditzyweeeeeeee]i see greenday tomorrowwith flogging molly and jimmy eat worldoh heck yes♥~the mod
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(no subject) [Sep. 29th, 2005|05:19 pm]music is inspiration
[**After All That Moshing, I Feel** |excitedexcited]i get to go see greendayyay
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"Sleepwatching Vol. 1" DVD [Sep. 16th, 2005|02:29 pm]music is inspiration
Since Cruxshadows is a community interest,and they are featured on this DVD:Sleepwatching Vol.1 DVDAvailable Sept. 20th, 2005**( Click here for more detailsCollapse )**
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yes!!!!!!! [Sep. 4th, 2005|11:27 pm]music is inspiration
[After All That Moshing, I Feel** |giddygiddy] [Rockin Out To** american nightmare ~ misfits]i'm going to see the misfits play at canes on october 15thyayi get to see misfitsso rad
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