Pitchfork The 100 Best Songs of 2024:#3 (original) (raw)

Ty 评论Good Luck, Babe! 5

2024-12-03 18:12:05 已编辑 山西

搬运自https://pitchfork.com/features/lists-and-guides/best-songs-2024/,Pitchfork 发布了今年的 100 首最佳单曲,前十名的选择都挺好玩的🤣打算都搬运机翻机翻一下。

Many great breakup songs are content to make art out of wounded pride. How, the wallowing singer asks, could you say no to me? Chappell Roan’s send-off to a closeted, sapphic lover swaps that melodrama for righteous indignation: Here is a heartbreak that feels like a monumental injustice because, well, it actually is one. Released four years after Roan was haplessly dropped by Atlantic, “Good Luck, Babe!” was an improbable pop landmark: a devastatingly candid assessment of compulsory heterosexuality that became a rallying cry for the romantically dispossessed—and made its author a phenomenon in the process.

许多伟大的分手歌曲总是仅仅满足于从受伤的自尊中创造艺术。沉湎其中的歌手问道,你怎么能拒绝我呢?沙佩尔·罗恩这首给一个深柜女同情人的送别歌,将这出自怨自艾的情景剧(melodrama)换成了义愤填膺:这是一段心碎,感觉像是一次巨大的不公,因为,well,它就是很不公平。发行于Roan被大西洋音乐(Atlantic)毫无缘由地解约四年后,《Good Luck, Babe!》成为了一个没有人预料到的、无与伦比的流行音乐标志:它对强制异性恋的尖刻的、坦率的评价,成为了所有一厢浪漫却被辜负的人的集结号角——同时也让其创作者成为了现象级的歌手。

You can put that down to the masterful construction—a perfectly deployed falsetto, a bridge so exquisite it belongs in a travel guide—but Roan’s genius is in her tonal poise, her perfection of the sympathetic eye-roll. In clumsier hands, her “hate to say I told you so” chants (and the title’s deliciously ironic exclamation mark) would come off as the snark of a scorned lover. But Roan laments her paramour’s drab suburban fate with genuine regret. There is no self-pity behind the pose, nor a trace of empowerment pop’s artless pandering. Instead, “Good Luck, Babe!” takes the promise of queer art and literature—that a world of profound, transgressive thrills awaits those who dare pursue it—and turns it into a triumphant taunt: How could you say no to life?

你可以把这种成功归功于歌曲精巧的结构——完美运用的假声、精致到可以在旅游指南中出现的桥梁(段落——一个双关,注)——但 Roan 的天才之处在于她的沉着的音色,她那完美的、令人感同身受的鄙夷之情(一个白眼)🙄。如果换做不那么成熟的歌手,她那句“真不想说我早就告诉过你”式的呐喊(以及标题中那充满讽刺意味的感叹号)可能会显得像是一个气急败坏的爱人的呐喊。但Roan以真诚的遗憾,来哀叹她前情人将来的沉闷的、郊区的生活。她的姿态背后没有自我鄙夷,也没有那种流行歌曲中毫无深度的口号式的宣言。相反,Good Luck, Babe! 将同性艺术和文学的一个前提:一个深刻的、超越国界的惊险刺激的世界,正在等待着那些敢于追求它的人——表达成一次以胜利者身份来发出的嘲讽:你居然对生活说不,选择接受异性恋那无趣的生活?

作者是Jazz Monroe。